989 resultados para 950


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The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand and The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland radiocarbon dating laboratories have undertaken a series of high-precision measurements on decadal samples of dendrochronologically dated oak (Quercus petraea) from Great Britain and cedar (Libocedrus bidwillii) and silver pine (Lagarostrobos colensoi) from New Zealand. The results show an average hemispheric offset over the 900 yr of measurement of 40±13 yr. This value is not constant but varies with a periodicity of about 130 yr. The Northern Hemisphere measurements confirm the validity of the Pearson et al. (1986) calibration dataset.


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We have conducted a series of radiocarbon measurements on decadal samples of dendrochronologically dated wood from both hemispheres, spanning 1000 years (McCormac et al. 1998; Hogg et al. this issue). Using the data presented in Hogg et al., we show that during the period AD 950-1850 the 14C offset between the hemispheres is not constant, but varies periodically (~130 yr periodicity) with amplitudes varying between 1 and 10‰ (i.e. 8-80 yr), with a consequent effect on the 14C calibration of material from the Southern Hemisphere. A large increase in the offset occurs between AD 1245 and 1355. In this paper, we present a Southern Hemisphere high-precision calibration data set (SHCal02) that comprises measurements from New Zealand, Chile, and South Africa. This data, and a new value of 41 ± 14 yr for correction of the IntCal98 data for the period outside the range given here, is proposed for use in calibrating Southern Hemisphere 14C dates.


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We have investigated a high-resolution Fourier transform (FT) absorption spectrum of the (CH3OH)-C-13 isotopomer of methanol from 400 to 950 cm(-1) with the Ritz program. We present the assignments of 7160 transitions, 3021 of which belong to Asymmetry, and 4139 to E-symmetry. These transitions occur between states labeled by K quantum numbers up to 14, and by torsional quantum numbers n up to 4. The Ritz program evaluated the energies of the 4684 involved levels with an accuracy of the order of 10(-4) cm(-1). All of the assigned lines correspond to transitions involving torsionally excited levels within the ground small-amplitude vibrational state. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new ''Ritz'' program has been used for revising and expanding the assignment of the Fourier transform infrared and far-infrared spectrum of CH3OH. This program evaluates the energy levels involved in the assigned transitions by the Rydberg-Ritz combination principle and can tackle such perturbations as Fermi-type resonances or Coriolis interactions. Up to now this program has evaluated the energies of 2768 levels belonging to A-type symmetry and 4133 levels belonging to E-type symmetry of CH3OH. Here we present the assignment of almost 9600 lines between 350 and 950 cm(-1). The Taylor expansion coefficients for evaluating the energies of the levels involved in the transitions are also given. All of the lines presented in this paper correspond to transitions involving torsionally excited levels within the ground vibrational state. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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Ao disciplinar a reparação de dano do qual resulta incapacidade laboral, o Código Civil Brasileiro de 2002 trouxe, como alternativa à pensão vitalícia, a possibilidade de indenização paga de uma só vez. Diante disso, o primeiro impulso hermenêutico foi apurar tal montante multiplicando o valor da renda mensal do ofendido pela sua expectativa de sobrevida. o presente artigo busca, fundamentalmente, questionar a adequação epistemológica desta fórmula, bem como esquadrinhar as diretrizes processuais aplicáveis ao dispositivo. O fim colimado exigirá, inter alia, perscrutar o significado da expressão “arbitramento”, a extensão do conceito de “reparação integral” e as consequências jurídicas e econômicas do recebimento antecipado. Posteriormente, pretende-se minudenciar a titularidade, a efetiva existência e o momento da opção pelo prejudicado, à luz da cláusula do “devido processo”.


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Die Dreispektrometeranlage der A1-Kollaboration am MainzerElektronenbeschleuniger MAMI wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeitverwendet, um die Elektrodisintegration des Deuteronsmit Hilfe der Reaktion d(e,e'p)n zu untersuchen. Im ersten Teil der Untersuchungen wurde die longitudinaleund transversale Strukturfunktion aus denWirkungsquerschnitten extrahiert. Die Zentralwerte derkinematischen Parameter waren dabei wie folgt eingestellt:1) Der Impulsübertrag wurde für alle Messungen auf 450 MeV/c festgelegt.2) Das Proton wurde in Richtung des Impulsübertrags nachgewiesen (parallele Kinematik).3) Vier Einstellungen des Energieübertrags, und damit korrespondierend des fehlenden Impulses, wurden gemessen: Energieübertrag / MeV : 128, 226, 289, 360. Fehlender Impuls / (MeV/c): 50, 200, 275, 350.4) Für jede dieser vier Kinematiken wurden mindestens drei verschiedene Einschußenergien bzw. Elektronenstreuwinkel eingestellt, um die Strukturfunktionen mit Hilfe der Rosenbluth-Separation zu bestimmen. Im zweiten Teil der Untersuchungen wurde derWirkungsquerschnitt für hohe fehlende Impulse bestimmt.Dessen Zentralwerte wurden von 30 MeV/c bis 906 MeV/cvariiert, wobei für die hohen fehlenden Impulse das Protonweit außerhalb der Richtung des Impulsübertragesnachzuweisen war. Der Energieübertrag lag dabei zwischen180 MeV und 600 MeV und der Impulsübertrag zwischen608 MeV/c und 698 MeV/c.


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A lack of quantitative high resolution paleoclimate data from the Southern Hemisphere limits the ability to examine current trends within the context of long-term natural climate variability. This study presents a temperature reconstruction for southern Tasmania based on analyses of a sediment core from Duckhole Lake (43.365°S, 146.875°E). The relationship between non-destructive whole core scanning reflectance spectroscopy measurements in the visible spectrum (380–730 nm) and the instrumental temperature record (ad 1911–2000) was used to develop a calibration-in-time reflectance spectroscopy-based temperature model. Results showed that a trough in reflectance from 650 to 700 nm, which represents chlorophyll and its derivatives, was significantly correlated to annual mean temperature. A calibration model was developed (R = 0.56, p auto < 0.05, root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) = 0.21°C, five-year filtered data, calibration period 1911–2000) and applied down-core to reconstruct annual mean temperatures in southern Tasmania over the last c. 950 years. This indicated that temperatures were initially cool c. ad 1050, but steadily increased until the late ad 1100s. After a brief cool period in the ad 1200s, temperatures again increased. Temperatures steadily decreased during the ad 1600s and remained relatively stable until the start of the 20th century when they rapidly decreased, before increasing from ad 1960s onwards. Comparisons with high resolution temperature records from western Tasmania, New Zealand and South America revealed some similarities, but also highlighted differences in temperature variability across the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. These are likely due to a combination of factors including the spatial variability in climate between and within regions, and differences between records that document seasonal (i.e. warm season/late summer) versus annual temperature variability. This highlights the need for further records from the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere in order to constrain past natural spatial and seasonal/annual temperature variability in the region, and to accurately identify and attribute changes to natural variability and/or anthropogenic activities.


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u.a. Edition der Werke Schopenhauers; Auseinandersetzung mit Jules Lunteschütz;