983 resultados para 100509 Video Communications
Specialist care consultations were identified by two research nurses using documentation in patient records, appointment diaries, electronic billing services and on-site observations at a 441-bed long term care facility. Over a six-month period there were 3333 consultations (a rate of 1511 consultations per year per 100 beds). Most consultations were for general practice (n = 2589, 78%); these consultations were mainly on site (99%), with only 27 taking place off site. There were 744 consultations for specialities other than general practice. A total of 146 events related to an emergency or unplanned hospital admission. The remaining medical consultations (n = 598, 18%) related to 23 medical specialities. The largest number of consultations were for surgery (n = 106), podiatry (n = 100), nursing services including wound care (n = 74), imaging (n = 41) and ophthalmology (n = 40). Many services which are currently being provided on site to metropolitan long-term care facilities could be provided by telehealth in both urban and rural facilities.
The format of grant applications should be updated to incorporate multimedia video. This would help researchers to convey complex topics to grant-review panels. If time-poor research panels cannot quickly grasp the scientific ideas presented in a paper application, other factors, such as author affiliations and track records, may disproportionately influence project rankings...
The advent of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) led to the standardisation of the first video codecs for interpersonal video communications, followed closely by the development of standards for the compression, storage and distribution of digital video in the PC environment, mainly targeted at CD-ROM storage. At the same time the second-generation digital wireless networks, and the third-generation networks being developed, have enough bandwidth to support digital video services. The radio propagation medium is a difficult environment in which to deploy low bit error rate, real time services such as video. The video coding standards designed for ISDN and storage applications, were targeted at low bit error rate levels, orders of magnitude lower than the typical bit error rates experienced on wireless networks. This thesis is concerned with the transmission of digital, compressed video over wireless networks. It investigates the behaviour of motion compensated, hybrid interframe DPCM/DCT video coding algorithms, which form the basis of current coding algorithms, in the presence of high bit error rates commonly found on digital wireless networks. A group of video codecs, based on the ITU-T H.261 standard, are developed which are robust to the burst errors experienced on radio channels. The radio link is simulated at low level, to generate typical error files that closely model real world situations, in a Rayleigh fading environment perturbed by co-channel interference, and on frequency selective channels which introduce inter symbol interference. Typical anti-multipath techniques, such as antenna diversity, are deployed to mitigate the effects of the channel. Link layer error control techniques are also investigated.
U-Healthcare means that it provides healthcare services "at anytime and anywhere" using wired, wireless and ubiquitous sensor network technologies. As a main field of U-healthcare, Telehealth has been developed as an enhancement of Telemedicine. This system includes two-way interactive web-video communications, sensor technology, and health informatics. With these components, it will assist patients to receive their first initial diagnosis. Futhermore, Telehealth will help doctors diagnose patient's diseases at early stages and recommend treatments to patients. However, this system has a few limitations such as privacy issues, interruption of real-time service and a wrong ordering from remote diagnosis. To deal with those flaws, security procedures such as authorised access should be applied to as an indispensible component in medical environment. As a consequence, Telehealth system with these protection procedures in clinical services will cope with anticipated vulnerabilities of U-Healthcare services and security issues involved.
La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).
Internet évolue avec la société et les nouvelles technologies, mais ses usages restent centrés sur le principe communicationnel de partager ses idées, ses histoires avec d’autres personnes. Comprendre les modes de communication des internautes offre des défis de taille aux chercheurs. Malgré une riche littérature sur les usages d’Internet, peu d’études se sont penchées sur l’analyse en profondeur des habitudes des internautes ordinaires. Cette thèse a pour objet d’étude le partage de contenus en ligne, car il s’agit d’une pratique permettant de réfléchir sur le rapport des usagers à la technologie. En m’inspirant des travaux d’Henri Lefebvre et de Michel de Certeau, je mobilise le concept de la vie quotidienne, concept qui met en lumière les processus à travers laquelle les gens font sens de leur vie. Afin de mieux saisir le quotidien, lequel est mobile, fluide et multiple, des métaphores spatiales tirées d’études des sciences, technologies et société (STS) seront mobilisées. Les concepts d’espace fluide et de feu sont idéaux pour étudier les pratiques de partage de vidéo que l’on peut qualifier de mutables et adaptables. Dans cette thèse, l’accent est mis sur les expériences subjectives des internautes ; ainsi, j’ai adopté une méthodologie qualitative pour recueillir les témoignages d’une dizaine de participants décrivant longuement leurs pratiques. En effet, j’ai rencontré chaque personne à plusieurs reprises et nous avons discuté d’exemples spécifiques. À travers les thèmes récurrents qui ont émergé des verbatims, et dans la tradition de la théorisation ancrée, la première partie de l’analyse fournit une riche description du quotidien des participants. J’explore en particulier la façon dont les internautes adaptent leur partage sur leurs expériences des sites de réseaux sociaux, comment la vidéo est utilisée dans le maintien de leurs relations sociales, et comment le partage des vidéos complémente leurs conversations. Sachant que les pratiques en ligne et hors ligne se fondent l’une dans l’autre, la deuxième partie de l’analyse articule la complexité de la vie quotidienne et la fluidité des pratiques de partage à l’aide du concept de l’objet fluide pour traiter des aspects complexes, dynamiques et souples des pratiques des internautes ordinaires. Cette recherche qualitative fournit un portrait de l’expérience humaine qui est autant détaillé que possible. Elle permet de souligner que c’est dans une variété contextes non remarquables – car faisant partie intégrante de la vie quotidienne – que les Internautes naviguent et que les activités humaines sont sans cesse construites et transformées, ouvrant des possibilités vers de nouvelles façons de faire et de penser. La thèse poursuit un dialogue interdisciplinaire entre la communication (les Internet Studies notamment) et les études des sciences, technologies et société (STS), tout en apportant de nombreuses données empiriques sur les pratiques des internautes « ordinaires ». De plus, la thèse offre des métaphores capables d’ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives pour l’analyse des usages du Web social. Elle apporte également une contribution originale en intégrant des approches théoriques des pratiques quotidiennes avec la théorisation ancrée. Tant les fondements conceptuels et des approches méthodologiques développées ici seront des exemples très utiles pour d’autres chercheurs intéressés à poursuivre la compréhension des pratiques quotidiennes impliquant l’Internet, surtout quand ces derniers impliquent le visuel, l’émotif et le relationnel.
Optical networks provide a new dimension to meet the demands of exponentially growing traffic. Optical packet switching requires a good switch architecture, which eliminates the O/E/O conversion as much as possible. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) provides a breakthrough to exploit the huge bandwidth of the optical fiber. Different applications have different requirements, which necessitate employing differentiated services. This paper presents the idea of a priority-based λ-scheduler, where the packets are differentiated into different classes and services are provided accordingly. For example, class 0 can correspond to non real time applications like email and ftp, while class 1 can correspond to real-time audio and video communications. The architecture is based on that of the λ-scheduler and hence it has the added advantage of reduced component cost by using WDM internally.
In the last years there has been a clear evolution in the world of telecommunications, which goes from new services that need higher speeds and higher bandwidth, until a role of interactions between people and machines, named by Internet of Things (IoT). So, the only technology able to follow this growth is the optical communications. Currently the solution that enables to overcome the day-by-day needs, like collaborative job, audio and video communications and share of les is based on Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (G-PON) with the recently successor named Next Generation Passive Optical Network Phase 2 (NG-PON2). This technology is based on the multiplexing domain wavelength and due to its characteristics and performance becomes the more advantageous technology. A major focus of optical communications are Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs). These can include various components into a single device, which simpli es the design of the optical system, reducing space and power consumption, and improves reliability. These characteristics make this type of devices useful for several applications, that justi es the investments in the development of the technology into a very high level of performance and reliability in terms of the building blocks. With the goal to develop the optical networks of future generations, this work presents the design and implementation of a PIC, which is intended to be a universal transceiver for applications for NG-PON2. The same PIC will be able to be used as an Optical Line Terminal (OLT) or an Optical Network Unit (ONU) and in both cases as transmitter and receiver. Initially a study is made of Passive Optical Network (PON) and its standards. Therefore it is done a theoretical overview that explores the materials used in the development and production of this PIC, which foundries are available, and focusing in SMART Photonics, the components used in the development of this chip. For the conceptualization of the project di erent architectures are designed and part of the laser cavity is simulated using Aspic™. Through the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of each one, it is chosen the best to be used in the implementation. Moreover, the architecture of the transceiver is simulated block by block through the VPItransmissionMaker™ and it is demonstrated its operating principle. Finally it is presented the PIC implementation.
Energy-Aware Rate and Description Allocation Optimized Video Streaming for Mobile D2D Communications
The proliferation problem of video streaming applications and mobile devices has prompted wireless network operators to put more efforts into improving quality of experience (QoE) while saving resources that are needed for high transmission rate and large size of video streaming. To deal with this problem, we propose an energy-aware rate and description allocation optimization method for video streaming in cellular network assisted device-to-device (D2D) communications. In particular, we allocate the optimal bit rate to each layer of video segments and packetize the segments into multiple descriptions with embedded forward error correction (FEC) for realtime streaming without retransmission. Simultaneously, the optimal number of descriptions is allocated to each D2D helper for transmission. The two allocation processes are done according to the access rate of segments, channel state information (CSI) of D2D requester, and remaining energy of helpers, to gain the highest optimization performance. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed method (named OPT) significantly enhances the performance of video streaming in terms of high QoE and energy saving.
Despite the size and growth of the computer and video gaming industry – as well as the increasing use of the medium for the placement of advertising and product placement – researchers have neglected this area. By drawing on existing literature and research in similar and related areas of film product placement, sponsorship and interactivity, the authors present a conceptual overview and identify areas for research.
With increasing revenues for video game manufacturers, higher software sales and a more diverse audience, the video games industry has been experiencing strong and rapid growth in recent times, rivalling other forms of entertainment. As a result, games have begun to attract the attention of marketing practitioners who are finding it increasingly difficult to attract consumer attention, and are seeking alternative media for marketing communications. This paper provides a review of the video games industry in the United States and raises the question as to whether games are a viable new medium for marketing messages. Areas for research are identified.
Despite its growth and prominence, product placement is generally under-researched and this is even more apparent in the area of placement in video gaming. This paper presents exploratory focus group research into this practice. Findings indicate that the introductory footage to a game provides placement opportunities with the highest level of recall, while peripheral non-action is the worst. Interestingly, recall also appears to be higher for individual brands as opposed to manufacturer brands.
This study explores the effects of use-simulated and peripheral placements in video games on attitude to the brand. Results indicate that placements do not lead to enhanced brand attitude, even when controlling for involvement and skill. It appears this is due to constraints on brand information processing in a game context.