973 resultados para Accumulated damage
Nanomaterials with a hexagonally ordered atomic structure, e.g., graphene, carbon and boron nitride nanotubes, and white graphene (a monolayer of hexagonal boron nitride) possess many impressive properties. For example, the mechanical stiffness and strength of these materials are unprecedented. Also, the extraordinary electronic properties of graphene and carbon nanotubes suggest that these materials may serve as building blocks of next generation electronics. However, the properties of pristine materials are not always what is needed in applications, but careful manipulation of their atomic structure, e.g., via particle irradiation can be used to tailor the properties. On the other hand, inadvertently introduced defects can deteriorate the useful properties of these materials in radiation hostile environments, such as outer space. In this thesis, defect production via energetic particle bombardment in the aforementioned materials is investigated. The effects of ion irradiation on multi-walled carbon and boron nitride nanotubes are studied experimentally by first conducting controlled irradiation treatments of the samples using an ion accelerator and subsequently characterizing the induced changes by transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The usefulness of the characterization methods is critically evaluated and a damage grading scale is proposed, based on transmission electron microscopy images. Theoretical predictions are made on defect production in graphene and white graphene under particle bombardment. A stochastic model based on first-principles molecular dynamics simulations is used together with electron irradiation experiments for understanding the formation of peculiar triangular defect structures in white graphene. An extensive set of classical molecular dynamics simulations is conducted, in order to study defect production under ion irradiation in graphene and white graphene. In the experimental studies the response of carbon and boron nitride multi-walled nanotubes to irradiation with a wide range of ion types, energies and fluences is explored. The stabilities of these structures under ion irradiation are investigated, as well as the issue of how the mechanism of energy transfer affects the irradiation-induced damage. An irradiation fluence of 5.5x10^15 ions/cm^2 with 40 keV Ar+ ions is established to be sufficient to amorphize a multi-walled nanotube. In the case of 350 keV He+ ion irradiation, where most of the energy transfer happens through inelastic collisions between the ion and the target electrons, an irradiation fluence of 1.4x10^17 ions/cm^2 heavily damages carbon nanotubes, whereas a larger irradiation fluence of 1.2x10^18 ions/cm^2 leaves a boron nitride nanotube in much better condition, indicating that carbon nanotubes might be more susceptible to damage via electronic excitations than their boron nitride counterparts. An elevated temperature was discovered to considerably reduce the accumulated damage created by energetic ions in both carbon and boron nitride nanotubes, attributed to enhanced defect mobility and efficient recombination at high temperatures. Additionally, cobalt nanorods encapsulated inside multi-walled carbon nanotubes were observed to transform into spherical nanoparticles after ion irradiation at an elevated temperature, which can be explained by the inverse Ostwald ripening effect. The simulation studies on ion irradiation of the hexagonal monolayers yielded quantitative estimates on types and abundances of defects produced within a large range of irradiation parameters. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Ga ions were considered in the simulations with kinetic energies ranging from 35 eV to 10 MeV, and the role of the angle of incidence of the ions was studied in detail. A stochastic model was developed for utilizing the large amount of data produced by the molecular dynamics simulations. It was discovered that a high degree of selectivity over the types and abundances of defects can be achieved by carefully selecting the irradiation parameters, which can be of great use when precise pattering of graphene or white graphene using focused ion beams is planned.
Modelagem do comportamento dinâmico e análise de fadiga de pontes rodoviárias mistas (aço-concreto).
Considerando-se os diversos carregamentos que solicitam a estrutura de uma ponte rodoviária, ao longo de sua vida útil, alguns possuem um comportamento essencialmente dinâmico, ou seja, variam com o tempo, diferentemente do que é considerado na prática corrente de projeto desse tipo de obra de arte. Em geral, os projetistas desse tipo de estrutura têm tratado carregamentos como o de vento, tráfego de veículos e de pedestres como ações de natureza estática, ignorando seu perfil cíclico. Tal consideração, em diversas situações de projeto, tende a minorar os efeitos das ações dinâmicas sobre o sistema estrutural. Além disso, estruturas submetidas a solicitações cíclicas, sob uma carga inferior à caga máxima suportada pelo material, estão sujeitas ao fenômeno da fadiga. A consideração adequada de todos estes aspectos mostra-se fundamentalmente importante para correta avaliação dos níveis de esforços solicitantes do sistema estrutural e, bem como, para a identificação de fenômenos importantes como o da fadiga que pode vir a provocar, por exemplo, a ruptura de componentes estruturais sem aviso prévio ou motivo aparente. Para tal, nesta dissertação as técnicas para a contagem de ciclos de tensão e a aplicação das regras de dano acumulado foram analisadas através de curvas do tipo S-N, associadas a diversas normas de projeto. A ponte rodoviária mista (aço-concreto) investigada neste estudo é constituída por seis vigas de aço longitudinais com enrijecedores transversais, oito transversinas e por um tabuleiro de concreto armado. O modelo numérico-computacional, desenvolvido para a análise dinâmica da ponte, foi elaborado com base em técnicas usuais de discretização através do método dos elementos finitos. As mesas e almas das vigas, assim como os enrijecedores , foram modelados por elementos de casca e laje de concreto armado, por elementos sólidos. O carregamento dinâmico avaliado no presente estudo diz respeito ao tráfego de veículos, cuja representação se dá a partir de sistemas "massa-mola-amortecedor". Os comboios formados são adotados como sendo semi-infinitos, deslocando-se com velocidade constante sobre a ponte. As conclusões da presente investigação versam acerca da vida útil de serviço dos elementos estruturais de pontes mistas (aço-concreto).
Trabalho de Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas
We obtain the Paris law of fatigue crack propagation in a fuse network model where the accumulated damage in each resistor increases with time as a power law of the local current amplitude. When a resistor reaches its fatigue threshold, it burns irreversibly. Over time, this drives cracks to grow until the system is fractured into two parts. We study the relation between the macroscopic exponent of the crack-growth rate -entering the phenomenological Paris law-and the microscopic damage accumulation exponent, gamma, under the influence of disorder. The way the jumps of the growing crack, Delta a, and the waiting time between successive breaks, Delta t, depend on the type of material, via gamma, are also investigated. We find that the averages of these quantities, <Delta a > and <Delta t >/< t(r)>, scale as power laws of the crack length a, <Delta a > proportional to a(alpha) and <Delta t >/< t(r)> proportional to a(-beta), where < t(r)> is the average rupture time. Strikingly, our results show, for small values of gamma, a decrease in the exponent of the Paris law in comparison with the homogeneous case, leading to an increase in the lifetime of breaking materials. For the particular case of gamma = 0, when fatigue is exclusively ruled by disorder, an analytical treatment confirms the results obtained by simulation. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012
En esta tesis se presenta una metodología para la caracterización del oleaje, dentro del marco de las nuevas Recomendaciones para Obras Marítimas (ROM 0.0.-00 y ROM 1.0-09), por ser una de las principales acciones que afectan a la estabilidad de las estructuras marítimas. Debido al carácter aleatorio intrínsecamente multivariado de la acción considerada, las tormentas, su caracterización paramétrica se realiza en términos de funciones cópula uniparamétricas. Las variables consideradas son altura de ola significante del pico de la tormenta, el periodo medio asociado y la magnitud, o número de olas, de todo el ciclo de solicitación. Para establecer un patrón teórico de evolución de la tormenta que permita extrapolar las muestras fuera de la región con datos se analizan los modelos teóricos existentes, comprobándose que no reproducen adecuadamente las tormentas constituidas por estados de mar con un peso importante de oleaje swell. Para evitar esta limitación se proponen cuatro modelos teóricos de evolución de tormentas con distintas formas geométricas. El análisis de los modelos existentes y los propuestos pone de relieve que el Modelo Magnitud Equivalente de Tormenta (EMS= Equivalent Magnitude Storm) con la forma triangular es el que mejor adapta las tormentas constituidas por estados de mar típicos del viento. Para tormentas con un mayor grado de desarrollo, el modelo teórico de tormenta EMS con la forma trapezoidal es el adecuado. De las aproximaciones propuestas para establecer el periodo medio de los sucesivos estados de mar del ciclo de solicitación. la propuesta por Martín Soldevilla et al., (2009) es la más versátil y , en general , mejor reproduce la evolución de todo tipo de tormentas. La caracterización de las tormentas se complementa con la altura de ola máxima. Debido a la mayor disponibilidad y longitud temporal de los datos sintéticos frente a las registros, la práctica totalidad de los análisis de extremos se realizan con tormentas sintéticas en las que la distribución de olas individuales es desconocida. Para evitar esta limitación se utilizan modelos teóricos de distribución de olas acordes a las características de cada uno de los estados de mar que conforman la tormenta sintética. Para establecer dichas características se utiliza la curtosis y en función de su valor la altura de ola máxima se determina asumiendo una determinada distribución de olas. Para estados de mar lineales la distribución de olas individuales de Rayleigh es la considerada. Para condiciones no lineales de gran ancho de banda el modelo de distribución de olas propuesto por Dawson, (2004) es el utilizado y si es de banda estrecha las predicciones de (Boccotti, (1989), Boccotti et al., (2013)) se compara con las resultantes del modelo de Dawson. La caracterización de la evolución de las tormentas en términos multivariados es aplicada al estudio de la progresión del daño del manto principal de diques en talud, y al rebase de las olas. Ambos aspectos cubren el segundo objetivo de la tesis en el que se propone una nueva formulación para el dimensionamiento de mantos constituidos por bloques cúbicos de hormigón. Para el desarrollo de esta nueva formulación se han utilizado los resultados recogidos en los estudios de estabilidad del manto principal de diques talud realizados en modelo físico a escala reducida en el Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas (CEDEX) desde la década de los 80 empleando, en su mayoría, bloques paralelepípedos cúbicos de hormigón. Por este motivo y porque los últimos diques construidos en la costa Española utilizan este tipo de pieza, es por lo que la formulación planteada se centra en este tipo de pieza. Después de un primer análisis de las fórmulas de cálculo y de evolución existentes, se llega a la conclusión de que es necesario realizar un esfuerzo de investigación en este campo, así como ensayos en laboratorio y recogida de datos in-situ con base a desarrollar fórmulas de evolución de daño para mantos constituidos por piezas diferentes a la escollera, que tenga en cuenta las principales variables que condiciona su estabilidad. En esta parte de la tesis se propone un método de análisis de evolución de daño, que incluye el criterio de inicio de avería, adecuada para diques en talud constituidos por bloque cúbicos de hormigón y que considera la incidencia oblicua, el daño acumulado y el rebase. This thesis proposes a methodology to estimate sea waves, one of the main actions affecting the maritime structures stability, complying with (ROM 0.0.-00 & ROM 1.0-09.Due to the multivariate behavior of sea storms, the characterization of the structures of sea storms is done using copula function. The analyzed variables are the significant height wave, mean period and magnitude or number of waves during the storm history. The storm evolution in terms of the significant height wave and the mean period is also studied in other to analyze the progressive failure modes. The existing models of evolution are studied, verifying that these approximations do not adjust accurately for developed waves. To overcome this disadvantage, four evolution models are proposed, with some geometrical shapes associated to fit any development degree. The proposed Equivalent Magnitude Storm model, EMS, generally obtains the best results for any kind of storm (predominant sea, swell or both). The triangle is recommended for typical sea storms whereas the trapezoid shape is much more appropriate for more developed storm conditions.The Martín Soldevilla et al., (2009) approach to estimate the mean period is better than others approaches used.The storm characterization is completed with the maximum wave height of the whole storm history. Due to synthetic historical waves databases are more accessible and longer than recorded database, the extreme analyses are done with synthetic data. For this reason the individual waves’ distribution is not known. For that limitation to be avoided, and depending on the characteristics of every sea states, one theoretical model of waves is choose and used. The kurtosis parameter is used to distinguish between linear and nonlinear sea states. The Rayleigh model is used for the linear sea states. For the nonlinear sea states, Dawson, (2004) approach is used for non-narrow bandwidth storms, comparing the results with the Boccotti, (1989), Boccotti et al., (2013) approach, with is used for narrow bandwidth storms. The multivariate and storm evolution characterization is used to analyze of stone armour damage progression and wave overtopping discharge. Both aspects are included in the second part of the thesis, with a new formula is proposed to design cubes armour layer. The results the stability studies of armour layer, done in the Centre for Harbours and Coastal Studies (CEDEX) laboratory are used for defining a new stability formula. For this reason and because the last biggest breakwater built in Spain using the cube, the damage progression is analyze for this kind of concrete block. Before to analyze the existing formulae, it is concluded that it is necessary more investigation, more tests in laboratory and data gathering in situ to define damage evolution formulae to armour of other kind of pieces and that takes to account the principal variables. This thesis proposed a method to calculate the damage progression including oblique waves, accumulated damage, and overtopping effect. The method also takes account the beginning of the movement of the blocks.
É muito importante para a indústria fornecer produtos competitivos e que exerçam corretamente as suas funções perante o cliente. Uma das ferramentas existentes para atingir estes objetivos é a realização de testes de fadiga e durabilidade cada vez mais refinados e em espaço mais curto de tempo. Uma das maneiras de se executar testes de fadiga mais precisos é utilizando parâmetros que sejam fiéis à solicitação que o produto sofre durante o seu uso. Com esse intuito surgiram os testes de fadiga sob amplitude variável. Juntamente com eles surgem as particularidades deste tipo de solicitação, que é de natureza complexa. Algumas particularidades são a dependência do resultado na história de carregamento (também chamada de \"interação de cargas\") e a variação abrupta do nível de carga durante o tempo de aplicação. Fenômenos estes chamados de sobrecarga ou subcarga (overload e underload), que aqui serão agrupados, muitas vezes de forma simplista, de perturbações no espectro de fadiga. A finalidade principal deste trabalho é descrever a influência das perturbações ocorridas nas solicitações nos testes de fadiga em regime de amplitude variável, mais precisamente em testes de bancada, em que se busca a reprodução de situações de trabalho reais de um componente. Apesar de esse assunto ser alvo de diversas investigações recentes, nenhum trabalho tem como foco a influência das paradas (completa remoção de carga) realizadas durante um teste de fadiga acelerado. Essas paradas são extremamente comuns na prática laboratorial, seja por manutenção do equipamento, inspeção da amostra ou necessidade de operação. O objeto alvo de estudo nesta pesquisa é um suporte metálico de buzina, utilizado em automóveis de passeio. Apesar de sua concepção simples, tal componente é responsável por exercer funções importantes e é sujeito a uma interessante gama de solicitações. Como resultado observou-se que a aplicação das paradas durante os testes de fadiga simulados no componente automotivo, provoca variações em sua vida útil total. E o tempo de parada também exerce influência nesta variação observada. Essas paradas não se encaixam perfeitamente nas classificações de perturbações no espectro registradas na literatura. Por esse motivo o trabalho se propõe ainda a sintetizar e uniformizar a terminologia para as variações abruptas de tensão aplicadas no tempo (as sobrecargas e as subcargas), tendo em vista que ocorre a falta de consenso entre os termos utilizados atualmente na literatura e seus respectivos conceitos.
Numerous Abaqus [1] finite element analyses have been carried out using various plasticity models to investigate the effect of friction force on the rail head in relation to both the development of the accumulated plastic strain (PEEQ) and the changes in the depth of PEEQ distribution in the wheel-rail contact. The normal force distribution on the rail head was assumed to be Hertzian. The tangential force was implemented as a fraction of the normal force in the subroutine. Each analysis was carried out for a single pass and the effect of various friction coefficient values has been observed.
Bone as most of living tissues is able, during its entire lifetime, to adapt its internal microstructure and subsequently its associated mechanical properties to its specific mechanical and physiological environment in a process commonly known as bone remodelling. Bone is therefore continuously renewed and micro-damage, accumulated by fatigue or creep, is removed minimizing the risk of fracture. Nevertheless, bone is not always able to repair itself completely. Actually, if bone repairing function is slower than micro-damage accumulation, a type of bone fracture, usually known as "stress fracture", can finally evolve. In this paper, we propose a bone remodelling continuous model able to simulate micro-damage growth and repair in a coupled way and able therefore to predict the occurrence of "stress fractures". The biological bone remodelling process is modelled in terms of equations that describe the activity of basic multicellular units. The predicted results show a good correspondence with experimental and clinical data. For example, in disuse, bone porosity increases until an equilibrium situation is achieved. In overloading, bone porosity decreases unless the damage rate is so high that causes resorption or "stress fracture".
The lattice damage accumulation in GaAs and Al0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattices by 1 MeV Si+ irradiation at room temperature and 350-degrees-C has been studied. For irradiations at 350-degrees-C, at lower doses the samples were almost defect-free after irradiation, while a large density of accumulated defects was induced at a higher dose. The critical dose above which the damage accumulation is more efficient is estimated to be 2 x 10(15) Si/cm2 for GaAs, and is 5 x 10(15) Si/cm2 for Al0.8Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattice for implantation with 1.0 MeV Si ions at 350-degrees-C. The damage accumulation rate for 1 MeV Si ion implantation in Al0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattice is less than that in GaAs.
Fatigue damage calculations of unidirectional polymer composites is presented applying micromechanics theory. An orthotropic micromechanical damage model is integrated with an isotropic fatigue evolution model to predict the micromechanical fatigue damage of the composite structure. The orthotropic micromechanical damage model is used to predict the orthotropic damage evolution within a single cycle. The isotropic fatigue model is used to predict the magnitude of fatigue damage accumulated as a function of the number of cycles. The advantage of using this approach is the cheap determination of model parameters since the orthotropic damage model parameters can be determined using available data from quasi-static loading tests. Decomposition of the state variables down to the constituent scale is accomplished by micromechanics theory. Phenomenological damage evolution models are then postulated for each constituent and for interphase among them. Comparison between model predictions and experimental data is presented.
A new model for fatigue damage evolution of polymer matrix composites (PMC) is presented. The model is based on a combination of an orthotropic damage model and an isotropic fatigue evolution model. The orthotropic damage model is used to predict the orthotropic damage evolution within a single cycle. The isotropic fatigue model is used to predict the magnitude of fatigue damage accumulated as a function of the number of cycles. This approach facilitates the determination of model parameters since the orthotropic damage model parameters can be determined from available data from quasi-static-loading tests. Then, limited amount of fatigue data is needed to adjust the fatigue evolution model. The combination of these two models provides a compromise between efficiency and accuracy. Decomposition of the state variables down to the constituent scale is accomplished by micro-mechanics. Phenomenological damage evolution models are then postulated for each constituent and for the micro-structural interaction among them. Model parameters are determined from available experimental data. Comparison between model predictions and additional experimental data is presented.
Alcohol and tobacco consumption are risk factors for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) and glutathione Stransferase pi 1 (GSTP1) are important enzymes for cellular detoxification and low efficiencies are implicated in cancer. We assessed the potential role of SET protein overexpression, a histone acetylation modulator accumulated in HNSCC, in gene regulation and protein activity of ALDH2 and GSTP1. SET was knocked down in HN13, HN12 and Cal27, and overexpressed in HEK293 cells; ethanol and cisplatin were the chemical agents. Cells with SET overexpression (HEK293/SET, HN13 and HN12) showed lower ALDH2 and GSTP1 mRNA levels and trichostatin A increased them (real-time PCR). Ethanol upregulated GSTP1 and ALDH2 mRNAs, whereas cisplatin upregulated GSTP1 in HEK293 cells. SET-chromatin binding revealed SET interaction with ALDH2 and GSTP1 promoters, specifically via SET NAP domain; ethanol and cisplatin abolished SET binding. ALDH2 and GSTP1 efficiency was assessed by enzymatic and comet assay. A lower ALDH2 activity was associated with greater DNA damage (tail intensity) in HEK293/SET compared with HEK293 cells, whereas HN13/siSET showed ALDH2 activity higher than HN13 cells. HN13/siSET cells showed increased tail intensity. Cisplatin-induced DNA damage response showed negative relationship between SET overexpression and BRCA2 recruitment. SET downregulated repair genes ATM, BRCA1 and CHEK2 and upregulated TP53. Cisplatin-induced cell-cycle arrest occurred in G0/G1 and S in HEK293 cells, whereas HEK293/SET showed G2/M stalling. Overall, cisplatin was more cytotoxic for HN13 than HN13/siSET cells. Our data suggest a role for SET in cellular detoxification, DNA damage response and genome integrity.
A new anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic damage constitutive model for bone is proposed using an eccentric elliptical yield criterion and nonlinear isotropic hardening. A micromechanics-based multiscale homogenization scheme proposed by Reisinger et al. is used to obtain the effective elastic properties of lamellar bone. The dissipative process in bone is modeled as viscoplastic deformation coupled to damage. The model is based on an orthotropic ecuntric elliptical criterion in stress space. In order to simplify material identification, an eccentric elliptical isotropic yield surface was defined in strain space, which is transformed to a stress-based criterion by means of the damaged compliance tensor. Viscoplasticity is implemented by means of the continuous Perzyna formulation. Damage is modeled by a scalar function of the accumulated plastic strain D(κ) , reducing all element s of the stiffness matrix. A polynomial flow rule is proposed in order to capture the rate-dependent post-yield behavior of lamellar bone. A numerical algorithm to perform the back projection on the rate-dependent yield surface has been developed and implemented in the commercial finite element solver Abaqus/Standard as a user subroutine UMAT. A consistent tangent operator has been derived and implemented in order to ensure quadratic convergence. Correct implementation of the algorithm, convergence, and accuracy of the tangent operator was tested by means of strain- and stress-based single element tests. A finite element simulation of nano- indentation in lamellar bone was finally performed in order to show the abilities of the newly developed constitutive model.
Approximately one-third of the world's population suffers from chronic helminth infections with no effective vaccines currently available. Antibodies and alternatively activated macrophages (AAM) form crucial components of protective immunity against challenge infections with intestinal helminths. However, the mechanisms by which antibodies target these large multi-cellular parasites remain obscure. Alternative activation of macrophages during helminth infection has been linked to signaling through the IL-4 receptor alpha chain (IL-4Rα), but the potential effects of antibodies on macrophage differentiation have not been explored. We demonstrate that helminth-specific antibodies induce the rapid trapping of tissue migrating helminth larvae and prevent tissue necrosis following challenge infection with the natural murine parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri (Hp). Mice lacking antibodies (JH (-/-)) or activating Fc receptors (FcRγ(-/-)) harbored highly motile larvae, developed extensive tissue damage and accumulated less Arginase-1 expressing macrophages around the larvae. Moreover, Hp-specific antibodies induced FcRγ- and complement-dependent adherence of macrophages to larvae in vitro, resulting in complete larval immobilization. Antibodies together with helminth larvae reprogrammed macrophages to express wound-healing associated genes, including Arginase-1, and the Arginase-1 product L-ornithine directly impaired larval motility. Antibody-induced expression of Arginase-1 in vitro and in vivo occurred independently of IL-4Rα signaling. In summary, we present a novel IL-4Rα-independent mechanism of alternative macrophage activation that is antibody-dependent and which both mediates anti-helminth immunity and prevents tissue disruption caused by migrating larvae.
Skeletal diseases such as osteoporosis impose a severe socio-economic burden to ageing societies. Decreasing mechanical competence causes a rise in bone fracture incidence and mortality especially after the age of 65 y. The mechanisms of how bone damage is accumulated under different loading modes and its impact on bone strength are unclear. We hypothesise that damage accumulated in one loading mode increases the fracture risk in another. This study aimed at identifying continuum damage interactions between tensile and compressive loading modes. We propose and identify the material constants of a novel piecewise 1D constitutive model capable of describing the mechanical response of bone in combined tensile and compressive loading histories. We performed several sets of loading–reloading experiments to compute stiffness, plastic strains, and stress-strain curves. For tensile overloading, a stiffness reduction (damage) of 60% at 0.65% accumulated plastic strain was detectable as stiffness reduction of 20% under compression. For compressive overloading, 60% damage at 0.75% plastic strain was detectable as a stiffness reduction of 50% in tension. Plastic strain at ultimate stress was the same in tension and compression. Compression showed softening and tension exponential hardening in the post-yield regime. The hardening behaviour in compression is unaffected by a previous overload in tension but the hardening behaviour in tension is affected by a previous overload in compression as tensile reloading strength is significantly reduced. This paper demonstrates how damage accumulated under one loading mode affects the mechanical behaviour in another loading mode. To explain this and to illustrate a possible implementation we proposed a theoretical model. Including such loading mode dependent damage and plasticity behaviour in finite element models will help to improve fracture risk analysis of whole bones and bone implant structures.