984 resultados para Age (Psychology)


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We investigated adult age differences in timing control of fast vs slow repetitive movements using a dual task approach Twenty two young (M = 24 23 yr) and 22 older adults (M = 66 64 yr) performed three cognitive tasks differing in working memory load and response production demands and they tapped series of 550 ms or 2100 ms target Intervals Single task timing was comparable in both groups Dual task timing was characterized by shortening of produced intervals and increases in drift and variability Dual task costs for both cognitive and timing performances were pronounced at slower tapping tempos an effect exacerbated in older adults Our findings implicate attention and working memory processes as critical components of slow movement timing and sources of specific challenges thereof for older adults


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Les enfants victimes d’agression sexuelle (AS) peuvent présenter divers problèmes psychologiques (Beitchman, Zucker, Hood, DaCosta et al., 1991; Briere & Elliott, 1994). Ces difficultés peuvent d’ailleurs perdurer jusqu’à l’âge adulte (Putnam, 2003). Afin de favoriser le rétablissement de ces enfants et prévenir le cycle intergénérationnel de la maltraitance sexuelle, il est important de s’intéresser aux facteurs de protection pouvant diminuer leurs séquelles. Les pratiques parentales représentent un facteur clé dans le développement de l’enfant de façon générale (Campbell, 1995) et peuvent jouer un rôle important dans la capacité des victimes à s’adapter à l’AS qu’elles ont subie (Ullman, 2003; Yancey & Hansen, 2010). Des pratiques parentales moins étudiées dans ce domaine de recherche ont été examinées dans la présente étude, soit le contrôle psychologique (CP), le contrôle limitatif (CL) et le soutien de l’autonomie (SA). Par ailleurs, l’évaluation des variables pouvant être liées à la conduite parentale et des impacts de celle-ci sur le développement de l’enfant permettra de mieux comprendre les difficultés que peuvent présenter ces familles et d’intevenir adéquatement auprès de celles-ci. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient : 1) de valider une grille de codification des comportements parentaux auprès d’enfants d’âge préscolaire, 2) de documenter le lien entre le CP, le CL, un concept que nous avons proposé dans la présente étude, et le SA afin de clarifier des incohérences conceptuelles et des failles méthodologiques notées dans les études passées, 3) de comparer les pratiques parentales de mères d’enfants victimes d’AS avec celles de mères dont l’enfant n’a pas vécu d’AS, 4) d’examiner le lien entre les mauvais traitements et les événements traumatiques subis par les mères, leur détresse psychologique et leurs pratiques parentales et 5) d’évaluer la relation entre les pratiques parentales et l’adaptation psychologique des enfants de l’échantillon. Un échantillon formé de 22 enfants d’âge préscolaire victimes d’AS recrutés au Centre d’expertise Marie-Vincent (CEMV) et de 79 enfants n’ayant pas vécu un tel événement recrutés dans des Centres de la petite enfance (CPE) de milieux défavorisés de Montréal, de même que leurs mères, a participé à l’étude. La détresse psychologique des mères, les mauvais traitements subis dans leur l’enfance, les expériences traumatiques vécues avant et après 18 ans et les comportements inductifs et coercitifs ont été mesurés à l’aide de questionnaires auto-rapportés par la mère. Les mères et les éducateurs-trices de garderie ont aussi complété un questionnaire sur la symptomatologie de l’enfant. Finalement, une grille de codification des comportements parentaux a permis de mesurer les pratiques des mères et ce, lors d’une procédure d’observation. Les résultats démontrent que la grille élaborée présente des qualités psychométriques satisfaisantes. Par ailleurs, les corrélations entre les échelles principales de la grille de même que les résultats de l’analyse factorielle révèlent que le CP, le CL et le SA constituent des construits indépendants, tel que prévu. La comparaison des comportements maternels montre que les mères d’enfants victimes d’AS présentent des pratiques similaires à celles des mères dont l’enfant n’a pas subi d’AS. De plus, des liens ont été obtenus entre les expériences traumatiques et les mauvais traitements passés de la mère, sa détresse psychologique et les pratiques qu’elle adopte envers son enfant. Finalement, l’utilisation de stratégies inductives est associée marginalement à moins de troubles extériorisés chez l’enfant alors que l’utilisation de stratégies coercitives est reliée à plus de troubles intériorisés, selon l’éducateur-trice de l’enfant. Afin d’augmenter les possibilités que l’enfant se développe de façon optimale et de prévenir la transmission intergénérationnelle des mauvais traitements sexuels, il est important de comprendre le fonctionnement et les pratiques parentales des mères non-agresseurs. Les résultats de cette étude ont permis de mieux documenter la conduite des mères d’enfants victimes d’AS. Par ailleurs, des explications sont proposées concernant les facteurs distincts associés à l’utilisation d’une conduite centrée sur l’enfant (inductive) versus sur le parent (coercitive). L’identification de ceux-ci peut permettre une prévention et une intervention plus adéquate auprès de ces familles et est d’autant plus cruciale compte tenu de l’impact négatif de certaines pratiques sur l’adaptation de l’enfant, tel que démontré dans la présente recherche.


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The study examined whether divided attention and memory skills of older adults could be improved through video game training. The findings show that limited training with the games cannot enhance these skills. However, greater amounts of training could improve these vital skills amongst older adults.


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One of the roles allocated to the elderly is to be the collective memory of their social group, transmitting their cultural heritage. In our work with seniors, entitled "Workshop of Psychology", carried in the University for the Elderly (UNESP - Assis), we privilege a space in which these memories gain materiality and senses through polysemic narrative. In the workshops with a group of 30 seniors, we record the stories told that the word can be incorporated in the group and the university. For the elderly, the rescue of the past through the narrative experience provides a space for dialogue from their memories and reinterpretation of the past and present. To a psychologist, is the opportunity for a differentiated practice that seeks to remember to remember, but this is a political act of confrontation with the present, questioning the social role of older people today.


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Anxiety disorders are the most common psychopathology experienced by young people, with up to 18% of adolescents developing an anxiety disorder. The consequences of these disorders, if left untreated, include impaired peer relationships, school absenteeism and self-concept problems. In addition, anxiety disorders may play a causal role in the development of depression in young people, precede eating disorders and predispose adolescents to substance abuse disorders. While the school is often chosen as a place to provide early intervention for this debilitating disorder, the fact that excessive anxiety is often not recognised in school and that young people are reluctant to seek help, makes identifying these adolescents difficult. Even when these young people are identified, there are problems in providing sensitive programs which are not stigmatising to them within a school setting. One method which may engage this adolescent population could be cross-age peer tutoring. This paper reports on a small pilot study using the “Worrybusters” program and a cross-age peer tutoring method to engage the anxious adolescents. These anxious secondary school students planned activities for teacher-referred anxious primary school students for a term in the high school setting and then delivered those activities to the younger students weekly in the next term in the primary school. Although the secondary school students decreased their scores on anxiety self-report measures there were no significant differences for primary school students’ self-reports. However, the primary school parent reports indicated a significant decrease in their child’s anxiety.


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Executive function (EF) emerges in infancy and continues to develop throughout childhood. Executive dysfunction is believed to contribute to learning and attention problems in children at school age. Children born very preterm are more prone to these problems than their full-term peers.


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More recently, lifespan development psychology models of adaptive development have been applied to the workforce to investigate ageing worker and lifespan issues. The current study uses the Learning and Development Survey (LDS) to investigate employee selection and engagement of learning and development goals and opportunities and constraints for learning at work in relation to demographics and career goals. It was found that mature age was associated with perceptions of preferential treatment of younger workers with respect to learning and development. Age was also correlated with several career goals. Findings suggest that younger workers’ learning and development options are better catered for in the workplace. Mature aged workers may compensate for unequal learning opportunities at work by studying for an educational qualification or seeking alternate job opportunities. The desire for a higher level job within the organization or educational qualification was linked to engagement in learning and development goals at work. It is suggested that an understanding of employee perceptions in the workplace in relation to goals and activities may be important in designing strategies to retain workers.


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To assist road safety professionals in developing effective strategies to combat the risk associated with driving while fatigued, a survey was administered to 1000 Australian drivers. Participants reported their past behaviours in regards to driving while sleepy and their perceptions of risk associated with driving fatigued as compared to speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol. Although participants appeared to be aware of the substantial risk associated with driving while sleepy, many drivers reported that they frequently drive when sleepy. Age and gender comparisons, revealed that risk taking behaviour in regards to driving while sleepy is occurring across all age groups and in both male and female drivers. Overall young to middle age drivers and male drivers reported the highest frequency of driving while sleepy and reported the lowest perceived personal risk in regards to driving while sleepy.


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Objective: Older driver research has mostly focused on identifying that small proportion of older drivers who are unsafe. Little is known about how normal cognitive changes in aging affect driving in the wider population of adults who drive regularly. We evaluated the association of cognitive function and age, with driving errors. Method: A sample of 266 drivers aged 70 to 88 years were assessed on abilities that decline in normal aging (visual attention, processing speed, inhibition, reaction time, task switching) and the UFOV® which is a validated screening instrument for older drivers. Participants completed an on-road driving test. Generalized linear models were used to estimate the associations of cognitive factor with specific driving errors and number of errors in self-directed and instructor navigated conditions. Results: All errors types increased with chronological age. Reaction time was not associated with driving errors in multivariate analyses. A cognitive factor measuring Speeded Selective Attention and Switching was uniquely associated with the most errors types. The UFOV predicted blindspot errors and errors on dual carriageways. After adjusting for age, education and gender the cognitive factors explained 7% of variance in the total number of errors in the instructor navigated condition and 4% of variance in the self-navigated condition. Conclusion: We conclude that among older drivers errors increase with age and are associated with speeded selective attention particularly when that requires attending to the stimuli in the periphery of the visual field, task switching, errors inhibiting responses and visual discrimination. These abilities should be the target of cognitive training.


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Acknowledgement that many children in Australia travel in restraints that do not offer them the best protection has led to recent changes in legislation such that the type of restraint for children under 7 years is now specified. This paper reports the results of two studies (observational; focus group/ survey) carried out in the state of Queensland to evaluate the effectiveness of these changes to the legislation. Observations suggested that almost all of the children estimated as aged 0-12 years were restrained (95%). Analysis of the type of restraint used for target-aged children (0-6 year olds) suggests that the proportion using an age-appropriate restraint has increased by an estimated 7% since enactment of the legislation. However, around 1 in 4 children estimated as aged under 7 years were using restraints too large for good fit. Results from the survey and focus group suggested parents were supportive of the changes in legislation. Non-Indigenous parents agreed that the changes had been necessary, were effective at getting children into the right restraints, were easy to understand as well as making it clear what restraint to use with children. Moreover, they did not see the legislation as too complicated or too hard to comply with. Indigenous parents who participated in a focus group also regarded the legislation as improving children’s safety. However, they identified the cost of restraints as an important barrier to compliance. In summary, the legislation appears to have had a positive effect on compliance levels and on raising parental awareness of the need to restrain children child-specific restraints for longer. However, it would seem that an important minority of parents transition their children into larger restraints too early for optimal protection. Intervention efforts should aim to better inform these parents about appropriate ages for transition, especially from forward facing childseats. This could potentially be through use of other important transitions that occur at the same age, such as starting school. The small proportion of parents who do not restrain their children at all are also an important community sector to target. Finally, obtaining restraints presents a significant barrier to compliance for parents on limited incomes and interventions are needed to address this.