896 resultados para Androgynous myth (Plato)


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The aim of this article is to show how an ancient myth, that of the three genres, also known as the myth of the androgynous by Aristophanes in Plato¿s Symposium, becomes for John Cameron Mitchell the suitable image in order to explain the peculiar personality of a man, Hedwig, who by means of a surgical operation becomes in his turn an imperfect androgynous but symbolises the need of a sole mankind or the unity of different worlds, just as he belonged to both Berlins divided by an already fallen wall, which permitted their inhabitants to recover their lost unity and identity.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar com un mite antic, el mite dels tres gèneres, també anomenat de l'androgin de l'Aristòfanes del Simposi de Plató, esdevé per a John Cameron Mitchell la imatge adient per a explicar l'especial personalitat d'un home, Hedwig, que esdevé mitjançant una operació un androgin imperfecte, però que simbolitza la possibilitat d'una humanitat unida o l'acostament de móns diferents, de la mateixa manera que ell va pertànyer a les dues Berlín dividides per un mur que ara ja ha caigut, quedant restablerta així la unitat perduda.


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El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo un mito antiguo, el mito de los tres géneros, también llamado del andrógino del Aristófanes del Simposio de Platón, deviene para John Cameron Mitchell la imagen idónea para explicar la personalidad especial de un hombre, Hedwig, que se convierte mediante una operación en un andrógino imperfecto, pero que simboliza la posibilidad de una humanidad unida o el acercamiento de mundos diferentes, al igual que él perteneció a las dos Berlín divididas por un muro que ahora ya ha caído, restableciéndose así la unidad perdida.


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Como la música, la palabra posee -según Platón- una dimensión mágica que la hace capaz de fascinar (kelein) y encantar(epaidein) al alma que la escucha. La eficacia de la retórica sofística reside ahí, pero dicha retórica vincula al alma con el nivel deser inferior de las sombras y de las imágenes. Existe, sin embargo, otro uso mágico de la palabra y otro empleo -positivo- dela retórica: en los diálogos de transición y madurez Platón presenta en los mitos escatológicos un uso de la palabra en el queésta actúa como imagen (eikon) de un nivel superior del ser, imagen que con su belleza seduce al alma, obtiene su asentimiento(pistis) y la moviliza en la dirección de lo ontológicamente superior, supliendo así la falta de una "razón demostrativa" y colmandocon la belleza de sus imágenes el "peligro" que la adhesión comporta.


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Translations of the first chapters of Book VII of Plato's Republic, in which he introduces the well-known image of the cave, eikón, reveals an astonishing and intriguing variety of interpretations of this image: "allegory", "myth", "fable", "parable", "simile" and "comparison", to cite but a few. Taking as an example the work by Benjamin Jowett, the Victorian translator of Plato, remarkable for its textual accuracy and by means of a close analysis of the terms related to the image, this paper insists on the need to neither interpret nor correct the great ideal philosopher, in this case revealing some evident contradictions that arise when this advice is not followed and pointing out the occasional use of terms extraneous to the Platonic lexicon such as "allegory".


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Plato, in his Phaedo, develops an investigation concerning the relationship between opposites. The account of Socrates s historical death (57 a 60 a / 116 a - 118), the palaios logos (60 b 70 c), the reciprocal generation between opposites (70 c 72 e), the recollection argument (77 d 80 e), the reciprocal exclusion between opposites (95 e 107 a) and the myth (107 b 116 a), are all instruments to define death for the philosopher. The core of this research, or the argument of the opposites in both its modes of articulation: double generation (70 c 72 e) and double exclusion of opposites (103 a), when added to the recollection argument (72 c d) becomes decisive in discerning both the real cause of generation and the understanding of what occurs in the process of exclusion between opposites (70 c 72 e)


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O Pensamento de Platão tem o encanto das estátuas de Dédalo: esvai-se pelos meandros do discurso, tão logo se pretenda travar com ele uma relação de domínio. A sua correta interpretação exige que se assuma a Polis como o lugar natural no qual emerge, como a limitação que ele se propõe superar remontando à Fysis e ao Ser. Fazê-lo importa em captar o movimento que lhe é próprio, partindo da questão sobre o ente e visualizando a resposta como o enunciado de sua essência, isto é, do eidos, e de seu fundamento, isto é, do Bem como nome próprio do Ser. Determinando o ente em sua essência, o eidos é a medida de toda a adequação, da episteme à Polis.


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Faced with today’s ill-structured business environment of fast-paced change and rising uncertainty, organizations have been searching for management tools that will perform satisfactorily under such ambiguous conditions. In the arena of managerial decision making, one of the approaches being assessed is the use of intuition. Based on our definition of intuition as a non-sequential information-processing mode, which comprises both cognitive and affective elements and results in direct knowing without any use of conscious reasoning, we develop a testable model of integrated analytical and intuitive decision making and propose ways to measure the use of intuition.


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Published in the final months of 1891, Architecture, Mysticism and Myth was the first architectural treatise written by the late nineteenth-century English architect and theorist William Richard Lethaby (1857-1931).' Documenting the characteristic attributes of the architectural myth of the "temple idea", and its presence amongst architectures of multiple ancient cultures, the text was endowed with a distinctly historical tone. In examining the motives behind myth, which Lethaby defined as the interaction and reaction between the natural universe and the built environment, Lethaby also injected a series of theoretical considerations into the text. It is clear that Lethaby's interest in the temple idea was not limited to its curious, prolific presence in past architectures, hut also embraced a consideration of what lessons the temple idea may contribute to the struggle of the late nineteenth-century English architect to define an "art of the future".


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This paper considers the relationship between the recent historiography (of the last quarter century) of “New Zealand architecture” and the historical notion of “New Zealand-ness” invoked in contemporary architecture. It argues that a more recent programmatic uptake of post-War discussions on national identity and regional specificity has fed the tendencies of practicing architects to defer to history in rhetorical defences of their work: the beach-side mansion as a contemporary expression of the 1950s bach; a formal modernism divorced from the social discourse adherent to the historical moment that it “restates”; and so on. The paper will consider instances in the historiography of New Zealand architecture where historians have compounded, consciously or accidentally, a problem that is systemic to the uses made by architects of historical knowledge (in the most general examples), identifying the difficulties of relying upon the tentative conclusions of an under-studied field in developing principles of contemporary architectural practice under the banners of New Zealand-ness, regionalism, or localism, or with reference to icons of New Zealand architectural history. At the heart of this paper is a reflection on historiographical responsibility in presenting knowledge of a national past to an audience that is eager to transform that knowledge into principles of contemporary production. What, the paper asks, is the historical basis for speaking of a New Zealand architecture? Can we speak of a national history of architecture distinct from a regional history, or from an international history of architecture?


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Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have high platelet reactivity and are at increased risk of ischaemic events and bleeding post-acute coronary syndromes (ACS). In the PLATelet inhibition and patient Outcomes (PLATO) trial, ticagrelor reduced the primary composite endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke, but with similar rates of major bleeding compared with clopidogrel. We aimed to investigate the outcome with ticagrelor vs. clopidogrel in patients with DM or poor glycaemic control. We analysed patients with pre-existing DM (n = 4662), including 1036 patients on insulin, those without DM (n = 13 951), and subgroups based on admission levels of haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c; n = 15 150). In patients with DM, the reduction in the primary composite endpoint (HR: 0.88, 95% CI: 0.76-1.03), all-cause mortality (HR: 0.82, 95% CI: 0.66-1.01), and stent thrombosis (HR: 0.65, 95% CI: 0.36-1.17) with no increase in major bleeding (HR: 0.95, 95% CI: 0.81-1.12) with ticagrelor was consistent with the overall cohort and without significant diabetes status-by-treatment interactions. There was no heterogeneity between patients with or without ongoing insulin treatment. Ticagrelor reduced the primary endpoint, all-cause mortality, and stent thrombosis in patients with HbA1c above the median (HR: 0.80, 95% CI: 0.70-0.91; HR: 0.78, 95% CI: 0.65-0.93; and HR: 0.62, 95% CI: 0.39-1.00, respectively) with similar bleeding rates (HR: 0.98, 95% CI: 0.86-1.12). Ticagrelor, when compared with clopidogrel, reduced ischaemic events in ACS patients irrespective of diabetic status and glycaemic control, without an increase in major bleeding events.