952 resultados para Antropologia cultural i social


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A través d'aquesta entrevista, Ignasi Terradas i Saborit, catedràtic d'antropologia social de la Universitat de Barcelona, ens transmet la seva visió sobre la nostre disciplina, ens explica per què creu que actualment ja no la defineix el famós mètode del treball de camp i per què en canvi s'ha de definir pels seus objectius i continguts, si volem que conservi la seva capacitat crítica. Ens parla també del realisme etnogràfic com a la forma més fiable d¿encarar la comparació intercultural i intersocietal i el coneixement antropològic en general i de l¿àmbit de l'antropologia jurídica, al qual s¿ha dedicat en els darrers anys. Tot en el marc d'una reflexió crítica d'ampli abast sobre la seva pròpia trajectòria acadèmica, sobre la situació actual de la universitat, sotmesa a importants reformes, i sobre el que creu que ha de ser el compromís èticosocial del professor-investigador. Veurem com hi té un paper important la resistència davant el que anomena liberalisme vulgar o groller.


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Partim de la convicció basada en les evidències que la competència cultural i artística és fonamental en la formació dels estudiants. A més, aquesta competència no es pot garantir sense que els docents estiguin preparats en aquestes competències: cultural (intercultural), emocional/sensible, crítica, investigadora, comunicativa, creativa, didàctica i inclusiva de l’art (des de l’art, per mitjà de l’art i per l’art). És per aquest motiu que encetem el discurs «entre la realitat i el desig», sintetitzant en poques pàgines no pas allò que és, sinó més aviat allò que podria ser: renunciar a disgregar i jerarquitzar els sabers, i apostar per un paradigma educatiu que valori les competències que transcendeixen una disciplina. La competència cultural i artística està connectada necessàriament amb les altres competències bàsiques: la lògica/matemàtica (representació de l’espai, com a mínim), la comunicativa (de què forma part i molt vinculada a la tecnològica), i, com és obvi, les de l’àmbit de valors personals i de ciutadania i les de l’àmbit cultural i social. Perquè tot això pugui materialitzar-se, també hi ha algunes condicions elementals i relativament fàcils d’oferir que tot just apuntem


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Elaboració d'un pla d'acollida que recull l'organització i totes les actuacions necessàries per tal de facilitar l'adaptació a l'escola i l'aprenentatge de la llengua als alumnes nouvinguts, en funció de les característiques del context escolar i a partir de la reflexió docent entorn al concepte d'atenció a la diversitat cultural.


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From an interdisciplinary perspective, the present investigation undertaken by the GREILI-UPF research group has expanded a previous study aiming at explaining how young secondary school students of Latin American and Chinese origin in Catalonia construct their linguistic and cultural identity. Here we analyze the relationship between these youngsters and their social environment in order to determine how these relationships and the socialization process that derives from them influence language attitudes and practices. We focus on two spaces of socialization: (1) the school, where youngsters from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds coexist and interact, and (2) the neighborhood, a geographic and symbolic space where social identity is constructed and, consequently, where young newcomers construct their perceptions regarding the host society, including its linguistic reality. We have collected several sets of data in three public secondary schools and three neighborhoods from Barcelona’s metropolitan area with a high index of immigrant population: (1) interviews with secondary school students, (2) interviews with teachers, (3) social discourses in newspapers that consolidate the social image of the neighborhood, (4) narratives from immigrant families in relation to their neighborhood, (5) participant observation in schools, and (5) observation in the neighborhood. The results of the thematic and, when appropriate, discursive analysis of the data allow us to reach conclusions regarding: (a) the social image of the neighborhoods, (b) the socialization of young newcomers in the schools and the neighborhoods, (c) the identity games, and (d) the language and cultural practices and attitudes of young people, in relation to their countries and languages of origin as well as the school and the neighborhood investigated.


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Malgrat que el pentecostalisme gitano censura les pràctiques musicals no dedicades a l'adoració divina, una aproximació històrica i etnogràfica al cas dels gitanos catalans posa de manifest diverses transferències entre el fenomen sociomusical de la rumba catalana i aquest moviment evangèlic. Per resseguir aquestes continuïtats i influències mútues l'article parteix d'una concepció de les conversions religioses com a processos col·lectius i negociats que cal situar en els seus contextos històrics, per la qual cosa es perfila el paisatge social gitanocatalà previ i contemporani a l'extensió del pentecostalisme entre aquests grups de població, des dels anys 80 fins a l'actualitat, exposant alguns dels factors que han possibilitat aquest fenomen. Seguidament s'examina el paper que la rumba catalana -les seves pràctiques, els seus artistes i protagonistes, la seva trajectòria històrica, les seves funcions socials, els seus significats- juga en la incorporació de l'evangelisme pentecostal als contextos socials gitanocatalans.


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The author exposes the main research lines in the history of local culture. He briefly considers the main lines in cultural contemporary history investigation. The author studies the introduction and development of cultural history based on the concept of intellectual professional in Catalan historiography at a moment when economical and social research were preferred by a large part of local historians.


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The author exposes the main research lines in the history of local culture. He briefly considers the main lines in cultural contemporary history investigation. The author studies the introduction and development of cultural history based on the concept of intellectual professional in Catalan historiography at a moment when economical and social research were preferred by a large part of local historians.


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In my doctoral thesis I evaluate strategies designed to cope with the multicultural nature of four European nations: Great Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark. I also analyse and clarify the question of the place of religion in present-day Europe. The empirical material analysed in the study consists of politicians’ statements and policy documents dealing with immigration policy and religious and values education in the four countries. In addition, I analyse statements issued by the Council of Europe regarding religious education, along with all cases relevant to religious education brought before the United Nations Human Rights Committee or the European Court of Human Rights. The theoretical framework is formed by the scholarly debate – among philosophers, sociologists and scholars of religion in education – concerning the question of a just society. Special emphasis is given to philosophical theories that are in favour of granting special group rights to religious minorities in the name of equal treatment. With regard to the question of the appropriate place of religion, I apply Kim Knott’s methodological model for locating religion in secular contexts, and Émile Durkheim’s theory as to the significance of religion and collective sentiments in uniting adherents or members of a group into a single moral community. The study shows that even when the positive side of immigration, as a potential force for the enrichment of the public culture, is acknowledged, there is anxiety as to the successful integration of immigrants. The premises and goals of immigration policies have also been questioned. One central problem is the incommensurability between the values upheld by Western liberal democracies and certain religious traditions, above all those of Islam. Great Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark have tightened control over their citizens’ ethical attitudes and want to regulate these as well. In coping with cultural diversity, the significance of education, especially religious education, plays a significant role; as future citizens, pupils are expected to internalise the society’s core values as well as gaining an understanding of different cultures and ways of life. It is also worth noting that both the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights have recently expressed the view that one important goal of religious education is to enable pupils to be critical and autonomous with regard to different religions and moral positions. The study shows that religion is not seen as purely a personal matter. Religion is closely linked to individual and national identity, and religious traditions thus have a place in the public domain. It should be noted, however, that a religious tradition – more precisely, an interpretation of religious tradition – qualifies as a legitimate partner in the democratic decision-making process only if it shares similar values with Western European nations.


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Incluido en el número dedicado a inmigración e integración escolar