928 resultados para Shrinkage Estimators
Body height decreases throughout the day due to fluid loss from the intervertebral disk. This study investigated whether spinal shrinkage was greater during workdays compared with nonwork days, whether daily work stressors were positively related to spinal shrinkage, and whether job control was negatively related to spinal shrinkage. In a consecutive 2-week ambulatory field study, including 39 office employees and 512 days of observation, spinal shrinkage was measured by a stadiometer, and calculated as body height in the morning minus body height in the evening. Physical activity was monitored throughout the 14 days by accelerometry. Daily work stressors, daily job control, biomechanical workload, and recreational activities after work were measured with daily surveys. Multilevel regression analyses showed that spinal disks shrank more during workdays than during nonwork days. After adjustment for sex, age, body weight, smoking status, biomechanical work strain, and time spent on physical and low-effort activities during the day, lower levels of daily job control significantly predicted increased spinal shrinkage. Findings add to knowledge on how work redesign that increases job control may possibly contribute to preserving intervertebral disk function and preventing occupational back pain.
This article proposes computing sensitivities of upper tail probabilities of random sums by the saddlepoint approximation. The considered sensitivity is the derivative of the upper tail probability with respect to the parameter of the summation index distribution. Random sums with Poisson or Geometric distributed summation indices and Gamma or Weibull distributed summands are considered. The score method with importance sampling is considered as an alternative approximation. Numerical studies show that the saddlepoint approximation and the method of score with importance sampling are very accurate. But the saddlepoint approximation is substantially faster than the score method with importance sampling. Thus, the suggested saddlepoint approximation can be conveniently used in various scientific problems.
To track down potential sites of material failure in the tile–mortar–substrate systems, locations and intensities of stress concentrations owing to drying-induced shrinkage are investigated. For this purpose, mechanical properties were measured on real systems and used as input parameters for numerical modeling of the effect of shrinkage of substrate and/or mortar using the finite element code Abaqus. On the base of different geometrical set-ups we demonstrate that stress concentrations in the mortar can become critical when (i) substantial mortar shrinkage occurs, (ii) substrate shrinkage can accumulate over considerable spatial distances, particularly (iii) in situations where the mortar layer is not separated from the substrate by a flexible waterproofing membrane. Hence material failure in the system tile–mortar–substrate can be prevented (or reduced) by (i) an application of the tiles after the major stages of substrate shrinkage, (ii) the use of elasto-plastic deformable tile adhesives which can react elastically on local stress concentrations, (iii) the implementation of flexible membranes, and (iv) a reduction of the field size by the installation of flexible joints.
robreg provides a number of robust estimators for linear regression models. Among them are the high breakdown-point and high efficiency MM-estimator, the Huber and bisquare M-estimator, and the S-estimator, each supporting classic or robust standard errors. Furthermore, basic versions of the LMS/LQS (least median of squares) and LTS (least trimmed squares) estimators are provided. Note that the moremata package, also available from SSC, is required.
Several tests for the comparison of different groups in the randomized complete block design exist. However, there is a lack of robust estimators for the location difference between one group and all the others on the original scale. The relative marginal effects are commonly used in this situation, but they are more difficult to interpret and use by less experienced people because of the different scale. In this paper two nonparametric estimators for the comparison of one group against the others in the randomized complete block design will be presented. Theoretical results such as asymptotic normality, consistency, translation invariance, scale preservation, unbiasedness, and median unbiasedness are derived. The finite sample behavior of these estimators is derived by simulations of different scenarios. In addition, possible confidence intervals with these estimators are discussed and their behavior derived also by simulations.
A large number of ridge regression estimators have been proposed and used with little knowledge of their true distributions. Because of this lack of knowledge, these estimators cannot be used to test hypotheses or to form confidence intervals.^ This paper presents a basic technique for deriving the exact distribution functions for a class of generalized ridge estimators. The technique is applied to five prominent generalized ridge estimators. Graphs of the resulting distribution functions are presented. The actual behavior of these estimators is found to be considerably different than the behavior which is generally assumed for ridge estimators.^ This paper also uses the derived distributions to examine the mean squared error properties of the estimators. A technique for developing confidence intervals based on the generalized ridge estimators is also presented. ^
Radiomics is the high-throughput extraction and analysis of quantitative image features. For non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, radiomics can be applied to standard of care computed tomography (CT) images to improve tumor diagnosis, staging, and response assessment. The first objective of this work was to show that CT image features extracted from pre-treatment NSCLC tumors could be used to predict tumor shrinkage in response to therapy. This is important since tumor shrinkage is an important cancer treatment endpoint that is correlated with probability of disease progression and overall survival. Accurate prediction of tumor shrinkage could also lead to individually customized treatment plans. To accomplish this objective, 64 stage NSCLC patients with similar treatments were all imaged using the same CT scanner and protocol. Quantitative image features were extracted and principal component regression with simulated annealing subset selection was used to predict shrinkage. Cross validation and permutation tests were used to validate the results. The optimal model gave a strong correlation between the observed and predicted shrinkages with . The second objective of this work was to identify sets of NSCLC CT image features that are reproducible, non-redundant, and informative across multiple machines. Feature sets with these qualities are needed for NSCLC radiomics models to be robust to machine variation and spurious correlation. To accomplish this objective, test-retest CT image pairs were obtained from 56 NSCLC patients imaged on three CT machines from two institutions. For each machine, quantitative image features with concordance correlation coefficient values greater than 0.90 were considered reproducible. Multi-machine reproducible feature sets were created by taking the intersection of individual machine reproducible feature sets. Redundant features were removed through hierarchical clustering. The findings showed that image feature reproducibility and redundancy depended on both the CT machine and the CT image type (average cine 4D-CT imaging vs. end-exhale cine 4D-CT imaging vs. helical inspiratory breath-hold 3D CT). For each image type, a set of cross-machine reproducible, non-redundant, and informative image features was identified. Compared to end-exhale 4D-CT and breath-hold 3D-CT, average 4D-CT derived image features showed superior multi-machine reproducibility and are the best candidates for clinical correlation.
Background: The physical characteristic of protons is that they deliver most of their radiation dose to the target volume and deliver no dose to the normal tissue distal to the tumor. Previously, numerous studies have shown unique advantages of proton therapy over intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in conforming dose to the tumor and sparing dose to the surrounding normal tissues and the critical structures in many clinical sites. However, proton therapy is known to be more sensitive to treatment uncertainties such as inter- and intra-fractional variations in patient anatomy. To date, no study has clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of proton therapy compared with the conventional IMRT under the consideration of both respiratory motion and tumor shrinkage in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Purpose: This thesis investigated two questions for establishing a clinically relevant comparison of the two different modalities (IMRT and proton therapy). The first question was whether or not there are any differences in tumor shrinkage between patients randomized to IMRT versus passively scattered proton therapy (PSPT). Tumor shrinkage is considered a standard measure of radiation therapy response that has been widely used to gauge a short-term progression of radiation therapy. The second question was whether or not there are any differences between the planned dose and 5D dose under the influence of inter- and intra-fractional variations in the patient anatomy for both modalities. Methods: A total of 45 patients (25 IMRT patients and 20 PSPT patients) were used to quantify the tumor shrinkage in terms of the change of the primary gross tumor volume (GTVp). All patients were randomized to receive either IMRT or PSPT for NSCLC. Treatment planning goals were identical for both groups. All patients received 5 to 8 weekly repeated 4-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) scans during the course of radiation treatments. The original GTVp contours were propagated to T50 of weekly 4DCT images using deformable image registration and their absolute volumes were measured. Statistical analysis was performed to compare the distribution of tumor shrinkage between the two population groups. In order to investigate the difference between the planned dose and the 5D dose with consideration of both breathing motion and anatomical change, we re-calculated new dose distributions at every phase of the breathing cycle for all available weekly 4DCT data sets which resulted 50 to 80 individual dose calculations for each of the 7 patients presented in this thesis. The newly calculated dose distributions were then deformed and accumulated to T50 of the planning 4DCT for comparison with the planned dose distribution. Results: At the end of the treatment, both IMRT and PSPT groups showed mean tumor volume reductions of 23.6% ( 19.2%) and 20.9% ( 17.0 %) respectively. Moreover, the mean difference in tumor shrinkage between two groups is 3% along with the corresponding 95% confidence interval, [-8%, 14%]. The rate of tumor shrinkage was highly correlated with the initial tumor volume size. For the planning dose and 5D dose comparison study, all 7 patients showed a mean difference of 1 % in terms of target coverage for both IMRT and PSPT treatment plans. Conclusions: The results of the tumor shrinkage investigation showed no statistically significant difference in tumor shrinkage between the IMRT and PSPT patients, and the tumor shrinkage between the two modalities is similar based on the 95% confidence interval. From the pilot study of comparing the planned dose with the 5D dose, we found the difference to be only 1%. Overall impression of the two modalities in terms of treatment response as measured by the tumor shrinkage and 5D dose under the influence of anatomical change that were designed under the same protocol (i.e. randomized trial) showed similar result.
This paper focuses on the effects the transfer of ownership from a state‐owned Paper Mill Company to a corporate private ownership has had on environmental and economic shrinkage in Atenquique. This transfer was the result of the ongoing economic process of globalization, after the industrial boom of the paper mills during the second half of the last century. The paper also focuses on how the employees of this Paper Mill Company live and how they have been affected by globalization and how they feel about their paper mill’s new corporate owners. The methodology used was descriptive and exploratory. A sample of ten workers at the company who lived in Atenquique was chosen for an interview. After being inhabited the town of Atenquique developed in terms of population, society and economy. On the other hand the Industrial Company of Atenquique grew during the period when it was a property of the Mexican State. After the company’s privatization, the town started to decline and shrink in three above‐mentioned variables. The impact on the environmental and economic development has initiated the shrinking and declining of Atenquique and the surrounding cities and towns.
In the context of the European COST Action ‘Cities Regrowing Smaller’ (CIRES) a training was held in Dortmund, Germany from November 14th to 18th in 2011. The training school ‘Mapping Urban Shrinkage’ aimed to get young researchers and scholars from different European countries together to deal with questions of how to measure and illustrate shrinkage
The paper presents the possibility of implementing a p-adaptive process with the B.E.M. Although the exemples show that good results can be obtained with a limited amount of storage and with the simple ideas explained above, more research is needed in order to improve the two main problems of the method, i.e.: the criteria of where to refine and until what degree. Mathematically based reasoning is still lacking and will be useful to simplify the decission making. Nevertheless the method seems promising and, we hope, opens a path for a series of research lines of maximum interest. Although the paper has dealt only with plane potential problem the extension to plane elasticity as well as to 3-D potential problem is straight-forward.
We analyse a class of estimators of the generalized diffusion coefficient for fractional Brownian motion Bt of known Hurst index H, based on weighted functionals of the single time square displacement. We show that for a certain choice of the weight function these functionals possess an ergodic property and thus provide the true, ensemble-averaged, generalized diffusion coefficient to any necessary precision from a single trajectory data, but at expense of a progressively higher experimental resolution. Convergence is fastest around H ? 0.30, a value in the subdiffusive regime.
Abstract We consider a wide class of models that includes the highly reliable Markovian systems (HRMS) often used to represent the evolution of multi-component systems in reliability settings. Repair times and component lifetimes are random variables that follow a general distribution, and the repair service adopts a priority repair rule based on system failure risk. Since crude simulation has proved to be inefficient for highly-dependable systems, the RESTART method is used for the estimation of steady-state unavailability and other reliability measures. In this method, a number of simulation retrials are performed when the process enters regions of the state space where the chance of occurrence of a rare event (e.g., a system failure) is higher. The main difficulty involved in applying this method is finding a suitable function, called the importance function, to define the regions. In this paper we introduce an importance function which, for unbalanced systems, represents a great improvement over the importance function used in previous papers. We also demonstrate the asymptotic optimality of RESTART estimators in these models. Several examples are presented to show the effectiveness of the new approach, and probabilities up to the order of 10-42 are accurately estimated with little computational effort.