9 resultados para Anthroponyms
Anthroponyms in Health Care Interventions. This research aims to examine the personal names used by health care professionals to refer to and speak with patients in medical consultations. To this end, a large corpus was created with anthroponyms used in this type of settings and extracted from a variety of sources. The data obtained were then analyzed, classified, described and explained. Our hypothesis is that personal names are relevant elements in the relationship between the health care provider and the patient; however, their use is decidedly complex. In the following pages we will discuss this designative complexity by way of an introduction, an analysis of anthroponymic studies and a conclusion.
Le concept de romanisation ne revêt d'utilité que s'il peut être qualifié, et donc analysé en différents « niveaux », afin de comparer les rythmes et les formes du phénomène dans les régions de l'Empire. Avant même de chercher à tenir un discours global sur la romanisation, il faut donc en étudier les multiples aspects de manière spécifique. C'est dans ce cadre que s'inscrit cette thèse de doctorat dont le but est de quantifier et de qualifier l'acculturation des céramiques fines en Gaule interne (200 BC - 50 AD). Fondée sur un corpus de quelques 130 ensembles, provenant de 21 sites urbains localisés entre le centre ouest de la France, l'Auvergne, le Plateau suisse et le Luxembourg, cette étude se caractérise par la mise en place de nouvelles approches méthodologiques, s'appuyant sur le calcul d'un « indice de romanisation » (quantifiant la romanisation d'un ensemble sur une échelle de 1 à 100) et sur l'analyse des modalités du phénomène. L'examen diachronique et cartographique des résultats obtenus montrant de fortes disparités dans les processus d'acculturation des céramiques fines, des niveaux de romanisation ont pu être définis, dont le principal intérêt est d'ouvrir la comparaison avec les autres aspects de l'acculturation des Gaules (instrumentum culinaire, technique de construction, romanisation de l'anthroponymie...). The concept of Romanisation can only be considered useful if it can be qualified and analysed at different levels in order to compare the acculturation rates, frequency and form of the phenomenon among the regions in the Empire. But before an overview of Romanisation can be considered, its multiple aspects must be examined in a specific manner. Among the French speaking areas, it is only recently that research concerning Gaulish and Roman periods has risked expanding the scope to a supra regional scale. Against this background, the purpose of my doctoral thesis is to examine the qualitative and quantitative aspects of acculturation among Gaulish fine wares (200 BCE - 50 CE). Based on a corpus of 130 assemblages from 21 urban sites from the western centre of France, Auvergne, the Swiss plateau and Luxembourg, the study is characterised by new methodological techniques relying on the calculation of a 'Romanisation index' (quantifying the level of Romanisation of an assemblage on a scale of 1 to 100) and the analysis of the methods of the phenomenon. The diachronic and cartographic examination of the results obtained showed large disparities in the acculturation processes concerning fine wares. The level of Romanisation could be defined, thus allowing a comparison with other aspects of the acculturation process among other aspects of Gaulish culture such as tools, cuisine, construction techniques and Romanisation of anthroponyms.
[spa]El presente trabajo culmina un proyecto dedicado al estudio de cuatro láminas de plomo con escritura ibérica procedentes del área ilergeta, que habñian sido extraídas de forma irregular de forma irregular a principios de la década de los años 80 del pasado siglo y que acabaron en el Instituto de Estudios Ilerdenses. En 2005 se dio a conocer el plomo de Olriols (Sant Esteve de Llitera), en 2009 los plomos 1 y 2 de Monteró (Camarasa) y ahora finalmente el plomo del Tossal del Mor (Tárrega). Este texto es muy corto, sólo consta de cuatro segmentos, todos posiblemete antropónimos sin ningún morfo añadido. Desde el punto de vista paleográfico, es significativo que por primera vez se documente un signo dual ko complejo en la zona ilergeta. Mientras que del léxico, cabe destacar que en uno de los antroponimos se documenta por primera vez con claridad en una inscripción ibérica el elemento iber. Independientemente de su significado parece plausible su relación con el etnónimo o con el río con los que antiguos griegos y romanos identificaban a los íberos. [eng]This work is the culmination of a project dedicated to the study of four sheets of lead with Iberian writing from the Ilerget area that had been extracted without authorisation in the early 1980s and that found way to the Institut d"Estudis Ilerdencs (Lleida). In 2005, the lead from Olriols (Sant Esteve de Llitera) was presented, as were lead sheets 1 and 2 from Monteró (Camarasa) in 2009 and now finally the lad piece from Tossal del Mor (Tàrrega). The text is very short, with only four segments, all possibly anthroponyms without any added morph. From the palaeographic point of view, it is significant that, for the first time, a complex dual ko sign is documented in the Ilerget area. Regarding the lexis, it is of note that in one of the anthroponyms the element ibeŕ is documented clearly for the first time in an Iberian inscription. Independently of its meaning, it seems plausible to link it to the ethnonym or the river with which the ancient Greeks and Romans identified the Iberians.
Despite the increasing number of research on translating for children, no study has so far taken into consideration the translations of children’s literature from Finnish into Italian. This dissertation sets out to fill this gap with a comparative study of Finnish picturebooks and their translations into Italian. Besides being the first research in the field analysing the shifts between these two systems, the study thoroughly investigates the characteristics of the translation process of picturebooks. The works chosen as case study are the Finnish picturebooks by Mauri Kunnas and their Italian translations from the period 1979-2009 because they are characterized by a high number of linguistic and cultural complexities which challenge translators’ skills and knowledge. The dissertation establishes whether and how culture-specific elements (anthroponyms, toponyms, food and allusions) and the word-image interaction have a significant impact on the quality and the nature of the target works, and also whether these aspects are still consistent after the translation and the adaptation process to the target system. Since picturebooks are multimodal texts whose message is produced by both the verbal and the visual, it has been necessary to use a multimodal comparative analysis. Such a descriptive comparative study has allowed me to describe the textual and cultural manipulations undergone by Kunnas’s picturebooks translated into Italian. Indeed, it has helped to identify what kind of shifts occur when cultural specific elements are transferred from the source system to the target one, to determine the most frequent translation strategies used to ensure a higher degree of readability, and to establish whether particular translation choices have contributed to modify the word-image interaction. The results of the multimodal comparative analysis have shown that Italian translators have been deeply influenced by the preponderance of the illustrations and for this reason they have often verbalised the visual and added information not originally contained in the source written text. Moreover, the findings of the analysis together with the interviews to the Italian translator and publishing house have also demonstrated that the latter aimed at producing works “good for the child” – and at the same time “good for the adult” – and at minimizing Finnish cultural specificity, even to the detriment of the aesthetic nature of the original picturebooks.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The paper presents a comparative study of the personal and geographic names in the two complete Slavic translations of the Byzantine Versified Synaxarion, namely the Bulgarian and Serbian Prolog Stišnoj, which appeared around the first half of the 14 th century. On the basis of the March texts in seven South Slavic manuscripts, the differences in the rendering of the personal names are analysed on the level of phonetics, orthography, morphology and word formation. The data allow the following conclusions: 1) The differences in the forms of these names in the Bulgarian and Serbian Prolog Stišnoj give further arguments supporting their independent origin; 2) Several specific tendencies are noted which more or less differentiate them. The Bulgarian translation reproduces more accurately the graphics of the original names, allows dativus possessivus, often replaces the Greek anthroponyms and toponyms with adjectives, presents many local names in the plural, and sometimes retains Greek nominative endings in masculine personal names. The Serbian translation, on the other hand, follows more often the Byzantine pronunciation of the names, complies more strictly with their grammatical characteristics (case, number), separates more often the ending -ς from the stem, and incorporates the accusative ending -ν into the stem of certain anthroponyms several times. 3) The tendency towards Slavicisation of the personal names is nearly the same in both translations and cannot be viewed as peculiar of either of them.
En este trabajo presentamos el estudio de los glifos nahuas coloniales de antropónimos castellanos que contienen algún elemento occidental en su composición. Es decir, analizamos los «prestamos» que los tlacuiloque o escribas indígenas tomaron para escribirlos. Para llevarlo a cabo hemos revisado multitud de códices aunque somos conscientes de que no hemos tenido acceso a todos ellos. No obstante, consideramos que el resultado final recoge la mayor parte de ellos y ofrece datos que nos permitirá en próximos estudios relacionar antropónimos nahuas, topónimos, oficios, cargos, barrios, etc., en los que también se incluyeron elementos culturales occidentales.
Negli ultimi anni, in Italia sono stati tradotti un gran numero di opere letterarie cinesi grazie all’impegno e alla passione di numerosi sinologi, studiosi e traduttori italiani. Tuttavia, gli studi sulla traduzione della letteratura cinese sono, sia in Cina che in Italia, relativamente pochi e non sempre uniformi: in Cina è difficile trovare dati completi, sistematici e dotati di un certo valore di riferimento, e in Italia, una ricerca di questo tipo ha avuto origine nell’ambito degli studi sinologici italiani, piuttosto che in quello degli studi sulla traduzione. A partire da una rassegna dei principali approcci agli studi sulla traduzione (letteraria) dalla seconda metà del XX secolo fino ai nostri giorni, questo lavoro di tesi tenta di analizzare da un lato le tendenze generali relative alla traduzione e alla pubblicazione delle opere letterarie cinesi in Italia in un arco temporale che va dal 1942 al 2018, tramite alcune analisi di tipo sia quantitativo che qualitativo basate su una tabella di dati concernenti la letteratura cinese sul mercato editoriale italiano che è stata costruita appositamente; dall’altro, questa ricerca intende investigare le strategie utilizzate per tradurre i diversi riferimenti culturali riscontrati nel corpus di testi scelti e che sono stati suddivisi nelle seguenti categorie: antroponimi, intertestualità, riferimenti al contesto politico e culturale, gastronomia e altri riferimenti culturali. Attraverso un’analisi comparativa e descrittiva dei testi di partenza e dei testi di arrivo, ai fini della tesi si sono indagate le problematiche riguardanti la traduzione e la ricezione della letteratura cinese in Italia e le tendenze che tale letteratura ha avuto sia in ambito editoriale che nel campo della traduzione letteraria.