245 resultados para surf
En este trabajo se realiza una descripción y análisis del esquema de funcionamiento detrás del emergente mercado de las compras colectivas y los cupones online desde una perspectiva tanto teórica como empírica. Inicialmente, se desarrolla un marco teórico teniendo en cuenta elementos de: teoría económica, e-marketing y comercio electrónico en los que se basa éste mercado. Posteriormente, se muestra el proyecto de implementación de una plataforma virtual y un sistema de incentivos basado en el esquema de cupones online desarrollado por el autor para la franquicia de tarjetas de crédito Diners Club International del Banco Davivienda S.A. en Colombia
El proyecto trata de fomentar la investigación a través del diseño. Tratan de construir una bicicleta acuática, tablas de windsurfing y surf, construcción de un kart y una piragua. Aplicado a 30 alumnos de segundo y tercero de BUP del Instituto José Aguiar, de San Sebastián. Durante los primeros meses de curso se dedicaron a la búsqueda de información y afianzamiento de los conocimientos adquiridos en dibujo lineal y aprendizaje de otros nuevos. De los objetivos generales que se han marcado, prácticamente se han conseguido todos. Han sido de carácter social en la mayoría de los casos (fomentar el trabajo en equipo, alentar la investigación y búsqueda de la información, motivar al alumnado). Los de carácter cognitivo también se han conseguido con éxito. Se mejoró el nivel básico del área de dibujo. Hubo una mayor coordinación entre los dos niveles de BUP. Se hicieron los planos a escala de los objetos construídos. Se constata además, mayor responsabilidad por parte de los alumnos.
Historia donde se ve la soledad del hijo único. Miranda es una niña que lo que más desea en el mundo es tener alguien con quien jugar. Al llegar a la playa con sus padres, encuentra todos los demás niños que juegan con sus hermanos y hermanas y siente un gran vacío dentro de ella. La niña solitaria hace en la arena un dibujo de una niña y, para su sorpresa la Anciana Roca hace que su hermana de arena recobre vida por un día. Miranda y Sandy juegan a piratas, búsqueda de tesoro, y saltan en el surf. Las dos aún tienen tiempo para un pequeño enfado, y de perdonarse una a la otra justo antes de Sandy desaparezca con la marea alta. Ha llegado el momento de volver y Miranda recibe una maravillosa noticia de sus padres.
An overview is provided of the current understanding of transport in the middle atmosphere. Over the past quarter century this subject has evolved from a basic recognition of the Brewer-Dobson circulation to a detailed appreciation of many key features of transport such as the stratospheric surf zone, mixing barriers and the dynamics of filamentation. Whilst the elegant theoretical framework for middle atmosphere transport that emerged roughly twenty years ago never fulfilled its promise, useful phenomenological models have been developed together with innovative diagnostic methods. These advances were made possible by the advent of plenty of satellite and aircraft observations of long-lived chemical species together with developments in data assimilation and numerical modeling, and have been driven in large measure by the problem of stratospheric ozone depletion. This review is primarily focused on the stratosphere, where both the interest and the knowledge are the greatest, but a few remarks are also made on the mesosphere.
In the stratosphere, chemical tracers are drawn systematically from the equator to the pole. This observed Brewer–Dobson circulation is driven by wave drag, which in the stratosphere arises mainly from the breaking and dissipation of planetary-scale Rossby waves. While the overall sense of the circulation follows from fundamental physical principles, a quantitative theoretical understanding of the connection between wave drag and Lagrangian transport is limited to linear, small-amplitude waves. However, planetary waves in the stratosphere generally grow to a large amplitude and break in a strongly nonlinear fashion. This paper addresses the connection between stratospheric wave drag and Lagrangian transport in the presence of strong nonlinearity, using a mechanistic three-dimensional primitive equations model together with offline particle advection. Attention is deliberately focused on a weak forcing regime, such that sudden warmings do not occur and a quasi-steady state is reached, in order to examine this question in the cleanest possible context. Wave drag is directly linked to the transformed Eulerian mean (TEM) circulation, which is often used as a surrogate for mean Lagrangian motion. The results show that the correspondence between the TEM and mean Lagrangian velocities is quantitatively excellent in regions of linear, nonbreaking waves (i.e., outside the surf zone), where streamlines are not closed. Within the surf zone, where streamlines are closed and meridional particle displacements are large, the agreement between the vertical components of the two velocity fields is still remarkably good, especially wherever particle paths are coherent so that diabatic dispersion is minimized. However, in this region the meridional mean Lagrangian velocity bears little relation to the meridional TEM velocity, and reflects more the kinematics of mixing within and across the edges of the surf zone. The results from the mechanistic model are compared with those from the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model to test the robustness of the conclusions.
The relevance of chaotic advection to stratospheric mixing and transport is addressed in the context of (i) a numerical model of forced shallow-water flow on the sphere, and (ii) a middle-atmosphere general circulation model. It is argued that chaotic advection applies to both these models if there is suitable large-scale spatial structure in the velocity field and if the velocity field is temporally quasi-regular. This spatial structure is manifested in the form of “cat’s eyes” in the surf zone, such as are commonly seen in numerical simulations of Rossby wave critical layers; by analogy with the heteroclinic structure of a temporally aperiodic chaotic system the cat’s eyes may be thought of as an “organizing structure” for mixing and transport in the surf zone. When this organizing structure exists, Eulerian and Lagrangian autocorrelations of the velocity derivatives indicate that velocity derivatives decorrelate more rapidly along particle trajectories than at fixed spatial locations (i.e., the velocity field is temporally quasi-regular). This phenomenon is referred to as Lagrangian random strain.
Titanium dioxide was obtained by hydrolysis of the corresponding ethoxide, followed by washing, drying, and calcination at 80, 160, 240, 320, 400, and 700 C, respectively. The following surface properties of the solids obtained were determined as a function of the calcinations temperature: T(Calcn); area by the BET method; BrOnsted acidity by titration with sodium hydroxide; empirical polarity, ET(30); Lewis acidity, alpha(Surf); Lewis basicity, beta(Surf); and dipolarity/polarizability pi*(Sturf), by use of solvatochromic indicators. Except for le surf whose value increased slightly, heating the samples resulted in a decrease of all of the above-mentioned surface properties, due to the decrease of surface hydroxyl groups. This conclusion has been corroborated by FTIR. Values of E(T)(30), alpha(Surf), and pi*(Surf) are higher than those of water and alcohols; the BrOnsted and Lewis acidities of the samples correlate linearly. The advantages of using solvatochromic indicators to probe the surface properties and relevance of the results to the applications of TiO(2) are discussed.
We have investigated the adsorbed intermediates of ethanol electro-oxidation at Pt(1 1 1), Pt(1 0 0) and Pt(1 1 0) using FTIR and SFG spectroscopies. Mainly, we focus on the CO formation. The aim of the present work is to compare the responses coming from two different surf, cc probes: a FTIR spectroscopy and SFG spectroscopy. Between 1800cm(-1) and 2300cm(-1), our MR and SFG results are in good agreement. Specifically in the case of the ethanol/Pt(1 1 1) interface, the SFG spectroscopy presents higher sensibility to the interface response compared to the FTIR spectroscopy. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O Parque Estadual de Itapuã é considerado a última área representativa dos ecossistemas originais da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, sendo que nos últimos 11 anos somente foi permitida a entrada de pesquisadores em suas dependências. Após este longo período em que esteve fechado, o Parque voltará a receber turistas no início de 2002, sendo que os principais destinos serão as praias. Dentre as oito praias existentes na área, somente três serão abertas à visitação, sendo a Praia de Fora a maior delas e a única voltada para a Lagoa dos Patos. Com objetivo de fornecer subsídios para o gerenciamento da Praia de Fora, efetuou-se a análise de uma série de parâmetros morfodinâmicos consagrados na literatura mundial, aprimorando o nível de conhecimento desta praia e suas relações com a Lagoa dos Patos. Para tanto, utilizou-se os modelos de praias de Banco Único e de Bancos Múltiplos da chamada Escola Australiana com a aplicação dos seguintes parâmetros: Parâmetro Adimensional Omega (Ù), Omega Teórico (Ùterorico), Parâmetro de Banco (B), Declividade da Face de Praia (Tang ß) e Parâmetro Dimensionador de Surfe (surf scaling parameter). Outros modelos utilizados foram o Perfil de Equilíbrio de DEAN (1973), o modelo de Transporte Longitudinal dos sedimentos da zona de surfe, (SPM, 1984), o Limite Externo e Limite Interno (Profundidade de Fechamento) e o modelo de Sentido Preferencial de Transporte Perpendicular (SUNAMURA & TAKEDA, 1984). Além destes, optou-se por realizar uma análise temporal da variação da linha de praia da Praia de Fora no período entre 1978 e 2001. Os resultados obtidos indicam um ambiente com uma grande variação energética anual, sendo que a largura da face praial apresentou variações de até 16 m e a declividade de 2,8° a 11.3°. A análise dos parâmetros morfodinâmicos indicou uma praia com grande alternância de estágios morfodinâmicos, que reflete a presença de uma zona de transporte de sedimentos muito intenso por ação de ondas até a profundidade de 0,90 m, uma zona de transporte significativo entre 0,90 e 5 m e uma zona de transporte incipiente para as profundidades maiores que 6 m. O transporte no sentido longitudinal, apresenta uma bidirecionalidade com uma pequena resultante para SE e em sentido transversal apresenta uma maior incidência de transporte da zona de surfe para a antepraia, caracterizando setores erosivos na Praia de Fora. Estes setores erosivos foram detectados em 58% da extensão da Praia de Fora com uma taxa média de 3,75 m por ano. Já em 14% da extensão da praia foi observado acresção e em 28% da praia não houve variação significativa da posição da linha de praia. As taxas médias de deposição chegaram a 1,75 m por ano. A sistematização de todos os resultados permitiu a elaboração de subsídios para o gerenciamento da Praia de Fora. São eles: análise dos riscos para a segurança de banhistas na praia, manejo de dunas, restrições a explotação de areia de fundo nas adjacências da Praia de Fora e delimitação submersa do Parque de Itapuã junto à cota batimétrica dos –6m. Esta delimitação aumentaria em aproximadamente 10.920 hectares ou 196 %, a área atual de preservação do Parque de Itapuã.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Visual attention is a very important task in autonomous robotics, but, because of its complexity, the processing time required is significant. We propose an architecture for feature selection using foveated images that is guided by visual attention tasks and that reduces the processing time required to perform these tasks. Our system can be applied in bottom-up or top-down visual attention. The foveated model determines which scales are to be used on the feature extraction algorithm. The system is able to discard features that are not extremely necessary for the tasks, thus, reducing the processing time. If the fovea is correctly placed, then it is possible to reduce the processing time without compromising the quality of the tasks outputs. The distance of the fovea from the object is also analyzed. If the visual system loses the tracking in top-down attention, basic strategies of fovea placement can be applied. Experiments have shown that it is possible to reduce up to 60% the processing time with this approach. To validate the method, we tested it with the feature algorithm known as Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF), one of the most efficient approaches for feature extraction. With the proposed architecture, we can accomplish real time requirements of robotics vision, mainly to be applied in autonomous robotics
The development and refinement of techniques that make simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for an autonomous mobile robot and the building of local 3-D maps from a sequence of images, is widely studied in scientific circles. This work presents a monocular visual SLAM technique based on extended Kalman filter, which uses features found in a sequence of images using the SURF descriptor (Speeded Up Robust Features) and determines which features can be used as marks by a technique based on delayed initialization from 3-D straight lines. For this, only the coordinates of the features found in the image and the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are avaliable. Its possible to determine the position of the marks only on the availability of information of depth. Tests have shown that during the route, the mobile robot detects the presence of characteristics in the images and through a proposed technique for delayed initialization of marks, adds new marks to the state vector of the extended Kalman filter (EKF), after estimating the depth of features. With the estimated position of the marks, it was possible to estimate the updated position of the robot at each step, obtaining good results that demonstrate the effectiveness of monocular visual SLAM system proposed in this paper
Objectives. This study was undertaken to evaluate the shear bond strength of four materials used as aesthetic material bonded to Ni-Cr alloy.Methods. Sixty-eight alloy discs were prepared and divided equally into four groups, and received four treatments for veneering: conventional feldspathic porcelain (Noritake EX-3) and three light-cured prosthodontic composite resins (Artglass, Solidex and Targis). The aesthetic materials were applied after metal structure conditioning in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 degreesC for 7 days. A universal testing machine was used to measure the shear bond strength of the specimens at a cross head speed of 0.5 mm/min. Fractured specimens were examined by using both optical and scanning electron microscope.Results. The analysis of variance and Tukey's test showed that the strongest mean shear bond was obtained with Noritake EX-3 (mean shear bond strength 42.90 +/- 7.82 MPa). For composites, the highest mean shear bond strength was observed for Targis (12.30 +/- 1.57 MPa); followed by Solidex (11.94 +/- 1.04 MPa) and Artglass (10.04 +/- 0.75 MPa). Optical analysis of the fractured surf aces indicated that for Targis and Noritake EX-3 all failures were a mixture of both cohesive and adhesive patterns. As for Artglass and Solidex, the fractures were mainly adhesive in nature.Conclusions. The Solidex system was equivalent to the Targis system in bond strength and exhibited greater strength than the Artglass system. The porcelain fused-to-metal showed considerably higher shear bond strength than the three metal-resin bonding techniques. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. Ali rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC