997 resultados para 1707


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El treball consisteix en l'estudi d'alguns aspectes de l'obra del metge, físic, filòsof i teòleg anglès Walter Charleton (1620-1707), en el marc de la història intel•lectual a Anglaterra durant la segona meitat del segle XVII. Aquest període, que culmina en el sistema de Newton, es configura a través d'un conjunt de factors socials, polítics, intel•lectuals i religiosos, que van donar lloc a la consolidació del mecanicisme com a filosofia natural. En aquest context, Charleton és considerat com el principal introductor de l'atomisme de Gassendi a Anglaterra. Més concretament, el treball analitza l'anomenat voluntarisme teològic en la figura de Charleton, i la seva teologia natural com a fonament de l'atomisme, remarcant que el discurs teològic està implícit en el discurs físic.


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The change in dynasty brought with it a series of transformations to Peruvian viceroyalty political culture. Analysis is made of the government of the Marquis of Castelldosrius (1707-1710) who, in his eagerness to increase a meagre patrimony, was to attenuate his conflicts with the Creole sectors and the Consulate, with a style of politics that was characterised by courtly and cultural uses that included traditions that were in vogue in the courts of Louis XIV and in his native Catalonia


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Several authors in the 17th century used the atomic hypothesis to explain observable phenomena. This paper analyzes some ideas about chemical transformation proposed by the English physician Walter Charleton. In Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charltoniana (London, 1654), Charleton examined philosophical aspects of the atomic theory, and suggested that the best explanation for all natural phenomena would be only in terms of atoms and their motions. Sometimes, however, he had to attribute to the atoms some kind of "internal virtue", to explain more complex properties of the matter. His idea of "element", and the little use of experimentation and quantification, also limited the range of Charleton's theory.


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Contient : « Abrégé des Remarques sur la préface du 4e siècle du R. P. Mabillon, par D. Philippe Bastide » ; « In sæculum v Benedictinum animadversiones » ; « De antiqua Ordinis sancti Benedicti intra Gallias propagatione dissertatio » ; « Mémoires pour justifier le procédé que j'ay tenu dans l'édition des Vies de nos saints, » etc ; « Brièves reflections sur quelques règles de l'histoire » ; Notes et extraits divers ; « Mémoires touchant l'approbation de nostre Règle, qui commence : « Ego Gregorius, etc. » ; « Lettre d'un solitaire touchant l'obligation des règles » ; Inscriptions du prieuré de Saint-Fromund près Coutances ; Dissertation sur une borne milliaire découverte à Vic-sur-Aisne ; Note du libraire Robustel au sujet de différents ouvrages de Mabillon ; Copies de lettres du cardinal de Bouillon à Baluze, au sujet de l'Histoire de la maison d'Auvergne (1707) ; Prospectus de : « Sequani christiani, sive de re Sequanorum christiana decas historica,... studio P. Andreæ a S. Nicolao..., » in-4°, impr


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Contient : « Indiculus sanctorum monachorum, cum primis et extremis verbis Actorum quæ penes nos habentur, » par Mabillon


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Contient : 1° Miracle de saint Servais ; 2° « La Vie de monseigneur saint Gregoire » ; 3° « Du Remede de mauvais amour » ; 4° « Les Heures des trespassez » ; 5° « Balade de la mort » ; 6° « La Complainte de l'omme dampné » ; 7° « Le Dit des roys », ou Chronologie des rois de France ; 8° « La Condempnacion de messire Loys de Luxembourg, jadis connestable de France » ; 9° « La Complainte du connestable » ; 10° « Rondel » ; 11° « Epitaphe ou quel la vie dudit connestable est comprinse » ; 12° « Balade » ; 13° « La Desconfiture de monseigneur de Bourgongne, faicte par monseigneur de Lorraine » ; 14° « Littera PHILIPPI » ; 15° « Recepte contre la peste » ; 16° « Le Procez d'avril et de may » ; 17° Trois « Balades » ; « Tenez vous seur d'avoir beaucop à faire » ; « Qui ? voire qui ? les trois Estas de France » ; « Monseigneur dist bien, il a droit »


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Roberta “Bobbie” Styran was born and rasied in Fredericton, N.B. She graduated from McMaster University with a B.A. (1962) and M.A. (1964), before furthering her studies at the University of Toronto, where she received a Ph. D in History. From 1967 to 1978, she taught Medieval History at Brock University, where she developed an interest in the Welland Canal. She began a collaboration with Prof. Robert R. Taylor of the History Department at this time, researching the history of the Welland Canals. She later moved to Toronto and worked for the Ministry of Education, but returned to St. Catharines in 1988 to facilitate her work with Prof. Taylor. The two have co-authored several books, including The Welland Canals: the Growth of Mr. Merritt’s Ditch; Mr. Merritt’s Ditch: A Welland Canals Album; The Great “Swivel Link”: Canada’s Welland Canal and This Great National Object: Building the Nineteenth-Century Welland Canals. Bobbie travelled extensively, visiting many canal and industrial revolution sites in Great Britain and the United States. She was active in many canal associations, including the Canadian Canal Society (where she served as president and editor of the Society’s newsletter), the American Canal Society, and the Council of Inland Waterways International. She also helped to found the Welland Canals Preservation Association and organized and chaired the 2004 World Canals Conference at Brock University. In 2009, she received the W. Gordon Plewes Award from the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, an award that recognized her services to Canadian engineering history.