995 resultados para Air permeability


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While on site measurement of air permeability provides a useful approach for assessing the likely long term durability of concrete structures, no existing test method is capable of effectively determining the relative permeability of high performance concrete (HPC). Lack of instrument sensitivity and the influence of concrete moisture are proposed as two key reasons for this phenomenon. With limited systematic research carried out in this area to date, the aim if this study was to investigate the influence of instrument sensitivity and moisture condition on air permeability measurements for both normal concrete and HPC. To achieve a range of moisture conditions, samples were dried initially for between one and 5 weeks and then sealed in polythene sheeting and stored in an oven at 50 C to internally distribute moisture evenly. Moisture distribution was determined throughout using relative humidity probe and electrical resistance measurements. Concrete air permeability was subsequently measured using standardised air permeability (Autoclam) and water penetration (BS EN: 12390-8) tests to assess differences between the HPCs tested in this study. It was found that for both normal and high performance concrete, the influence of moisture on Autoclam air permeability results could be eliminated by pre-drying (50 ± 1 C, RH 35%) specimens for 3 weeks. While drying for 5 weeks alone was found not to result in uniform internal moisture distributions, this state was achieved by exposing specimens to a further 3 weeks of sealed pre-conditioning at 50 ± 1 C. While the Autoclam test was not able to accurately identify relative HPC quality due to low sensitivity at associated performance levels, an effective preconditioning procedure to obtain reliable air permeability of HPC concretes was identified. © 2013 The Authors


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This study reports an experimental investigation designed to assess the influence of near-surface moisture contents on permeation properties of alkali-activated slag concrete (AASC). Five different drying periods (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days) and three AASC and normal concretes with compressive strength grades ranging from C30 to C60 were considered. Assessment of moisture distribution was
achieved using 100 mm diameter cores with drilled cavities. Results indicate that air permeability of AASC is very sensitive to the moisture content and its spatial distribution, especially at relative humidity above 65%. To control the influence of moisture on permeation testing, the recommendation of this paper is that AASC specimens should be dried in controlled conditions at 40 C for 10 days prior to testing. It was also concluded from this study that AASC tends to perform less well, in terms of air permeability and sorptivity, than normal concrete for a given strength grade. This conclusion reinforces the need to further examine AASC properties prior to its widespread practical use.


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In our recent study, a bifacial fabric with a knitted structure on one side and a woven structure on the other side of the fabric was designed and manufactured for apparel applications. The physical properties of the bifacial fabrics were previously reported. In this study, bifacial fabrics with two different weft densities of 18 and 22 picks per cm in the woven structure and loop lengths of 10 and 11 mm in the knitted structure were prepared, then the air permeability of the fabrics was analyzed. The extension of the analysis of variance techniques was applied to the data. It was found that there were highly significant differences in the air permeability of bifacial fabrics with different weft densities and loop lengths, while the interaction between these two factors was not statistically significant in their effects on the air permeability. Briefly, increasing loop length increased air permeability, while air permeability decreased with an increase in weft density. This finding shows that fabric’s parameters can be manipulated to affect air permeability of the bifacial fabrics, and further to influence comfort properties of such novel fabrics.


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This study examines and quantifies the effect of adding polyelectrolytes to cellulose nanofibre suspensions on the gel point of cellulose nanofibre suspensions, which is the lowest solids concentration at which the suspension forms a continuous network. The lower the gel point, the faster the drainage time to produce a sheet and the higher the porosity of the final sheet formed. Two new techniques were designed to measure the dynamic compressibility and the drainability of nanocellulose–polyelectrolyte suspensions. We developed a master curve which showed that the independent variable controlling the behaviour of nanocellulose suspensions and its composite is the structure of the flocculated suspension which is best quantified as the gel point. This was independent of the type of polyelectrolyte used. At an addition level of 2 mg/g of nanofibre, a reduction in gel point over 50 % was achieved using either a high molecular weight (13 MDa) linear cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM, 40 % charge), a dendrimer polyethylenimine of high molecular weight of 750,000 Da (HPEI) or even a low molecular weight of 2000 Da (LPEI). There was no significant difference in the minimum gel point achieved, despite the difference in polyelectrolyte morphology and molecular weight. In this paper, we show that the gel point controls the flow through the fibre suspension, even when comparing fibre suspensions with solids content above the gel point. A lower gel point makes it easier for water to drain through the fibre network,reducing the pressure required to achieve a given dewatering rate and reducing the filtering time required to form a wet laid sheet. We further show that the lower gel point partially controls the structure of the wet laid sheet after it is dried. Halving the gel point increased the air permeability of the dry sheet by 37, 46 and 25 %, when using CPAM, HPEI and LPEI, respectively. The resistance to liquid flow was reduced by 74 and 90 %, when using CPAM and LPEI. Analysing the paper formed shows that sheet forming process and final sheet properties can be engineered and controlled by adding polyelectrolytes to the nanofibre suspension.


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The effects of the reuse of ‘Formtex’ Controlled Permeability Formwork (CPF) liner on strength and durability properties of concrete were investigated at two different water-cement ratios and the results are reported in this paper. Test blocks were cast using the CPF on one side and impermeable formwork (IF) on the opposite side of the mould so that direct comparisons could be made between the two. The strength was assessed using the Limpet pulloff tester and both the air permeability and the water absorption (sorptivity) were measured using the Autoclam Permeability System. Both these instruments measured the ‘covercrete’ properties. In addition, cores cut from the test specimens were subjected to an accelerated carbonation test and a chloride exposure test. The results showed that the ‘Formtex’ CPF increases the surface strength and the durability of concrete compared to the IF. There was an almost complete elimination of blowholes. The permeability of concrete decreased and its resistance to the ingress of both carbon dioxide and chlorides increased when CPF was used. The beneficial effects of the Formtex CPF were most evident in concrete of higher water-cement ratio. With the reuse of the Formtex liner twice, that is a total of three uses, the performance of the CPF to improve the properties of concrete remained almost the same. In this research the CPF liner was cleaned thoroughly between each use, which must be adhered to for site applications for reproducing the beneficial effects observed in the laboratory.


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The polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane is modified by the chemical etchant-route employing a sodium naphthalene charge-transfer complex followed by impregnation with Nafion ionomer or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-polystyrene sulfonic acid (PSSA) polymeric blend solutions by a dip-coating technique to form pore-filled-membrane electrolytes for application in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). The number of coatings on the surface-modified PVDF membrane is varied between 5 and 15 and is found to be optimum at 10 layers both for Nafion and PVA-PSSA impregnations for effective DMFC performance. Hydrophilicity of the modified-membrane electrolytes is studied by determining average contact angle and surface-wetting energy. Morphology of the membranes is analyzed by a cross-sectional scanning electron microscope. The modified PVDF membrane electrolytes are characterized for their water-methanol sorption in conjunction with their mechanical properties, proton conductivity, and DMFC performance. Air permeability for the modified membranes is studied by a capillary-flow porometer. Methanol crossover flux across modified-PVDF-membrane electrolytes is studied by measuring the mass balance of methanol using a density meter. DMFCs employing membrane electrode assemblies with the modified PVDF membranes exhibit a peak power-density of 83 mW/cm(2) with Nafion impregnation and 59 mW/cm(2) for PVA-PSSA impregnation, respectively. Among the membranes studied here, stabilities of modified-pore-filled PVDF-Nafion and PVDF-PVA-PSSA membranes with 10-layers coat are promising for application in DMFCs. (C) 2010 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/1.3518774] All rights reserved.


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The permeability of concrete is influenced by the porosity and the interconnectivity of the pores in the cement paste and the microcracks in concrete, especially in the interface of paste-aggregate. The movements of gases, liquids, and ions through concrete is important because of their interactions with concrete constituents, including pore water, which can alter the integrity of concrete directly and indirectly, leading to the deterioration of structures. This study reports the findings from an investigation carried out to study the effect of the mixture variations on the durability of medium- and high-strength self-consolidating concrete (SCC). The mixture variations studied include the type of mineral admixtures, such as limestone powder (LSP) and pulverized fuel ash (PFA), and viscositymodifying admixtures (VMA) for both medium- and high-strength SCC. Air permeability, water permeability, capillary absorption, and chloride diffusivity were used to assess the durability of SCC mixtures in comparison with normal, vibrated concretes. The results showed that SCC mixtures, for medium- and high-strength grades using PFA followed by LSP, have lower permeability properties compared with normal concretes. SCC made with VMA had a higher sorptivity, air permeability, and water permeability compared with other SCC mixtures, which can be attributed to higher watercement ratio (w/c) and lack of pore filling effect. An in-place migration coefficient was obtained using the in-place ion migration test. This was used to compare the potential diffusivity of different concretes. The results indicated that SCC, for both grades of strength, made with PFA showed much lower diffusivity values in comparison with other mixtures, whereas the SCC mixtures with VMA showed higher diffusivity.


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This paper investigates the influence of three fundamentally different durability enhancing products, viz. microsilica, controlled permeability formwork and silane, on some of the physical proper ties of near surface concrete. Microsilica (silica fume) is a pozzolan, controlled permeability formwork (CPF) is used to provide a free draining surface to a concrete form, while silane is a surface treatment applied to hardened concrete to reduce the ingress of water. Comparisons are made between the products when used individually and used in conjunction with each other, with a view to assessing whether the use of combinations of products may be desirable to improve the durability of concrete in certain circumstances. The effect of these materials on various durability parameters, such as freeze-thaw deterioration, carbonation resistance and chloride ingress, is considered in terms of their effect on permeation properties and surface strength. The results indicated that a combination of silane and CPF produces concrete with very low air permeability and sorptivity values. The influence of microsilica was more pronounced in increasing the surface strength of concrete.


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This paper descirbes a simple test measuring the sorptivity (a measure of the absorption property if concrete) and the air and water permeability of concrete on site. Using this test, the decay of pressure is monitired for the air permeability test.whereas water penetrating into the concrete at a constant pressure of 0.01 bar and 1.5 bar are recorded for the sorptivity and the water permeability tests respectively. These tests are essentially non-destructive in nature and a skilled operator is not needed. It is possible to carry out a number of tests quickly and efficiently on site without prior planning. It has been found that statistically satisfactory results can be obtained from a mean of three tests. As the flow lines are largely concentrated within 40 mm from the surface, reasonably reliable results can be obtained by drying the surface even if the surface under test is initially wet.


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A detailed study of the blends of ethylene-propylene-diene rubber (EPDM) and chlorobutyl rubber (CIIR) is proposed in this study. These blends may find application in the manufacture of curing diaphragms/curing envelopes for tire curing applications. EPDM possesses better physical properties such as high heat resistance, ozone resistance, cold and moisture resistance, high resistance to permanent defonnation, very good resistance to flex cracking and impact. Because of the low gas and moisture penneability, good weathering resistance and high thermal stability of CIIR, blends of EPDM with CIlR may be attractive, if sufficient mechanical strength can be developed. Although a lot of work has been done on elastomer blends, studies on the blends of EPDM and CIIR rubbers are meagre. Hence in this investigation it is proposed to make a systematic study on the characteristics of EPDM and CIIR rubber blends.The mechanical and physical properties of an elastomer blend depend mainly on the blend compatibility. So in the first part of the study, it is proposed to develop compatible blends of EPDM with CIIR. Various commercial grades of ethylenepropylene- diene rubber are proposed to be blended with a specific grade of chlorobutyl rubber at varying proportions. The extent of compatibility in these blends is proposed to be evaluated based on their mechanical properties such as tensile strength, tear strength and ageing resistance. In addition to the physical property measurements, blend compatibility is also proposed to be studied based on the glass transition behavlour of the blends in relation to the Tg's of the individual components using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). The phase morphology of the blends is also proposed to be investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies of the tensile fracture surfaces. In the case of incompatible blends, the effect of addition of chlorosulfonated polyethylene as a compatibiliser is also proposed to be investigated.In the second part of the study, the effect of sulphur curing and resin curing on the curing behaviour and the vulcanizate properties of EPDM/CIIR blends are planned to be evaluated. Since the properties of rubber vulcanizates are determined by their network structures, it is proposed to determine the network structure of the vulcanizates by chemical probes so as to correlate it with the mechanical properties.In the third part of the work, the effect of partial precuring of one of the components prior to blending as a possible means of improving the properties of the blend is proposed to be investigated. This procedure may also help to bring down the viscosity mismatch between the constituent e1astomers and provide covulcanization of the blend.The rheological characteristics and processability of the blends are proposed to be investigated in the last part of the study. To explore their possible applications, the air permeability of the blend samples at varying temperatures is proposed to be measured. The thermal diffusivity behaviour of EPDM/CIlR blends is also proposed to be investigated using novel laser technique. The thermal diffusivity of the blends along with the thermal degradation resistance may help to determine whether the blends are suitable for high temperature applications such as in the manufacturing of curing envelope.


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The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effects of 14 years of weathering exposition on the microstructure and mineral composition of cementitious roofing tiles, still in service, reinforced with fique fibres (Furcrae gender). The results show that tiles under weathering exposition presented higher water absorption and apparent void volume than tiles under laboratory exposition. The continuous hydration of cement and natural carbonation filled the smaller pores but contrarily the large pores remained in the porous fibre to matrix interface in the samples exposed to weathering. On the other hand, their microstructure presented lower air permeability than samples aged in the internal environment of the laboratory. Besides, in the weathering aged tiles takes place a more intensive hydration process as it was identified greater amount of hydrated phases than in the laboratory aged specimens. The present results contribute to understanding the consequences of tropical weathering on the fibre-cement degradation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.