836 resultados para quality management system, organizational culture assessment instrument, construction company, Indonesia


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El centro de enseñanza automovilística Rally fue fundado en Colombia en la ciudad de Duitama en 1991. Se encuentra aprobada con resolución No. 1823 del 2 de Septiembre de 1999 del Ministerio de Transporte para categorías A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, B3 y C3. Se ha posicionado entre los mejores no solo por el número y calidad de medios de que dispone, sino por ser referente continúo del resto de los centros de enseñanza automovilísticos, en campos como métodos de enseñanza, e innovaciones pedagógicas. El Decreto 1500 de 2009 estableció los requisitos para la constitución, funcionamiento y habilitación de los centros de enseñanza automovilística. Durante los procesos de seguimiento efectuados a través de las auditorias se ha identificado una “no conformidad” en el sistema relacionada con el control de los documentos y registros. Esta no conformidad pone en riesgo la certificación ISO 9001 y por lo tanto la habilitación del centro de enseñanza automovilística ya que como lo enuncia el artículo 12 del Decreto 1500 de 2009: “se habilita el funcionamiento del Centro de Enseñanza Automovilística de forma indefinida, siempre y cuando se mantenga vigente el cumplimiento de los requisitos que dieron origen a la misma”. Estas circunstancias han llevado al planteamiento de la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Qué metodología debe ser implementada por el centro de enseñanza automovilística Rally para garantizar la continuidad de la certificación ISO 9001? En base a lo anterior el objetivo general de este proyecto aplicado a práctica se define de la siguiente manera: Identificar una metodología que le permita al centro de enseñanza automovilístico Rally garantizar la continuidad de la certificación ISO 9001. Estas soluciones se enmarcan en la línea de gerencia ya que engloban elementos como la reingeniería de procesos, el clima organizacional, etc., que entre todos interaccionan para definir el destino de la compañía. En últimas este proyecto busca optimizar la condición de vida de la empresa con el fin de asegurar su perdurabilidad en el tiempo, contribuyendo así a la construcción de organizaciones longevas en Colombia.


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Studies on learning management systems have largely been technical in nature with an emphasis on the evaluation of the human computer interaction (HCI) processes in using the LMS. This paper reports a study that evaluates the information interaction processes on an eLearning course used in teaching an applied Statistics course. The eLearning course is used as a synonym for information systems. The study explores issues of missing context in stored information in information systems. Using the semiotic framework as a guide, the researchers evaluated an existing eLearning course with the view to proposing a model for designing improved eLearning courses for future eLearning programmes. In this exploratory study, a survey questionnaire is used to collect data from 160 participants on an eLearning course in Statistics in Applied Climatology. The views of the participants are analysed with a focus on only the human information interaction issues. Using the semiotic framework as a guide, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and social context gaps or problems were identified. The information interactions problems identified include ambiguous instructions, inadequate information, lack of sound, interface design problems among others. These problems affected the quality of new knowledge created by the participants. The researchers thus highlighted the challenges of missing information context when data is stored in an information system. The study concludes by proposing a human information interaction model for improving the information interaction quality issues in the design of eLearning course on learning management platforms and those other information systems.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a framework for environmental management system (EMS) adoption which can be used by managers to enable them to achieve a faster, smoother, effective and sustainable EMS implementation. This is termed by the authors as “successful” EMS implementation.
Design/methodology/approach – The framework presented is based on an extensive field study conducted in Australia that included a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews conducted with practitioners, the results of which have been reported in this and other journals.
Findings – The framework presented covers three distinct phases, namely development, certification and maintenance and continuous improvement. Preliminary assessment of this framework by a group of Australian experts that included four senior managers, one academic and one consultant suggests that this framework is a useful tool for implementing an effective EMS.
Practical implications – Each of the three phases of the framework provides a step-by-step approach and a sequential map towards a successful EMS implementation.
Originality/value – The framework has been developed from extensive fieldwork and has been validated by a group of “experts” which comprised of four industry practitioners, one management academic, and one EMS consultant. The framework provides a detailed understanding of the steps involved in the implementation, certification, and maintenance of EMS.


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PurposeManagement systems and standards have become a key part of the organisation's lifeline and a prerequisite for survival in the twenty-first century. Systems for quality environmental and occupational health and safety (OHS) now form the three main pillars of the organisation, the fourth one being financial accounting. In light of the increasing pressure and demands from different stakeholders, it is becoming necessary for organisations to adopt the different systems/standards. However, to achieve the benefits from the implementation and subsequently maintenance of these systems it is only a practical and logical step that the existing management systems/standards be integrated into a single system.

Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents the experiences of three Australian-based organisations that have successfully undertaken the integration of their management systems/standards. Data for this paper were collected through in-depth interviews conducted with the managers responsible for quality, environment and OHS systems.

Findings – The interviews revealed a number of quantifiable and unquantifiable benefits experienced by the companies from operating one integrated system, such as saving of dollars, better utilisation of resources and improved communication across the organisation, to name a few. However, for the benefits to be realized it is essential that organisations are aware of the challenges and obstacles accompanying integration of systems/standards. If these challenges are not addressed early in the process they can delay the completion of the integration process.

Originality/value – Recommendations for other organisations contemplating integrating their management system include: obtaining commitment from the top management; having adequate resources to integrate the systems; having communication and training across the organisation in aspects of integration; and, last but not the least, having integrated audits. Implementation of these recommendations may vary from one organisation to another; however, it would result in lesser resistance for the organisations following them.


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With advances in computer-based technologies and the emergence of e-learning, there are unprecedented opportunities to reconsider assessment of learning (and, axiomatically, of teaching) and how this can be undertaken. One approach is adaptive assessment. Although it has existed in the tertiary environment since the time of the oral examination, advanced technologies allow much fuller exploitation of the possibilities inherent in a dynamic system of testing that responds to the user. Having described the characteristics of adaptive assessment, this paper considers how it can achieve significant pedagogical aims within the sector. The paper differentiates between adaptive assessment to assist learning and adaptive assessment to assess achievement. How adaptive assessment can be put in place and salient issues, such as security and system integrity, when such assessment is used for credit, are then discussed. The paper concludes that the capability exists but it has yet to be exploited within higher education as a viable approach to assessment and as a contributor to quality learning.


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A quality analysis trial was undertaken at Ford Geelong Stamping Plant on a press line that was fitted with standard press sensors to measure press and binder force over the stamping cycle for each panel. The quality of randomly sampled panels was measured by obtaining the panel thicknesses at five points, for 135 panels in total. These points were chosen such that they exhibited different forming modes. This paper analyses the input force data and the output quality data from the trial to determine any potential relationships. The analysis of the production data was performed using statistical correlation techniques to determine initial potential relationships between input and output variables. An Active Shape Model was used to extract features when identifying the major sources of variation within the input data. However, the initial analysis of the data elicited no direct relationship between the input variables measured and the panel thicknesses. This result is significant as the data collected is from a standard sensor configuration found in many press lines through-out the world. The reason for the lack of a direct relationship is believed to come from the lack of sensitivity in the force measurements which are not able to identify small changes in the process, whereas gross geometric variations have in previous studies shown an obvious relationship with changes in the force press profile. This means that existing force sensors require augmentation by additional sensors if a detailed automatic quality control system for the press lines based on input sensors alone.


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The aim of this paper is to assess and reflect on, through the perspectives of Australian Quality practitioners, the current status of quality management; whether there had been any significant and recent shift in their roles and responsibilities; and if there had been any improvement in the extent to which their development and training needs were being fulfilled. This paper sets out to identify the roles, responsibilities, and training and development needs of Australian quality managers and what impact these may be having on the current 'quality agenda' of organisations in Australia. In light of these findings this paper focuses on the HR people aspects of QM implementation (e.g. development of a quality culture; learning, training and development; leadership and management commitment and support) and the significance of these aspects for sustainable QM implementation. Recent literature On QM implementation and the findings of three previously conducted surveys (Waddell 1998; Waddell and Mallen 2001; and Stewart and Waddell 2003) have been integrated with the findings of this research.


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Qualitative organisational culture studies reveal the emotional side of organisational life. Yet, in a recent review of the quantitative organisational culture survey measures available, 10 summary dimensions were identified intended to be representative of the major dimensional categories in the organisational culture literature, and an emotional dimension was notably absent. The PhD aims to address this gap in the literature by (a) developing a theoretical definition of the newly proposed dimension; and (b) developing and validating an instrument for its measurement. The talk presents the findings of the studies conducted to date and discusses the inherent challenges of bringing the rigours of psychometric development to areas more commonly associated with qualitative research. The theoretical bases for adopting a multidimensional, relational approach that draws on theories within the psychoanalytically oriented and feminist traditions is provided. A strength of this approach is that the research can potentially contribute to explaining the nature of the ties between organisational members that is currently lacking in organisational research.


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Implementation and certification of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) is a reality for many businesses. Communication with an organisation’s stakeholders is a required element of any EMS. In the last five years companies have steadily moved towards integrating their different management systems, such as quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety, in an attempt to reduce their costs and increase efficiency. Legislation requires extensive reporting in each of these areas, so compliance is another important driver. During this period, communication by digital technology, or electronic communication, has gained prominence and acceptance amongst all groups of people including businesses primarily as a means to disseminate crucial EMS information to geographically diverse employees in a cost effective and instantaneous manner. Some perspectives have emerged to suggest that change processes in organisations may be hindered or helped in various ways through the application of digital technology in EMS. There are, however, gaps in the literature that document the impact and effectiveness of electronic communication amongst EMS stakeholders. In this paper we will discuss employees as one of the major stakeholders and whether the move to electronic communication has been assisting or hindering transformations in awareness and understanding of issues amongst employees. We highlight opportunities and challenges presented by an increased use of electronic communication in light of the environmental and climate change debates, which underpin EMS.


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The role of the human resource management (HRM) function and its consequent contribution to organizational culture and strategic management have been much debated. This relationship has not been empirically tested in the Australian local government sector. This paper explores the types of organizational culture and the role effectiveness of the HRM function as perceived by 217 senior managers in 71 New South Wales and Queensland local government entities. We found four clusters of local government entities, each with different profiles of organizational culture and perceived effectiveness of the HRM role. While most organizations are undergoing a transition in their cultural values, over one-third of the organizations exhibit a market-oriented culture. These market-oriented organizations have a higher level of human resource role effectiveness. The present study contributes to the ongoing debate regarding the status and influence of HRM as a value-adding corporate function.


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Healthcare design frequently involves complex concepts that are difficult to measure and evaluate because the building require a modern, quality, functional and therapeutic environment. For this specific reason, facilities management has become a very important support system to ensure smoothness in healthcare business. Facilities management in healthcare building is a complicated system involving multiple layers of administrative division and sub-divisions. Building performance such as building impact, function and quality prove to have significant impact on strategic facilities management. This paper will do an extensive review of strategic healthcare business management as a holistic approach and examine how facilities management can effectively manage their division with consideration and understanding of building performance. The correlation between strategic facilities management and building performance will be identified and a framework for strategic FM system with regards to building performance will be developed.


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As a small island country, Mauritius is relying on its human capital and innovative hi-tech industry to ensure future economic viability in the global market. As such, Mauritian education authorities are seeking ways to raise educational standards. One idea being canvassed is that Total Quality Management (TQM) could provide the framework for Mauritian school leaders to deliver imperatives for change and improvement and to achieve the aim of ‘world- class quality education.’ This paper reports the findings of a research into Mauritian principals’ current practices in line with TQM tenets and their perceptions about the usefulness or otherwise of ideas implicit in TQM. The findings indicate that whilst principals agree with current progressive notions and thinking compatible with the TQM philosophy, they have not fully translated them into their practice. The paper identifies challenges and opportunities worthy of discussion for school improvement in twenty-first century Mauritius with its high-tech, world-class ambitions.


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OBJECTIVE: To conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of a hospital electronic medication management system (eMMS). METHODS: We compared costs and benefits of paper-based prescribing with a commercial eMMS (CSC MedChart) on one cardiology ward in a major 326-bed teaching hospital, assuming a 15-year time horizon and a health system perspective. The eMMS implementation and operating costs were obtained from the study site. We used data on eMMS effectiveness in reducing potential adverse drug events (ADEs), and potential ADEs intercepted, based on review of 1 202 patient charts before (n = 801) and after (n = 401) eMMS. These were combined with published estimates of actual ADEs and their costs. RESULTS: The rate of potential ADEs following eMMS fell from 0.17 per admission to 0.05; a reduction of 71%. The annualized eMMS implementation, maintenance, and operating costs for the cardiology ward were A$61 741 (US$55 296). The estimated reduction in ADEs post eMMS was approximately 80 actual ADEs per year. The reduced costs associated with these ADEs were more than sufficient to offset the costs of the eMMS. Estimated savings resulting from eMMS implementation were A$63-66 (US$56-59) per admission (A$97 740-$102 000 per annum for this ward). Sensitivity analyses demonstrated results were robust when both eMMS effectiveness and costs of actual ADEs were varied substantially. CONCLUSION: The eMMS within this setting was more effective and less expensive than paper-based prescribing. Comparison with the few previous full economic evaluations available suggests a marked improvement in the cost-effectiveness of eMMS, largely driven by increased effectiveness of contemporary eMMs in reducing medication errors.