970 resultados para Aerial Robotics


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La tesi approccia in modo transdisciplinare biologia, architettura e robotica, con la finalità di indagare e applicare principi costruttivi attraverso l’interazione tra sciami di droni che depositano materiale fibroso su strutture gonfiabili di supporto. L’attenzione principale è nello sviluppo (attraverso un workflow computazionale che gestisce sciami di agenti costruttori) di una tettonica che integra struttura, spazio e ornamento all’interno dello stesso processo progettuale, il quale si sviluppa coerentemente dall’ideazione fino alla fabbricazione. Sono stati studiati modelli biologici quali le colonie di ragni sociali, i quali costruiscono artefatti di grandi dimensioni relativamente a quelle del singolo individuo grazie ad un’organizzazione coordinata ed emergente e alle proprietà dei sistemi fibrosi. L’auto-organizzazione e la decentralizzazione, insieme alle caratteristiche del sistema materiale, sono stati elementi indispensabili nell’estrapolazione prima e nella codificazione poi di un insieme di regole adatte allo sviluppo del sistema costruttivo. Parallelamente alla simulazione digitale si è andati a sviluppare anche un processo fisico di fabbricazione che, pur tenendo conto dei vincoli economici e tecnici, potesse dimostrarsi una prova di concetto e fattibilità del sistema costruttivo. Sono state investigate le possibilità che un drone offre nel campo della fabbricazione architettonica mediante il rilascio di fili su elementi gonfiabili in pressione. Il processo può risultare vantaggioso in scenari in cui non è possibile allestire infrastrutture costruttive tradizionali (es. gole alpine, foreste). Tendendo conto dei vincoli e delle caratteristiche del sistema di fabbricazione proposto, sono state esplorate potenzialità e criticità del sistema studiato.


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Machine vision represents a particularly attractive solution for sensing and detecting potential collision-course targets due to the relatively low cost, size, weight, and power requirements of the sensors involved (as opposed to radar). This paper describes the development and evaluation of a vision-based collision detection algorithm suitable for fixed-wing aerial robotics. The system was evaluated using highly realistic vision data of the moments leading up to a collision. Based on the collected data, our detection approaches were able to detect targets at distances ranging from 400m to about 900m. These distances (with some assumptions about closing speeds and aircraft trajectories) translate to an advanced warning of between 8-10 seconds ahead of impact, which approaches the 12.5 second response time recommended for human pilots. We make use of the enormous potential of graphic processing units to achieve processing rates of 30Hz (for images of size 1024-by- 768). Currently, integration in the final platform is under way.


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While using unmanned systems in combat is not new, what will be new in the foreseeable future is how such systems are used and integrated in the civilian space. The potential use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in civil and commercial applications is becoming a fact, and is receiving considerable attention by industry and the research community. The majority of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles performing civilian tasks are restricted to flying only in segregated space, and not within the National Airspace. The areas that UAVs are restricted to flying in are typically not above populated areas, which in turn are the areas most useful for civilian applications. The reasoning behind the current restrictions is mainly due to the fact that current UAV technologies are not able to demonstrate an Equivalent Level of Safety to manned aircraft, particularly in the case of an engine failure which would require an emergency or forced landing. This chapter will preset and guide the reader through a number of developments that would facilitate the integration of UAVs into the National Airspace. Algorithms for UAV Sense-and-Avoid and Force Landings are recognized as two major enabling technologies that will allow the integration of UAVs in the civilian airspace. The following sections will describe some of the techniques that are currently being tested at the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA), which places emphasis on the detection of candidate landing sites using computer vision, the planning of the descent path trajectory for the UAV, and the decision making process behind the selection of the final landing site.


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This work presents a collision avoidance approach based on omnidirectional cameras that does not require the estimation of range between two platforms to resolve a collision encounter. Our method achieves minimum separation between the two vehicles involved by maximising the view-angle given by the omnidirectional sensor. Only visual information is used to achieve avoidance under a bearing- only visual servoing approach. We provide theoretical problem formulation, as well as results from real flights using small quadrotors


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The IARC competitions aim at making the state of the art in UAV progress. The 2014 challenge deals mainly with GPS/Laser denied navigation, Robot-Robot interaction and Obstacle avoidance in the setting of a ground robot herding problem. We present in this paper a drone which will take part in this competition. The platform and hardware it is composed of and the software we designed are introduced. This software has three main components: the visual information acquisition, the mapping algorithm and the Aritificial Intelligence mission planner. A statement of the safety measures integrated in the drone and of our efforts to ensure field testing in conditions as close as possible to the challenge?s is also included.


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The International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) is an important event where teams from universities design flying autonomous vehicles to overcome the last challenges in the field. The goal of the Seventh Mission proposed by the IARC is to guide several mobile ground robots to a target area. The scenario is complex and not determinist due to the random behavior of the ground robots movement. The UAV must select efficient strategies to complete the mission. The goal of this work has been evaluating different alternative mission planning strategies of a UAV for this competition. The Mission Planner component is in charge of taking the UAV decisions. Different strategies have been developed and evaluated for the component, achieving a better performance Mission Planner and valuable knowledge about the mission. For this purpose, it was necessary to develop a simulator to evaluate the different strategies. The simulator was built as an improvement of an existing previous version.


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Computer vision is much more than a technique to sense and recover environmental information from an UAV. It should play a main role regarding UAVs’ functionality because of the big amount of information that can be extracted, its possible uses and applications, and its natural connection to human driven tasks, taking into account that vision is our main interface to world understanding. Our current research’s focus lays on the development of techniques that allow UAVs to maneuver in spaces using visual information as their main input source. This task involves the creation of techniques that allow an UAV to maneuver towards features of interest whenever a GPS signal is not reliable or sufficient, e.g. when signal dropouts occur (which usually happens in urban areas, when flying through terrestrial urban canyons or when operating on remote planetary bodies), or when tracking or inspecting visual targets—including moving ones—without knowing their exact UMT coordinates. This paper also investigates visual serving control techniques that use velocity and position of suitable image features to compute the references for flight control. This paper aims to give a global view of the main aspects related to the research field of computer vision for UAVs, clustered in four main active research lines: visual serving and control, stereo-based visual navigation, image processing algorithms for detection and tracking, and visual SLAM. Finally, the results of applying these techniques in several applications are presented and discussed: this study will encompass power line inspection, mobile target tracking, stereo distance estimation, mapping and positioning.


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Machine vision represents a particularly attractive solution for sensing and detecting potential collision-course targets due to the relatively low cost, size, weight, and power requirements of vision sensors (as opposed to radar and TCAS). This paper describes the development and evaluation of a real-time vision-based collision detection system suitable for fixed-wing aerial robotics. Using two fixed-wing UAVs to recreate various collision-course scenarios, we were able to capture highly realistic vision (from an onboard camera perspective) of the moments leading up to a collision. This type of image data is extremely scarce and was invaluable in evaluating the detection performance of two candidate target detection approaches. Based on the collected data, our detection approaches were able to detect targets at distances ranging from 400m to about 900m. These distances (with some assumptions about closing speeds and aircraft trajectories) translate to an advanced warning of between 8-10 seconds ahead of impact, which approaches the 12.5 second response time recommended for human pilots. We overcame the challenge of achieving real-time computational speeds by exploiting the parallel processing architectures of graphics processing units found on commercially-off-the-shelf graphics devices. Our chosen GPU device suitable for integration onto UAV platforms can be expected to handle real-time processing of 1024 by 768 pixel image frames at a rate of approximately 30Hz. Flight trials using manned Cessna aircraft where all processing is performed onboard will be conducted in the near future, followed by further experiments with fully autonomous UAV platforms.


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This paper proposes the use of optical flow from a moving robot to provide force feedback to an operator's joystick to facilitate collision free teleoperation. Optic flow is measured by wide angle cameras on board the vehicle and used to generate a virtual environmental force that is reflected to the user through the joystick, as well as feeding back into the control of the vehicle. The coupling between optical flow (velocity) and force is modelled as an impedance - in this case an optical impedance. We show that the proposed control is dissipative and prevents the vehicle colliding with the environment as well as providing the operator with a natural feel for the remote environment. The paper focuses on applications to aerial robotics vehicles, however, the ideas apply directly to other force actuated vehicles such as submersibles or space vehicles, and the authors believe the approach has potential for control of terrestrial vehicles and even teleoperation of manipulators. Experimental results are provided for a simulated aerial robot in a virtual environment controlled by a haptic joystick.


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This paper presents a reactive Sense and Avoid approach using spherical image-based visual servoing. Avoidance of point targets in the lateral or vertical plane is achieved without requiring an estimate of range. Simulated results for static and dynamic targets are provided using a realistic model of a small fixed wing unmanned aircraft.


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This paper presents a reactive collision avoidance method for small unmanned rotorcraft using spherical image-based visual servoing. Only a single point feature is used to guide the aircraft in a safe spiral like trajectory around the target, whilst a spherical camera model ensures the target always remains visible. A decision strategy to stop the avoidance control is derived based on the properties of spiral like motion, and the effect of accurate range measurements on the control scheme is discussed. We show that using a poor range estimate does not significantly degrade the collision avoidance performance, thus relaxing the need for accurate range measurements. We present simulated and experimental results using a small quad rotor to validate the approach.


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This paper presents an Image Based Visual Servo control design for Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles tracking locally linear infrastructure in the presence of wind using a body fixed imaging sensor. Visual servoing offers improved data collection by posing the tracking task as one of controlling a feature as viewed by the inspection sensor, although is complicated by the introduction of wind as aircraft heading and course angle no longer align. In this work it is shown that the effects of wind alter the desired line angle required for continuous tracking to equal the wind correction angle as would be calculated to set a desired course. A control solution is then sort by linearizing the interaction matrix about the new feature pose such that kinematics of the feature can be augmented with the lateral dynamics of the aircraft, from which a state feedback control design is developed. Simulation results are presented comparing no compensation, integral control and the proposed controller using the wind correction angle, followed by an assessment of response to atmospheric disturbances in the form of turbulence and wind gusts


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En esta memoria se describe el trabajo de construcción de una arquitectura software diseñada para facilitar el desarrollo un planificador de misión de un vehículo aéreo no tripulado (UAV), con el fin de que éste alcance los objetivos marcados en la competición internacional de robótica IARC (séptima edición). A lo largo de la memoria, se describe en primer lugar, una revisión de técnicas de robótica inteligente aplicadas a la construcción de vehículos aéreos no tripulados, en el que se ven los diferentes paradigmas de programación de la robótica inteligente y la clasificación de dichos robots aéreos, dependiendo de su autonomía. Este descripción finaliza con la presentación del problema correspondiente a la competición IARC. A continuación se describe el diseño realizado para soporte al desarrollo de un planificador de misiones de UAVs, con simulación de comportamiento de vehículos robóticos y visualización 3D con movimiento. Finalmente, se muestran las pruebas que se han realizado para validar la construcción de dicha arquitectura software. ---ABSTRACT---In this report it is presented the construction of a software architecture, designed to facilitate the development of a mission planner for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), so that it reaches the goals set in the International Aerial Robotics Competition - IARC (seventh edition). Throughout this report, it is described first, a review of intelligent robotics techniques applied to the construction of unmanned aerial vehicles, where different paradigms of intelligent robotics are seen, along with a classification of such aerial robots, depending on their autonomy. Description ends with the presentation of the problem corresponding to the IARC competition. Following, it is described the design made to satisfy the support to the development of a mission planner for UAV´s, with a simulation of the robotics vehicles’ behaviours and a 3D display with motion. Finally, we will deal with the tests that have been conducted to validate the construction of the software architecture.


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Developments and advances in ground and aerial robotics have presented many end user, 'off the shelf' products for use in areas such as search and rescue, recreation, filming, defense forces and sporting. Advances in underwater robotics however have not yet become as established and widespread as their ground and aerial counterparts, though this field is emerging very quickly. Many underwater robotic vessels are built from expensive, complex components and circuitry which are often tethered to a power source and controlled remotely. This greatly limits their effectiveness and potential range. The Goal was to construct two or more simple robotic fish made from 'off the shelf' products, making use of modern technologies such as 3D printing to assist in the design and manufacture process. And further that each fish is capable of swarming with other fish and interacting with objects in water. Two points of note is the calibration of IR sensors for use underwater and the magnetic coupling of the tail foil to the fish body.


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We describe a sensor network deployment method using autonomous flying robots. Such networks are suitable for tasks such as large-scale environmental monitoring or for command and control in emergency situations. We describe in detail the algorithms used for deployment and for measuring network connectivity and provide experimental data we collected from field trials. A particular focus is on determining gaps in connectivity of the deployed network and generating a plan for a second, repair, pass to complete the connectivity. This project is the result of a collaboration between three robotics labs (CSIRO, USC, and Dartmouth.).