130 resultados para applicant


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The dissertation takes a multivariate approach to answer the question of how applicant age, after controlling for other variables, affects employment success in a public organization. In addition to applicant age, there are five other categories of variables examined: organization/applicant variables describing the relationship of the applicant to the organization; organization/position variables describing the target position as it relates to the organization; episodic variables such as applicant age relative to the ages of competing applicants; economic variables relating to the salary needs of older applicants; and cognitive variables that may affect the decision maker's evaluation of the applicant. ^ An exploratory phase of research employs archival data from approximately 500 decisions made in the past three years to hire or promote applicants for positions in one public health administration organization. A logit regression model is employed to examine the probability that the variables modify the effect of applicant age on employment success. A confirmatory phase of the dissertation is a controlled experiment in which hiring decision makers from the same public organization perform a simulated hiring decision exercise to evaluate hypothetical applicants of similar qualifications but of different ages. The responses of the decision makers to a series of bipolar adjective scales add support to the cognitive component of the theoretical model of the hiring decision. A final section contains information gathered from interviews with key informants. ^ Applicant age has tended to have a curvilinear relationship with employment success. For some positions, the mean age of the applicants most likely to succeed varies with the values of the five groups of moderating variables. The research contributes not only to the practice of public personnel administration, but is useful in examining larger public policy issues associated with an aging workforce. ^


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka yksilön brändi muodostuu sosiaalisessa mediassa ja mitä sosiaalisen median kanavia suositaan työnhakijoiden ja yritysten keskuudessa. Haettiin myös alueellisilta yrityksiltä vastausta siihen, perehdyttävätkö he uusia työntekijöitä sosiaalisen median käyttäytymisessä. Tietolähteinä käytettiin brändin luomiseen ja sosiaalisen median strategiaan keskittyvää kirjallisuutta sekä yrityksien ja opiskelijoiden haastatteluja. Työn tuloksina todettiin suosituimmiksi kanaviksi itsensä markkinointiin verkostoitumispalvelu LinkedIn. Yritykset korostivat omien projektien merkitystä osaamisen näyttämisessä työnhaussa ja hyvin viestittyä persoonallisuutta hakemuksissa arvostettiin.


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The South Carolina Department of Commerce has initiated the Palmetto Sites Program. During the Palmetto Sites Program, participants will be asked to gather data on the property’s availability, developability, zoning, transportation, and utility infrastructure among other items. Having this information is critical in order to be competitive, and to quickly and accurately respond to requests for proposals. Palmetto Site is a property in which the applicant has accumulated substantial data about the property’s characteristics and infrastructure in order to effectively respond to information requests for industrial projects.


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This research investigated faking across test administration modes in an employment testing scenario. For the first time, phone administration was included. Participants (N = 91) were randomly allocated to testing mode (telephone, Internet, or pen-and-paper). Participants completed a personality measure under standard instructions and then under instructions to fake as an ideal police applicant. No significant difference in any faked personality domains as a function of administration mode was found. Effect sizes indicated that the influence of administration mode was small. Limitations and future directions are considered. Overall, results indicate that if an individual intends to fake on a self-report test in a vocational assessment scenario, the electronic administration mode in which the test is delivered may be unimportant.


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The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs publishes an annual mortgage log report as a requirement of the South Carolina Mortgage Lending Act, which became effective on January 1, 2010. The mortgage log report analyzes the following data, concerning all mortgage loan applications taken: the borrower’s credit score, term of the loan, annual percentage rate, type of rate, and appraised value of the property. The mortgage log report also analyzes data required by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, including the following information: the loan type, property type, purpose of the loan, owner/occupancy status, loan amount, action taken, reason for denial, property location, gross annual income, purchaser of the loan, rate spread, HOEPA status, and lien status as well as the applicant and co-applicant’s race, ethnicity, and gender.


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O presente trabalho, subordinado ao tema “As provas de decisão na seleção dos quadros permanentes nos Ramos das Forças Armadas”, enquadra-se no Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Militares, e procura estudar a importância das provas de decisão no processo de seleção dos quadros permanentes das Forças Armadas Portuguesas. Do concurso de admissão aos diferentes Estabelecimentos de Ensino Superior Público Universitário Militar, consta uma prova de Aptidão Física que inclui provas físicas e provas de decisão. O tema emergiu devido ao facto de as Forças Armadas Portuguesas se debaterem com o problema do insucesso na realização em algumas provas físicas por parte dos candidatos. Apesar dos responsáveis pela seleção terem consciência deste insucesso, reconhecem que muitos candidatos que não conseguem ultrapassar algumas das provas físicas têm capacidades para as superar. Nesta pesquisa qualitativa, através da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas a alguns militares com funções e/ou experiências diferentes, procurámos comparar diferentes perspetivas sobre Prova de Aptidão Física e enquadrar a importância das provas no processo de ingresso nos quadros permanentes, numa dinâmica positiva que visou produzir informação pertinente sobre esta temática. Foi utilizado o método indutivo, assente numa abordagem de pesquisa qualitativa, cuja natureza é a investigação aplicada. Concluiu-se que as Provas de Decisão podem ser iguais para as três academias, e Provas de Aptidão Física dos três ramos podem ser realizadas conjuntamente, integrando as Prova de Decisão, de modo a otimizar a utilização dos recursos das Forças Armadas Portuguesas; a análise permitiu caraterizar Prova de Decisão e propor alterações ao processo de seleção dos candidatos.


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The goal of this project is to increase the amount of successful real estate license renewals while reducing the disruption caused by manual processing and calls for assistance with renewals and technical issues. The data utilized in this project will demonstrate that the Real Estate Commission renewal process can be improved by utilizing electronic resources such as more detailed website information and repeat e-mail notices, through modifications to the online renewal process to reduce applicant error, and by increasing the visibility of online renewal log-in instructions while decreasing the visibility and use of mail-in applications.


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This article analyses the dynamics of accessing cathedral chapters with purity of blood statutes in the Iberian Peninsula, from a comparative perspective, and the interaction with the phenomenon of commodification of ecclesiastical benefices. This phenomenon created a Curial market that was open to any applicant with sufficient economic capacity, regardless of their ancestry. What was the result of the clash between the Iberian concept of purity and the commodified Roman reality?