910 resultados para fault diagnosis,


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Desde a incorporação da automação no processo produtivo, a busca por sistemas mais eficientes, objetivando o aumento da produtividade e da qualidade dos produtos e serviços, direcionou os estudos para o planejamento de estratégias que permitissem o monitoramento de sistemas com o intuito principal de torna-los mais autônomos e robustos. Por esse motivo, as pesquisas envolvendo o diagnóstico de faltas em sistemas industriais tornaram-se mais intensivas, visto a necessidade da incorporação de técnicas para monitoramente detalhado de sistemas. Tais técnicas permitem a verificação de perturbações, falta ou mesmo falhas. Em vista disso, essa trabalho investiga técnicas de detecção e diagnostico de faltas e sua aplicação em motores de indução trifásicos, delimitando o seu estudo em duas situações: sistemas livre de faltas, e sobre atuação da falta incipiente do tipo curto-circuitoparcial nas espiras do enrolamento do estator. Para a detecção de faltas, utilizou-se analise paramétrica dos parâmetros de um modelo de tempo discreto, de primeira ordem, na estrutura autoregressivo com entradas exógenas (ARX). Os parâmetros do modelo ARX, que trazem informação sobre a dinâmica dominante do sistema, são obtidos recursivamente pela técnica dos mínimos quadrados recursivos (MQR). Para avaliação da falta, foi desenvolvido um sistema de inferência fuzzy (SIF) intervala do tipo-2, cuja mancha de incerteza ou footprint of uncertainty (FOU), características de sistema fuzzy tipo-2, é ideal como forma de representar ruídos inerentes a sistemas reais e erros numéricos provenientes do processo de estimação paramétrica. Os parâmetros do modelo ARX são entradas para o SIF. Algoritmos genéricos (AG’s) foram utilizados para otimização dos SIF intervalares tipo-2, objetivando reduzir o erro de diagnóstico da falta identificada na saída desses sistemas. Os resultados obtidos em teste de simulação computacional demonstram a efetividade da metodologia proposta.


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A crescente demanda por energia elétrica aliada à grande importância deste setor para o sistema econômico nacional tem levado o governo e empresas particulares a investirem em estudos que possibilitem melhorar o desempenho dos sistemas envolvidos nesse processo, em virtude dos relevantes ganhos que esta iniciativa pode produzir. Neste contexto, esse trabalho é uma contribuição ao estudo do desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de diagnóstico de defeitos para a máquina hidrogeradora número 3 da Usina Hidrelétrica de Coaracy Nunes, localizada no Estado do Amapá. Em muitas situações os métodos de análise de vibrações são utilizados para detectar a presença de falhas nesse tipo de máquina, neste trabalho também será utilizada a análise dos sinais de corrente para fornecer indicações similares. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma metodologia de diagnóstico de defeito em máquinas elétricas através dos sinais de vibração e correlação com a análise da corrente do estator. No decorrer deste trabalho apresenta-se uma revisão bibliográfica das técnicas de monitoramento e diagnóstico das condições das máquinas elétricas, através dos ensaios de vibração correlacionados com as características da corrente estatórica. O resultado da correlação da medição de vibração com a medição de corrente se baseia em uma metodologia implementada por um sistema de aquisição e de processamento de dados desenvolvido na plataforma LabView. Os resultados experimentais foram obtidos a partir de defeitos mecânicos (desbalanceamento mecânico e defeitos nas pistas, externa e interna dos rolamentos) induzidos em uma bancada experimental concebida com intuito de representar um sistema de geração. Finalizando, os sinais de vibração e corrente foram analisados e comparados para verificar se os defeitos que foram evidenciados pelo método convencional de vibração alteravam o comportamento dos sinais de corrente. Os bons resultados desse trabalho mostram a viabilidade em estudos futuros nesta área.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper refers to the design of an expert system that captures a waveform through the use of an accelerometer, processes the signal and converts it to the frequency domain using a Fast Fourier Transformer to then, using artificial intelligence techniques, specifically Fuzzy Reasoning, it determines if there is any failure present in the underlying mode of the equipment, such as imbalance, misalignment or bearing defects.


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Muitas pesquisas estão sendo desenvolvidas buscando nos sistemas inteligentes soluções para diagnosticar falhas em máquinas elétricas. Estas falhas envolvem desde problemas elétricos, como curto-circuito numa das fases do estator, ate problemas mecânicos, como danos nos rolamentos. Dentre os sistemas inteligentes aplicados nesta área, destacam-se as redes neurais artificiais, os sistemas fuzzy, os algoritmos genéticos e os sistemas híbridos, como o neuro-fuzzy. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é traçar um panorama geral sobre os trabalhos mais relevantes que se beneficiaram dos sistemas inteligentes nas diferentes etapas de análise e diagnóstico de falhas em motores elétricos, cuja principal contribuição está em disponibilizar diversos aspectos técnicos a fim de direcionar futuros trabalhos nesta área de aplicação.


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Recently in most of the industrial automation process an ever increasing degree of automation has been observed. This increasing is motivated by the higher requirement of systems with great performance in terms of quality of products/services generated, productivity, efficiency and low costs in the design, realization and maintenance. This trend in the growth of complex automation systems is rapidly spreading over automated manufacturing systems (AMS), where the integration of the mechanical and electronic technology, typical of the Mechatronics, is merging with other technologies such as Informatics and the communication networks. An AMS is a very complex system that can be thought constituted by a set of flexible working stations, one or more transportation systems. To understand how this machine are important in our society let considerate that every day most of us use bottles of water or soda, buy product in box like food or cigarets and so on. Another important consideration from its complexity derive from the fact that the the consortium of machine producers has estimated around 350 types of manufacturing machine. A large number of manufacturing machine industry are presented in Italy and notably packaging machine industry,in particular a great concentration of this kind of industry is located in Bologna area; for this reason the Bologna area is called “packaging valley”. Usually, the various parts of the AMS interact among them in a concurrent and asynchronous way, and coordinate the parts of the machine to obtain a desiderated overall behaviour is an hard task. Often, this is the case in large scale systems, organized in a modular and distributed manner. Even if the success of a modern AMS from a functional and behavioural point of view is still to attribute to the design choices operated in the definition of the mechanical structure and electrical electronic architecture, the system that governs the control of the plant is becoming crucial, because of the large number of duties associated to it. Apart from the activity inherent to the automation of themachine cycles, the supervisory system is called to perform other main functions such as: emulating the behaviour of traditional mechanical members thus allowing a drastic constructive simplification of the machine and a crucial functional flexibility; dynamically adapting the control strategies according to the different productive needs and to the different operational scenarios; obtaining a high quality of the final product through the verification of the correctness of the processing; addressing the operator devoted to themachine to promptly and carefully take the actions devoted to establish or restore the optimal operating conditions; managing in real time information on diagnostics, as a support of the maintenance operations of the machine. The kind of facilities that designers can directly find on themarket, in terms of software component libraries provides in fact an adequate support as regard the implementation of either top-level or bottom-level functionalities, typically pertaining to the domains of user-friendly HMIs, closed-loop regulation and motion control, fieldbus-based interconnection of remote smart devices. What is still lacking is a reference framework comprising a comprehensive set of highly reusable logic control components that, focussing on the cross-cutting functionalities characterizing the automation domain, may help the designers in the process of modelling and structuring their applications according to the specific needs. Historically, the design and verification process for complex automated industrial systems is performed in empirical way, without a clear distinction between functional and technological-implementation concepts and without a systematic method to organically deal with the complete system. Traditionally, in the field of analog and digital control design and verification through formal and simulation tools have been adopted since a long time ago, at least for multivariable and/or nonlinear controllers for complex time-driven dynamics as in the fields of vehicles, aircrafts, robots, electric drives and complex power electronics equipments. Moving to the field of logic control, typical for industrial manufacturing automation, the design and verification process is approached in a completely different way, usually very “unstructured”. No clear distinction between functions and implementations, between functional architectures and technological architectures and platforms is considered. Probably this difference is due to the different “dynamical framework”of logic control with respect to analog/digital control. As a matter of facts, in logic control discrete-events dynamics replace time-driven dynamics; hence most of the formal and mathematical tools of analog/digital control cannot be directly migrated to logic control to enlighten the distinction between functions and implementations. In addition, in the common view of application technicians, logic control design is strictly connected to the adopted implementation technology (relays in the past, software nowadays), leading again to a deep confusion among functional view and technological view. In Industrial automation software engineering, concepts as modularity, encapsulation, composability and reusability are strongly emphasized and profitably realized in the so-calledobject-oriented methodologies. Industrial automation is receiving lately this approach, as testified by some IEC standards IEC 611313, IEC 61499 which have been considered in commercial products only recently. On the other hand, in the scientific and technical literature many contributions have been already proposed to establish a suitable modelling framework for industrial automation. During last years it was possible to note a considerable growth in the exploitation of innovative concepts and technologies from ICT world in industrial automation systems. For what concerns the logic control design, Model Based Design (MBD) is being imported in industrial automation from software engineering field. Another key-point in industrial automated systems is the growth of requirements in terms of availability, reliability and safety for technological systems. In other words, the control system should not only deal with the nominal behaviour, but should also deal with other important duties, such as diagnosis and faults isolations, recovery and safety management. Indeed, together with high performance, in complex systems fault occurrences increase. This is a consequence of the fact that, as it typically occurs in reliable mechatronic systems, in complex systems such as AMS, together with reliable mechanical elements, an increasing number of electronic devices are also present, that are more vulnerable by their own nature. The diagnosis problem and the faults isolation in a generic dynamical system consists in the design of an elaboration unit that, appropriately processing the inputs and outputs of the dynamical system, is also capable of detecting incipient faults on the plant devices, reconfiguring the control system so as to guarantee satisfactory performance. The designer should be able to formally verify the product, certifying that, in its final implementation, it will perform itsrequired function guarantying the desired level of reliability and safety; the next step is that of preventing faults and eventually reconfiguring the control system so that faults are tolerated. On this topic an important improvement to formal verification of logic control, fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control results derive from Discrete Event Systems theory. The aimof this work is to define a design pattern and a control architecture to help the designer of control logic in industrial automated systems. The work starts with a brief discussion on main characteristics and description of industrial automated systems on Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 a survey on the state of the software engineering paradigm applied to industrial automation is discussed. Chapter 3 presentes a architecture for industrial automated systems based on the new concept of Generalized Actuator showing its benefits, while in Chapter 4 this architecture is refined using a novel entity, the Generalized Device in order to have a better reusability and modularity of the control logic. In Chapter 5 a new approach will be present based on Discrete Event Systems for the problemof software formal verification and an active fault tolerant control architecture using online diagnostic. Finally conclusive remarks and some ideas on new directions to explore are given. In Appendix A are briefly reported some concepts and results about Discrete Event Systems which should help the reader in understanding some crucial points in chapter 5; while in Appendix B an overview on the experimental testbed of the Laboratory of Automation of University of Bologna, is reported to validated the approach presented in chapter 3, chapter 4 and chapter 5. In Appendix C some components model used in chapter 5 for formal verification are reported.


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This paper presents a testing methodology to apply Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) techniques while developing Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), so called BEhavioural Agent Simple Testing (BEAST) methodology. It is supported by the developed open source framework (BEAST Tool) which automatically generates test cases skeletons from BDD scenarios specifications. The developed framework allows testing MASs based on JADE or JADEX platforms and offers a set of configurable Mock Agents which allow the execution of tests while the system is under development. BEAST tool has been validated in the development of a MAS for fault diagnosis in FTTH (Fiber To The Home) networks.


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In this paper, we introduce B2DI model that extends BDI model to perform Bayesian inference under uncertainty. For scalability and flexibility purposes, Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Network (MSBN) technology has been selected and adapted to BDI agent reasoning. A belief update mechanism has been defined for agents, whose belief models are connected by public shared beliefs, and the certainty of these beliefs is updated based on MSBN. The classical BDI agent architecture has been extended in order to manage uncertainty using Bayesian reasoning. The resulting extended model, so-called B2DI, proposes a new control loop. The proposed B2DI model has been evaluated in a network fault diagnosis scenario. The evaluation has compared this model with two previously developed agent models. The evaluation has been carried out with a real testbed diagnosis scenario using JADEX. As a result, the proposed model exhibits significant improvements in the cost and time required to carry out a reliable diagnosis.


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La seguridad y fiabilidad de los procesos industriales son la principal preocupación de los ingenieros encargados de las plantas industriales. Por lo tanto, desde un punto de vista económico, el objetivo principal es reducir el costo del mantenimiento, el tiempo de inactividad y las pérdidas causadas por los fallos. Por otra parte, la seguridad de los operadores, que afecta a los aspectos sociales y económicos, es el factor más relevante a considerar en cualquier sistema Debido a esto, el diagnóstico de fallos se ha convertido en un foco importante de interés para los investigadores de todo el mundo e ingenieros en la industria. Los principales trabajos enfocados en detección de fallos se basan en modelos de los procesos. Existen diferentes técnicas para el modelado de procesos industriales tales como máquinas de estado, árboles de decisión y Redes de Petri (RdP). Por lo tanto, esta tesis se centra en el modelado de procesos utilizando redes de petri interpretadas. Redes de Petri es una herramienta usada en el modelado gráfico y matemático con la habilidad para describir información de los sistemas de una manera concurrente, paralela, asincrona, distribuida y no determinística o estocástica. RdP son también una herramienta de comunicación visual gráfica útil como lo son las cartas de flujo o diagramas de bloques. Adicionalmente, las marcas de las RdP simulan la dinámica y concurrencia de los sistemas. Finalmente, ellas tienen la capacidad de definir ecuaciones de estado específicas, ecuaciones algebraicas y otros modelos que representan el comportamiento común de los sistemas. Entre los diferentes tipos de redes de petri (Interpretadas, Coloreadas, etc.), este trabajo de investigación trata con redes de petri interpretadas principalmente debido a características tales como sincronización, lugares temporizados, aparte de su capacidad para procesamiento de datos. Esta investigación comienza con el proceso para diseñar y construir el modelo y diagnosticador para detectar fallos definitivos, posteriormente, la dinámica temporal fue adicionada para detectar fallos intermitentes. Dos procesos industriales, concretamente un HVAC (Calefacción, Ventilación y Aire Acondicionado) y un Proceso de Envasado de Líquidos fueron usados como banco de pruebas para implementar la herramienta de diagnóstico de fallos (FD) creada. Finalmente, su capacidad de diagnóstico fue ampliada en orden a detectar fallos en sistemas híbridos. Finalmente, un pequeño helicóptero no tripulado fue elegido como ejemplo de sistema donde la seguridad es un desafío, y las técnicas de detección de fallos desarrolladas en esta tesis llevan a ser una herramienta valorada, desde que los accidentes de las aeronaves no tripuladas (UAVs) envuelven un alto costo económico y son la principal razón para introducir restricciones de volar sobre áreas pobladas. Así, este trabajo introduce un proceso sistemático para construir un Diagnosticador de Fallos del sistema mencionado basado en RdR Esta novedosa herramienta es capaz de detectar fallos definitivos e intermitentes. El trabajo realizado es discutido desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico. El procedimiento comienza con la división del sistema en subsistemas para seguido integrar en una RdP diagnosticadora global que es capaz de monitorear el sistema completo y mostrar las variables críticas al operador en orden a determinar la salud del UAV, para de esta manera prevenir accidentes. Un Sistema de Adquisición de Datos (DAQ) ha sido también diseñado para recoger datos durante los vuelos y alimentar la RdP diagnosticadora. Vuelos reales realizados bajo condiciones normales y de fallo han sido requeridos para llevar a cabo la configuración del diagnosticador y verificar su comportamiento. Vale la pena señalar que un alto riesgo fue asumido en la generación de fallos durante los vuelos, a pesar de eso esto permitió recoger datos básicos para desarrollar el diagnóstico de fallos, técnicas de aislamiento, protocolos de mantenimiento, modelos de comportamiento, etc. Finalmente, un resumen de la validación de resultados obtenidos durante las pruebas de vuelo es también incluido. Un extensivo uso de esta herramienta mejorará los protocolos de mantenimiento para UAVs (especialmente helicópteros) y permite establecer recomendaciones en regulaciones. El uso del diagnosticador usando redes de petri es considerado un novedoso enfoque. ABSTRACT Safety and reliability of industrial processes are the main concern of the engineers in charge of industrial plants. Thus, from an economic point of view, the main goal is to reduce the maintenance downtime cost and the losses caused by failures. Moreover, the safety of the operators, which affects to social and economic aspects, is the most relevant factor to consider in any system. Due to this, fault diagnosis has become a relevant focus of interest for worldwide researchers and engineers in the industry. The main works focused on failure detection are based on models of the processes. There are different techniques for modelling industrial processes such as state machines, decision trees and Petri Nets (PN). Thus, this Thesis is focused on modelling processes by using Interpreted Petri Nets. Petri Nets is a tool used in the graphic and mathematical modelling with ability to describe information of the systems in a concurrent, parallel, asynchronous, distributed and not deterministic or stochastic manner. PNs are also useful graphical visual communication tools as flow chart or block diagram. Additionally, the marks of the PN simulate the dynamics and concurrence of the systems. Finally, they are able to define specific state equations, algebraic equations and other models that represent the common behaviour of systems. Among the different types of PN (Interpreted, Coloured, etc.), this research work deals with the interpreted Petri Nets mainly due to features such as synchronization capabilities, timed places, apart from their capability for processing data. This Research begins with the process for designing and building the model and diagnoser to detect permanent faults, subsequently, the temporal dynamic was added for detecting intermittent faults. Two industrial processes, namely HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition) and Liquids Packaging Process were used as testbed for implementing the Fault Diagnosis (FD) tool created. Finally, its diagnostic capability was enhanced in order to detect faults in hybrid systems. Finally, a small unmanned helicopter was chosen as example of system where safety is a challenge and fault detection techniques developed in this Thesis turn out to be a valuable tool since UAVs accidents involve high economic cost and are the main reason for setting restrictions to fly over populated areas. Thus, this work introduces a systematic process for building a Fault Diagnoser of the mentioned system based on Petri Nets. This novel tool is able to detect both intermittent and permanent faults. The work carried out is discussed from theoretical and practical point of view. The procedure begins with a division of the system into subsystems for further integration into a global PN diagnoser that is able to monitor the whole system and show critical variables to the operator in order to determine the UAV health, preventing accidents in this manner. A Data Acquisition System (DAQ) has been also designed for collecting data during the flights and feed PN Diagnoser. Real flights carried out under nominal and failure conditions have been required to perform the diagnoser setup and verify its performance. It is worth noting that a high risk was assumed in the generation of faults during the flights, nevertheless this allowed collecting basic data so as to develop fault diagnosis, isolations techniques, maintenance protocols, behaviour models, etc. Finally, a summary of the validation results obtained during real flight tests is also included. An extensive use of this tool will improve preventive maintenance protocols for UAVs (especially helicopters) and allow establishing recommendations in regulations. The use of the diagnoser by using Petri Nets is considered as novel approach.


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O Gás Natural Liquefeito (GNL) tem, aos poucos, se tornado uma importante opção para a diversificação da matriz energética brasileira. Os navios metaneiros são os responsáveis pelo transporte do GNL desde as plantas de liquefação até as de regaseificação. Dada a importância, bem como a periculosidade, das operações de transporte e de carga e descarga de navios metaneiros, torna-se necessário não só um bom plano de manutenção como também um sistema de detecção de falhas que podem ocorrer durante estes processos. Este trabalho apresenta um método de diagnose de falhas para a operação de carga e descarga de navios transportadores de GNL através da utilização de Redes Bayesianas em conjunto com técnicas de análise de confiabilidade, como a Análise de Modos e Efeitos de Falhas (FMEA) e a Análise de Árvores de Falhas (FTA). O método proposto indica, através da leitura de sensores presentes no sistema de carga e descarga, quais os componentes que mais provavelmente estão em falha. O método fornece uma abordagem bem estruturada para a construção das Redes Bayesianas utilizadas na diagnose de falhas do sistema.


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É importante que as redes elétricas tenham altos índices de confiabilidade, de forma a se manter a agilidade e a manutenção ideais para um melhor funcionamento. Por outro lado, o crescimento inesperado da carga, falhas em equipamentos e uma parametrização inadequada das funções de proteção tornam a análise de eventos de proteção mais complexas e demoradas. Além disso, a quantidade de informações que pode ser obtida de relés digitais modernos tem crescido constantemente. Para que seja possível uma rápida tomada de decisão e manutenção, esse projeto de pesquisa teve como objetivo a implementação de um sistema completo de diagnóstico que é ativado automaticamente quando um evento de proteção ocorrer. As informações a serem analisadas são obtidas de uma base de dados e de relés de proteção, via protocolo de comunicação IEC 61850 e arquivos de oscilografia. O trabalho aborda o sistema Smart Grid completo incluindo: a aquisição de dados nos relés, detalhando o sistema de comunicação desenvolvido através de um software com um cliente IEC61850 e um servidor OPC e um software com um cliente OPC, que é ativado por eventos configurados para dispará-lo (por exemplo, atuação da proteção); o sistema de pré-tratamento de dados, onde os dados provenientes dos relés e equipamentos de proteção são filtrados, pré-processados e formatados; e o sistema de diagnóstico. Um banco de dados central mantém atualizados os dados de todas essas etapas. O sistema de diagnóstico utiliza algoritmos convencionais e técnicas de inteligência artificial, em particular, um sistema especialista. O sistema especialista foi desenvolvido para lidar com diferentes conjuntos de dados de entrada e com uma possível falta de dados, sempre garantindo a entrega de diagnósticos. Foram realizados testes e simulações para curtos-circuitos (trifásico, dupla-fase, dupla-fase-terra e fase-terra) em alimentadores, transformadores e barras de uma subestação. Esses testes incluíram diferentes estados do sistema de proteção (funcionamento correto e impróprio). O sistema se mostrou totalmente eficaz tanto no caso de disponibilidade completa quanto parcial de informações, sempre fornecendo um diagnóstico do curto-circuito e analisando o funcionamento das funções de proteção da subestação. Dessa forma, possibilita-se uma manutenção muito mais eficiente pelas concessionárias de energia, principalmente no que diz respeito à prevenção de defeitos em equipamentos, rápida resposta a problemas, e necessidade de reparametrização das funções de proteção. O sistema foi instalado com sucesso em uma subestação de distribuição da Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz.


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Photovoltaic (PV) solar power generation is proven to be effective and sustainable but is currently hampered by relatively high costs and low conversion efficiency. This paper addresses both issues by presenting a low-cost and efficient temperature distribution analysis for identifying PV module mismatch faults by thermography. Mismatch faults reduce the power output and cause potential damage to PV cells. This paper first defines three fault categories in terms of fault levels, which lead to different terminal characteristics of the PV modules. The investigation of three faults is also conducted analytically and experimentally, and maintenance suggestions are also provided for different fault types. The proposed methodology is developed to combine the electrical and thermal characteristics of PV cells subjected to different fault mechanisms through simulation and experimental tests. Furthermore, the fault diagnosis method can be incorporated into the maximum power point tracking schemes to shift the operating point of the PV string. The developed technology has improved over the existing ones in locating the faulty cell by a thermal camera, providing a remedial measure, and maximizing the power output under faulty conditions.


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Shipboard power systems have different characteristics than the utility power systems. In the Shipboard power system it is crucial that the systems and equipment work at their peak performance levels. One of the most demanding aspects for simulations of the Shipboard Power Systems is to connect the device under test to a real-time simulated dynamic equivalent and in an environment with actual hardware in the Loop (HIL). The real time simulations can be achieved by using multi-distributed modeling concept, in which the global system model is distributed over several processors through a communication link. The advantage of this approach is that it permits the gradual change from pure simulation to actual application. In order to perform system studies in such an environment physical phase variable models of different components of the shipboard power system were developed using operational parameters obtained from finite element (FE) analysis. These models were developed for two types of studies low and high frequency studies. Low frequency studies are used to examine the shipboard power systems behavior under load switching, and faults. High-frequency studies were used to predict abnormal conditions due to overvoltage, and components harmonic behavior. Different experiments were conducted to validate the developed models. The Simulation and experiment results show excellent agreement. The shipboard power systems components behavior under internal faults was investigated using FE analysis. This developed technique is very curial in the Shipboard power systems faults detection due to the lack of comprehensive fault test databases. A wavelet based methodology for feature extraction of the shipboard power systems current signals was developed for harmonic and fault diagnosis studies. This modeling methodology can be utilized to evaluate and predicate the NPS components future behavior in the design stage which will reduce the development cycles, cut overall cost, prevent failures, and test each subsystem exhaustively before integrating it into the system.


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The low-frequency electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is an increasingly important aspect in the design of practical systems to ensure the functional safety and reliability of complex products. The opportunities for using numerical techniques to predict and analyze system's EMC are therefore of considerable interest in many industries. As the first phase of study, a proper model, including all the details of the component, was required. Therefore, the advances in EMC modeling were studied with classifying analytical and numerical models. The selected model was finite element (FE) modeling, coupled with the distributed network method, to generate the model of the converter's components and obtain the frequency behavioral model of the converter. The method has the ability to reveal the behavior of parasitic elements and higher resonances, which have critical impacts in studying EMI problems. For the EMC and signature studies of the machine drives, the equivalent source modeling was studied. Considering the details of the multi-machine environment, including actual models, some innovation in equivalent source modeling was performed to decrease the simulation time dramatically. Several models were designed in this study and the voltage current cube model and wire model have the best result. The GA-based PSO method is used as the optimization process. Superposition and suppression of the fields in coupling the components were also studied and verified. The simulation time of the equivalent model is 80-100 times lower than the detailed model. All tests were verified experimentally. As the application of EMC and signature study, the fault diagnosis and condition monitoring of an induction motor drive was developed using radiated fields. In addition to experimental tests, the 3DFE analysis was coupled with circuit-based software to implement the incipient fault cases. The identification was implemented using ANN for seventy various faulty cases. The simulation results were verified experimentally. Finally, the identification of the types of power components were implemented. The results show that it is possible to identify the type of components, as well as the faulty components, by comparing the amplitudes of their stray field harmonics. The identification using the stray fields is nondestructive and can be used for the setups that cannot go offline and be dismantled