954 resultados para carbazole-9-N-acetic acid
预计到本世纪末,大气CO2浓度将会增加到540~970ppm,大气CO2浓度升高所引起的全球气候变化已经受到广泛的关注。植物生长依赖CO2,并且对大气CO2浓度升高在结构和生理上产生响应。目前已有大量报道,从生态系统、群落、种群、个体、器官、组织、生理以及生化等水平上研究高浓度CO2所对植物产生的影响。但是有关高浓度CO2对植物有性生殖影响的报道却很少,同时多数实验均建立在短期的生殖响应,忽视了植物在长期高CO2浓度下具有的反馈作用和CO2浓度变化对植物的驯化作用。植物有性生殖与其生态适应性和农作物籽粒产量的关系极为密切;同时,植物有性生殖特性的变化,也可作为预测植物对全球气候变化响应的重要指标之一。为此,利用高浓度CO2对植物进行长期选择实验将很有必要。研究结果将为预测未来大气CO2浓度增加的条件下陆地生态系统的演变趋势、全球变化对植物有性生殖响应的方式和机制提供新的思路和有效方法。 在本研究中,我们以模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)作为实验材料,利用370和700ppm CO2对其进行连续8个世代处理,首先研究高浓度CO2对每一个世代的拟南芥有性生殖特性的影响,然后比较各个世代中各种生殖特性指标变化的规律,从细胞、组织和个体尺度上揭示拟南芥有性生殖对全球变化的响应模式。此外,在700ppm CO2处理下,我们对拟南芥叶片生理、生化以及结构的变化进行了相关研究。两部分研究结果及主要结论如下: 首先,在每一个世代中,与370ppm CO2相比较,700ppm CO2处理显著促进了拟南芥开花,缩短生长周期,增加花、角果及种子等生殖的产量,降低种子N含量,提高种子C/N比、种子千粒重以及生殖生物量所占总生物量的比例等,而对种子萌发率、角果所含种子数目以及角果长度则无显著影响。但是, 通过对相同CO2浓度处理条件下,不同世代之间的研究结果比较发现,不同世代之间相关的生殖生物学指标并无显著差异。 其次,高浓度CO2显著降低叶片气孔密度、气孔指数、气孔导度以及蒸腾速率。在高浓度CO2处理下,叶肉细胞中叶绿体数目、叶绿体宽度和表观面积、淀粉粒大小和数量、叶片和细胞壁厚度等都显著增加,但是基粒内囊体膜的数量却显著下降。叶片中碳水化合物如可溶性总糖、淀粉以及纤维素含量在高浓度CO2下分别显著增加71.9%、78.7% 和 22.3%。此外,在高浓度CO2处理下,叶片中多数激素如如吲哚乙酸(indole-3-acetic acid, IAA)、赤霉素(gibberellin, GA)、玉米素核苷(zeatin riboside, ZR)、二氢玉米素核苷(dihydrozeatin riboside, DHZR)和异戊烯基腺苷(isopentenyl adenosine, iPA)均都显著地增加,而脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)含量却有所下降。最后,叶片中各种矿物质元素含量如N、P、K、Ca和Mg等含量在高浓度CO2处理下也都显著下降,而C/N比增加24.8%。 以上结果表明: (1) 在每一个世代中,700ppm CO2处理对拟南芥各种有性生殖特性具有显著的影响,但是高浓度CO2处理对植物所引起的效应在多个世代以内并不能够传递给后代,所以在多个有性生殖世代内,高浓度CO2处理对植物生长、生殖没有驯化作用。 (2) 在高浓度CO2处理下,拟南芥叶片中叶绿体超微结构的变化,可能主要是由于叶绿体中淀粉粒数量和体积大小显著增加而引起。 (3) 在高浓度CO2处理下,由于拟南芥叶片内与促进细胞分裂与伸长的激素含量显著增加,从而对拟南芥植株生长发育速率的提高起了重要的作用。 (4) 拟南芥生长在高浓度CO2条件下,其叶片中各种矿质元素含量(如N、P、K、Ca和Mg)均显著降低,究其原因可能是,第一由于叶片中碳水化合物含量的显著增加而对矿物质元素具有稀释作用;第二由于蒸腾速率下降,引起矿质元素从根部随着蒸腾流运输到地上部分的含量相应减少。
Cellular behavior is strongly influenced by the architecture and pattern of its interfacing extracellular matrix (ECM). For an artificial culture system which could eventually benefit the translation of scientific findings into therapeutic development, the system should capture the key characteristics of a physiological microenvironment. At the same time, it should also enable standardized, high throughput data acquisition. Since an ECM is composed of different fibrous proteins, studying cellular interaction with individual fibrils will be of physiological relevance. In this study, we employ near-field electrospinning to create ordered patterns of collagenous fibrils of gelatin, based on an acetic acid and ethyl acetate aqueous co-solvent system. Tunable conformations of micro-fibrils were directly deposited onto soft polymeric substrates in a single step. We observe that global topographical features of straight lines, beads-on-strings, and curls are dictated by solution conductivity; whereas the finer details such as the fiber cross-sectional profile are tuned by solution viscosity. Using these fibril constructs as cellular assays, we study EA.hy926 endothelial cells' response to ROCK inhibition, because of ROCK's key role in the regulation of cell shape. The fibril array was shown to modulate the cellular morphology towards a pre-capillary cord-like phenotype, which was otherwise not observed on a flat 2-D substrate. Further facilitated by quantitative analysis of morphological parameters, the fibril platform also provides better dissection in the cells' response to a H1152 ROCK inhibitor. In conclusion, the near-field electrospun fibril constructs provide a more physiologically-relevant platform compared to a featureless 2-D surface, and simultaneously permit statistical single-cell image cytometry using conventional microscopy systems. The patterning approach described here is also expected to form the basics for depositing other protein fibrils, seen among potential applications as culture platforms for drug screening.
八月瓜属植物五枫藤(Holboellia latifolia Wall.)和驳骨草属植物小驳骨(Gendarussa vulgaris Nees)均为药用植物, 前者化学成分研究不深入, 后者的化学成分未见报道。川西茶藨(Ribes takare D. Don)为茶藨子属植物, 没有化学成分的报道。本论文对三个植物的化学成分和活性成分进行了研究, 主要通过色谱方法分离得到了48 个化合物, 采用波谱分析或与已知标准品对照等手段鉴定了它们的结构, 其中有1 个新的原小檗碱类化合物和3 个新的联苯类化合物,发现了具有细胞毒活性和α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性的化合物。1、从五枫藤地上部分的95%乙醇提取物中分离得到了12 个化合物: 五加苷K (1)、hederagenin 3-O- α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)- α-L-arabinopyranoside (2)、β-萘乙酸(3) 、3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→3)]-α-L-arabinopyranosyl oleanolic acid 28-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→4)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl ester (4) 、3-O- α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-O- β- D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)- α-L-arabinopyranosyl oleanolic acid (5) 、3-O-( β-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid)-oleanolic acid 28-O- β-D-glucopyranoside (6)、lup-20(29)-en-3-one (7)、lupeol (8)、β-谷甾醇(9)、齐墩果酸(10)、乌苏酸(11)、β-胡萝卜苷(12)。化合物1 对Lu-06、N-04 和Bre-04 癌细胞株的GI50 分别是0.77µg/mL、1.26 µg/mL 和1.55 µg/mL, 化合物2 对N-04 癌细胞株的GI50 为2.44 µg/mL。2、从小驳骨地上部分的95%乙醇提取物中分离得到了1 个原小檗碱类新化合物13-hydroxyl gusanlung A (25), β-谷甾醇(9)、齐敦果酸(10)、β-胡萝卜苷(12)、棕榈酸(1-)甘油酯(13)、棕榈酸(14)、阿苯哒唑(15)、阿苯哒唑砜(16)、阿苯哒唑亚砜(17)、aurantiamide acetate (18)、华良姜素(19)、芫花素(20)、(-)-丁香树酯醇(21)、gusanlung B (22) 、eupteleasaponinsⅤ acetate (23)、gusanlungA (24)、刺五加苷E (26)、岩白菜素(27)、咖啡酸(28)。化合物25 对肝癌细胞株(HepG2) 的GI50 为2.08 µg/mL。3、从川西茶藨地上部分的95%乙醇提取物中分离鉴定了22 个化合物: β-谷甾醇(9) 、β- 胡萝卜苷(12) 、O-acetyloleanolic aldehyde (29),4,7,8-trimethoxy-2,3-methylenedioxydibenzofuran (30) 、3', 5-dimethoxy-3, 4-methylenedioxybiphenyl (31) 、桦木醇(32) 、6,7-dimethoxy-1-methyl-3,4-dihydroquinolin-2-one (33)、3'-hydroxy-5-methoxy-3,4-methylenedioxybiphenyl (34) 、7-hydroxy-4,8-dimethoxy-2,3-methylenedioxydibenzofuran (35)、桦木醛(36)、没食子酸(37) 、6β- 羟基-4- 烯-3- 酮- 豆甾醇(38) 、5α, 8α-epidioxy-(22E,24R)-ergosta-6, 22-dien-3β-ol (39)、verrucofortine (40)、6-methoxycalpogoniumisoflavone A (41)、2-羟基二苯甲酮(42)、桦木酸(43), 3, 5-二甲氧基苯甲酸-4-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(44)、洋芹素(45)、刺槐素(46)、水杨酸(47)、洋芹素-5-O- β-D-葡萄糖苷(48), 化合物30、31 和35 为新的联苯化合物。化合物30的α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制率为10.2% (1.00 mg/mL); 化合物35 的抑制率为17.2% (1.00mg/mL)。4、综述了1960 年以来原小檗碱类化合物药理活性研究进展。 Plants Holboellia latifolia Wall and Gendarussa vulgaris Nees, are used as folkmedicine. Ribes takare D. Don belongs to the genus Ribes. The three plants have notbeen chemically studied in detail. Chemical and bioactive study of three plants led tothe isolation of 48 compounds by chromatography. Their structures were elucidatedon the basis of spectroscopic evidence or comparison with authentic samples. Amongthe 48 componds isolated one protoberberine alkaloid and three biphenyls are newones. Cytotoxic and α-glucosidase inhibitory compounds had been found.1. Twelve compounds were isolated from the 95% ethanol extract of the aerial partof H. latifolia Wall. They were characterized as fellow: eleutheroside K (1),hederagenin-3-O- α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)- α-L-arabinopyranoside (2),2-naphthyl acetic acid (3),3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→3)]-α-L-arabinopyranosyl oleanolic acid 28-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→4)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl ester (4), 3-O- α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-O- β- D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)- α-L-arabinopyranosyl oleanolic acid (5),3-O-( β-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid)-oleanolic acid-28-O- β-D-glucopyranoside (6),lup-20(29)-en-3-one (7), lupeol (8), β-sitosterol (9), oleanolic acid (10), ursolicacid (11), and β-daucosterol (12). Compound 1 showed moderate cytotoxicity againstLu-06 (GI50, 0.77 µg/mL), N-04 (GI50, 1.26 µg/mL) and Bre0-4 (GI50=1.55 µg/mL)and compound 2 showed moderate cytotoxicity against N-04 (GI50=2.44 µg/mL).2. A new protoberberine alkaloid, 13-hydroxyl gusanlung A (25), was isolated fromthe aerial part of Gendarussa vulgaris Nees, together with β-sitosterol (9), oleanolicacid (10), β-daucosterol (12), glycerol monopalmitate (13), palmific acid (14),albendazole (15), albendazole sulphone (16), albendazole sufloxide (17), aurantiamideacetate (18), kumatakenin (19), genkwanin (20), (-)-syringaresinol (21), gusanlung B(22), eupteleasaponinsⅤ acetate (23), gusanlung A (24), eleutheroside E (26),bergenin (27) and caffeic acid (28). Compound 25 showed cytotoxicity against HepG2 cells (GI50, 2.08 µg/mL).3. Phytochemical study of the Ribes takare D. Don led to the isolation of three newbiphenyls, 4,7,8-trimethoxy-2,3-methylenedioxydibenzofuran (30), 3', 5-dimethoxy-3,4-methylenedioxybiphenyl (31) and 7-hydroxy-4,8-dimethoxy-2,3-methylenedioxydibenzofuran (35), along with nineteenknown compounds, β-sitosterol (9), β-daucosterol (12), O-acetyloleanolic aldehyde(29), betulin (32), 6,7-dimethoxy-1-methyl-3,4-dihydroquinolin-2-one (33),3'-hydroxy-5-methoxy-3, 4-methylenedioxybiphenyl (34), betulinic aldehyde (36),gallic acid (37), stigmast-4-en-6β-ol-3-one (38), 5α, 8α-epidioxy-(22E, 24R)-ergosta-6,22-dien-3β-ol (39), verrucofortine (40), 6-methoxycalpogonium isoflavone A (41),2-hydroxybenzophenone (42), betulinic acid (43), 3,5-dimethoxygallic acid-4-O- β-D-glucopryranoside (44), apigenin (45), acacetin (46), salicylic acid (47) andapigenin-5-O- β-D-glucopryranoside (48). α-Glucosidase inhibitory rates ofcompound 30 and 35 were respectively 10.2% and 17.2% at a concentration of 1.00 mg/mL).4. Pharmacological activities of protoberberines were summarized.
A cellulose trisphenylcarbamate-bonded chiral stationary phase was applied to nano-liquid chromatography (nano-LC) and capillary electrochromatography (CEC) with nonaqueous and aqueous solutions as the mobile phases. Several chiral compounds were successfully resolved on the prepared phase by nano-LC. The applicability of nonaqueous CEC on a cellulose derivative stationary phase was investigated with the organic solvents methanol, hexane, 2-propanol, and tetrahydrofuran (THF) containing acetic acid, as well as triethylamine as the mobile phases. Enantiomers of warfarin and praziquantel were baseline-resolved with plate numbers of 82 300 and 38 800 plates/m, respectively, for the first eluting enantiomer. The influence of applied voltage, concentration of nonpolar solvent, apparent pH, and buffer concentration in the mobile phase on the electroosmotic flow (EOF) and the mobility of the enantiomers was evaluated. Enantioseparations of traps-stilbene oxide and praziquantel were also achieved in aqueous CEC with plate numbers of 111 100 and 107 400 plates/m, respectively, for the first eluting enantiomer. A comparison between nonaqueous CEC and aqueous CEC based on a cellulose trisphenylcarbamate stationary phase was discussed. Pressure-assisted CEC was examined for the chiral separation of praziquantel and faster analysis with high enantioselectivity was acquired with the proper pressurization of the inlet vial.
A new kind of electroactive polymers was synthesized by using aniline pentamer (AP) cross-linking chitosan (CS) in acetic acid/DMSO/DMF solution. UV-vis and CV confirmed the electroactivity of polymers in acidic aqueous solution. The amphiphilic polymers self-assembled into 200-300 nm micelles by dialysis against deionized water from the acetic acid buffer solution. Three samples with different weight percentages of AP were used to identify the relationship between the content of AP and the differentiation of rat neuronal pheochromocytoma PC-12 cells without external stimulation.
Polycarbodiimide (CDI) was used to improve the thermal stability of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLA) during processing. The properties of PLA containing various amounts of CDI were characterized by GPC, DSC, rheology, and tensile tests. The results showed that an addition of CDI in an amount of 0.1-0.7 wt% with respect to PLA led to stabilization of PLA at even 210 degrees C for up to 30 min, as evidenced by much smaller changes in molecular weight. melt viscosity, and tensile strength and elongation compared to the blank PLA samples. In order to examine the possible stabilization mechanism, CDI was reacted with water, acetic acid, L-lactic acid, ethanol and low molecular weight PLA. The molecular structures of the reaction products were measured with FTIR.
Synergistic extraction and recovery of Cerium(IV) (Ce(IV)) and Fluorin (F) from sulfuric solutions using mixture of Cyanex 923 and di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) in n-heptane have been carried out. in order to investigate the synergistic extraction of Cyanex 923 + D2EHPA, extraction Ce(IV), F, Ce(III) and Ce-F mixture solution using D2EHPA or Cyanex 923 as extractant alone were studied firstly, and then Synergistic extraction of Ce(IV), F and Ce(IV)-F mixture solution with D2EHPA + Cyanex 923 were carried out. The largest synergistic coefficient of Ce(IV) is obtained at the mole fraction X-Cyanex (923) = 0.8. The synergistic enhancement coefficients (R-max) obtained for Ce(IV) are 23.12 in Ce(IV) solution, and in Ce-F mixed solution R-max for Ce(IV) and F are 2.24 and 3.25 respectively.
Synergistic effect in the extraction of rare earth (RE) metals by the acid-base coupling (ABC) extractants of calix[4]arene carboxyl derivative Bu-t[4]CH2COOH (H(4)A) and primary amine N1923 (RNH2) has been investigated. The extraction of RE was enhanced by the addition of sodium cations into the aqueous phase not only in the extraction system of Bu-t[4]CH2COOH alone but also in the mixture of Bu-t[4]CH2COOH and N1923. The separation factors (SFs) indicating the extraction selectivity of adjacent RE elements became higher in the mixture system.
The extraction of rare earth elements from chloride medium by mixtures of sec-nonylphenoxy acetic acid (CA100) with bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) dithiophosphinic acid (Cyanex301) or bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) monothiophosphinic acid (Cyanex302) in n-heptane has been studied. The synergistic enhancement of the extraction of lanthanum (III) by mixtures of CA100 with Cyanex301 has been investigated using the methods of slope analysis and constant mole. The extracted complex of lanthanum (III) is determined. The logarithm of the equilibrium constant is calculated as - 1.41. The formation constants and the thermodynamic functions, Delta H, Delta G, and Delta S have also been determined.
Bronsted acid-base ionic liquids (GILs) based on guanidine and acetic acid are efficient reaction media for palladium-catalyzed Heck reactions. They offer the advantages of high activity and reusability. GIL2 plays multiple roles in the reaction: it could act as solvent, as a strong base to facilitate beta-hydride elimination, and as a ligand to stabilize activated Pd species.
Macromolecular conjugates of two kinds of natural polysaccharides, that from Panax quinquefolium linn (PQPS) and Ganoderma applanatum pat (GAPS), with gadolinium-diethylenetriaminepenta-acetic acid (Gd-DTPA) have been synthesized and characterized by means of FTIR, elementary analysis and ICP-AES. Their stability was investigated by competition study with Ca2+, EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and DTPA. Polysaccharide-bound complexes exhibit T-1 relaxivities of 1.5-1.7 times that of Gd-DTPA in D2O at 25degreesC and 9.4T. MR imaging of Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats showed remarkable enhancement in rat liver and kidney after i.v. injection of these two complexes: liver parenchyma 60.9+/-5.6%, 57.8+/-7.4% at 65-85 min; kidney 144.9+/-14.5%, 199.9+/-25.4% at 10-30 min for PQPS-GdDTPA, GAPS-Gd-DTPA at gadolinium dose of 0.083 and 0.082 mmol/kg, respectively. Our preliminary in vivo and in vitro study indicates that the two kinds of polysaccharide-bound complexes are potential tissue-specific contrast agents for MRI.
The fragmentation mechanism of aconitine-type alkaloids in the flowers of Aconitum kusnezoffii (FAK) was investigated using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) firstly. The analysis of the collision-induced dissociation (CID) spectra of three purified aconitine standards and six previously reported aconitines indicated that the fragmentation of the protonated aconitines at low-energy CID follows a similar pathway. The elimination of a C-8-substituent such as an acetic acid or a fatty acid is the dominant fragmentation mode in MS2. Successive losses of CH3COOH, CH3OH, H2O, BzOH, and CO are the main fragmentation pathways of aconitine-type alkaloids in MS3 spectra. Based on these features, a rapid method for the direct detection and characterization of alkaloids from an ethanolic extract of FAK is described. All the known aconitum alkaloids are detected and a series of lipo-aconitines has been found for the first time in this plant.
Matrix effects arising from ethanol, propanol, glycerol, acetic acid, ethylenediamine and triethanolamine in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry have been studied. Addition of ethanol, propanol, glycerol, acetic acid, ethylenediamine and triethanolamine into solution has an enhancement effect on the signal intensity of analyte with ionization potential between 9 and 11 eV. The ethylenediamine and triethanolamine have higher enhancement effect on the signal intensity of Hg than that of ethanol, propanol, glycerol and acetic acid. Addition of ethylenediamine and triethanolamine into solution has a suppression effect on the signal intensity of Ph and Sr. The mechanism of the enhancement or suppression was investigated. The signal enhancement of Hg in the presence of ethylenediamine and triethanolamine is not caused by improved degree of ionization of Hg and nebulization efficiency. The suppression effects of Ph and Sr in the presence of ethylenediamine and triethanolamine are due to decrease of atomization efficiency of these elements. A method for the determination of Hg in the biological standard samples Ly ICP-MS was developed.
The catalytic behavior of concentrated heteropolyacid solution in acylation. of anisole with acetic anhydride has been investigated under the reaction conditions such as molar ratio of anisole to acetic anhydride, reaction temperature and mass ratio of reactant to catalyst. When the molar ratio of anisole to acetic anhydride is changed from 2:1 to 1:1, the yield of methoxyacetophenone (MOAP) increases a little, but when it is changed from 1: 1 to 1: 2, the yield has a greater increase from 15% to 30%. The yield of MOAP at the reaction temperature of 363 K doubles that at 333 K. The highest yield is obtained when the mass ratio of reactant to catalyst is 12.8. The conclusion is therefore that the heteropolyacid in acetic acid can effectively catalyze the acylation of anisole with acetic anhydride, and its activity and selectivity are comparable to those of acid clay and molecular sieve.
Supported catalysts, consisting of SiW12 immobilized on hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) and its aluminum-substituted derivative (MCM-41) with different loadings and calcination temperatures, have been prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR and NH3-temperature programmed desorption. It is shown that SiW12 retains the Keggin structure on the mesoporous molecular sieves and no HPA crystal phase is developed, even at SiW12 loadings as high as 50 wt%. In the esterification of acetic acid by n-butanol, supported catalysts exhibit a higher catalytic activity and stability and held some promise of practical application. In addition, experimental results indicate that the loaded amount of SiW12 and the calcination temperatures have a significant influence on the catalytic activity, and the existence of aluminum has also an effect on the properties of supported catalysts.