994 resultados para Argumentative strategy


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Este trabalho propõe a revisão crítica da abordagem do ensino da descrição nos livros didáticos de Língua Portuguesa indicados para o Ensino Médio, aprovados pelo Programa Nacional de Livro Didático (PNLD-2012). A fundamentação teórica que respalda este estudo é a teoria das sequências textuais do linguista Jean-Michel Adam. O estudo se justifica, pois, sabe-se que os gêneros textuais são o foco do ensino do texto. Segundo os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN), é de fundamental importância estudar as sequências textuais que estruturam esses gêneros e, em especial, a descritiva, pois ela, além de estar presente em vários gêneros, exerce um papel fundamental no texto, sendo uma estratégia de argumentatividade e um elemento essencial na construção do sentido do texto. Sendo assim, este trabalho pretende contribuir para um campo pouco investigado, o ensino da descrição em livros didáticos de Ensino Médio, apresentando propostas de exercícios sobre o ensino da sequência descritiva para alguns livros analisados no corpus e sugerindo atividades para um livro de Ensino Médio, avançando, assim, na reflexão de uma prática pedagógica que propicie uma maior competência de leitura e escrita aos discentes


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo revelar o potencial de avaliação subjetiva, explícita ou implícita, dos predicativos de um importante gênero argumentativo na sociedade: a sentença judicial. Para isso, busca analisar esse gênero sob a perspectiva da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, teoria introduzida pelo linguista inglês Michael Halliday, que cuida da linguagem como um sistema de estratos gramaticais e extralinguísticos, nos quais se desenvolvem os conceitos de contexto de situação (registro) e de cultura (gênero). A respeito dos aspectos linguísticos, a análise da oração sob o ponto de vista de uma das metafunções inerentes à linguagem, a interpessoal, revela as interações desenvolvidas na materialização de um texto. Após a apresentação dessa teoria linguística e do enquadramento do gênero sentença judicial nessa abordagem, com a desmistificação da neutralidade de seu emissor, o juiz, passou-se a descrever como o magistrado estrutura a sua fundamentação nas sentenças que tem de prolatar mediante o uso de recursos argumentativos. Em seguida, na pesquisa do corpus selecionado, sentenças judiciais da Justiça Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro proferidas no ano de 2011, foram analisadas as ocorrências da estrutura predicativa como estratégia argumentativa de convencimento, às partes e à sociedade, de que a decisão tomada para resolver o conflito judicial foi a mais ponderada e condizente com a verossimilhança dos fatos apresentados no decorrer do processo judicial


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Este artículo presenta un análisis sobre el discurso del actual proceso de paz en la revista Semana entre los años 2012 a 2014, dada la relevancia de la participación de los medios de comunicación en un proceso trascendental para el futuro del país y la reconciliación de la sociedad. El objetivo es describir qué estrategias argumentativas usa la revista a partir de las noticias sobre el proceso de paz durante este periodo. La metodología utilizada se basó en los esquemas argumentativos (topoi), los cuales se identificaron de acuerdo con la estrategia argumentativa que propone Ruth Wodak. Partiendo del análisis de los topoi se encontró que de manera general el discurso de la revista frente a los diálogos de paz maneja un tono positivo y a favor del proceso, incluso antes de que se hiciera el anuncio formal de las negociaciones, además se evidenció que frecuentemente se trata de resaltar y visualizar la labor del gobierno del presidente Juan Manuel Santos.


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In this work, the argumentative strategies construction in university entrance examinations texts is analyzed. The study intended to present, through the analyzed occurrences in the corpus, the discursive strategies use for the argumentation construction, observing the different lexicalization forms and the effects that these strategies produced for the intended meaning construction. Aiming to analyze the modalization via texts written by candidates for the UFRN entrance examination, the relations between this category and the resources used for the argumentative guidance of the text were highlighted. Conceived as a speaker argumentative strategy to express his/her relationship with the proposition content which enunciates, the modalization is, thus, one of the linguistic expression form used for the attainment of intended meaning effects in the argumentation construction. In order to substantiate the research, the theoretical assumptions adopted were the propositions which deal with this linguistic category, guiding it to a pragmatic-semantic perspective as well as a discursive-semantic one. Hence, Neves ( 1996, 2006), Koch ( 2000, 2002), Cervoni ( 1989), Bronkart (1999) and Castilho; Morais de Castilho (1996) studies, among others founded this work. Afterwards, a contextualized analysis of the modalized statements, taking into account all the set of elements implied on the argumentation construction, was carried out. The research, which had a strict qualitative character, revealed that the candidates make use of modalization to express commitment or dissociation as regards the statement which they produce; to obtain credibility and provide more authority to their arguments, thus avoiding them of being contested; to impose their arguments as real ones and acquire acceptance of the interlocutor; to lessen the proposition content and disguise the knowledge source; to comment the enunciation and attribute the discourse to another sender; to establish a dialogic relation with the interlocutor. In addition to offering support for new investigations, the research also aims to contribute for the mother tongue teaching, emphasizing the need of a focus which provides special attention to the written language functioning and its application diversity. In this work, the argumentative strategies construction in university entrance examinations texts is analyzed. The study intended to present, through the analyzed occurrences in the corpus, the discursive strategies use for the argumentation construction, observing the different lexicalization forms and the effects that these strategies produced for the intended meaning construction. Aiming to analyze the modalization via texts written by candidates for the UFRN entrance examination, the relations between this category and the resources used for the argumentative guidance of the text were highlighted. Conceived as a speaker argumentative strategy to express his/her relationship with the proposition content which enunciates, the modalization is, thus, one of the linguistic expression form used for the attainment of intended meaning effects in the argumentation construction. In order to substantiate the research, the theoretical assumptions adopted were the propositions which deal with this linguistic category, guiding it to a pragmatic-semantic perspective as well as a discursive-semantic one. Hence, Neves ( 1996, 2006), Koch ( 2000, 2002), Cervoni ( 1989), Bronkart (1999) and Castilho; Morais de Castilho (1996) studies, among others founded this work. Afterwards, a contextualized analysis of the modalized statements, taking into account all the set of elements implied on the argumentation construction, was carried out. The research, which had a strict qualitative character, revealed that the candidates make use of modalization to express commitment or dissociation as regards the statement which they produce; to obtain credibility and provide more authority to their arguments, thus avoiding them of being contested; to impose their arguments as real ones and acquire acceptance of the interlocutor; to lessen the proposition content and disguise the knowledge source; to comment the enunciation and attribute the discourse to another sender; to establish a dialogic relation with the interlocutor. In addition to offering support for new investigations, the research also aims to contribute for the mother tongue teaching, emphasizing the need of a focus which provides special attention to the written language functioning and its application diversity


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This research investigates current sense effects at the use of linguistic resources of the argument in a corpus constituted by juridical pieces (Initial Petitions), that gave opportunity to actions originated from the Civil Special Court of the District of Currais Novos-RN. For this purpose it was established a relation between the Law and the Linguistics, mediated by the focus of the Argumentative Semantics, emphasizing, in a special way, the use of argumentative operators, which inserted in the own language, in its grammar, assume the orientation of the speech and the modalizers use, important mechanisms in the construction of the sense of the text and in the signalling in the way as that that one say is said,. This way, we began the investigation of that gender choosing as study object the section of the facts , that comprehends a part of Initial Petition where is explanted the narration of events that gave margin to the proposal for the Action. In face of the study object and the aim to be reached it was appealed, methodologically, to the notion of Rhetoric since from the classic antiquity to the emergence of the New present Rhetoric in Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (2005) that, at the present time, is inserted in the studies of the Pragmatic connected to the central theses of the Ducrot s thinking (1977, 1980, 1987). Such referential allowed us to a better understanding about the production of the juridical speech on the part of the operators of the Law, as well as, to analyze in way wide the current sense effects from the use of argument linguistic marks the juridical speech. The data showed that such marks are indispensable elements to the construction of the textual web, particularly when in the range of the juridical argumentation, since they direct the speech for certain conclusions. However, we have observed that in the texts produced by the lawyers the use of those linguistic resources not always takes place in an appropriate way. The texts analyzed have also showed that it is possible to unmask, through the linguistic resources, the argumentative strategy employed by the authors for convincing of the magistrate, making evident that language is more than a system of signs, which it makes possible to see beyond the limit of the words and statements. Finally, we have verified that the categories analyzed, when used appropriately, are elements that engender argumentative maneuvers of effectiveness in the juridical text, being fundamental pieces which give argumentative strength the text, making the speech to move forward, not only the juridical, but the speech produced in any domain of the knowledge


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En medio de las disputas del siglo XIII, Tomás de Aquino afirma en el Commentarium in Sententiis, primera composición filosófico- teológica, que “a la creación no sólo se la alcanza a través de la fe, sino por la demostración racional". Esta idea no la abandona en ningún momento y la mantiene a lo largo de su obra. Constituye nuestro propósito en el presente trabajo establecer la relación existente entre la estrategia argumentativa que el autor desarrolla en torno a dos problemas: el de la creación y el del origen temporal del mundo, señalando las dos vías argumentativas utilizadas, una que concluye demostrativamente y la otra que expresa la imposibilidad de justificar racionalmente el tema. La clave argumentativa que según entendemos le permite diferenciar el doble orden de explicación radica en la distinción entre causas por sí y por accidente: una causa A está esencialmente ordenada a una causa B, si la acción de B es necesaria para que la acción de A haya tenido lugar. De modo que para alcanzar el efecto, es necesario admitir una causa primera, y entre los dos términos la distancia o el número de causas esencialmente ordenadas a la causa primera debe ser necesariamente finito. Distinto es el caso si se considera el orden de la temporalidad inscripto en el marco de la causalidad accidental: un mundo eterno o no, es algo que no se puede justificar racionalmente en cuanto es un efecto accidental que procede de una causa que obra con absoluta libertad. Entendemos que esta distinción es el instrumento conceptual que le permite a Aquino delimitar epistémicamente entre lo que es posible justificar con certeza, tal es el caso de las argumentaciones que ofrece en torno a la creación; lo que sólo lo es de modo probable, en particular las argumentaciones con base en las doctrinas físicas aristotélicas; y finalmente, aquello que el hombre únicamente puede llegar a conocer a través de la Revelación, como es el caso del conocimiento de un inicio temporal del mundo.


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A pesar de que la crítica se inclinado por sostener que Filocleón es el héroe cómico de Avispas, en este trabajo nos proponemos demostrar que esa función es ejercida por su hijo Bdelicleón. Hay numerosos factores que permiten vincular a Bdelicleón con otros héroes de la comedia temprana: su papel de portavoz del discurso positivo avalado en la pieza, su superioridad moral e intelectual respecto de su antagonista, su acción benéfica para la ciudad, sus victorias sucesivas en las escenas agonales, entre otras razones. La hipótesis de que Bdelicleón es en verdad el héroe cómico permite reconocer un modelo común en la producción temprana de Aristófanes y sostener que el héroe sigue cumpliendo en Avispas una función argumentativa estratégica. Su condición superior lo convierte en un portavoz legitimado de la ideología sustentada en la pieza y favorece los efectos persuasivos de la obra.


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A pesar de que la crítica se inclinado por sostener que Filocleón es el héroe cómico de Avispas, en este trabajo nos proponemos demostrar que esa función es ejercida por su hijo Bdelicleón. Hay numerosos factores que permiten vincular a Bdelicleón con otros héroes de la comedia temprana: su papel de portavoz del discurso positivo avalado en la pieza, su superioridad moral e intelectual respecto de su antagonista, su acción benéfica para la ciudad, sus victorias sucesivas en las escenas agonales, entre otras razones. La hipótesis de que Bdelicleón es en verdad el héroe cómico permite reconocer un modelo común en la producción temprana de Aristófanes y sostener que el héroe sigue cumpliendo en Avispas una función argumentativa estratégica. Su condición superior lo convierte en un portavoz legitimado de la ideología sustentada en la pieza y favorece los efectos persuasivos de la obra.


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A pesar de que la crítica se inclinado por sostener que Filocleón es el héroe cómico de Avispas, en este trabajo nos proponemos demostrar que esa función es ejercida por su hijo Bdelicleón. Hay numerosos factores que permiten vincular a Bdelicleón con otros héroes de la comedia temprana: su papel de portavoz del discurso positivo avalado en la pieza, su superioridad moral e intelectual respecto de su antagonista, su acción benéfica para la ciudad, sus victorias sucesivas en las escenas agonales, entre otras razones. La hipótesis de que Bdelicleón es en verdad el héroe cómico permite reconocer un modelo común en la producción temprana de Aristófanes y sostener que el héroe sigue cumpliendo en Avispas una función argumentativa estratégica. Su condición superior lo convierte en un portavoz legitimado de la ideología sustentada en la pieza y favorece los efectos persuasivos de la obra.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2015


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Situated within a Systemic Functional Linguistics genre paradigm, this study adopted a function-based linguistic approach to examine the argument structures in English writing produced by Chinese university students of English as foreign language (EFL). Their English writing was contrasted with three other sets of argumentative essays in order to explore differences and similarities in the use of argument structures. The four sets of essays were produced by three groups of university students: native English- and Chinese-speaking university students and Chinese university EFL students. Participants’ interviews and questionnaire responses were also collected. The study found that most native English-speaking participants used an analytical arguing strategy, while most Chinese-speaking university participants preferred a hortatory argument structure both in their English and Chinese writing. It was also found that Chinese participants’ English writing was influenced by both English and Chinese.


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The article approaches an understanding of power within strategy formation processes established by verbal and bodily communication. On this note, we examined concepts of power constituted by hierarchy and developed a conceptual framework for a performative interpretation of power. In line with Austin’s (1962) and Butler’s (1990, 1993, 1997) concept of performativity as well as strategy-as-practice research (Balogun et al., 2007; Jarzabkowski & Spee, 2009) we ask: How is persuasion achieved by strategic actors during strategy formation processes? To explore verbal and bodily communication empirically we developed an experimental setting in a small high-tech company located in Germany in December, 2012. The Results indicate that (1) during critical incidents – when perspectives clash – actors use arguments to gain persuasion. (2) The data illustrates that independently of their hierarchical position within the company, strategic actors show an equal distribution of argumentative techniques.


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An unstructured mesh �nite volume discretisation method for simulating di�usion in anisotropic media in two-dimensional space is discussed. This technique is considered as an extension of the fully implicit hybrid control-volume �nite-element method and it retains the local continuity of the ux at the control volume faces. A least squares function recon- struction technique together with a new ux decomposition strategy is used to obtain an accurate ux approximation at the control volume face, ensuring that the overall accuracy of the spatial discretisation maintains second order. This paper highlights that the new technique coincides with the traditional shape function technique when the correction term is neglected and that it signi�cantly increases the accuracy of the previous linear scheme on coarse meshes when applied to media that exhibit very strong to extreme anisotropy ratios. It is concluded that the method can be used on both regular and irregular meshes, and appears independent of the mesh quality.