988 resultados para choice test
Objective: The present study was aimed at evaluating the viability of replacing 18F with 99mTc in dose calibrator linearity testing. Materials and Methods: The test was performed with sources of 99mTc (62 GBq) and 18F (12 GBq) whose activities were measured up to values lower than 1 MBq. Ratios and deviations between experimental and theoretical 99mTc and 18F sources activities were calculated and subsequently compared. Results: Mean deviations between experimental and theoretical 99mTc and 18F sources activities were 0.56 (± 1.79)% and 0.92 (± 1.19)%, respectively. The mean ratio between activities indicated by the device for the 99mTc source as measured with the equipment pre-calibrated to measure 99mTc and 18F was 3.42 (± 0.06), and for the 18F source this ratio was 3.39 (± 0.05), values considered constant over the measurement time. Conclusion: The results of the linearity test using 99mTc were compatible with those obtained with the 18F source, indicating the viability of utilizing both radioisotopes in dose calibrator linearity testing. Such information in association with the high potential of radiation exposure and costs involved in 18F acquisition suggest 99mTc as the element of choice to perform dose calibrator linearity tests in centers that use 18F, without any detriment to the procedure as well as to the quality of the nuclear medicine service.
This article outlines a procedure that was used to develop a written test for evaluating the conceptual knowledge of chemical equilibrium constant among university students. The concepts in the subject matter were carefully defined through propositional statements. Students' understanding of the topic was determined through interviews. These data were used to produce nine multiple choice questions. Each question was designed to identify misconceptions related to the chemical equilibrium constant. The test was evaluated by foure associate professors and was administred to a total of 196 spanish university students. This test has a Cronbach's alpha reliability of 0.63 and its content validity values ranged from 3.7 to 5.
Pro graduavhanlingens svenska sammanfattning
Matings systems using signals for sexual communication have been studied extensively and results commonly suggest that females use these signals for locating males, species-identification, and mate choice. Although numerous mating systems employ multiple signals, research has generally focused on long-range signals perhaps due to their prominence and ease of study. This study focused on the short-range acoustic courtship song of crickets. The results presented here suggest this signal is under selection by female choice. Females mated preferentially with males having shorter silences between the two types of ticks within the song. The length of these silences (Gap 1) was correlated with male condition such that males having long silences were significantly lower in mass with respect to body size when compared to males having short silences. Both Gap 1 length and male condition were significantly repeatable within males over time suggesting the possibility these traits have a genetic basis. This study is the first empirical study to test female preferences within the natural variation of the courtship song. It now appears, at least in crickets, that both the longand short-range signals of a multi-signal mating system may contribute to male mating success.
Female choice is an important element of sexual selection that may vary among females of the same species. Few researchers have investigated the causes of variation in selectivity with respect to potential mates and overall level of motivation toward a stimulus source representative of a mate. This study demonstrates that female age may be one cause of variation in female choice. Females of different ages may have different mate preferences. As females age, they have less time left to reproduce, and their residual reproductive value decreases. This should correspond to a higher reproductive effort which may be represented as increased motivation and/or decreased selectivity. The effect of age on mate choice in Gryllus integer was investigated by using a non-compensating treadmill, called the Kugel, to measure female phonotaxis. Artificially generated male calling songs of varying pulse rates were broadcast in either a singlestimulus or a three-stimulus experimental design. The pulse rates used in the calling song stimuli were 70, 64, 76, 55 and 85 pulses per second. These corresponded to the documented mean pulse rate for the species at the experimental temperature, one standard deviation below and above the mean, and 2.5 standard deviations below and above the mean, respectively. Test females were either 11-14 days or 25-28 days post-ecdysis. Trials usually were conducted two to seven hours into the scotophase. In the single-stimulus experiment, females were presented with stimuli with only one pulse rate. Older females achieved higher vector scores than younger females, indicating that older females are more motivated to mate. Both groups showed little phonotactic response towards 55 or 85 pIs, both of which lie outside the natural range of G. integer calling song at the experimental temperature. Neither group discriminated among the three pulse rates that fell within the natural range of calling song. In the three-stimulus experiment, females were presented with stimuli with one of three pulse rates, 64, 70 or 76 pIs, In alternation. Both age groups had reduced responsiveness in this experiment, perhaps due to an increase in perceived male density. Additionally, younger females responded significantly more to 64 and 70 pIs than to the higher pulse rate, indicating that they are selective with respect to mate choice. Older females did not discriminate among the three pulse rates. Therefore, it was concluded that selectivity decreases with age. A further study was conducted to determine that these effects were due to age and not due to the differing periods without a mating between the two age groups. Again, stimuli were presented in a three-stimulus experimental design. Age was held constant at 28 days and time since last mating varied from 11 to 25 days. Females varyIng in time since last mating did not differ in their responses to the calling song pulse rates. This indicated that the increased motivation and decreased selectivity exhibited In the initial experiments were due to age and not to time without a mating. Neither time of trial nor female weight had an effect upon female phonotaxis. Data are discussed in terms of mate choice, residual reproductive value, and costs of choice.
Dans les études sur le transport, les modèles de choix de route décrivent la sélection par un utilisateur d’un chemin, depuis son origine jusqu’à sa destination. Plus précisément, il s’agit de trouver dans un réseau composé d’arcs et de sommets la suite d’arcs reliant deux sommets, suivant des critères donnés. Nous considérons dans le présent travail l’application de la programmation dynamique pour représenter le processus de choix, en considérant le choix d’un chemin comme une séquence de choix d’arcs. De plus, nous mettons en œuvre les techniques d’approximation en programmation dynamique afin de représenter la connaissance imparfaite de l’état réseau, en particulier pour les arcs éloignés du point actuel. Plus précisément, à chaque fois qu’un utilisateur atteint une intersection, il considère l’utilité d’un certain nombre d’arcs futurs, puis une estimation est faite pour le restant du chemin jusqu’à la destination. Le modèle de choix de route est implanté dans le cadre d’un modèle de simulation de trafic par événements discrets. Le modèle ainsi construit est testé sur un modèle de réseau routier réel afin d’étudier sa performance.
Ce mémoire rapporte l’optimisation et l’évaluation d’une nouvelle version du test PAMPA (Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay) appelée Néo-PAMPA. Ce test qui permet la prédiction de l’absorption intestinale de médicaments consiste en l’utilisation d’une membrane modèle de la paroi intestinale composée d’une bicouche lipidique déposée sur un coussin de polydopamine recouvrant un filtre poreux. En effet, nous nous sommes intéressés lors de ce projet à la mise en place d’une membrane artificielle qui serait plus représentative de la paroi intestinale humaine. Nous avons pu déterminer, suite à une étude comparative des propriétés de huit médicaments ainsi que les coefficients de perméabilité obtenus, que les filtres en polycarbonate présentaient le meilleur choix de support solide pour la membrane. Nous avons également vérifié la déposition du coussin de polydopamine qui apporte le caractère fluide à la bicouche lipidique. Les résultats des tests de perméabilité ont démontré que le coussin de polymère n’obstrue pas les pores du filtre après un dépôt de 4h. Nous avons par la suite étudié la déposition de la bicouche lipidique sur le filtre recouvert de polydopamine. Pour ce faire, deux méthodes de préparation de liposomes ainsi que plusieurs tailles de liposomes ont été testées. Aussi, la composition en phospholipides a été sujette à plusieurs changements. Tous ces travaux d’optimisation ont permis d’aboutir à des liposomes préparés selon la méthode du « film lipidique » à partir d’un mélange de dioléoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) et de cholestérol. Une dernière étape d’optimisation de la déposition de la bicouche reste à améliorer. Enfin, le test standard Caco-2, qui consiste à évaluer la perméabilité des médicaments à travers une monocouche de cellules cancéreuses du colon humain, a été implémenté avec succès dans le but de comparer des données de perméabilité avec un test de référence.
In most psychological tests and questionnaires, a test score is obtained by taking the sum of the item scores. In virtually all cases where the test or questionnaire contains multidimensional forced-choice items, this traditional scoring method is also applied. We argue that the summation of scores obtained with multidimensional forced-choice items produces uninterpretable test scores. Therefore, we propose three alternative scoring methods: a weak and a strict rank preserving scoring method, which both allow an ordinal interpretation of test scores; and a ratio preserving scoring method, which allows a proportional interpretation of test scores. Each proposed scoring method yields an index for each respondent indicating the degree to which the response pattern is inconsistent. Analysis of real data showed that with respect to rank preservation, the weak and strict rank preserving method resulted in lower inconsistency indices than the traditional scoring method; with respect to ratio preservation, the ratio preserving scoring method resulted in lower inconsistency indices than the traditional scoring method
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A combination of perl scripts and LaTeX files, this generates multiple multiple choice class tests from a single set of questions. You input a list of questions and answers into a text file. The script then produces any number of class tests that can be used, together with master answer sheets, by scrambling the order of the questions and the answers. Includes a detailed README file, but best just to try it and see.
Son pruebas de inteligencia objetivas para evaluar las habilidades verbales de los alumnos en un sentido más amplio que el que proporciona el contenido específico de un programa de estudios. Su objetivo es tratar de que identifiquen modelos, similitudes y diferencias entre palabras, y demostrar, además, su comprensión de las reglas y del significado específico del lenguaje en diferentes contextos.
Son pruebas de inteligencia cuyas preguntas no tienen una solución que puede ser aprendida de antemano.Son utilizadas, entre otras finalidades, para conocer de los escolares de ocho a catorce años, sus capacidades para comprender y asimilar información novedosa, independientemente de sus habilidades lingüísticas.
Estos tests evalúan el nivel de inglés alcanzado por los niños durante la educación primaria, y les proporciona, además, la práctica para las pruebas de selección de la escuela secundaria.
Este recurso puede ser utilizado tanto por los tutores como por los estudiantes que siguen las habilidades básicas, alumnos adultos de alfabetización en la evaluación final en el nivel 1 y los estudiantes de ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) en lectura. Contiene 12 cuestionarios, cada uno con 40 preguntas de opción múltiple para evaluar la capacidad del candidato para identificar los puntos e ideas principales de los escritos, entender el significado de los documentos y su estilo de escritura, interpretar la información de tablas, gráficos y mapas, y reconocer la ortografía, la gramática y la puntuación. También, incluye las respuestas y las hojas de evaluación para fotocopiar.
Este recurso puede ser utilizado tanto por los tutores como por los estudiantes que siguen las habilidades básicas, alumnos adultos de alfabetización en la evaluación final en el nivel 2 y los estudiantes de ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) en lectura. Contiene 12 cuestionarios, cada uno con 40 preguntas de opción múltiple para evaluar la capacidad del candidato para identificar los puntos e ideas principales de los escritos, entender el significado de los documentos y su estilo de escritura, interpretar la información de tablas, gráficos y mapas, y reconocer la ortografía, la gramática y la puntuación. También, incluye las respuestas y las hojas de evaluación para fotocopiar.