944 resultados para 327.114


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Dada la confluencia de Turquía en Asia, Medio Oriente, los Balcanes y Europa, el gobierno está en la necesidad de responder a los desafíos de ser un Estado pivote. Es en este punto donde su política exterior se convierte en la mayor herramienta para sobresalir y sobrevivir en un ambiente heterogéneo. El objetivo de esta monografía de grado es analizar la política exterior turca en el marco del Complejo de Seguridad Regional de Medio Oriente a partir de los aportes de la Escuela de Copenhague y su Teoría de los Complejos de Seguridad Regional, para comprender sus estrategias de soft y hard power en su política exterior a fin de analizar si se consolidó un smart power que permita posicionar a Turquía en una potencia regional.


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The viscosities of ternary mixtures of R-12, R-22, and R-114 vapors were determined at ambient temperature and pressure within +-1% by using an oscillating disk viscometer. The empirical viscosity obtained by Wllke's equation compares very well with the experimental results obtained with this vlscometer. In the case of this ternary vapor mixture, as long as the molar fraction ratio of R-12 to R-114 Is maintained at approximately 2"' (=Inverse ratio of thelr molecular weights) the viscosity of the ternary mixture at ambient temperature and pressure remalns constant irrespective of the percentage of R-22 present in the mixture.


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Contenido: Tomás de Aquino en su VII centenario / Gustavo Eloy Ponferrada – Santo Tomás y los capítulos generales de la orden de los Hermanos Predicadores, 1278-1370 / J. E. Bolzán ; Azucena A. Fraboschi – Jacques Chevalier et le Thomisme / Alain Guy – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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A Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) propõe ao idoso aposentadoria integral, com valor igual ao maior salário do último ano de trabalho. Arnaldo Faria de Sá (PTB-SP) concorda com a proposta. Eduardo Moreira (PMDB-SC) diz que o aposentado será lembrado nesta Constituição, de tal forma que mantenha seu poder aquisitivo. Com relação ao tempo de serviço necessário para a aposentadoria, não houve inovações. Geraldo Alckmin (PMDB-SP) diz que a Constituinte estabeleceu o Sistema Único de Previdência Social e o Sistema Único de Saúde, através do INAMPS, para fazer justiça ao trabalhador rural e fixar o homem no campo. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadão quer saber o que os constituintes vão fazer em relação a pobreza. Ruberval Piloto (PDS-SC) responde que, para sanar a pobreza, é necessário dar um salário mais justo para a parte menos assistida da população, garantir cidadania social (casa, terra e comida) e melhor distribuição de renda entre a União, Estados e Municípios. A Comissão de Sistematização realizou a primeira reunião para discutir o anteprojeto de Constituição. A ausência do Relator Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) impediu a discussão do anteprojeto. José Genoíno (PT-SP) diz que é impossível discutir o anteprojeto sem o relatório. José Richa (PMDB-PR) relata que o anteprojeto está fora da realidade, como é o caso da estabilidade no emprego após 90 dias de trabalho. Vivaldo Barbosa (PDT-RJ) está preocupado com alguns temas, como a questão do direito de propriedade e da reforma agrária. Nelson Jobim (PMDB-RS) explica que o anteprojeto é uma síntese do que foi aprovado nas comissões e, neste momento, não é possível fazer alterações.


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The Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) continues to invest significant resources into seafloor mapping activities along Washington’s outer coast (Intelmann and Cochrane 2006; Intelmann et al. 2006; Intelmann 2006). Results from these annual mapping efforts offer a snapshot of current ground conditions, help to guide research and management activities, and provide a baseline for assessing the impacts of various threats to important habitat. During the months of August 2004 and May and July 2005, we used side scan sonar to image several regions of the sea floor in the northern OCNMS, and the data were mosaicked at 1-meter pixel resolution. Video from a towed camera sled, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples and side scan sonar mapping were integrated to describe geological and biological aspects of habitat. Polygon features were created and attributed with a hierarchical deep-water marine benthic classification scheme (Greene et al. 1999). For three small areas that were mapped with both side scan sonar and multibeam echosounder, we made a comparison of output from the classified images indicating little difference in results between the two methods. With these considerations, backscatter derived from multibeam bathymetry is currently a costefficient and safe method for seabed imaging in the shallow (<30 meters) rocky waters of OCNMS. The image quality is sufficient for classification purposes, the associated depths provide further descriptive value and risks to gear are minimized. In shallow waters (<30 meters) which do not have a high incidence of dangerous rock pinnacles, a towed multi-beam side scan sonar could provide a better option for obtaining seafloor imagery due to the high rate of acquisition speed and high image quality, however the high probability of losing or damaging such a costly system when deployed as a towed configuration in the extremely rugose nearshore zones within OCNMS is a financially risky proposition. The development of newer technologies such as intereferometric multibeam systems and bathymetric side scan systems could also provide great potential for mapping these nearshore rocky areas as they allow for high speed data acquisition, produce precisely geo-referenced side scan imagery to bathymetry, and do not experience the angular depth dependency associated with multibeam echosounders allowing larger range scales to be used in shallower water. As such, further investigation of these systems is needed to assess their efficiency and utility in these environments compared to traditional side scan sonar and multibeam bathymetry. (PDF contains 43 pages.)


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Until now observations on the temporal variation of size of freshwater copepods have not provided much information. Other observers only mention in passing this or that phenomenon from which it is possible to deduct termporal variations. In this study Cyclops strenuus s.l., a freshwater species of fairly wide distribution, is studied in two water bodies. The author studies the systematic, placing of inhabitants described as C. strenuus Fischer in both locations, their annual life cycle, and their annual size variations.


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Experimental studies were carried out on the transformation of matter and energy during embryonic development of the isopod Crustacea Asellus aquaticus L. under two constant temperatures. Material for the experiments was collected in the quarry lakes of the Kurasovshchin-zone (city-Minsk) at 9°C in April and at 18°C in June, 1977. The rate of consumption of oxygen per specimen by eggs and embryos of Asellus aquaticus was observed and dynamics of the basic biological characteristics during embryonic development studied.


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The osmotic pressure of the perivitelline fluid and the yolk of trout (Salmo trutta) eggs were measured separately by the Drucker-Schrein method. The permeability of the egg membrane and the variations in the osmotic pressure of the eggs when placed in salt solutions were also investigated.


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Within the framework of the dinuclear system (DNS) model, production cross sections of new superheavy nuclei with charged numbers Z=108-114 are analyzed systematically. Possible combinations based on the actinide nuclides U-238, Pu-244, and Cm-248,Cm-250 with the optimal excitation energies and evaporation channels are pointed out to synthesize new isotopes that lie between the nuclides produced in the cold fusion reactions and the Ca-48-induced fusion reactions experimentally, which are feasible to be constructed experimentally. It is found that the production cross sections of superheavy nuclei decrease drastically with the charged numbers of compound nuclei. Larger mass asymmetries of the entrance channels enhance the cross sections in 2n-5n channels.


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Xanthoria parietina, common foliose lichen, growing in its natural habitat, was analysed for the concentration of five heavy metals (Fe, Cr, Zn, Pb and Cu) from different forest sites of North East of Morocco (Kenitra, Sidi Boughaba, Mkhinza, Ceinture Verte near Temara city, Skhirate, Bouznika and Mohammedia). The quantification was carried out by inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Results were highly significant p<0,001. The concentration of metals is correlated with the vehicular activity and urbanization. The total metal concentration is highest at the Kenitra area, followed by Ceinture Verte site near Temara city, which experience heavy traffic throughout the year. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of particulate matter on lichen of Xanthoria parietina was assessed as a complementary technique to wet chemical analysis for source apportionment of airborne contaminant. Analysis revealed high level of Cu, Cr, Zn and Pb in samples near roads.  


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We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae. 


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AIM: To confirm the accuracy of sentinel node biopsy (SNB) procedure and its morbidity, and to investigate predictive factors for SN status and prognostic factors for disease-free survival (DFS) and disease-specific survival (DSS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between October 1997 and December 2004, 327 consecutive patients in one centre with clinically node-negative primary skin melanoma underwent an SNB by the triple technique, i.e. lymphoscintigraphy, blue-dye and gamma-probe. Multivariate logistic regression analyses as well as the Kaplan-Meier were performed. RESULTS: Twenty-three percent of the patients had at least one metastatic SN, which was significantly associated with Breslow thickness (p<0.001). The success rate of SNB was 99.1% and its morbidity was 7.6%. With a median follow-up of 33 months, the 5-year DFS/DSS were 43%/49% for patients with positive SN and 83.5%/87.4% for patients with negative SN, respectively. The false-negative rate of SNB was 8.6% and sensitivity 91.4%. On multivariate analysis, DFS was significantly worsened by Breslow thickness (RR=5.6, p<0.001), positive SN (RR=5.0, p<0.001) and male sex (RR=2.9, p=0.001). The presence of a metastatic SN (RR=8.4, p<0.001), male sex (RR=6.1, p<0.001), Breslow thickness (RR=3.2, p=0.013) and ulceration (RR=2.6, p=0.015) were significantly associated with a poorer DSS. CONCLUSION: SNB is a reliable procedure with high sensitivity (91.4%) and low morbidity. Breslow thickness was the only statistically significant parameter predictive of SN status. DFS was worsened in decreasing order by Breslow thickness, metastatic SN and male gender. Similarly DSS was significantly worsened by a metastatic SN, male gender, Breslow thickness and ulceration. These data reinforce the SN status as a powerful staging procedure


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Contient : IRoman des Sept sages ; « Ci commance li livres des VII sages de Rome... Il ot jadis I emperere à Rome, qui ot non Diocliciens ; il ot eu famme... » ; «... aprés l'ampereour fu son fill ampereres tant coume il vesqui. Explicit. Explicit » ; IIMarqués de Rome ; « Ci commance li romanz de Marqués, le filz Chaton. Jadis out I empereeur à Rome, qui avoit non Diocliciens ; li empereres fu mult vieuz hom... » ; « ... et vesquirent ainsint en samble toutes leurs vies. Ici faut li rommanz de Marqués et des VII sages de Rome » ; IIIMiracles de Notre-Dame, en vers, par GAUTIER DE COINCY, incomplets du début. Exemplaire non cité dans l'édition de l'abbé Poquet ; Fragments du Prologue ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, publiés par l'abbé Poquet, 1857, vers 25-30, 62-69, 99-106, 138-142 ; Suite du Prologue, à partir du vers 143 ; Fin du Prologue : « ... La langue GAUTIER DE CHOISI (sic), Qui por s'amor commance einsi » ; Miracle de Théophile : « Por ceus esbatre et deporter... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 50 ; « Un biau miracle vos récite... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 423 ; « Tenez silence, bones genz... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 355 ; « Un biau miracle vos weil dire... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 291 ; « [M]es livres me dit et revelle... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge., col. 475 ; « Ci aprés vell metre en brief... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 501 ; « Queque talant avez d'oïr... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 511 ; « De l'abesse qui fu enceinte, que Nostre Dame délivra de son enfant en dormant. Une abesse fu jadis, Qui la dame de Paradis... » ; Ulrich, dans Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, t. VI (1882), p. 334 ; « Un miracle truis d'un provoire... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 323 ; « Un moine fu d'une abahie... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 327 ; « Por plusors cuers plus enflammer... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 341 ; « Un arcevesque ot à Touleste... », texte très abrégé ; édit. Poquet, col. 77 ; « Tuit li miracle Nostre Dame... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 429 ; « Entendez tuit, et cler et lai... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 517 ; « Tant convolante me semont... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 303 ; « Pour ce qu'oiseuse est mort à l'ame... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 523 ; « [C]i fu un clers, un damoisiaux... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 363 ; « Entendez tuit, faites silence... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 443 ; « Des V siaumes de Maria. Un brief miracle vos veil dire, Conter vos veil d'un simple moinne... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 359 ; « Si com mes [livres] me tesmoigne... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 455 ; « A ceus qui aiment doucement... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 493 ; « A la loange de la Virge... » ; texte abrégé, comprenant seulement les 114 premiers vers ; édit. Poquet, col. 481 ; « Queque d'oïr estes en grant... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 505 ; « A Chartres fu ce truis uns clers... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 297 ; « Bien est que nos le bien dions... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 347 ; « Cele en cui prist humanité... », texte incomplet ; édit. Poquet, col. 461 ; « De la nonnein que li chevalliers espoussa. A la gloire la glorieuse, Une merveille merveilleuse... » ; Ulrich, dans Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, t. VI (1882), p. 339 ; « ... Et serront tant com Dieux dura, Beneoiz soit qui l'endurra. Amen. Amen. Explicit les miracles de Nostre Dame sainte Marie, la douce dame et la beningne » ; IVLa Conception de Notre-Dame, par WACE ; « Ci commance la vie Nostre Damne. El non Dieu, qui nous doint sa grace, Oiiez que nos dit mestre GASCE... » — Le texte est incomplet des 18 derniers vers, et s'arrête (fol. 200 v°, col. 2) à ces mots : « ... Si Jonas en la mer sauva, Les IIII enfanz el feu garda, Bien pout donques [resusciter...] » ; cf La vie de la vierge Marie, de maître Wace, p. p. V. Luzarche, Tours, 1859, p. 90