949 resultados para single bottom line
Understanding the contribution of marketing to economic and social outcomes is fundamental to broadening the focus of marketing. The authors develop a comprehensive model that integrates the impact of service quality and service satisfaction on both economic and societal outcomes. The model is validated using two random samples involving intensive health services. The results indicate that service quality and service satisfaction significantly enhance quality of life and behavioral intentions, highlighting that customer service has social as well as economic outcomes. This is an important finding given the movement toward recognizing social and environmental outcomes, such as emphasized through triple bottom-line reporting. The findings have important implications for managing service processes, for improving the quality of life of customers, and for enhancing customers' behavioral intentions toward the organization.
Optical Bloch equations are widely used for describing dynamics in a system consisting molecules, electromagnetic waves, and a thermal bath. We analyze applicability of these equations to a single molecule imbedded in a solid matrix. Classical Bloch equations and the limits of their applicability are derived from more general master equations. Simple and intuitively appealing picture based on stochastic Bloch equations shows that at low temperatures, contrary to common believes, a strong driving field can not only suppress but can also increase decay rates of Rabi oscillations. A physical system where predicted effects can be observed experimentally is suggested. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Since the Second World War, Australian governments have adopted various approaches to governing nonmetropolitan Australia. The authors profile three distinct approaches to governance characterised as (1) state-centred regionalism; (2) new localism; and (3) new forms of multifaceted regionalism. Although recent policy initiatives have been justified by the argument that the region is the most suitable scale for planning and development in nonmetropolitan Australia, in practice the institutional landscape is a hybrid of overlapping local, regional, and national scales of action. The authors compare this new, multifaceted, regionalism with the so-called 'new regionalism currently being promoted in Western Europe and North America. It is argued that new regionalism differs in quite important ways from the regionalism currently being fostered in Australia. In Australia, the centrality of sustainability principles, and the attempt to foster interdependence amongst stakeholders from the state, market, and civil society, have produced a layer of networked governance that is different from that overseas. It is argued that there is a triple bottom-line 'promise' in the Australian approach which differs from the Western Europe/North American model, and which has the potential to deliver enhanced economic, social, and environmental outcomes.
We introduce the Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies (SINGG), a census of star formation in H I selected galaxies. The survey consists of H alpha and R-band imaging of a sample of 468 galaxies selected from the H I Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS). The sample spans three decades in H I mass and is free of many of the biases that affect other star-forming galaxy samples. We present the criteria for sample selection, list the entire sample, discuss our observational techniques, and describe the data reduction and calibration methods. This paper focuses on 93 SINGG targets whose observations have been fully reduced and analyzed to date. The majority of these show a single emission line galaxy (ELG). We see multiple ELGs in 13 fields, with up to four ELGs in a single field. All of the targets in this sample are detected in H alpha, indicating that dormant (non-star-forming) galaxies with M-H I greater than or similar to 3x10(7) M-circle dot are very rare. A database of the measured global properties of the ELGs is presented. The ELG sample spans 4 orders of magnitude in luminosity (H alpha and R band), and H alpha surface brightness, nearly 3 orders of magnitude in R surface brightness and nearly 2 orders of magnitude in H alpha equivalent width (EW). The surface brightness distribution of our sample is broader than that of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic sample, the EW distribution is broader than prism-selected samples, and the morphologies found include all common types of star-forming galaxies (e.g., irregular, spiral, blue compact dwarf, starbursts, merging and colliding systems, and even residual star formation in S0 and Sa spirals). Thus, SINGG presents a superior census of star formation in the local universe suitable for further studies ranging from the analysis of H II regions to determination of the local cosmic star formation rate density.
A Governança Corporativa, que surge com uma superação ao conflito de agência, exige dentre seus princípios que as organizações adotem uma estrutura que proteja os direitos dos acionistas e assegure a divulgação e a transparência de fatos relevantes e suas demonstrações contábeis. No Brasil, em 2000, a BM&FBOVESPA criou níveis diferenciados de Governança Corporativa a fim de estimular o interesse de investidores e auxiliar na valorização das empresas que podem aderir voluntariamente a um dos segmentos. Juntamente à preocupação quanto às boas práticas de governança, existe outra questão altamente importante e preocupante que se refere à sustentabilidade. Cada vez mais investidores buscam empresas que atuam sob os princípios do Triple Bottom Line, o qual abrange elementos das esferas ambientais, sociais e econômicas, como uma forma de segurança para seus investimentos. Em 2005, foi criado o Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE), pela BM&FBOVESPA, como uma referência nas boas práticas de sustentabilidade e comprometimento das empresas com a sustentabilidade empresarial. Neste contexto, este estudo visa verificar se existem diferenças entre as médias dos retornos mensais das ações, no período de cinco anos antes e após a sua adesão à Governança Corporativa e ao Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial. O método utilizado para testar as hipóteses das três amostras selecionadas foi o Paired-Samples T Test, por meio do software SPSS, versão 18.0. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que, no caso das amostras do ISE (p= 0,006 < 0,05) e GC_ISE (p= 0,030 < 0,05) a hipótese nula é rejeitada, pois existe diferença significativa entre as médias dos retornos mensais e no caso da amostra de GC (p= 0,081 > 0,05) a hipótese nula não é rejeitada, pois não existe diferença significativa entre estas médias. Analisando os valores das médias é possível perceber que a maioria delas sofre queda no segundo momento de análise, apesar disso não é possível generalizar afirmando que a Governança Corporativa e o Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial não agregam valor às empresas e aos acionistas. Isto porque o momento econômico analisado coincide com a crise financeira do subprime, que atingiu as principais bolsas de valores do mundo e influenciou fortemente as ações na BM&FBovespa, principalmente em 2008.
O mercado global estimula a competitividade para a busca de retornos financeiros. Entretanto, para a obtenção destes retornos financeiros, as empresas não podem atuar sem considerar critérios de sustentabilidade empresarial, condição sem a qual as empresas perderão competitividade. A BM&FBOVESPA trouxe grande contribuição às empresas que operam em seu mercado através do ISE (Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial). No entanto é justificado o questionamento se a dimensão que contempla os investimentos relativos à responsabilidade social tem peso suficiente para classificar melhor uma empresa no ISE ou se a concepção de sustentabilidade do ISE é multifocal e cuja ênfase seja distribuída nos conceitos do triple bottom line. Para verificar tal fato, este trabalho procurou comprovar o peso real da dimensão social dentro do ISE por meio de regressão logística, valendo-se de amostragem adequada de empresas participantes ou não na carteira do ISE nos anos 2011 e 2012. Demonstrou-se que não há diferenças significativas entre os grupos que justifiquem a classificação ou não no ISE somente baseando-se nas variáveis da dimensão social, bem como das mesmas com a adição de variáveis financeiras. Nota-se, portanto, que a dimensão social não é suficientemente relevante para diferenciar a participação ou não de uma empresa na carteira do ISE.
A tese é constituída por duas etapas complementares, a teórica e a empírica, essenciais para que os seguintes objetivos propostos sejam devidamente cumpridos. 1) confirmar uma mudança da práxis publicitária na qual elementos materiais e funcionais passam a ser minimizados e elementos imateriais e intangíveis evidenciados. 2) investigar de forma objetiva e comparativa o conteúdo do corpus e demonstrar quais temáticas prevalecem em diferentes períodos sociais, pontuando sua natureza tangível e intangível. 3) Apresentar e delinear o Mercado do Imaterial , o esboço de um novo modelo de segmentação de mercado que tem a imaterialidade como base. O aprofundamento teórico-conceitual alicerçado nos Estudos Culturais e em autores que discorrem sobre a pós-modernidade e suas relações de consumo é ponto de partida desta pesquisa e só por meio dele chegamos às premissas que dão origem às duas hipóteses, extremamente interligadas, que sustentam esta tese. A pesquisa empírica utiliza como procedimento metodológico a análise de conteúdo quantitativa do corpus, composto por vídeos publicitários criteriosamente definidos. Por meio do trajeto analítico e teórico, é possível concluir que estamos em um período pós-material regido pelo intangível, o que modifica a comunicação de mercado.
The application of any e-Solution promises significant returns. In particular, using internet technologies both within enterprises and across the supply (value) chain provides real opportunity, not only for operational improvement but also for innovative strategic positioning. However, significant questions obscure potential investment; how any value will actually be created and, importantly, how this value will be shared across the value chain is not clear. This paper will describe a programme of research that is developing an enterprise simulator that will provide a more fundamental understanding of the impact of e-Solutions across operational supply chains, in terms of both standard operational and financial measures of performance. An efficient supply chain reduces total costs of operations by sharing accurate real-time information and coordinating inter-organizational business processes. This form of electronic link between organizations is known as business-to-business (B2B) e-Business. The financial measures go beyond simple cost calculations to real bottom-line performance by modelling the financial transactions that business processes generate. The paper will show how this enterprise simulator allows for a complete supply chain to be modelled in this way across four key applications: control system design, virtual enterprises, pan-supply-chain performance metrics and supporting e-Supply-chain design methodology.
In many circumstances, it may be of interest to discover whether two or more regression lines are the same. Regression lines may differ in three properties, viz., in residual variance, in slope, and in elevation; all of which can be tested using analysis of covariance. If there are no significant differences between regression lines, an investigator may which to combine the data from different studies and fit a single regression line to the whole of the data.
The incentive dilemma refers to a situation in which incentives are offered but do not work as intended. The authors suggest that, in an interorganizational context, whether a principal-provided incentive works is a function of how it is evaluated by an agent: for its contribution to the agent's bottom line (instrumental evaluation) and for the extent it is strategically aligned with the agent's direction (congruence evaluation). To further understand when incentives work, the influence of two key contextual variables-industry volatility and dependence-are examined. A field study featuring 57 semi-structured depth interviews and 386 responses from twin surveys in the information technology and brewing industries provide data for hypothesis testing. When and whether incentives work is demonstrated by certain conditions under which the agent's evaluation of an incentive has positive or negative effects on its compliance and active representation. Further, some outcomes are reversed in the high volatility condition. © 2013 Academy of Marketing Science.
This research study illustrates the importance of sustainable purchasing practices for organizations in the U.S. distribution industry and answers several important questions: what is the current awareness of U.S. organizations regarding sustainable purchasing practices; to what extent are U.S. organizations evaluating, selecting, and retaining suppliers based upon sustainable purchasing practices; and to what extent are sustainable purchasing practices being implemented by the U.S. organizations under study? With an ever increasing global economy, is it critically important for organizations to put in place sustainability practices; the biggest impact organizations can make is often in an organization’s purchasing department. The researcher begins by explaining the reasoning for conducting the research, and then builds the readers’ understanding of sustainability in a supply chain environment. It then moves to the subject of how sustainable purchasing can be an advantageous method for bringing about “triple bottom line” savings to an organization. This section is followed by the researcher’s methodology and ending results for a survey conducted to examine the current awareness and implementation of sustainable purchasing practices among U.S. plumbing, heating, cooling and piping (PHCP) distribution firms who participated in the study.
Microfinance has been developed as alternative solution for global poverty alleviation effort in the last 30 years. Microfinance institution (MFI) has unique characteristic wherein they face double bottom line objectives of outreach to the poor and financial sustainability. This study proposes a two-stage analysis to measure Islamic Microfinance institutions (IMFIs) performance by comparing them to conventional MFIs. First, we develop a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) framework to measure MFIs' efficiency in its double bottom line objectives, i.e. in terms of social and financial efficiency. In the second stage non-parametric tests are used to compare the performance and identify factors that contribute to the efficiency of IMFIs and MFIs.
The number of research papers linking sustainability with supply chain management is increasing around the world. The purpose of this paper is to analyse how the publications in Brazil are considering the relationship between sustainability and supply chain management. The methodology applied consists in five major steps: (1) selection of databases and journals, (2) selection of the papers, (3) reading of papers' abstracts to select only papers that are related to business and sustainability, (4) qualitative and quantitative analysis of the selected papers' abstracts to define the main dimension of sustainability and sustainability aspect, and finally, (5) an evaluation of experts' responses to a questionnaire in the field of sustainability and supply chain in Brazil. The literature review was conducted in 120 Brazilian academic journals in which 124 papers were identified as being published in relation to sustainability, business management and companies, from 2008 until 2013. When considering the traditional Triple Bottom Line approach, the results of the analysis show that sustainability research in Brazil is focusing on the environmental dimension and SCM research is focusing on the economic dimension. Additional inputs are provided by integrating the governance dimension in the analysis to underline which actions and policies are discussed in Brazilian literature at a corporate level. The consultation of experts in the field of sustainability in Brazil was aimed at understanding better the results of the conducted literature review. One of the main conclusions is that there are large opportunities to increase publications about sustainability and SCM in the country.
This paper explores the relationship between leadership styles and engagement in the workplace. The competitive global markets are forcing organizations to look past their products and the bottom line and move beyond just employee motivation and towards having an engaged workforce.
In the discussion - Ethics, Value Systems And The Professionalization Of Hoteliers by K. Michael Haywood, Associate Professor, School of Hotel and Food Administration, University of Guelph, Haywood initially presents: “Hoteliers and executives in other service industries should realize that the foundation of success in their businesses is based upon personal and corporate value systems and steady commitment to excellence. The author illustrates how ethical issues and manager morality are linked to, and shaped by the values of executives and the organization, and how improved professionalism can only be achieved through the adoption of a value system that rewards contributions rather than the mere attainment of results.” The bottom line of this discussion is, how does the hotel industry reconcile its behavior with that of public perception? “The time has come for hoteliers to examine their own standards of ethics, value systems, and professionalism,” Haywood says. And it is ethics that are at the center of this issue; Haywood holds that component in an estimable position. “Hoteliers must become value-driven,” advises Haywood. “They must be committed to excellence both in actualizing their best potentialities and in excelling in all they do. In other words, the professionalization of the hotelier can be achieved through a high degree of self-control, internalized values, codes of ethics, and related socialization processes,” he expands. “Serious ethical issues exist for hoteliers as well as for many business people and professionals in positions of responsibility,” Haywood alludes in defining some inter-industry problems. “The acceptance of kickbacks and gifts from suppliers, the hiding of income from taxation authorities, the lack of interest in installing and maintaining proper safety and security systems, and the raiding of competitors' staffs are common practices,” he offers, with the reasoning that if these problems can occur within ranks, then there is going to be a negative backlash in the public/client arena as well. Haywood divides the key principles of his thesis statement - ethics, value systems, and professionalism – into specific elements, and then continues to broaden the scope of each element. Promotion, product/service, and pricing are additional key components in Haywood’s discussion, and he addresses each with verve and vitality. Haywood references the four character types - craftsmen, jungle fighters, company men, and gamesmen – via a citation to Michael Maccoby, in the portion of the discussion dedicated to morality and success. Haywood closes with a series of questions derived from Lawrence Miller's American Spirit, Visions of a New Corporate Culture, each question designed to focus, shape, and organize management's attention to the values that Miller sets forth in his piece.