990 resultados para Adult Hippocampus


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The adult dentate gyrus produces new neurons that morphologically and functionally integrate into the hippocampal network. In the adult brain, most excitatory synapses are ensheathed by astrocytic perisynaptic processes that regulate synaptic structure and function. However, these processes are formed during embryonic or early postnatal development and it is unknown whether astrocytes can also ensheathe synapses of neurons born during adulthood and, if so, whether they play a role in their synaptic transmission. Here, we used a combination of serial-section immuno-electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, and electrophysiology to examine the formation of perisynaptic processes on adult-born neurons. We found that the afferent and efferent synapses of newborn neurons are ensheathed by astrocytic processes, irrespective of the age of the neurons or the size of their synapses. The quantification of gliogenesis and the distribution of astrocytic processes on synapses formed by adult-born neurons suggest that the majority of these processes are recruited from pre-existing astrocytes. Furthermore, the inhibition of astrocytic glutamate re-uptake significantly reduced postsynaptic currents and increased paired-pulse facilitation in adult-born neurons, suggesting that perisynaptic processes modulate synaptic transmission on these cells. Finally, some processes were found intercalated between newly formed dendritic spines and potential presynaptic partners, suggesting that they may also play a structural role in the connectivity of new spines. Together, these results indicate that pre-existing astrocytes remodel their processes to ensheathe synapses of adult-born neurons and participate to the functional and structural integration of these cells into the hippocampal network.


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The adult hippocampus generates functional dentate granule cells (GCs) that release glutamate onto target cells in the hilus and cornus ammonis (CA)3 region, and receive glutamatergic and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic inputs that tightly control their spiking activity. The slow and sequential development of their excitatory and inhibitory inputs makes them particularly relevant for information processing. Although they are still immature, new neurons are recruited by afferent activity and display increased excitability, enhanced activity-dependent plasticity of their input and output connections, and a high rate of synaptogenesis. Once fully mature, new GCs show all the hallmarks of neurons generated during development. In this review, we focus on how developing neurons remodel the adult dentate gyrus and discuss key aspects that illustrate the potential of neurogenesis as a mechanism for circuit plasticity and function.


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Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) promotes proliferation of neuroprogenitor cells in culture and is up-regulated within brain after injury. Using mice genetically deficient in FGF-2 (FGF-2−/− mice), we addressed the importance of endogenously generated FGF-2 on neurogenesis within the hippocampus, a structure involved in spatial, declarative, and contextual memory, after seizures or ischemic injury. BrdUrd incorporation was used to mark dividing neuroprogenitor cells and NeuN expression to monitor their differentiation into neurons. In the wild-type strain, hippocampal FGF-2 increased after either kainic acid injection or middle cerebral artery occlusion, and the numbers of BrdUrd/NeuN-positive cells significantly increased on days 9 and 16 as compared with the controls. In FGF-2−/− mice, BrdUrd labeling was attenuated after kainic acid or middle cerebral artery occlusion, as was the number of neural cells colabeled with both BrdUrd and NeuN. After FGF-2−/− mice were injected intraventricularly with a herpes simplex virus-1 amplicon vector carrying FGF-2 gene, the number of BrdUrd-labeled cells increased significantly to values equivalent to wild-type littermates after kainate seizures. These results indicate that endogenously synthesized FGF-2 is necessary and sufficient to stimulate proliferation and differentiation of neuroprogenitor cells in the adult hippocampus after brain insult.


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Distinct endogenous network events, generated independently of sensory input, are a general feature of various structures of the immature central nervous system. In the immature hippocampus, these type of events are seen as "giant depolarizing potentials" (GDPs) in intracellular recordings in vitro. GABA, the major inhibitory neurotransmitter of the adult brain, has a depolarizing action in immature neurons, and GDPs have been proposed to be driven by GABAergic transmission. Moreover, GDPs have been thought to reflect an early pattern that disappears during development in parallel with the maturation of hyperpolarizing GABAergic inhibition. However, the adult hippocampus in vivo also generates endogenous network events known as sharp (positive) waves (SPWs), which reflect synchronous discharges of CA3 pyramidal neurons and are thought to be involved in cognitive functions. In this thesis, mechanisms of GDP generation were studied with intra- and extracellular recordings in the neonatal rat hippocampus in vitro and in vivo. Immature CA3 pyramidal neurons were found to generate intrinsic bursts of spikes and to act as cellular pacemakers for GDP activity whereas depolarizing GABAergic signalling was found to have a temporally non-patterned facilitatory role in the generation of the network events. Furthermore, the data indicate that the intrinsic bursts of neonatal CA3 pyramidal neurons and, consequently, GDPs are driven by a persistent Na+ current and terminated by a slow Ca2+-dependent K+ current. Gramicidin-perforated patch recordings showed that the depolarizing driving force for GABAA receptor-mediated actions is provided by Cl- uptake via the Na-K-C1 cotransporter, NKCC1, in the immature CA3 pyramids. A specific blocker of NKCC1, bumetanide, inhibited SPWs and GDPs in the neonatal rat hippocampus in vivo and in vitro, respectively. Finally, pharmacological blockade of the GABA transporter-1 prolonged the decay of the large GDP-associated GABA transients but not of single postsynaptic GABAA receptor-mediated currents. As a whole the data in this thesis indicate that the mechanism of GDP generation, based on the interconnected network of bursting CA3 pyramidal neurons, is similar to that involved in adult SPW activity. Hence, GDPs do not reflect a network pattern that disappears during development but they are the in vitro counterpart of neonatal SPWs.


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Glutamate and the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor ligand D-serine are putative gliotransmitters. Here, we show by immunogold cytochemistry of the adult hippocampus that glutamate and D-serine accumulate in synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in the perisynaptic processes of astrocytes. The estimated concentration of fixed glutamate in the astrocytic SLMVs is comparable to that in synaptic vesicles of excitatory nerve terminals (∼45 and ∼55 mM, respectively), whereas the D-serine level is about 6 mM. The vesicles are organized in small spaced clusters located near the astrocytic plasma membrane. Endoplasmic reticulum is regularly found in close vicinity to SLMVs, suggesting that astrocytes contain functional nanodomains, where a local Ca(2+) increase can trigger release of glutamate and/or D-serine.


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It is now widely accepted that adult neurogenesis plays a fundamental role in hippocampal function. Neurons born in the adult dentate gyrus of the hippocampus undergo a series of events before they fully integrate in the network and eventually become undistinguishable from neurons born during embryogenesis. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is strongly regulated by neuronal activity and neurotransmitters, and the synaptic integration of adult-born neurons occurs in discrete steps, some of which are very different from perinatal synaptogenesis. Here, we review the current knowledge on the development of the synaptic input and output of neurons born in the adult hippocampus, from the stem/progenitor cell to the fully mature neuron. We also provide insight on the regulation of adult neurogenesis by some neurotransmitters and discuss some specificities of the integration of new neurons in an adult environment. The understanding of the mechanisms regulating the synaptic integration of adult-born neurons is not only crucial for our understanding of brain plasticity, but also provides a framework for the manipulation and monitoring of endogenous adult neurogenesis as well as grafted cells, for potential therapeutic applications.


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The hippocampus plays a pivotal role in the formation and consolidation of episodic memories, and in spatial orientation. Historically, the adult hippocampus has been viewed as a very static anatomical region of the mammalian brain. However, recent findings have demonstrated that the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus is an area of tremendous plasticity in adults, involving not only modifications of existing neuronal circuits, but also adult neurogenesis. This plasticity is regulated by complex transcriptional networks, in which the transcription factor NF-κB plays a prominent role. To study and manipulate adult neurogenesis, a transgenic mouse model for forebrain-specific neuronal inhibition of NF-κB activity can be used. In this study, methods are described for the analysis of NF-κB-dependent neurogenesis, including its structural aspects, neuronal apoptosis and progenitor proliferation, and cognitive significance, which was specifically assessed via a dentate gyrus (DG)-dependent behavioral test, the spatial pattern separation-Barnes maze (SPS-BM). The SPS-BM protocol could be simply adapted for use with other transgenic animal models designed to assess the influence of particular genes on adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Furthermore, SPS-BM could be used in other experimental settings aimed at investigating and manipulating DG-dependent learning, for example, using pharmacological agents.


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Training can change the functional and structural organization of the brain, and animal models demonstrate that the hippocampus formation is particularly susceptible to training-related neuroplasticity. In humans, however, direct evidence for functional plasticity of the adult hippocampus induced by training is still missing. Here, we used musicians' brains as a model to test for plastic capabilities of the adult human hippocampus. By using functional magnetic resonance imaging optimized for the investigation of auditory processing, we examined brain responses induced by temporal novelty in otherwise isochronous sound patterns in musicians and musical laypersons, since the hippocampus has been suggested previously to be crucially involved in various forms of novelty detection. In the first cross-sectional experiment, we identified enhanced neural responses to temporal novelty in the anterior left hippocampus of professional musicians, pointing to expertise-related differences in hippocampal processing. In the second experiment, we evaluated neural responses to acoustic temporal novelty in a longitudinal approach to disentangle training-related changes from predispositional factors. For this purpose, we examined an independent sample of music academy students before and after two semesters of intensive aural skills training. After this training period, hippocampal responses to temporal novelty in sounds were enhanced in musical students, and statistical interaction analysis of brain activity changes over time suggests training rather than predisposition effects. Thus, our results provide direct evidence for functional changes of the adult hippocampus in humans related to musical training.


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The dentate gyrus of the hippocampus is one of the few areas of the adult brain that undergoes neurogenesis. In the present study, cells capable of proliferation and neurogenesis were isolated and cultured from the adult rat hippocampus. In defined medium containing basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2), cells can survive, proliferate, and express neuronal and glial markers. Cells have been maintained in culture for 1 year through multiple passages. These cultured adult cells were labeled in vitro with bromodeoxyuridine and adenovirus expressing beta-galactosidase and were transplanted to the adult rat hippocampus. Surviving cells were evident through 3 months postimplantation with no evidence of tumor formation. Within 2 months postgrafting, labeled cells were found in the dentate gyrus, where they differentiated into neurons only in the intact region of the granule cell layer. Our results indicate that FGF-2 responsive progenitors can be isolated from the adult hippocampus and that these cells retain the capacity to generate mature neurons when grafted into the adult rat brain.


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γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory transmitter in the nervous system and acts via three distinct receptor classes: A, B, and C. GABAC receptors are ionotropic receptors comprising ρ subunits. In this work, we aimed to elucidate the expression of ρ subunits in the postnatal brain, the characteristics of ρ2 homo-oligomeric receptors, and the function of GABAC receptors in the hippocampus. In situ hybridization on rat brain slices showed ρ2 mRNA expression from the newborn in the superficial grey layer of the superior colliculus, from the first postnatal week in the hippocampal CA1 region and the pretectal nucleus of the optic tract, and in the adult dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed expression of all three ρ subunits in the hippocampus and superior colliculus from the first postnatal day. In the hippocampus, ρ2 mRNA expression clearly dominated over ρ1 and ρ3. GABAC receptor protein expression was confirmed in the adult hippocampus, superior colliculus, and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus by immunohistochemistry. From the selective distribution of ρ subunits, GABAC receptors may be hypothesized to be specifically involved in aspects of visual image motion processing in the rat brain. Although previous data had indicated a much higher expression level for ρ2 subunit transcripts than for ρ1 or ρ3 in the brain, previous work done on Xenopus oocytes had suggested that rat ρ2 subunits do not form functional homo-oligomeric GABAC receptors but need ρ1 or ρ3 subunits to form hetero-oligomers. Our results demonstrated, for the first time, that HEK 293 cells transfected with ρ2 cDNA displayed currents in whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. Homomeric rat ρ2 receptors had a decreased sensitivity to, but a high affinity for picrotoxin and a marked sensitivity to the GABAC receptor agonist CACA. Our results suggest that ρ2 subunits may contribute to brain function, also in areas not expressing other ρ subunits. Using extracellular electrophysiological recordings, we aimed to study the effects of the GABAC receptor agonists and antagonists on responses of the hippocampal neurons to electrical stimulation. Activation of GABAC receptors with CACA suppressed postsynaptic excitability and the GABAC receptor antagonist TPMPA inhibited the effects of CACA. Next, we aimed to display the activation of the GABAC receptors by synaptically released GABA using intracellular recordings. GABA-mediated long-lasting depolarizing responses evoked by high-frequency stimulation were prolonged by TPMPA. For weaker stimulation, the effect of TPMPA was enhanced after GABA uptake was inhibited. Our data demonstrate that GABAC receptors can be activated by endogenous synaptic transmitter release following strong stimulation or under conditions of reduced GABA uptake. The lack of GABAC receptor activation by less intensive stimulation under control conditions suggests that these receptors are extrasynaptic and activated via spillover of synaptically released GABA. Taken together with the restricted expression pattern of GABAC receptors in the brain and their distinctive pharmacological and biophysical properties, our findings supporting extrasynaptic localization of these receptors raise interesting possibilities for novel pharmacological therapies in the treatment of, for example, epilepsy and sleep disorders.


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Neuronal plasticity is a well characterized phenomenon in the developing and adult brain. It refers to capasity of a single neuron to modify morphology, synaptic connections and activity. Neuronal connections and capacity for plastic events are compromised in several pathological disorders, such as major depression. In addition, neuronal atrophy has been reported in depressive patients. Neurotrophins are a group of secretory proteins functionally classified as neuronal survival factors. Neurotrophins, especially brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), have also been associated with promoting neuronal plasticity in dysfunctional neuronal networks. Chronic antidepressant treatment increases plastic events including neurogenesis and arborization and branching of neurites in distinct brain areas, such as the hippocampus. One suggested mode of action is where the antidepressants elevate the synaptic levels of BDNF thus further activating several signaling cascades via trkB-receptor. In our studies we have tried to clarify the mechanisms of action for antidepressants and to resolve the role of BDNF in this process. We found that chronic antidepressant treatment increases amount of markers of neuronal plasticity in both hippocampus and in the medial prefrontal cortex, both of which are closely linked to the etiology of major depression. Secondary actions of antidepressants include rapid activation of the trkB receptor followed by a phosphorylation of transcription factor CREB. In addition, activation of CREB by phosphorylation appears responsible for the regulation of the expression of the BDNF gene. Using transgenic mice we found that BDNF-induced trkB-mediated signaling proved crucial for the behavioral effects of antidepressants in the forced swimming test and for the survival of newly-born neurons in the adult hippocampus. Antidepressants not only increased neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus but also elevated the turnover of hippocampal neurons. During these studies we also discovered that another trkB ligand, NT-4, is involved in morphine-mediated anti-nociception and tolerance. These results present a novel role for trkB-mediated signaling in plastic events present in the opioid system. This thesis evaluates neuronal plasticity and trkB as a target for future antidepressant treatments.


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Afin de mieux comprendre l’évolution des fonctions du récepteur EphA4 pendant le développement du système nerveux central (SNC), nous avons étudié sa localisation cellulaire et subcellulaire dans l’hippocampe du rat, d’abord chez l’adulte, puis pendant le développement postnatal, ainsi que ses rôles potentiels dans la genèse, la migration ou la maturation des cellules granulaires dans l’hippocampe adulte. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé la méthode d’immunocytochimie en microscopie photonique, électronique et confocale. En microscopie photonique, une forte immunoréactivité (peroxydase/DAB) pour EphA4 est observée aux jours 1 et 7 suivant la naissance (P1 et P7) dans les couches de corps cellulaires, avec un marquage notamment associé à la surface des corps cellulaires des cellules granulaires et pyramidales, ainsi que dans les couches de neuropile du gyrus dentelé et des secteurs CA3 et CA1. L’intensité du marquage diminue progressivement dans les couches de corps cellulaires, entre P7 et P14, pour devenir faible à P21 et chez l’adulte, tandis qu’elle persiste dans les couches de neuropile, sauf celles qui reçoivent des afférences du cortex entorhinal. En microscopie électronique, après marquage à la peroxydase/DAB, EphA4 décore toute la surface des cellules pyramidales et granulaires, du corps cellulaire jusqu’aux extrémités distales, entre P1 et P14, pour devenir confiné aux extrémités synaptiques, c’est-à-dire les terminaisons axonales et les épines dendritiques, à P21 et chez l’adulte. À la membrane plasmique des astrocytes, EphA4 est redistribué comme dans les neurones, marquant le corps cellulaire et ses prolongements proximaux à distaux, à P1 et P7, pour devenir restreint aux prolongements périsynaptiques distaux, à partir de P14. D’autre part, des axones en cours de myélinisation présentent souvent une forte immunoréactivité punctiforme à leur membrane plasmique, à P14 et P21. En outre, dans les neurones et les astrocytes, le réticulum endoplasmique, l’appareil de Golgi et les vésicules de transport, organelles impliquées dans la synthèse, la modification posttraductionnelle et le transport des protéines glycosylées, sont aussi marqués, et plus intensément chez les jeunes animaux. Enfin, EphA4 est aussi localisé dans le corps cellulaire et les dendrites des cellules granulaires générées chez l’adulte, au stade de maturation où elles expriment la doublecortine (DCX). De plus, des souris adultes knockouts pour EphA4 présentent des cellules granulaires DCX-positives ectopiques, c’est-à-dire positionnées en dehors de la zone sous-granulaire, ce qui suggère un rôle d’EphA4 dans la régulation de leur migration. Ces travaux révèlent ainsi une redistribution d’EphA4 dans les cellules neuronales et gliales en maturation, suivant les sites cellulaires où un remodelage morphologique s’effectue : les corps cellulaires lorsqu’ils s’organisent en couches, les prolongements dendritiques et axonaux pendant leur croissance, guidage et maturation, puis les épines dendritiques, les terminaisons axonales et les prolongements astrocytaires distaux associés aux synapses excitatrices, jusque chez l’adulte, où la formation de nouvelles synapses et le renforcement des connexions synaptiques existantes sont exercés. Ces localisations pourraient ainsi correspondre à différents rôles d’EphA4, par lesquels il contribuerait à la régulation des capacités plastiques du SNC, selon le stade développemental, la région, l’état de santé, ou l’expérience comportementale de l’animal.


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El sueño, es indispensable para la recuperación, física, mental y de procesos como la consolidación de memoria, atención y lenguaje. La privación de sueño (PS) incide en la atención y concentración. La PS es inherente a la formación médica, pero no es claro el papel de los turnos nocturnos en estudiantes, porque no cumplen con un objetivo académico, pero hay relación con disminución de la salud, productividad, accidentes, y alteraciones en diversas actividades. Está descrito el impacto de la PS sobre la capacidad de aprendizaje y aspectos como el ánimo y las relaciones interpersonales. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio analítico observacional de cohorte longitudinal, con tres etapas de medición a 180 estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad del Rosario, que evaluó atención selectiva y concentración mediante la aplicación de la prueba d2, validada internacionalmente para tal fin. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 180 estudiantes, 115 mujeres, 65 hombres, entre los 18 y 26 años (promedio 21). Al inicio del estudio dormían en promedio 7,9 horas, cifra que se redujo a 5,8 y 6,3 en la segunda y tercera etapa respectivamente. El promedio de horas de sueño nocturno, disminuyó en el segundo y tercer momento (p<0,001); Además se encontró mediante la aplicación de la prueba d2, que hubo correlación significativa directa débil, entre el promedio de horas de sueño, y el promedio del desempeño en la prueba (r=0.168, p=0.029) CONCLUSIONES: La PS, con períodos de sueño menores a 7,2 horas, impactan de manera importante la atención selectiva, la concentración


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Im Zentralnervensystem der Säuger steuern N-Methyl-D-Aspartat-(NMDA)-Rezeptoren viele neuronale Prozesse, insbesondere während der Ontogenese sowie bei Lern- und Gedächtnisvorgängen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Bedeutung dieser Rezeptoren während der Kortexentwicklung und bei Lernvorgängen mittels elektrophysiologischer, molekularbiologischer, pharmakologischer, histologischer, genetischer und verhaltensbiologischer Methoden an der Maus untersucht. Oszillatorische Netzwerkaktivität ist für die gesunde Entwicklung des Kortex essentiell. Mittels gepaarter patch-clamp Experimente an neonatalen Subplattenzellen wurde festgestellt, dass diese Neurone elektrisch gekoppelt sind. Damit könnten sie einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Entstehung bzw. Verstärkung von Netzwerkoszillationen leisten. Subplattenzellen erhalten afferenten Eingang aus dem Thalamus sowie von benachbarten Subplattenzellen. Die funktionellen und molekularen Eigenschaften dieser Synapsen differierten in eingangsspezifischer Weise. Subplatteninterne Verbindungen besaßen Integrations- und Summationsfähigkeiten, wenig synaptische Ermüdung, Paarpulsfazilitierung und einen erhöhten NR2D-Anteil in ihren NMDA-Rezeptoren. CA1-Pyramidenzellen des adulten Hippocampus zeigten eine den Subplattenzellen vergleichbare eingangsspezifische Verteilung der NMDA-Rezeptor-Untereinheiten. Synapsen von Schaffer-Kollateralen besaßen einen höheren NR2B-Anteil als temporo-ammonische Verbindungen. Die Aktivierung von Dopamin-Rezeptoren potenzierte NR2B-vermittelte synaptische Ströme in CA1-Neuronen. Bei komplexen Lernvorgängen, wie der Extinktion einer traumatischen Erinnerung, spielten NMDA-Rezeptoren von hippocampalen CA1-Zellen eine entscheidende Rolle. CA1-NMDA-Rezeptor-ko-Mäuse zeigten erhebliche Extinktionsdefizite nach Angstkonditionierung. Zudem entwickelten diese Mäuse erhöhte Ängstlichkeit und Hyperaktivität. Das sind beim Menschen Symptome für psychiatrische Angststörungen. Daher könnten CA1-NMDA-Rezeptor-ko-Mäuse als neues Tiermodell für solche Störungen dienen, die durch ein traumatisches Erlebnis ausgelöst werden, wie beim Posttraumatischen Stresssyndrom (PTSD).


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Chronic stress is associated with hippocampal atrophy and cognitive dysfunction. This study investigates how long-lasting administration of corticosterone as a mimic of experimentally induced stress affects psychometric performance and the expression of the phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein (PEBP1) in the adult hippocampus of one-year-old male rats. Psychometric investigations were conducted in rats before and after corticosterone treatment using a holeboard test system. Rats were randomly attributed to 2 groups (n = 7) for daily subcutaneous injection of either 26.8 mg/kg body weight corticosterone or sesame oil (vehicle control). Treatment was continued for 60 days, followed by cognitive retesting in the holeboard system. For protein analysis, the hippocampal proteome was separated by 2D electrophoresis (2DE) followed by image processing, statistical analysis, protein identification via peptide mass fingerprinting and gel matching and subsequent functional network mapping and molecular pathway analysis. Differential expression of PEBP1 was additionally quantified by Western blot analysis. Results show that chronic corticosterone significantly decreased rat hippocampal PEBP1 expression and induced a working and reference memory dysfunction. From this, we derive the preliminary hypothesis that PEBP1 may be a novel molecular mediator influencing cognitive integrity during chronic corticosterone exposure in rat hippocampus.