217 resultados para V5
The thyroid hormones (THs), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), are essential for survival; they are involved in the processes of development, growth, and metabolism. In addition to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, THs are involved in other diseases. The role of THs in the development and differentiation of mammary epithelium is well established; however, their specific role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer (BC) is controversial. Steroid hormones affect many human cancers and the abnormal responsiveness of the mammary epithelial cells to estradiol (E2) in particular is known to be an important cause for the development and progression of BC. The proliferative effect of T3 has been demonstrated in various types of cancer. In BC cell lines, T3 may foster the conditions for tumor proliferation and increase the effect of cell proliferation by E2; thus, T3 may play a role in the development and progression of BC. Studies show that T3 has effects similar to E2 in BC cell lines. Despite controversy regarding the relationship between thyroid disturbances and the incidence of BC, studies show that thyroid status may influence the development of tumor, proliferation and metastasis.
Para avaliar e planejar dietas para indivíduos e grupos populacionais são necessárias estimativas muito acuradas das necessidades e do consumo de energia. O objetivo foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica das metodologias de determinação das necessidades energéticas para adultos e dos métodos de avaliação do consumo. Em 1918, Harris e Benedict propuseram equações que estimam a necessidade energética basal a partir de calorimetria indireta para indivíduos, depois disso, foram propostas outras equações para o cálculo das necessidades de energia em repouso ou em atividade. Recentemente, a água duplamente marcada é empregada para propor equações mais apropriadas. Contudo, a acurácia destas equações pode ser questionada. Por outro lado, os métodos de avaliação do consumo energético apresentam limitações que demandam cuidado na escolha e aplicação, assim como na interpretação dos resultados. A escolha do método de avaliação depende e pode ser influenciada pela população avaliada, tipo e objetivo do estudo, tempo disponível e do treinamento dos avaliadores. Deste modo, a avaliação do balanço energético está condicionada, tanto às limitações da avaliação através de equações, quanto dos métodos existentes de avaliação do consumo alimentar.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Talisin is a seed-storage protein from Talisia esculenta that presents lectin-like activities, as well as proteinase-inhibitor properties. The present study aims to provide new in vitro and in silico biochemical information about this protein, shedding some light on its mechanistic inhibitory strategies. A theoretical three-dimensional structure of Talisin bound to trypsin was constructed in order to determine the relative interaction mode. Since the structure of non-competitive inhibition has not been elucidated, Talisin-trypsin docking was carried out using Hex v5.1, since the structure of non-competitive inhibition has not been elucidated. The predicted non-coincidence of the trypsin binding site is completely different from that previously proposed for Kunitz-type inhibitors, which demonstrate a substitution of an Arg(64) for the Glu(64) residue. Data, therefore, provide more information regarding the mechanisms of non-competitive plant proteinase inhibitors. Bioassays with Talisin also presented a strong insecticide effect on the larval development of Diatraea saccharalis, demonstrating LD50 and ED50 of ca. 2.0% and 1.5%, respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This study investigated the efficacy of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine gel for the elimination of intratubular Candida albicans (C. albicans). Human single-rooted teeth contaminated with C. albicans were treated with calcium hydroxide, 2% chlorhexidine gel, calcium hydroxide plus 2% chlorhexidine gel, or saline (0.9% sodium chloride) as a positive control. The samples obtained at depths of 0–100 and 100–200 µm from the root canal system were analyzed for C. albicans load by counting the number of colony forming units and for the percentage of viable C. albicans using fluorescence microscopy. First, the antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide and the 2% chlorhexidine gel was evaluated by counting the number of colony forming units. After 14 days of intracanal medication, there was a significant decrease in the number of C. albicans colony forming units at a depth of 0–100 µm with chlorhexidine treatment either with or without calcium hydroxide compared with the calcium hydroxide only treatment. However, there were no differences in the number of colony forming units at the 100–200 µm depth for any of the medications investigated. C. albicans viability was also evaluated by vital staining techniques and fluorescence microscopy analysis. Antifungal activity against C. albicans significantly increased at both depths in the chlorhexidine groups with and without calcium hydroxide compared with the groups treated with calcium hydroxide only. Treatments with only chlorhexidine or chlorhexidine in combination with calcium hydroxide were effective for elimination of C. albicans
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a composição química e a produtividade de grãos de soja, em resposta à aplicação de biorregulador na cultura da soja. Para tanto, sementes de soja da cultivar BRS 246 RR foram semeadas no mês de outubro dos anos agrícolas de 2007/2008 e 2008/2009, no delineamento experimental em blocos completos com os tratamentos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos, arranjados em esquema fatorial, foram compostos pela combinação do tratamento de sementes com o biorregulador (sem e com 0,500 L 100 kg-1 de sementes) e cinco doses do produto (0; 0,125; 0,250; 0,375 e 0,500 L ha-1) aplicadas via foliar, em dois estádios de desenvolvimento da cultura (V5 ou R3). Utilizou-se um biorregulador líquido da Stoller do Brasil Ltda., denominado de Stimulate®, composto por três reguladores vegetais na seguinte concentração: 0,005% do ácido indolbutirico - IBA (análogo de auxina), 0,009% de cinetina (citocinina) e 0,005% de ácido giberélico - GA3 (giberelina). O uso do biorregulador influenciou no incremento da produtividade; os teores de óleo e proteínas foram alterados pela ação do biorregulador, com tendência de favorecimento do conteúdo proteico.
The activation of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) appears to be an endogenous defensive mechanism used by cells to reduce inflammation and tissue damage in a number of injury models. HO-1, a stress-responsive enzyme that catabolizes heme into carbon monoxide (CO), biliverdin and iron, has previously been shown to protect grafts from ischemia/reperfusion and rejection. In addition, the products of the HO-catalyzed reaction, particularly CO and biliverdin/bilirubin, have been shown to exert protective effects in the liver against a number of stimuli, as in chronic hepatitis C and in transplanted liver grafts. Furthermore, the induction of HO-1 expression can protect the liver against damage caused by a number of chemical compounds. More specifically, the CO derived from HO-1-mediated heme catabolism has been shown to be involved in the regulation of inflammation; furthermore, administration of low concentrations of exogenous CO has a protective effect against inflammation. Both murine and human HO-1 deficiencies have systemic manifestations associated with iron metabolism, such as hepatic overload (with signs of a chronic hepatitis) and iron deficiency anemia (with paradoxical increased levels of ferritin). Hypoxia induces HO-1 expression in multiple rodent, bovine and monkey cell lines, but interestingly, hypoxia represses expression of the human HO-1 gene in a variety of human cell types (endothelial cells, epithelial cells, T cells). These data suggest that HO-1 and CO are promising novel therapeutic molecules for patients with inflammatory diseases. In this review, we present what is currently known regarding the role of HO-1 in liver injuries and in particular, we focus on the implications of targeted induction of HO-1 as a potential therapeutic strategy to protect the liver against chemically induced injury.
With the increasing production of information from e-government initiatives, there is also the need to transform a large volume of unstructured data into useful information for society. All this information should be easily accessible and made available in a meaningful and effective way in order to achieve semantic interoperability in electronic government services, which is a challenge to be pursued by governments round the world. Our aim is to discuss the context of e-Government Big Data and to present a framework to promote semantic interoperability through automatic generation of ontologies from unstructured information found in the Internet. We propose the use of fuzzy mechanisms to deal with natural language terms and present some related works found in this area. The results achieved in this study are based on the architectural definition and major components and requirements in order to compose the proposed framework. With this, it is possible to take advantage of the large volume of information generated from e-Government initiatives and use it to benefit society.
Selective oxidation is one of the simplest functionalization methods and essentially all monomers used in manufacturing artificial fibers and plastics are obtained by catalytic oxidation processes. Formally, oxidation is considered as an increase in the oxidation number of the carbon atoms, then reactions such as dehydrogenation, ammoxidation, cyclization or chlorination are all oxidation reactions. In this field, most of processes for the synthesis of important chemicals used vanadium oxide-based catalysts. These catalytic systems are used either in the form of multicomponent mixed oxides and oxysalts, e.g., in the oxidation of n-butane (V/P/O) and of benzene (supported V/Mo/O) to maleic anhydride, or in the form of supported metal oxide, e.g., in the manufacture of phthalic anhydride by o-xylene oxidation, of sulphuric acid by oxidation of SO2, in the reduction of NOx with ammonia and in the ammoxidation of alkyl aromatics. In addition, supported vanadia catalysts have also been investigated for the oxidative dehydrogenation of alkanes to olefins , oxidation of pentane to maleic anhydride and the selective oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde or methyl formate [1]. During my PhD I focused my work on two gas phase selective oxidation reactions. The work was done at the Department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials (University of Bologna) in collaboration with Polynt SpA. Polynt is a leader company in the development, production and marketing of catalysts for gas-phase oxidation. In particular, I studied the catalytic system for n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride (fluid bed technology) and for o-xylene oxidation to phthalic anhydride. Both reactions are catalyzed by systems based on vanadium, but catalysts are completely different. Part A is dedicated to the study of V/P/O catalyst for n-butane selective oxidation, while in the Part B the results of an investigation on TiO2-supported V2O5, catalyst for o-xylene oxidation are showed. In Part A, a general introduction about the importance of maleic anhydride, its uses, the industrial processes and the catalytic system are reported. The reaction is the only industrial direct oxidation of paraffins to a chemical intermediate. It is produced by n-butane oxidation either using fixed bed and fluid bed technology; in both cases the catalyst is the vanadyl pyrophosphate (VPP). Notwithstanding the good performances, the yield value didn’t exceed 60% and the system is continuously studied to improve activity and selectivity. The main open problem is the understanding of the real active phase working under reaction conditions. Several articles deal with the role of different crystalline and/or amorphous vanadium/phosphorous (VPO) compounds. In all cases, bulk VPP is assumed to constitute the core of the active phase, while two different hypotheses have been formulated concerning the catalytic surface. In one case the development of surface amorphous layers that play a direct role in the reaction is described, in the second case specific planes of crystalline VPP are assumed to contribute to the reaction pattern, and the redox process occurs reversibly between VPP and VOPO4. Both hypotheses are supported also by in-situ characterization techniques, but the experiments were performed with different catalysts and probably under slightly different working conditions. Due to complexity of the system, these differences could be the cause of the contradictions present in literature. Supposing that a key role could be played by P/V ratio, I prepared, characterized and tested two samples with different P/V ratio. Transformation occurring on catalytic surfaces under different conditions of temperature and gas-phase composition were studied by means of in-situ Raman spectroscopy, trying to investigate the changes that VPP undergoes during reaction. The goal is to understand which kind of compound constituting the catalyst surface is the most active and selective for butane oxidation reaction, and also which features the catalyst should possess to ensure the development of this surface (e.g. catalyst composition). On the basis of results from this study, it could be possible to project a new catalyst more active and selective with respect to the present ones. In fact, the second topic investigated is the possibility to reproduce the surface active layer of VPP onto a support. In general, supportation is a way to improve mechanical features of the catalysts and to overcome problems such as possible development of local hot spot temperatures, which could cause a decrease of selectivity at high conversion, and high costs of catalyst. In literature it is possible to find different works dealing with the development of supported catalysts, but in general intrinsic characteristics of VPP are worsened due to the chemical interaction between active phase and support. Moreover all these works deal with the supportation of VPP; on the contrary, my work is an attempt to build-up a V/P/O active layer on the surface of a zirconia support by thermal treatment of a precursor obtained by impregnation of a V5+ salt and of H3PO4. In-situ Raman analysis during the thermal treatment, as well as reactivity tests are used to investigate the parameters that may influence the generation of the active phase. Part B is devoted to the study of o-xylene oxidation of phthalic anhydride; industrially, the reaction is carried out in gas-phase using as catalysts a supported system formed by V2O5 on TiO2. The V/Ti/O system is quite complex; different vanadium species could be present on the titania surface, as a function of the vanadium content and of the titania surface area: (i) V species which is chemically bound to the support via oxo bridges (isolated V in octahedral or tetrahedral coordination, depending on the hydration degree), (ii) a polymeric species spread over titania, and (iii) bulk vanadium oxide, either amorphous or crystalline. The different species could have different catalytic properties therefore changing the relative amount of V species can be a way to optimize the catalytic performances of the system. For this reason, samples containing increasing amount of vanadium were prepared and tested in the oxidation of o-xylene, with the aim of find a correlations between V/Ti/O catalytic activity and the amount of the different vanadium species. The second part deals with the role of a gas-phase promoter. Catalytic surface can change under working conditions; the high temperatures and a different gas-phase composition could have an effect also on the formation of different V species. Furthermore, in the industrial practice, the vanadium oxide-based catalysts need the addition of gas-phase promoters in the feed stream, that although do not have a direct role in the reaction stoichiometry, when present leads to considerable improvement of catalytic performance. Starting point of my investigation is the possibility that steam, a component always present in oxidation reactions environment, could cause changes in the nature of catalytic surface under reaction conditions. For this reason, the dynamic phenomena occurring at the surface of a 7wt% V2O5 on TiO2 catalyst in the presence of steam is investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy. Moreover a correlation between the amount of the different vanadium species and catalytic performances have been searched. Finally, the role of dopants has been studied. The industrial V/Ti/O system contains several dopants; the nature and the relative amount of promoters may vary depending on catalyst supplier and on the technology employed for the process, either a single-bed or a multi-layer catalytic fixed-bed. Promoters have a quite remarkable effect on both activity and selectivity to phthalic anhydride. Their role is crucial, and the proper control of the relative amount of each component is fundamental for the process performance. Furthermore, it can not be excluded that the same promoter may play different role depending on reaction conditions (T, composition of gas phase..). The reaction network of phthalic anhydride formation is very complex and includes several parallel and consecutive reactions; for this reason a proper understanding of the role of each dopant cannot be separated from the analysis of the reaction scheme. One of the most important promoters at industrial level, which is always present in the catalytic formulations is Cs. It is known that Cs plays an important role on selectivity to phthalic anhydride, but the reasons of this phenomenon are not really clear. Therefore the effect of Cs on the reaction scheme has been investigated at two different temperature with the aim of evidencing in which step of the reaction network this promoter plays its role.
Il pirofosfato di vanadile VPP è il catalizzatore utilizzato per l’ossidazione di n-butano ad anidride maleica AM. Durante reazione, il VPP subisce delle modifiche strutturali, soprattutto nella parte superficiale, cataliticamente attiva. Queste modifiche sono funzione della composizione della fase gas e delle caratteristiche del catalizzatore, in particolare del rapporto P/V. Mediante prove di reattività in condizioni stazionarie e non-stazionarie, condotte in cella ambientale accoppiata ad uno spettrofotometro Raman, si è arrivati a capire quali fasi e in che condizioni queste si sviluppano sulla superficie del VPP. Si è inoltre capito che la fase selettiva nel prodotto desiderato, AM, è costituita da δ-VOPO4. Non è ancora noto con esattezza perché questo composto offra le prestazioni migliori; si ipotizza che ciò sia dovuto alla capacità di dare luogo a cicli redox tra V5+ e V4+ con cinetiche veloci, grazie al fatto che ha similarità strutturali con il VPP. La formazione di questa fase avviene più facilmente in presenza di un eccesso di P. Oltre al P, un altro fattore che influisce sulle prestazioni catalitiche è la presenza di elementi promotori. Tra questi, il Nb è uno dei più importanti, come dimostato dalle prove di reattività condotte in miscela butano-aria, utilizzando catalizzatori promossi con diversi quantitativi di Nb. In questo modo si è capito che alle basse temperature occorre un catalizzatore con una maggiore quantità di Nb (per esempio, rapporto V/Nb=46) per favorire la formazione della fase δ-VOPO4; mentre alle alte temperature, sono sufficienti piccole quantità di elemento promotore, in quanto indipendentemente dal rapporto P/V la fase predominante è δ-VOPO4. Una quantità elevata di Nb ha implicazioni negative sulla selettività, sia alle alte che alle basse temperature di reazione, perché favorisce la formazione di una superficie catalitica troppo ossidata. L’obiettivo del mio lavoro di tesi è stato quello di dimostrare una correlazione tra l’effetto del Nb e la formazione della fase δ-VOPO4. Per farlo, si è deciso di partire da VOPO4•2H2O (VPD) promosso con diversi quantitativi di Nb. Infatti, com’era già stato dimostrato in precedenza, il VPD che si forma in ambiente di reazione per ossidazione superficiale del VPP dà luogo a disidratazione a δ-VOPO4. Le trasformazioni del VPD promosso con Nb sono state monitorate utilizzando la spettroscopia Raman. Le prove condotte hanno confermato che l’addizione di Nb al VPP favorisce la formazione del composto desiderato; tuttavia, la medesima trasformazione non è stata osservata partendo dal composto VPD contenente Nb.
La sintesi industriale di anidride maleica (AM) è realizzata industrialmente mediante ossidazione selettiva di n-butano in aria ad opera di un catalizzatore a base di ossidi misti di vanadio e fosforo, avente formula chimica (VO)2P2O7 ed indicato con la sigla VPP (pirofosfato di vanadile). Vi è attualmente un notevole interesse per lo sviluppo di nuove vie sintetiche che utilizzino come reagenti molecole ottenute da materie prime rinnovabili; un’alternativa è costituita dall’utilizzo di 1-butanolo, un bio-alcool ottenuto mediante un processo fermentativo da biomasse; la sua disponibilità e il prezzo competitivo con quello delle materie prime tradizionali lo rendono una molecola interessante per la produzione di building blocks. Per studiare la reazione di ossidazione selettiva di 1-butanolo ad AM, sono state condotte prove di reattività su un catalizzatore industriale a base di VPP al variare di diversi parametri: configurazione del reattore, temperatura, tempo di contatto e frazione molare di ossigeno in alimentazione. Le prove hanno portato a risultati interessanti di selettività in AM, tali da confermare l’effettiva validità di 1-butanolo come reagente alternativo per questo tipo di sintesi.
Verifiche numeriche dello stato di sollecitazione di una struttura alare di un velivolo ultraleggero
Lo scopo del progetto è di calcolare, tramite un modello agli elementi finiti, lo stato di sollecitazione delle parti costituenti l’ala di un velivolo ultraleggero, e di visualizzare i risultati della soluzione del calcolo in maniera grafica. L’aeromobile oggetto di studio è lo Yuma 912 S commercializzato da Alisport, un velivolo di categoria ULM (UltraLeggero Motorizzato) con capacità STOL (Short TakeOff and Landing – decollo ed atterraggio corti). Tutto il lavoro di progettazione, modellazione e calcolo è stato eseguito con un’unica tipologia di programma, CATIA V5, disponibile commercialmente, al fine di evitare conflitti tra diversi programmi CAD (per disegno assistito dal calcolatore) e CAE/FEA (per analisi ingegneristica del prodotto). Il lavoro si è articolato nelle seguenti fasi: progettazione assistita dal calcolatore, sviluppo del modello, valutazione della soluzione. I carichi introdotti nell’analisi sono stati scelti considerando le caratteristiche del velivolo ed il proprio diagramma di manovra, quindi calcolati in maniera teorica e successivamente applicati al modello in esame. La soluzione è stata poi visualizzata tramite simulazione della struttura deformata ed applicazione di una scala di colori sulle zone sottoposte ai diversi stati di sollecitazione.