992 resultados para 611.48
Describe una experiencia educativa interdisciplinar con 100 niños en el medio rural de la Granja-Escuela 'El Palomar'. Los objetivos son acercar al alumnado a la naturaleza para que puedan observar o experimentar directamente; comparar el ambiente urbano y rural; ampliar sus conocimientos teórico-prácticos de las Ciencias Naturales, participando en los trabajos principales de ganadería y agricultura; y motivar al alumnado a valerse por sí mismo y convivir con sus compañeros. La metodología se basa en la observación directa: individual, colectiva y dirigida, y en la experimentación. Las actividades se distribuyen antes, durante y después de la convivencia.
Pretende desarrollar en el alumnado de Infantil y Primaria hábitos para una alimentación sana y equilibrada a través de su composición y elaboración, apreciando el aspecto nutritivo y cultural. Los objetivos son conocer las características de algunos alimentos propios de una estación determinada; aprender a utilizar correctamente materiales y utensilios referidos a la alimentación; interiorizar en el niño la necesidad de una dieta equilibrada; conocer el lugar donde se preparan los alimentos; despertar el interés por el cuidado y la salud del cuerpo; valorar la importancia de la higiene en la manipulación de utensilios realativos a la alimentación; y reconocer los distintos sabores, texturas , olores, y colores de los alimentos. Las actividades incluyen la elaboración de murales, charlas impartidas a las familias, visita a la cocina, y elaboración y degustación de alimentos.
Se desarrolla una convivencia con estudiantes de quinto de EGB, en familias de Villanueva de Mesía (Granada), con actividades programadas en colaboración con el Colegio Público Cardenal Cisneros. Los objetivos son sacar el aprendizaje del aula de forma que el alumnado pueda experimentar y observar directamente la naturaleza, contrastar las diferencias entre el entorno urbano en el que viven con el ambiente rural, conocer la forma de vida e intereses de la familia en la que convivan, y fomentar la responsabilidad del alumnado..
Este proyecto continúa con el del año anterior y aprovecha la puesta en marcha de los servicios de desayuno y comedor para introducir, en las áreas transversales, la adquisición de hábitos de higiene. Los objetivos son generalizar los hábitos de higiene personal en todas las situaciones cotidianas del alumno para favorecer el conocimiento y cuidado del cuerpo; e implicar a las familias en esta labor. El trabajo se realiza con los alumnos, padres y personal de limpieza y cocina. Se continúa con los programas de Fluoración, Revisión Odonto-pediátrica y Detección del Daltonismo; se elaboran fichas de trabajo relacionadas con salud e higiene, un Libro Viajero con los hábitos familiares y un código sobre normas higiénicas. Expertos de centros de salud imparten charlas a los padres sobre prevención de enfermedades infecto-contagiosas. Se realiza una evaluación inicial para comprobar los hábitos higiénicos y los conocimientos de los alumnos, y una evaluación continua para analizar los cambios experimentados. Incluye encuestas, fichas y códigos para conocer los hábitos higiénicos.
Abstract: By means of a GTAP based-CGE model, we investigate the impact of the elimination of import tariffs and non-tariff policy barriers (NTPBs) on agricultural trade towards East Asian FTAs. To do that, we first measure the NTPBs by employing a widely-used method derived from the literature on border effects. Next, by adding into the GTAP database our estimates on the NTPBs, which the original GTAP database by its nature does not succeed in incorporating, we compute the impact of the entire elimination of policy barriers (the complete reduction of import tariffs and of NTPBs) on GDP.
u.a.: fristgerechte Kündigung der Miete von Schopenhauer;
"Schalck-Stoltzesche Angelegenheiten": Frankfurter Latern, Verlagsrecht, Liquidation
The 48 hour game making challenge has been running since its inception at the NEXT LEVEL Festival in 2004. It is curated by Truna aka j. Turner and Lubi Thomas and sees teams of both future game makers and industry professionals going head to head under pressure to produce playable games within the time period. The 48 hour is supported by the International Game Developers Association (Brisbane Chapter)and the Creative Industries Precincts as part of their public programs. It is a curated event which engages industry with Brisbane educational institutes and which fosters the Australian Games Industry
Performance / Event Documentation and Curatorial Research Statement
Statement: Jams, Jelly Beans and the Fruits of Passion Let us search, instead, for an epistemology of practice implicit in the artistic, intuitive processes which some practitioners do bring to situations of uncertainty, instability, uniqueness, and value conflict. (Schön 1983, p40) Game On was born out of the idea of creative community; finding, networking, supporting and inspiring the people behind the face of an industry, those in the mist of the machine and those intending to join. We understood this moment to be a pivotal opportunity to nurture a new emerging form of game making, in an era of change, where the old industry models were proving to be unsustainable. As soon as we started putting people into a room under pressure, to make something in 48hrs, a whole pile of evolutionary creative responses emerged. People refashioned their craft in a moment of intense creativity that demanded different ways of working, an adaptive approach to the craft of making games – small – fast – indie. An event like the 48hrs forces participants’ attention on the process as much as the outcome. As one game industry professional taking part in a challenge for the first time observed: there are three paths in the genesis from idea to finished work: the path that focuses on mechanics; the path that focuses on team structure and roles and the path that focuses on the idea, the spirit – and the more successful teams need to put the spirit of the work first and foremost. The spirit drives the adaptation, it becomes improvisation. As Schön says: “Improvisation consists on varying, combining and recombining a set of figures within the schema which bounds and gives coherence to the performance.” (1983, p55). This improvisational approach is all about those making the games: the people and the principles of their creative process. This documentation evidences the intensity of their passion, determination and the shit that they are prepared to put themselves through to achieve their goal – to win a cup full of jellybeans and make a working game in 48hrs. 48hr is a project where, on all levels, analogue meets digital. This concept was further explored through the documentation process. This set of four videos were created by Cameron Owen on the fly during the challenge using both the iphone video camera and editing software in order to be available with immediacy and allow the event audience to share the experience - and perhaps to give some insights into the creative process exposed by the 48 hour challenge. ____________________________ Schön, D. A. 1983, The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action, Basic Books, New York
Germline mutations within the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) gene and one of its targets, the cyclin dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) gene, have been identified in a proportion of melanoma kindreds. In the case of CDK4, only one specific mutation, resulting in the substitution of a cysteine for an arginine at codon 24 (R24C), has been found to be associated with melanoma. We have previously reported the identification of germline CDKN2A mutations in 7/18 Australian melanoma kindreds and the absence of the R24C CDK4 mutation in 21 families lacking evidence of a CDKN2A mutation. The current study represents an expansion of these efforts and includes a total of 48 melanoma families from Australia. All of these families have now been screened for mutations within CDKN2A and CDK4, as well as for mutations within the CDKN2A homolog and 9p21 neighbor, the CDKN2B gene, and the alternative exon 1 (E1beta) of CDKN2A. Families lacking CDKN2A mutations, but positive for a polymorphism(s) within this gene, were further evaluated to determine if their disease was associated with transcriptional silencing of one CDKN2A allele. Overall, CDKN2A mutations were detected in 3/30 (10%) of the new kindreds. Two of these mutations have been observed previously: a 24 bp duplication at the 5' end of the gene and a G to C transversion in exon 2 resulting in an M531 substitution. A novel G to A transition in exon 2, resulting in a D108N substitution was also detected. Combined with our previous findings, we have now detected germline CDKN2A mutations in 10/48 (21%) of our melanoma kindreds. In none of the 'CDKN2A-negative' families was melanoma found to segregate with either an untranscribed CDKN2A allele, an R24C CDK4 mutation, a CDKN2B mutation, or an E1beta mutation. The last three observations suggest that these other cell cycle control genes (or alternative gene products) are either not involved at all, or to any great extent, in melanoma predisposition.
The 48-hour game making challenge started out in 2007 as a creative community event. We have run this event each year since and seen over 120 games made. 2011 was the most remarkable in that each of the 20 teams made a playable game – the shape of the challenge has changed …. We have invested in the process of reflective practice & action research, with the event being part of a sweep of programs that inform this research, with each year giving us fresh insights into both the creative practice and essential concerns, process and trends of the independent games industry creative community, which we then respond to within our curatorial development of the subsequent programming. The 2011 48-hour challenge research project focused on the people and the site. We were specifically interested in the manner in which the community occupied the creative space.