Image based visual servo control for fixed wing UAVs tracking linear infrastructure in wind

Autoria(s): Mills, Steven; Aouf, Nabil; Mejias, Luis



This paper presents an Image Based Visual Servo control design for Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles tracking locally linear infrastructure in the presence of wind using a body fixed imaging sensor. Visual servoing offers improved data collection by posing the tracking task as one of controlling a feature as viewed by the inspection sensor, although is complicated by the introduction of wind as aircraft heading and course angle no longer align. In this work it is shown that the effects of wind alter the desired line angle required for continuous tracking to equal the wind correction angle as would be calculated to set a desired course. A control solution is then sort by linearizing the interaction matrix about the new feature pose such that kinematics of the feature can be augmented with the lateral dynamics of the aircraft, from which a state feedback control design is developed. Simulation results are presented comparing no compensation, integral control and the proposed controller using the wind correction angle, followed by an assessment of response to atmospheric disturbances in the form of turbulence and wind gusts







Mills, Steven, Aouf, Nabil, & Mejias, Luis (2013) Image based visual servo control for fixed wing UAVs tracking linear infrastructure in wind. In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, IEEE, Karlsruhe, Germany.


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Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation; School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080104 Computer Vision #090104 Aircraft Performance and Flight Control Systems #Visual Servoing #Skid-to-Turn IBVS #Aerial Robotics #Power Line Inspection

Conference Paper