993 resultados para Anscombe, G. E. M. (Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret)
This paper has three sections. In the first one, I expose and discuss Davidson's semantic account of adverbial sentences: the basic idea is that these sentences involve quantification over events, and I defend that view from opposing perspectives like the theory of adverbs as predicate modifiers. In the second section I defend the claim that in english constructions following the scheme: ¿X did V by T-ings¿, we are referring to the same action of X; what is sometimes called ¿The Anscombe Thesis¿. Again I discuss competing theories only to conclude that the Anscombe Thesis is true. In the third section, however, it is shown that to assume as premisses these two theses -Davidson's account and the Anscombe Thesis- leads to a serious conflict. Alternative solutions are worked out and rejected. It is also argued that the only tenable solution depends on certain metaphysical assumptions. Finally, however, I will cast doubt on this solution.
With this is bound Essays philanthropic and moral, by Elizabeth Margaret Chandler ... Philadelphia, 1836.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
En la literatura sobre las emociones, una de las teorÃas con mayor fuerza es la llamada teorÃa James-Lange. Este texto intenta hacer una crÃtica a esta teorÃa a partir de algunas observaciones de Wittgenstein sobre el uso de conceptos psicológicos, sacando a la luz dos confusiones gramaticales que surgen en ella. Para ello, se construye primero la categorÃa de «programa de naturalización de las emociones» que recoge las teorÃas de Descartes, James y Prinz, siguiendo la metodologÃa de Lakatos. Luego, se identifica como problema central el de la naturalización de la intencionalidad. Con esto en mente, se exponen algunas herramientas wittgensteinianas para estudiar la gramática de la pregunta por el objeto y la intencionalidad de las emociones, mostrando que las respuestas del programa de naturalización no son satisfactorias y no respetan las reglas de ciertos usos de lenguaje.
Este artÃculo explora un tema central en la filosofÃa de la religión actual: la relación entre la razón y la fe, a partir de la controversia que genera la defensa de Norman Malcolm del argumento ontológico de San Anselmo. Dado que Malcolm es conocido por su postura fideÃsta, surge la cuestión de cómo es posible que defienda al mismo tiempo dos posiciones que parecen contrarias: por un lado, que las demostraciones racionales son irrelevantes para producir la fe y, por el otro, que haya un argumento a favor de la existencia de Dios que pueda ser considerado válido. Esta posición se puede entender a partir de la tesis propuesta en este trabajo que consiste en sostener que si bien la fe religiosa no se obtiene por argumentos, la argumentación racional tiene un lugar dentro de la fe, el cual consiste en ayudar a comprender por la razón aquello que se cree. Este trabajo intenta mostrar que la postura de Malcolm no es contradictoria en tanto que implica la diferencia entre la creencia "que Dios existe", la cual serÃa el objeto de los argumentos racionales y no supone ninguna práctica o devoción religiosa, y la creencia "en Dios", la cual a la vez que presupone que Dios existe, constituye el tipo de creencia propiamente religiosa que se entiende en términos de confianza, fe y devoción.
Horizontal gene transfer is an important driver of bacterial evolution, but genetic exchange in the core genome of clonal species, including the major pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, is incompletely understood. Here we reveal widespread homologous recombination in S. aureus at the species level, in contrast to its near-complete absence between closely related strains. We discover a patchwork of hotspots and coldspots at fine scales falling against a backdrop of broad-scale trends in rate variation. Over megabases, homoplasy rates fluctuate 1.9-fold, peaking towards the origin-of-replication. Over kilobases, we find core recombination hotspots of up to 2.5-fold enrichment situated near fault lines in the genome associated with mobile elements. The strongest hotspots include regions flanking conjugative transposon ICE6013, the staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC) and genomic island νSaα. Mobile element-driven core genome transfer represents an opportunity for adaptation and challenges our understanding of the recombination landscape in predominantly clonal pathogens, with important implications for genotype–phenotype mapping.
Lifestyle factors are responsible for a considerable portion of cancer incidence worldwide, but credible estimates from the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) suggest that the fraction of cancers attributable to toxic environmental exposures is between 7% and 19%. To explore the hypothesis that low-dose exposures to mixtures of chemicals in the environment may be combining to contribute to environmental carcinogenesis, we reviewed 11 hallmark phenotypes of cancer, multiple priority target sites for disruption in each area and prototypical chemical disruptors for all targets, this included dose-response characterizations, evidence of low-dose effects and cross-hallmark effects for all targets and chemicals. In total, 85 examples of chemicals were reviewed for actions on key pathways/mechanisms related to carcinogenesis. Only 15% (13/85) were found to have evidence of a dose-response threshold, whereas 59% (50/85) exerted low-dose effects. No dose-response information was found for the remaining 26% (22/85). Our analysis suggests that the cumulative effects of individual (non-carcinogenic) chemicals acting on different pathways, and a variety of related systems, organs, tissues and cells could plausibly conspire to produce carcinogenic synergies. Additional basic research on carcinogenesis and research focused on low-dose effects of chemical mixtures needs to be rigorously pursued before the merits of this hypothesis can be further advanced. However, the structure of the World Health Organization International Programme on Chemical Safety 'Mode of Action' framework should be revisited as it has inherent weaknesses that are not fully aligned with our current understanding of cancer biology.
Objectives.This study aimed to further elucidate the biobehavioral mechanisms linking dementia caregiving with an increased cardiovascular disease risk. We hypothesized that both elevated depressive symptoms and a behavioral correlate of depression, low leisure satisfaction, are associated with systemic inflammation.Method.We studied 121 elderly Alzheimer's disease caregivers who underwent 4 annual assessments for depressive symptoms, leisure satisfaction, and circulating levels of inflammatory markers. We used mixed-regression analyses controlling for sociodemographic and health-relevant covariates to examine longitudinal relationships between constructs of interest. RESULTS: There were inverse relationships between total leisure satisfaction and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α; p = .047), interleukin-8 (IL-8; p < .001), and interferon-γ (IFG; p = .020) but not with IL-6 (p = .21) and C-reactive protein (p = .65). Lower enjoyment from leisure activities was related to higher levels of TNF-α (p = .045), IL-8 (p < .001), and IFG (p = .002), whereas lower frequency of leisure activities was related only to higher IL-8 levels (p = .023). Depressive symptoms were not associated with any inflammatory marker (all p values > .17). Depressive symptoms did not mediate the relationship between leisure satisfaction and inflammation.Discussion.Lower satisfaction with leisure activities is related to higher low-grade systemic inflammation. This knowledge may provide a promising way of improving cardiovascular health in dementia caregivers through behavioral activation treatments targeting low leisure satisfaction.
Significant uncertainties persist in the reconstruction of past sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific, especially regarding the amplitude of the glacial cooling and the details of the post-glacial warming. Here we present the first regional calibration of alkenone unsaturation in surface sediments versus mean annual sea surface temperatures (maSST). Based on 81 new and 48 previously published data points, it is shown that open ocean samples conform to established global regressions of Uk'37 versus maSST and that there is no systematic bias from seasonality in the production or export of alkenones, or from surface ocean nutrient concentrations or salinity. The flattening of the regression at the highest maSSTs is found to be statistically insignificant. For the near-coastal Peru upwelling zone between 11-15°S and 76-79°W, however, we corroborate earlier observations that Uk'37 SST estimates significantly over-estimate maSSTs at many sites. We posit that this is caused either by uncertainties in the determination of maSSTs in this highly dynamic environment, or by biasing of the alkenone paleothermometer toward El Niño events as postulated by Rein et al. (2005).
The majority of epithelial ovarian carcinomas are of serous subtype, with most women presenting at an advanced stage. Approximately 70% respond to initial chemotherapy but eventually relapse. We aimed to find markers of treatment response that might be suitable for routine use, using the gene expression profile of tumor tissue. Thirty one women with histologically-confirmed late-stage serous ovarian cancer were classified into 3 groups based on response to treatment (nonresponders, responders with relapse less than 12 months and responders with no relapse within 12 months). Gene expression profiles of these specimens were analyzed with respect to treatment response and survival (minimum 36 months follow-up). Patients' clinical features did not correlate with prognosis, or with specific gene expression patterns of their tumors. However women who did not respond to treatment could be distinguished from those who responded with no relapse within 12 months based on 34 gene transcripts (p < 0.02). Poor prognosis was associated with high expression of inhibitor of differentiation-2 (ID2) (p = 0.001). High expression of decorin (DCN) and ID2 together was strongly associated with reduced survival (p = 0.003), with an estimated 7-fold increased risk of dying (95% CI 1.9-29.6; 14 months survival) compared with low expression (44 months). Immunohistochemical analysis revealed both nuclear and cytoplasmic distribution of ID2 in ovarian tumors. High percentage of nuclear staining vas associated with poor survival, although not statistically significantly. In conclusion, elevated expression of ID2 and DCN was significantly associated with poor prognosis in a homogeneous group of ovarian cancer patients for whom survival could not be predicted from clinical factors. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
El objetivo de la tesis es identificar una familia de argumentos que comparten una estructura con el principio de dualidad de la geometrÃa proyectiva. Esta familia la denomino "argumentos duales". Para lograr este objetivo, tomo cuatro argumentos importantes de la filosofÃa analÃtica e identifico en ellos la estructura que comparten. Los cuatro argumentos son: (i) el acertijo de la inducción de Goodman; (ii) la indeterminación de la referencia Putnam; (iii) la indeterminación de la traducción de Quine; (iv) la paradoja del seguimiento de reglas de Wittgenstein.