543 resultados para shiny chafer beetles


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Las dificultades a las que los estudiantes se enfrentan y su lucha por dominar los temas, podría aumentar como consecuencia de la inadecuada utilización de materiales de evaluación. Generalmente se encuentran en el aula alumnos que hacen buen uso del material de los cursos y de una manera rápida, mientras que otros presentan dificultades con el aprendizaje del material. Esta situación es fácilmente visto en los resultados de los exámenes, un grupo de estudiantes podrían obtener buenas calificaciones animándoles, mientras que otros obtendrían la mala percepción de que los temas son difíciles, y en algunos casos, obligándolos a abandonar el curso o en otros casos a cambiar de carrera. Creemos que mediante el uso de técnicas de aprendizaje automático, y en nuestro caso la utilización de redes neuronales, sería factible crear un entorno de evaluación que podrían ajustarse a las necesidades de cada estudiante. Esto último disminuiría la sensación de insatisfacción de los alumnos y el abandono de los cursos.


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Unanswered key questions in bark beetle-plant interactions concern host finding in species attacking angiosperms in tropical zones and whether management strategies based on chemical signaling used for their conifer-attacking temperate relatives may also be applied in the tropics. We hypothesized that there should be a common link in chemical signaling mediating host location by these Scolytids. Using laboratory behavioral assays and chemical analysis we demonstrate that the yellow-orange exocarp stage of coffee berries, which attracts the coffee berry borer, releases relatively high amounts of volatiles including conophthorin, chalcogran, frontalin and sulcatone that are typically associated with Scolytinae chemical ecology. The green stage of the berry produces a much less complex bouquet containing small amounts of conophthorin but no other compounds known as bark beetle semiochemicals. In behavioral assays, the coffee berry borer was attracted to the spiroacetals conophthorin and chalcogran, but avoided the monoterpenes verbenone and a-pinene, demonstrating that, as in their conifer-attacking relatives in temperate zones, the use of host and non-host volatiles is also critical in host finding by tropical species. We speculate that microorganisms formed a common basis for the establishment of crucial chemical signals comprising inter-and intraspecific communication systems in both temperate-and tropical-occurring bark beetles attacking gymnosperms and angiosperms.


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Aim Positive regional correlations between biodiversity and human population have been detected for several taxonomic groups and geographical regions. Such correlations could have important conservation implications and have been mainly attributed to ecological factors, with little testing for an artefactual explanation: more populated regions may show higher biodiversity because they are more thoroughly surveyed. We tested the hypothesis that the correlation between people and herptile diversity in Europe is influenced by survey effort


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RESUMO - O Huanglongbing (HLB ou Greening) é a doença mais importante e destrutiva da citricultura mundial. Presente de forma endêmica nos continentes asiático e africano há várias décadas, essa doença foi constatada no Brasil em 2004, sendo transmitida pelo psilídeo Diaphorina citri e causada por bactérias de floema Candidatus Liberibacter spp. Para auxiliar o estudo da doença, foram desenvolvidos modelos matemáticos para avaliação da propagação do HLB Citros. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a criação de um sistema para execução via web de um destes modelos, permitindo aos profissionais de diversas formações, em especial os das áreas biológicas, que são os especialistas do domínio em estudo, acesso rápido aos resultados fornecidos pelo modelo matemático, eliminando ainda a necessidade de conhecimento prévio em alguma linguagem de programação ou de métodos de resolução de equações diferenciais. O sistema foi completamente implementado em R, tendo sido o pacote deSolve usado para solução do modelo matemático e o framework web Shiny para a interface com usuário, sendo todos open source.


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To evaluate the sleep bruxism, malocclusions, orofacial dysfunctions and salivary levels of cortisol and alpha-amylase in asthmatic children. 108 7-9-yr-old children were selected from Policlinic Santa Teresinha Doutor Antonio Haddad Dib (asthmatics, n=53) and from public schools (controls, n=55), Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Sleep bruxism diagnosis was confirmed by parental report of grinding sounds and the presence of shiny and polish facets on incisors and/or first permanent molars. The index of orthodontic treatment need was used for occlusion evaluation. Orofacial dysfunctions were evaluated using the nordic orofacial test-screening (NOT-S). Salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase were expressed as awakening response (AR), calculated as the difference between levels immediately after awakening and 30min after waking, and diurnal decline (DD), calculated as the difference between levels at 30min after waking and at bedtime. Data were analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk/Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Chi-square, unpaired t test/Mann-Whitney and paired t/Wilcoxon tests. Sleep bruxism was more prevalent in children with asthma than controls (47.2% vs. 27.3%, p<0.05). Asthmatics had higher scores of NOT-S total and interview (p<0.05). Dysfunctions on sensory function and chewing and swallowing were more frequent in asthmatics (p<0.05). Salivary cortisol AR on weekend was significantly higher for asthmatics (p<0.05). Salivary cortisol DD was significantly higher on weekday than weekend for controls (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in alpha-amylase values in and between groups. The presence of asthma in children was associated with sleep bruxism, negative perception of sensory, chewing and swallowing functions, and higher concentrations of salivary cortisol on weekend.


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Coctilelater minimus from Brazil (Pará) is described and illustrated. This new species is mainly characterized by small size and coloration pattern.


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Metapyrophorus, a new monotypic genus, is erected based on M. pharolim, new species from Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela. The genus is characterized mainly by its pair of convex pronotal bioluminescent organs, equidistant between the median line and the lateral margin.


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Ignelater inaguensis sp. nov. from Bahamas, Great Inagua Island is described, illustrated and compared to other Ignelater species. This species is characterized mainly by its elytra, slightly widened from humerus up to the middle or posterior third and the length ratio between elytra and pronotum 2.51-2.71.


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The weevil subfamily Scolytinae includes beetles which may feed on the bark, trunk or roots of both live and dead trees and are sometimes considered forest and silvicultural pests. Less frequently, some species feed on seeds and may be cause economic losses when associated to plant cultivars. Spermophthorus apuleiae Costa-Lima is a Neotropical Scolytinae formerly recorded to be "associated" with seeds of Caesalpinia ferrea var. leiostachya Benth, a Brazilian tree popularly known in Portuguese as "pau-ferro". Hitherto, it was not clear whether these beetles actually feed on the seeds of that plant. In order to investigate the ability of S. apuleiae to feed on seeds of "pau-ferro", observations were done and colonies of these beetles were established. Both in the field and in captivity the beetles were not observed feeding on the seeds. Even when beetles were exposed to seeds as the only source of food they were incapable of boring or eating the seeds and died. Our data therefore suggest that S. apuleiae is a frugivorous species which peculiarly does not eat seeds of "pau-ferro".


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This study investigated the reproductive biology of the meloid beetle Meloetyphlus fuscatus Waterhouse, a cleptoparasite of Eulaema nigrita nests. New E. nigrita nests had rates of cell parasitism by meloids ranging from 3.7% to 15.8%, while in re-used nests the rate of cell parasitism ranged from 1.4% to 18.7%. The adult parasites were never observed trying to leave the host nests. Both sexes mated more than once. Females had a high fecundity (more than 8,000 eggs), and in most cases, deposited their eggs into the empty, old cells of the host. The triungulins (the first larval instars) hatched from eggs 18-20 days after oviposition and dispersed from the host nest by attaching themselves to males as they emerged. The triungulins most likely transfer to female bees during mating and are transported to the nests of their hosts. Within an attacked cell, the triungulin consumes the bee egg and completes its development by consuming the larval food stored in the cell.


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Introduction: The ingestion of food products originating from poultry infected with Salmonella spp. is one of the major causes of food poisoning in humans. The control of poultry salmonellosis is particularly difficult since birds are asymptomatic and numerous factors may expedite the maintenance of bacteria in poultry production facilities. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the vectorial capacity of adults and larvae of Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in the experimental transmission of Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 4 to 1-day-old specific pathogen-free White Leghorn chicks. Methods: Adult insects and larvae were starved for 1 day, fed for 24 h or 7 days on sterile ration that had been treated with Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 4, and the levels of bacterial infection were determined. Infected adult insects and larvae were fed to groups of day-old chicks, after which bacteria were recovered from cecum, liver, and spleen samples over a 7-day period. Results: Infected larvae were more efficient than adult insects in transmitting Salmonella Enteritidis to chicks. Higher concentrations of bacteria could be reisolated from the cecum, liver, and spleen of chicks that had ingested infected larvae compared with those that had ingested infected adults. Conclusions: The control of A. diaperinus, and particularly of the larvae, represents a critical factor in the reduction of Salmonella spp. in poultry farms.


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The Mediterranean flour moth, Anagasta kuehniella, is one of the most important insect pests of grains, reported worldwide, feeding on stored grains and products of rice, rye, corn and wheat. Plants synthesize a variety of molecules, including trypsin inhibitors, to defend themselves against attack by insects. In this study, a trypsin inhibitor (PFTI) was purified from Plathymenia foliolosa (Benth.) seeds and was tested for insect growth regulatory effect. The survival and mass of A. kuehniella larvae feeding on control seeds were about 82.7% and 5 ring, respectively, whereas survival on seeds containing 0.7% PFTI was about 56%, while a 66.1% reduction in the average mass of the larvae was observed. The results from dietary utilization experiments with A. kuehniella larvae showed a reduction in efficiency of conversion of ingested food and digested food, and an increase in approximate digestibility and metabolic cost. The level of trypsin was significantly decreased in larval midgut and increased in the feces of larvae reared on a diet containing 0.7% PFTI. Results indicate that PFTI possesses a toxic effect against A. kuehniella larvae. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Three men and a woman during Aldermaston Peace March, April 5 1964 in Brisbane Australia. The march covered the distance between Ipswich and Brisbane, Australia. Marchers walked in relays covering approximately two miles each. Most relay sections were sponsored by one or more individual organisations. Convoy of Volkswagon Beetles and FB Holdens can be seen following them. Facades of Elphinstones store, Masonic Centre and St Andrews can be seen on the left with the People's Palace in the distance and the Central Railway Station on the right.