952 resultados para Anti-islanding methods
Anti-islanding protection is becoming increasingly important due to the rapid installation of distributed generation from renewable resources like wind, tidal and wave, solar PV, bio-fuels, as well as from other resources like diesel. Unintentional islanding presents a potential risk for damaging utility plants and equipment connected from the demand side, as well as to public and personnel in utility plants. This paper investigates automatic islanding detection. This is achieved by deploying a statistical process control approach for fault detection with the real-time data acquired through a wide area measurement system, which is based on Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) technology. In particular, the principal component analysis (PCA) is used to project the data into principal component subspace and residual space, and two statistics are used to detect the occurrence of fault. Then a fault reconstruction method is used to identify the fault and its development over time. The proposed scheme has been used in a real system and the results have confirmed that the proposed method can correctly identify the fault and islanding site.
Synchronous distributed generators are prone to operate islanded after contingencies, which is usually not allowed due to safety and power-quality issues. Thus, there are several anti-islanding techniques; however, most of them present technical limitations so that they are likely to fail in certain situations. Therefore, it is important to quantify and determine whether the scheme under study is adequate or not. In this context, this paper proposes an index to evaluate the effectiveness of anti-islanding frequency-based relays commonly used to protect synchronous distributed generators. The method is based on the calculation of a numerical index that indicates the time period that the system is unprotected against islanding considering the global period of analysis. Although this index can precisely be calculated based on several electromagnetic transient simulations, a practical method is also proposed to calculate it directly from simple analytical formulas or lookup tables. The results have shown that the proposed approach can assist distribution engineers to assess and set anti-islanding protection schemes.
Este trabalho estuda a interação entre os métodos anti-ilhamento aplicados em sistemas fotovoltaicos residenciais, operando simultaneamente em uma rede de distribuição de baixa tensão. Os sistemas fotovoltaicos em geral interagem entre si, com a rede de distribuição da concessionária e com outras fontes de geração distribuída. Uma consequência importante dessa interação é a ocorrência do ilhamento, que acontece quando as fontes de geração distribuída fornecem energia ao sistema elétrico de potência mesmo quando esta se encontra eletricamente isolada do sistema elétrico principal. A função anti-ilhamento é uma proteção extremamente importante, devendo estar presente em todos os sistemas de geração distribuída. Atualmente, são encontradas diversas técnicas na literatura. Muitas delas oferecem proteção adequada quando um inversor está conectado à linha de distribuição, mas podem falhar quando dois ou mais funcionam simultaneamente, conectados juntos ou próximos entre si. Dois destes métodos são analisados detalhadamente nesse estudo, avaliados em uma rede de distribuição residencial de baixa tensão. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a influência de um método sobre o outro é dependente da predominância de cada um deles dentro do sistema elétrico. Contudo, nas condições analisadas o ilhamento foi detectado dentro do limite máximo estabelecido pelas normas pertinentes.
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in incorporating microgrids in electrical power networks. This is due to various advantages they present, particularly the possibility of working in either autonomous mode or grid connected, which makes them highly versatile structures for incorporating intermittent generation and energy storage. However, they pose safety issues in being able to support a local island in case of utility disconnection. Thus, in the event of an unintentional island situation, they should be able to detect the loss of mains and disconnect for self-protection and safety reasons. Most of the anti-islanding schemes are implemented within control of single generation devices, such as dc-ac inverters used with solar electric systems being incompatible with the concept of microgrids due to the variety and multiplicity of sources within the microgrid. In this paper, a passive islanding detection method based on the change of the 5th harmonic voltage magnitude at the point of common coupling between grid-connected and islanded modes of operation is presented. Hardware test results from the application of this approach to a laboratory scale microgrid are shown. The experimental results demonstrate the validity of the proposed method, in meeting the requirements of IEEE 1547 standards.
Las microrredes son agrupaciones de fuentes de generación distribuida, cargas y elementos almacenadores de energía, que pueden actuar individualmente o conectadas a una red mayor. Debido a que presentan una serie de ventajas se están implantando de forma progresiva y creciente en los sistemas eléctricos de potencia. Son sistemas totalmente autónomos y, por ello, altamente flexibles. Ante una situación anómala que pueda producirse en la red principal, ya sea un fallo eléctrico, una disrupción física en la topología o una subida desproporcionada de precio, la microrred debe ser capaz de detectar esa situación y desconectarse a fin de poder protegerse. La situación de islanding se produce cuando por cualquier circunstancia hay una pérdida de la red principal y la microrred queda operando de forma aislada. Los métodos anti-islanding, que ayudan a la detección del fenómeno en las microrredes y a la desconexión de las mismas presentan dificultades a la hora de realizar esa tarea en determinados puntos del plano P-Q. Con este trabajo fin de Máster se pretende profundizar en el conocimiento y aplicabilidad de los métodos de detección de islanding extendidos a microrredes. Se analiza la viabilidad del microinterrumptor inteligente diseñado por los investigadores de la Universidad de Wisconsin - Madison para desarrollar la función de detección y actuación ante una situación de islanding inintencionado. A continuación se realiza un estudio de armónicos en el punto de conexión entre la red principal y la microrred. Por último se utilizan los resultados de este análisis para implementar y validar un nuevo método pasivo de detección de islanding en el microinterruptor basado en la medida y monitorización del nivel de tensión de 5º armónico en el PCC.
Background: Anti-psychotics, prescribed to people with dementia, are associated with approximately 1,800 excess annual deaths in the UK. A key public health objective is to limit such prescribing of anti-psychotics. Methods: This project was conducted within primary care in Medway Primary Care Trust (PCT) in the UK. There were 2 stages for the intervention. First, primary care information systems including the dementia register were searched by a pharmacy technician to identify people with dementia prescribed anti-psychotics. Second, a trained specialist pharmacist conducted targeted clinical medication reviews in people with dementia initiated on anti-psychotics by primary care, identified by the data search. Results: Data were collected from 59 practices. One hundred and sixty-one (15.3%) of 1051 people on the dementia register were receiving low-dose anti-psychotics. People with dementia living in residential homes were nearly 3.5 times more likely to receive an anti-psychotic [25.5% of care home residents (118/462) vs. 7.3% of people living at home (43/589)] than people living in their own homes (p?0.0001; Fisher’s exact test). In 26 practices there was no-one on the dementia register receiving low-dose anti-psychotics. Of the 161 people with dementia prescribed low-dose anti-psychotics, 91 were receiving on-going treatment from local secondary care mental health services or Learning Disability Teams. Of the remaining 70 patients the anti-psychotic was either withdrawn, or the dosage was reduced, in 43 instances (61.4%) following the pharmacy-led medication review. Conclusions: In total 15.3% of people on the dementia register were receiving a low-dose anti-psychotic. However, such data, including the recent national audit may under-estimate the usage of anti-psychotics in people with dementia. Anti-psychotics were used more commonly within care home settings. The pharmacist-led medication review successfully limited the prescribing of anti-psychotics to people with dementia.
El sector eléctrico está experimentando cambios importantes tanto a nivel de gestión como a nivel de mercado. Una de las claves que están acelerando este cambio es la penetración cada vez mayor de los Sistemas de Generación Distribuida (DER), que están dando un mayor protagonismo al usuario a la hora de plantear la gestión del sistema eléctrico. La complejidad del escenario que se prevé en un futuro próximo, exige que los equipos de la red tenga la capacidad de interactuar en un sistema mucho más dinámico que en el presente, donde la interfaz de conexión deberá estar dotada de la inteligencia necesaria y capacidad de comunicación para que todo el sistema pueda ser gestionado en su conjunto de manera eficaz. En la actualidad estamos siendo testigos de la transición desde el modelo de sistema eléctrico tradicional hacia un nuevo sistema, activo e inteligente, que se conoce como Smart Grid. En esta tesis se presenta el estudio de un Dispositivo Electrónico Inteligente (IED) orientado a aportar soluciones para las necesidades que la evolución del sistema eléctrico requiere, que sea capaz de integrase en el equipamiento actual y futuro de la red, aportando funcionalidades y por tanto valor añadido a estos sistemas. Para situar las necesidades de estos IED se ha llevado a cabo un amplio estudio de antecedentes, comenzando por analizar la evolución histórica de estos sistemas, las características de la interconexión eléctrica que han de controlar, las diversas funciones y soluciones que deben aportar, llegando finalmente a una revisión del estado del arte actual. Dentro de estos antecedentes, también se lleva a cabo una revisión normativa, a nivel internacional y nacional, necesaria para situarse desde el punto de vista de los distintos requerimientos que deben cumplir estos dispositivos. A continuación se exponen las especificaciones y consideraciones necesarias para su diseño, así como su arquitectura multifuncional. En este punto del trabajo, se proponen algunos enfoques originales en el diseño, relacionados con la arquitectura del IED y cómo deben sincronizarse los datos, dependiendo de la naturaleza de los eventos y las distintas funcionalidades. El desarrollo del sistema continua con el diseño de los diferentes subsistemas que lo componen, donde se presentan algunos algoritmos novedosos, como el enfoque del sistema anti-islanding con detección múltiple ponderada. Diseñada la arquitectura y funciones del IED, se expone el desarrollo de un prototipo basado en una plataforma hardware. Para ello se analizan los requisitos necesarios que debe tener, y se justifica la elección de una plataforma embebida de altas prestaciones que incluye un procesador y una FPGA. El prototipo desarrollado se somete a un protocolo de pruebas de Clase A, según las normas IEC 61000-4-30 e IEC 62586-2, para comprobar la monitorización de parámetros. También se presentan diversas pruebas en las que se han estimado los retardos implicados en los algoritmos relacionados con las protecciones. Finalmente se comenta un escenario de prueba real, dentro del contexto de un proyecto del Plan Nacional de Investigación, donde este prototipo ha sido integrado en un inversor dotándole de la inteligencia necesaria para un futuro contexto Smart Grid.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to report the resistance of plasma-sprayed titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanostructured coatings in a corrosive environment.----- Design/methodology/approach: Weight loss studies are performed according to ASTM G31 specifications in 3.5?wt% NaCl. Electrochemical polarization resistance measurements are made according to ASTM G59-91 specifications. Corrosion resistance in a humid and corrosive environment is determined by exposing the samples in a salt spray chamber for 100?h. Microstructural studies are carried out using an atomic force microscope and scanning electron microscope.----- Findings: The nanostructured TiO2 coatings offer good resistance to corrosion, as shown by the results of immersion, electrochemical and salt spray studies. The corrosion resistance of the coating is dictated primarily by the geometry of splat lamellae, density of unmelted nanoparticles, magnitude of porosity and surface homogeneity.----- Practical implications: The TiO2 nanostructured coatings show promising potential for use as abrasion, wear-resistant and thermal barrier coatings for service in harsh environments.----- Originality/value: The paper relates the corrosion resistance of nanostructured TiO2 coatings to their structure and surface morphology.
A Doença Celíaca (DC) é uma doença autoimune que afeta o intestino delgado de indivíduos geneticamente susceptíveis após contato com o glúten. Diversos estudos têm relatado aumento da prevalência ao longo dos anos. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de DC em pacientes adultos sem diarreia encaminhados à Disciplina de Gastroenterologia do HUPE da UERJ para serem submetidos a Endoscopia Digestiva Alta (EDA).Comparar os resultados do histopatológico das biópsias duodenais com os resultados sorológicos, utilizando o anticorpo antitransglutaminase tecidual IgA (ATGt IgA). Métodos: Pacientes que foram encaminhados ao nosso serviço para serem submetidos a EDA entre Julho de 2008 e Julho de 2010, com idade entre 18 e 85 anos foram aceitos no estudo. Critérios de exclusão foram cirrose, neoplasias do trato gastrointestinal, HIV, uso de imunossupressores e anticoagulantes, diarreia, hemorragia digestiva e DC. Coleta de sangue para pesquisa do anticorpo ATGt IgA (utilizando KIT ORGENTEC - Alemanha), avaliação endoscópica e exame histopatológico das biópsias de segunda porção duodenal foram feitos para cada paciente. Biópsias foram avaliadas de acordo com o critério de Marsh modificado. Resultados: Trezentos e noventa e nove pacientes consecutivos (112 homens, 287 mulheres), média de idade 49,616,4 anos, variando de 18-85 anos, sem diarreia, foram prospectivamente aceitos. Os sintomas clínicos mais prevalentes foram dor abdominal em 99,5%, pirose em 41,1%, plenitude pós prandial em 30,6%, náuseas e vômitos em 21,3%. Os achados endoscópicos foram: normais em 41,6%, lesões pépticas (esofagite, gastrite, duodenite e úlceras) em 41,6%, hérnia hiatal em 5,5%, pólipos gástricos em 3%, neoplasias em 1,3% e miscelânea em 7%. DC foi endoscopicamente diagnosticada em 13 pacientes (3,3%) com mucosa duodenal exibindo serrilhamento das pregas em 8 (2%), diminuição do pregueado em 2 (0,5%) e mucosa exibindo padrão nodular e mosaico em 3 (0,75%). Os achados histopatológicos de duodeno foram normais em 96,7%, duodenites inespecíficas em 2,7% e 3 pacientes (0,75%) confirmaram DC pelos critérios de Marsh modificado (IIIa, IIIb e IIIc). O anticorpo ATGt IgA foi positivo (>10 U/ml) em 1,3% (5/399). Conclusão: Este estudo mostrou que a prevalência de DC em pacientes dispépticos sem diarreia atendidos na Disciplina de Gastroenterologia e Endoscopia do HUPE/UERJ foi de 0,75% (1:133). A acurácia diagnóstica do anticorpo ATGt IgA é boa para pacientes com Marsh III e achados endoscópicos sugestivos. Nenhum dos pacientes tinha alterações Marsh I ou II. A EDA se mostrou um excelente método de triagem para definir os pacientes com graus mais acentuados de atrofia e que se beneficiariam de biópsia e sorologia para confirmação diagnóstica. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho não justificam uma triagem rotineira de DC.
This paper presents a preliminary study of developing a novel distributed adaptive real-time learning framework for wide area monitoring of power systems integrated with distributed generations using synchrophasor technology. The framework comprises distributed agents (synchrophasors) for autonomous local condition monitoring and fault detection, and a central unit for generating global view for situation awareness and decision making. Key technologies that can be integrated into this hierarchical distributed learning scheme are discussed to enable real-time information extraction and knowledge discovery for decision making, without explicitly accumulating and storing all raw data by the central unit. Based on this, the configuration of a wide area monitoring system of power systems using synchrophasor technology, and the functionalities for locally installed open-phasor-measurement-units (OpenPMUs) and a central unit are presented. Initial results on anti-islanding protection using the proposed approach are given to illustrate the effectiveness.
It is generally accepted that genetics may be an important factor in explaining the variation between patients’ responses to certain drugs. However, identification and confirmation of the responsible genetic variants is proving to be a challenge in many cases. A number of difficulties that maybe encountered in pursuit of these variants, such as non-replication of a true effect, population structure and selection bias, can be mitigated or at least reduced by appropriate statistical methodology. Another major statistical challenge facing pharmacogenetics studies is trying to detect possibly small polygenic effects using large volumes of genetic data, while controlling the number of false positive signals. Here we review statistical design and analysis options available for investigations of genetic resistance to anti-epileptic drugs.
Due to the growing concerns associated with fossil fuels, emphasis has been placed on clean and sustainable energy generation. This has resulted in the increase in Photovoltaics (PV) units being integrated into the utility system. The integration of PV units has raised some concerns for utility power systems, including the consequences of failing to detect islanding. Numerous methods for islanding detection have been introduced in literature. They can be categorized into local methods and remote methods. The local methods are categorically divided into passive and active methods. Active methods generally have smaller Non-Detection Zone (NDZ) but the injecting disturbances will slightly degrade the power quality and reliability of the power system. Slip Mode Frequency Shift Islanding Detection Method (SMS IDM) is an active method that uses positive feedback for islanding detection. In this method, the phase angle of the converter is controlled to have a sinusoidal function of the deviation of the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) voltage frequency from the nominal grid frequency. This method has a non-detection zone which means it fails to detect islanding for specific local load conditions. If the SMS IDM employs a different function other than the sinusoidal function for drifting the phase angle of the inverter, its non-detection zone could be smaller. In addition, Advanced Slip Mode Frequency Shift Islanding Detection Method (Advanced SMS IDM), which has been introduced in this thesis, eliminates the non-detection zone of the SMS IDM. In this method the parameters of SMS IDM change based on the local load impedance value. Moreover, the stability of the system is investigated by developing the dynamical equations of the system for two operation modes; grid connected and islanded mode. It is mathematically proven that for some loading conditions the nominal frequency is an unstable point and the operation frequency slides to another stable point, while for other loading conditions the nominal frequency is the only stable point of the system upon islanding occurring. Simulation and experimental results show the accuracy of the proposed methods in detection of islanding and verify the validity of the mathematical analysis.
Background: Zoledronic acid is used to prevent the bone loss associated with antioestrogen treatments in subjects with breast cancer. Preclinical studies suggest that zoledronic acid may have anticancer activity in its own right. This anticancer possibility with zoledronic acid has not been investigated extensively in clinical trials. Objectives/methods: This evaluation is of a large clinical trial that investigated the effect of zoledronic acid on cancer outcomes in premenopausal women with breast cancer. Results: The trial showed that after 4 years, 94.0% of subjects who were treated with zoledronic acid were disease-free compared with 90.8% of those not treated with zoledronic acid. Recurrence survival was a secondary end point; this occurred in 94.0% with, and 90.9% without, zoledronic acid treatment. Conclusions: Zoledronic acid does have anticancer activity in premenopausal women with cancer.