176 resultados para lexicología


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Programa de Doctorado: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura


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El libro reúne trabajos en los que se exponen resultados de investigaciones presentadas por investigadores de Argentina, Chile, Brasil, España, Italia y Alemania en el XII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística (SAL), Bicentenario: la renovación de la palabra, realizado en Mendoza, Argentina, entre el 6 y el 9 de abril de 2010. Las temáticas abordadas en los 167 capítulos muestran las grandes líneas de investigación que se desarrollan fundamentalmente en nuestro país, pero también en los otros países mencionados arriba, y señalan además las áreas que recién se inician, con poca tradición en nuestro país y que deberían fomentarse. Los trabajos aquí publicados se enmarcan dentro de las siguientes disciplinas y/o campos de investigación: Fonología, Sintaxis, Semántica y Pragmática, Lingüística Cognitiva, Análisis del Discurso, Psicolingüística, Adquisición de la Lengua, Sociolingüística y Dialectología, Didáctica de la lengua, Lingüística Aplicada, Lingüística Computacional, Historia de la Lengua y la Lingüística, Lenguas Aborígenes, Filosofía del Lenguaje, Lexicología y Terminología.


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Esta investigación se enmarca dentro de los denominados lenguajes de especialidad que para esta tesis será el de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). De todos los aspectos relacionados con el estudio de estos lenguajes que pudieran tener interés lingüístico ha primado el análisis del componente terminológico. Tradicionalmente la conceptualización de un campo del saber se representaba mayoritariamente a través del elemento nominal, así lo defiende la Teoría General de la Terminología (Wüster, 1968). Tanto la lexicología como la lexicografía han aportado importantes contribuciones a los estudios terminológicos para la identificación del componente léxico a través del cual se transmite la información especializada. No obstante esos primeros estudios terminológicos que apuntaban al sustantivo como elmentos denominativo-conceptual, otras teorías más recientes, entre las que destacamos la Teoría Comunicativa de la Terminología (Cabré, 1999) identifican otras estructuras morfosintácticas integradas por otros elementos no nominales portadores igualmente de esa carga conceptual. A partir de esta consideración, hemos seleccionado para este estudio el adjetivo relacional en tanto que representa otra categoría gramatical distinta al sustantivo y mantiene un vínculo con éste debido a su procedencia. Todo lo cual puede suscitar cierto interés terminológico. A través de esta investigación, nos hemos propuesto demostrar las siguientes hipótesis: 1. El adjetivo relacional aporta contenido especializado en su asociación con el componente nominal. 2. El adjetivo relacional es portador de un valor semántico que hace posible identificar con más precisión la relación conceptual de los elementos -adjetivo y sustantivo - de la combinación léxica resultante, especialmente en algunas formaciones ambiguas. 3. El adjetivo relacional, como modificador natural del sustantivo al que acompaña, podría imponer cierta restricción en sus combinaciones y, por tanto, hacer una selección discriminada de los integrantes de la combinación léxica especializada. Teniendo en cuenta las anteriores hipótesis, esta investigación ha delimitado y caracterizado el segmento léxico objeto de estudio: la ‘combinación léxica especializada (CLE)’ formalmente representada por la estructura sintáctica [adjR+n], en donde adjR es el adjetivo y n el sustantivo al que acompaña. De igual forma hemos descrito el marco teórico desde el que abordar nuestro análisis. Se trata de la teoría del Lexicón Generatvio (LG) y de la representación semántica (Pustojovsky, 1995) que propone como explicación de la generación de significados. Hemos analizado las distintas estructuras de representación léxica y en especial la estructura qualia a través de la cual hemos identificado la relación semántica que mantienen los dos ítems léxicos [adjR+n] de la estructura sintáctica de nuestro estudio. El estudio semántico de las dos piezas léxicas ha permitido, además, comprobar el valor denominativo del adjetivo en la combinación. Ha sido necesario elaborar un corpus de textos escritos en inglés y español pertenecientes al discurso de especialidad de las TIC. Este material ha sido procesado para nuestros fines utilizando distintas herramientas electrónicas. Se ha hecho uso de lexicones electrónicos, diccionarios online generales y de especialidad y corpus de referencia online, estos últimos para poder eventualmente validad nuetros datos. Asimismo se han utilizado motores de búsqueda, entre ellos WordNet Search 3.1, para obtener la información semántica de nuestros elementos léxicos. Nuestras conclusiones han corroborado las hipótesis que se planteaban en esta tesis, en especial la referente al valor denominativo-conceptual del adjetivo relacional el cual, junto con el sustantivo al que acompaña, forma parte de la representación cognitiva del lenguaje de especialidad de las TIC. Como continuación a este estudio se proponen sugerencias sobre líneas futuras de investigación así como el diseño de herramientas informáticas que pudieran incorporar estos datos semánticos como complemento de los ítems léxicos dotados de valor denominativo-conceptual. ABSTRACT This research falls within the field of the so-called Specialized Languages which for the purpose of this study is the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) discourse. Considering their several distinguishing features terminology concentrates our interest from the point of view of linguistics. It is broadly assumed that terms represent concepts of a subject field. For the classical view of terminology (Wüster, 1968) these terms are formally represented by nouns. Both lexicology and terminology have made significant contributions to the study of terms. Later research as well as other theories on Terminology such as the Communicative Theory of Terminology (Cabré, 1993) have shown that other lexical units can also represent knowledge organization. On these bases, we have focused our research on the relational adjective which represents a functional unit different from a noun while still connected to the noun by means of its nominal root. This may have a potential terminological interest. Therefore the present research is based on the next hypotheses: 1. The relational adjective conveys specialized information when combined with the noun. 2. The relational adjective has a semantic meaning which helps understand the conceptual relationship between the adjective and the noun being modified and disambiguate certain senses of the resulting lexical combination. 3. The relational adjective may impose some restrictions when choosing the nouns it modifies. Considering the above hypotheses, this study has identified and described a multi-word lexical unit pattern [Radj+n] referred to as a Specialized Lexical Combination (SLC) linguistically realized by a relational adjective, Radj, and a noun, n. The analysis of such a syntactic pattern is addressed from the framework of the Generative Lexicon (Pustojovsky, 1995). Such theory provides several levels of semantic description which help lexical decomposition performed generatively. These levels of semantic representation are connected through generative operations or generative devices which account for the compositional interpretation of any linguistic utterance in a given context. This study analyses these different levels and focuses on one of them, i.e. the qualia structure since it may encode the conceptual meaning of the syntactic pattern [Radj+n]. The semantic study of these two lexical items has ultimately confirmed the conceptual meaning of the relational adjective. A corpus made of online ICT articles from magazines written in English and Spanish – some being their translations - has been used for the word extraction. For this purpose some word processing software packages have been employed. Moreover online general language and specialized language dictionaries have been consulted. Search engines, namely WordNet Search 3.1, have been also exploited to find the semantic information of our lexical units. Online reference corpora in English and Spanish have been used for a contrastive analysis of our data. Finally our conclusions have confirmed our initial hypotheses, i.e. relational adjectives are specialized lexical units which together with the nouns are part of the knowledge representation of the ICT subject field. Proposals for new research have been made together with some other suggestions for the design of computer applications to visually show the conceptual meaning of certain lexical units.


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For references, please quote the full paper as published in the above journal.


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This paper examines both theoretical and practical issues related to conversion. A quite detailed characterization of the 5329 instances identified in a 300.000-word corpus of American English written in the late 90s is provided. The examples are grouped according to the type of conversion involved. Frequency and the internal structure of words are also considered and compared with the results obtained by earlier scholars. In spite of the limitations that a corpus study imposes, the conclusions obtained seem to suggest that any item, independent of its morphological structure, may undergo conversion and this may happen in any register. Moreover, conversion seems to be an important source of new items in American English nowadays.


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This research has been funded by the Galician Ministry of Education (Secrctaria Xeral de lnvestigación-PGIDT00PXI20407PR).


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This article analyzes the solutions given in Spanish translations to the morphological creativity shown in the names of Marvel comic book characters. The English versions almost invariably provide a full description of the hero (or villain) by means of a wide variety of word-formation mechanisms leading to highly expressive charactonyms. Indeed, examples shall be listed of names of comic book heroes created through compounding, derivation, including prefixation or suffixation (both classical and Anglo-Saxon but also from other origins), lexical blending, abbreviation, clipping, onomatopoeia, and borrowings from Spanish or from other languages. Early translations into Spanish seemed to be slightly less expressive than the original, even when the same word-formation mechanism was used, usually due to either problems of transparency mainly in some of the word parts or to translation constraints. In later periods, a number of factors, including the influence from other media featuring the same characters and the general trend towards globalization through English, have led translators to choose repetition as the most frequent strategy, which has almost eliminated the creative power of wordformation mechanisms in Spanish and their ability to convey the stylistic effects found in the English versions.


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There is no question nowadays as to the international and powerful status of English at a global scale and, consequently, as to its presence in non-English speaking countries at different levels. Linguistically speaking, English is one of the languages which have mostly influenced Spanish throughout its history and especially from the late 1960s. In this study, the impact of English on Spanish is considered in the language of sports; particularly, sports Anglicisms and false Anglicisms are analysed. Due attention is paid to the different forms that an Anglicism may adopt and to which of those forms are more widely accepted or rejected by prescriptivists and speakers at large, in the light of a contrastive analysis of their appearance in the Nuevo diccionario de anglicismos, the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española and the Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual.


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Unlike traditional approaches, new communicative trends disregard the role of word-formation mechanisms. They tend to focus on syntax and/or vocabulary without analyzing the mechanisms involved in the creation of lexical items. In this paper, based on the analysis of the use of prefixes by L2 learners in oral and written productions, as provided by the SULEC, we emphasize the advantages that word-formation awareness and knowledge may have for the learners in terms of production, creativity, understanding, autonomy, and proficiency. Through the teaching of word-formation learners may more easily decipher, decode and/or encode messages, create words they have never seen before, etc.


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This article deals with the ongoing debate on the complex role of English as an International Language, be it understood as a homogeneous entity (one language with an international role [EIL]) or a heterogeneous one (different varieties (WE or ELF) grouped under one label, «English») as well as on the implications of this «globalising» status for its teaching in non-native settings. Given the complexity of this phenomenon, whose study is still in its infancy, we attempt neither to provide definitive answers nor adopt a prescriptive attitude, but simply contribute to the discussion and clarification of this, to some extent, emergent, controversial situation.


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Many works have already dealt with anglicisms in Spanish, especially in science and information technologies. However, despite the high and growing number of English terms incorporated daily by the language of fashion, it has received comparative less attention in lexicographic and terminological studies than that of other areas, such as science or business. For several reasons, which include prestige or peer pressure, Spanish has not only adopted English words with new meanings and usage, but also contains other forms based on English patterns which users seem to consider more accurate or expressive. This paper concentrates on false anglicisms as indicators of some of the special relationships and influences between languages arising from the pervasive presence of English. We shall look at the Spanish language of fashion, which, in addition to genuine anglicisms, has for some time been using English words with different meanings, or even created items of its own (or imported them from other languages) with the appearance of English words. These false anglicisms, which have proven extremely popular in receiving languages (not only in Spanish) have frequently been disseminated by youth magazines and the new digital media, both in general spheres and in fashion-specific contexts.


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La red docente durante el curso 2006/07 ha realizado un estudio en cuanto a materiales y metodologías docentes en las asignaturas de primer curso de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación, especialidad en Sonido e Imagen. Esta titulación es impartida en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante. Dicho estudio está encaminado a suplir las necesidades que marca el nuevo Marco Europeo de Aprendizaje. Se ha definido una ficha de la asignatura (cuyos contenidos y estructura se detallan) que permita al alumnado una visión directa y lo más concisa posible de las actividades que se desarrollarán en cada asignatura a lo largo de su periodo lectivo. El conjunto de estas fichas conformará la denominada Agenda del Estudiante, que fomentará la organización personal de cada alumno. La puesta en común de las experiencias y conocimientos de los diversos miembros de la red debe redundar en una mayor eficacia de la docencia. En este trabajo se incluyen las experiencias de las siete asignaturas implicadas en el proceso.