10 resultados para Adverbials
En aquest article parlarem dels valors adverbials causal i final associats al nexe 'que' en català i també en altres llengües romàniques. Dedicarem la primera part del treball a l’estudi de l’evolució del sistema de nexes complexos del llatí clàssic i dels usos orals posteriors en/de les llengües romàniques preliteràries. La segona part de l’article se centrarà en l’estudi de les subordinades causals i finals de les llengües romàniques introduïdes pel nexe 'que'
This study seeks to answer the question of what the language of administrative press releases is like, and how and why it has changed over the past few decades. The theoretical basis of the study is provided by critical text analysis, supplemented with, e.g., the metafunction theory of Systemic Functional Grammar, the theory of poetic function, and Finnish research into syntax. The data includes 83 press releases by the City of Helsinki Public Works Department, 14 of which were written between 1979 and 1980 (old press releases), and 69 of which were written between 1998 and 1999 (new press releases). The analysis focuses on the linguistic characteristics of the releases, their changes and variation, their relation to other texts and the extra linguistic context, as well as their genre. The core research method is linguistic text analysis. It is supplemented with an analysis of the communicative environment, based on the authors' interviews and written documents. The results can be applied to the improvement of texts produced by the authorities and even by other organizations. The linguistic analysis focuses on features that transform the texts in the data making them guiding, detailed, and poetic. The releases guide the residents of the city using modal verbal expressions and performative verbs that enable the mass media to publish the guiding expressions on their own behalf as such. The guiding is more persuasive in the new press releases than in the old ones, and the new ones also include imperative clauses and verbless directives that construct direct interaction. The language of the releases is made concrete and structurally detailed by, e.g., concrete vocabulary, proper nouns and terms, as well as definitions, adverbials and comparisons, which are used specifically to present places and administrative organizations in detail. The rhetorical features in the releases include alliteration and metaphors, which are found in the new releases especially in the titles. The emphasized features are used to draw the readers' attention and to highlight the core contents of the texts. The new releases also include words that are colloquial in style, making the communicative situations less official. Structurally, the releases have changed from being letter-like to a more newsflash-like format. The changes in the releases can be explained by the development towards more professional communications and the more market-oriented ideology adopted in the communicative environment. Key words: change in administrative language, press releases, critical text analysis, linguistic text analysis
As orações subordinadas agente da passiva, as orações modais e as locativas têm pleno funcionamento na língua portuguesa, embora não tenham seu reconhecimento na Nomenclatura Gramatical Brasileira, o que significa dizer que estas orações não existem, oficialmente, na nossa língua. Este trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar como este tema é desenvolvido entre os autores de língua portuguesa, entre gramáticos tradicionais, funcionalistas e pedagógicos e sintaticistas e, principalmente, que estas orações são normalmente utilizadas, tanto na língua falada como na escrita. Realizou-se um estudo comparado entre 21 renomados autores de língua portuguesa, em uma detalhada revisão de literatura. Destarte contribui-se para ampliação da pesquisa na área da sintaxe portuguesa a fim de promover uma reflexão aprofundada sobre o tema entre os estudiosos da língua portuguesa ou entre os que, de alguma forma, se interessam pelo nosso idioma. Mas o que importa mesmo como resultado da pesquisa é comprovar o pleno funcionamento destas orações no idioma em movimento, na língua viva. Para tal, compôs-se um pequeno corpus por meio de textos midiáticos. Foram selecionados sessenta recortes dos jornais O Globo, JB e das revistas Veja e CartaCapital, todos on line, que comprovam o uso natural, ou mesmo comum, das orações agente da passiva, das orações modais e locativas. Assim tornou-se possível afirmar que estas orações funcionam plenamente em nosso idioma, encontram, na sintaxe portuguesa, seu habitat natural e ganham vida, graça e força na fala e na escrita dos falantes de língua portuguesa, na nossa fala e na nossa escrita, de nós, brasileiros
This article explores ‘temporal framing’ in the oral conte. The starting point is a recent theoretical debate around the temporal structure of narrative discourse which has highlighted a fundamental tension between the approaches of two of the most influential current theoretical models, one of which is ‘framing theory’. The specific issue concerns the role of temporal adverbials appearing at the head of the clause (e.g. dates, relative temporal adverbials such as le lendemain) versus that of temporal ‘connectives’ such as puis, ensuite, etc. Through an analysis of a corpus of contes performed at the Conservatoire contemporain de Littérature Orale, I shall explore temporal framing in the light of this theoretical debate, and shall argue that, as with other types of narrative discourse, framing is primarily a structural rather than a temporal device in oral narrative. In a final section, I shall further argue, using Kintsch’s construction-integration model of narrative processing, that framing is fundamental to the cognitive processes involved in oral story performance.
Este texto representa el esfuerzo combinado de dos lógicos, dos filósofos y un lingüista. Esta empresa fue inspirada por la convicción de los autores de que la lógica y el lenguaje son inseparables, en particular en lo que respecta al análisis del significado. Una región interdisciplinaria emerge entre los límites de la filosofía, la lógica y la lingüística. Lógica, lenguaje y significado: lógica intensional y gramática lógica es una introducción a este campo, el cual aplica los sistemas lógico-formales al estudio del significado del lenguaje natural. El libro comienza con una introducción de los distintos principios de la semántica intensional y luego presenta varias lógicas intensionales, tales como la lógica proposicional modal, la lógica de predicados modal y la lógica temporal. También introduce la teoría de tipos, la lambda-abstracción y la sintaxis categorial.
This research aims at investigating the constructions with adverbials in ly, based on the view of contemporaneous linguistic functionalism, such as proposed by Givón, Hopper, Thompson, Traugott, Furtado da Cunha, as well as the cognitivist notion of language, through construction grammar support upon the patterns of Goldberg and the prototypes theory. The cognitive functional approach adopted here considers the change as a proper and inherent phenomenon of language and understands the linguistic phenomenon as resulting from effective use of language. Another aspect to be considered to the realization of this study is the fact that the formation adjective + ly is a word construction mechanism really productive, which generates interests on linguistic description. In a particular way, our leading objective is to exam the constructions with adverbials in ly in the context of language in use, in its oral and written forms, looking for to apprehend the meaning multiple manifestations forged in the use. Bearing this in mind, we worked with data from the Corpus Discurso & Gramática (Natal). There are, in the data, adverbs ended in ly that take the signification of mode, as foreseen in traditional models, but there are also other significations, for instance, the modalizador in its different manifestations. The results show that this adverb is a linguistic mark that carries in its constitution the multissêmico and multifunctional character, which interferes extremely in the ordination of this category, assuming a position sometimes pre-verbal, sometimes post-verbal. Other aspect observed refers to the relationship between the adverb and the verb, with emphasis on the compatibility or restriction between them, option which is related to the semantic aspect. The data in analysis legitimate the use in different constructions with adverb ended in ly in various genres, as follows: personal experience narrative, retold narrative, local description, proceeding account, opinion account, both in oral as in written language
[EN] This article examines a variety of options for expressing speaker and writer stance in a subcorpus of MarENG, a maritime English learning tool sponsored by the EU (35,041 words). Non-verbal markers related to key areas of modal expression are presented; (1)epistemic adverbs and adverbial expressions, (2) epistemic adjectives, (3) deontic adjectives, (4) evidential adverbs, (5) evidential adjectives, (6) evidential interpersonal markers, and (7) single adverbials conveying the speaker’s attitudes, feelings or value judgments. The overall aim is to present an overview of how these non-verbal markers operate in this LSP genre.
Kitic investigated the phenomenon of English word order acquisition by Serbian and Hungarian speakers, examining both the theoretical and empirical aspects of this phenomenon. She began by looking at language learning and language acquisition, viewing word order acquisition in the context of relevant linguistic and psycholinguistic knowledge. The main hypothesis of her empirical investigation was that the majority of word order mistakes in the language production of Serbian and Hungarian speakers of English is due to mother tongue interference. Three supporting hypotheses were introduced to specify the phenomenon of interference in its correlation to (1) language proficiency, (2) sentence patterns, and (3) optional adverbials. The conclusions were based on error analysis of 9280 sentences of 464 elementary and high school learners. The results showed that a learner's level of proficiency seems to be a relevant factor in mother tongue interference as this decreases with increased proficiency. Word order errors are however fossilised at the highest levels. The causes of interference errors, which increase with the number of sentence elements, are either absent sentence patterns or similar ones. In the case of adverbials, word order errors have two forms: interrelation (with canonical elements) and mixed adverbials.
In his pioneering paper on “Performative Subordinate Clauses,” Lakoff (1984) claimed that subordinate clauses expressing a reason or concession allow imperatives conveying statements (i.e. assertive illocutionary force). While this analysis has gone unchallenged to this day, the present paper shows that Lakoff’s analysis is inadequate, in that reason and concessive clauses show a sharp contrast in the kinds of imperative utterances they permit. Contra Lakoff, concessive clauses with although, though and except (that) do allow imperative constructions conveying directive illocutionary forces to occur, whereas by contrast those with even though tend to disallow both types of imperatives. These findings can be explained in terms of compatibility between “component” constructions constituting a complex sentence. It is argued that the compatibility between imperatives (both directive and assertive types) and concessive adverbials (excluding even though) can be attributed to the latter’s loose integration into a matrix clause required by the former. Furthermore, it is argued that the incompatibility of even though with imperatives arises primarily from the incompatibility between the tight integration of even though and the loose integration required by imperatives, together with the associated incompatibility between the non-rectifying function of even though and the rectifying conjunction favored by imperatives.
Essiivi on suomen kielen sijamuoto, jota käytetään nykykielessä erilaisten olotilojen ilmaisemiseen (Hän on opettajana ~ sairaana). Se on taustaltaan lokatiivi, jonka paikanilmaisutehtävä näkyy edelleen erilaisissa kiteytymissä (kotona, luona). Essiivi kuuluu myös ajankohdanilmaisujärjestelmään (lauantaina, ensi vuotena). Tässä tutkimuksessa kuvaan essiivisijan käyttöä erityisesti olotilan ilmaisemisen näkökulmasta. Kiinnitän huomiota sijan merkitykseen ja pyrin tarkentamaan sen lauseopillista kuvausta hyödyntämällä yleislingvistis-kielitypologisia olotilanilmausten kategoriointitapoja. Tutkimukseni aineisto on kolmijakoinen. Pääaineistonani on Lauseopin arkisto, jota koskevan haun tuloksena olen saanut 9096 essiivisijaisen sanan sisältävää lauseketta virkekonteksteineen. Täydennän tätä aineistoa käytöstä poimituilla esimerkeillä ja intuitioon pohjautuvilla ns. selvillä tapauksilla. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on pääosin aineiston kvalitatiivinen tarkastelu, mutta tarkastelen essiiviä myös teoreettisemmin sääntöjärjestelmän näkökulmasta. Tärkeimpänä lähtökohtanani on tuottaa tutkimustietoa, joka kykenee käymään vuoropuhelua kielitypologisen tutkimuksen kanssa siten, että tutkimus kuitenkin tapahtuu yksittäiskielen ehdoilla. Erityisesti semantiikan kuvauksessa tarkastelutapani on kognitiivisen kielitieteen mukaisesti orientoitunut. Essiivin tehtävänä on pelkistetyssä nominaalilauseessa ilmaista olotilan tilapäisyyttä ja muutoksellisuutta, kun taas merkitystä kantavan verbin yhteydessä essiivisijainen olotilan ilmaus saa usein muita merkityksiä ja voi ilmaista myös vaihtoehtoisen tai tilanteen syynä olevan olotilan. Aspektinäkökulmasta essiivi tuo tilaan toimin¬nallisia piirteitä, ja se myös muodostaa selvästi omanlaisensa reviirin suhteessa muihin olotilaa ja sen lähimerkityksiä ilmaiseviin kieli- ja johto-opin kategorioihin. Syntaktisen luokittelun näkökulmasta essiivisijaiset predikoivat olotilanilmaukset jakautuvat kolmeen pääryhmään sen perusteella, millainen niiden suhde lauseen predikaattiin on. Ne voivat toimia kopulalauseen nominaalipredikaatteina, merkitystä kantavien verbien täydennyksinä ja sekundaarisina predikaatteina, jotka ovat määritteitä. Lisäksi essiivisijaiset olotilan ilmaukset voivat toimia predikoimattomina lauseadverbiaaleina. Tutkimus on essiivisijan laaja aineistopohjainen kuvaus, joka osoittaa, että yleislingvistis-kielitypologinen lähestymistapa sopii suomen essiivin kuvaukseen. Alakategorioinnissa joudutaan kuitenkin turvautumaan semantiikkaan. Myös pääkategorioiden jatkumomaisuus on hyväksyttävä. Tulosten perusteella on mahdollista käydä keskustelua siitä, olisiko predikoivien lauseenjäsenten syntaktista luokittelua mahdollista uudistaa. Lisäksi tutkimus avaa uusia kysymyksiä tutkittavaksi erityisesti sijojen käyttöä vertailevasta näkökulmasta.