911 resultados para Short-form Epq-r-s
BACKGROUND: The impact of different levels of depression severity on quality of life (QoL) is not well studied, particularly regarding ICD-10 criteria. The ICD classification of depressive episodes in three levels of severity is also controversial and the less severe category, mild, has been considered as unnecessary and not clearly distinguishable from non-clinical states. The present work aimed to test the relationship between depression severity according to ICD-10 criteria and several dimensions of functioning as assessed by Medical Outcome Study (MOS) 36-item Short Form general health survey (SF-36) at the population level. METHOD: A sample of 551 participants from the second phase of the Outcome of Depression International Network (ODIN) study (228 controls without depression and 313 persons fulfilling ICD criteria for depressive episode) was selected for a further assessment of several variables, including QoL related to physical and mental health as measured with the SF-36. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences between controls and the depression group were found in both physical and mental markers of health, regardless of the level of depression severity; however, there were very few differences in QoL between levels of depression as defined by ICD-10. Regardless of the presence of depression, disability, widowed status, being a woman and older age were associated with worse QoL in a structural equation analysis with covariates. Likewise, there were no differences according to the type of depression (single-episode versus recurrent). CONCLUSIONS: These results cast doubt on the adequacy of the current ICD classification of depression in three levels of severity.
Afin de pallier au manque d’outils de dépistage efficaces et adaptés à la population âgée, le Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI) et une forme courte (GAI-SF) ont été développés pour évaluer la sévérité des symptômes anxieux chez les aînés. La présente étude cherchait à évaluer les propriétés psychométriques de la version canadienne-française du GAI dans sa forme complète (GAI-FC) et courte (GAI-FC-SF) auprès de la population âgée québécoise francophone. Trois cent trente et une personnes de 65 ans et plus vivant dans la communauté ont participé à cette étude. Les propriétés psychométriques s’avèrent satisfaisantes pour le GAI-FC et le GAI-FC-SF avec, respectivement, une cohérence interne satisfaisante (α = ,94 et ,83), une validité convergente adéquate (r = ,50 à ,86 avec des instruments de mesure évaluant des concepts similaires ou reliés à l’anxiété), une bonne fidélité test-retest (r = ,89 et ,85) ainsi qu’une structure unifactorielle. Les résultats de cette étude appuient l’utilisation du GAI-FC et du GAI-FC-SF pour l’évaluation de l’anxiété chez les aînés québécois. Le GAI-FC-SF semble une alternative intéressante au GAI-FC comme outil de dépistage lorsque le temps disponible pour l’évaluation est limité. Mots-clés: Geriatric Anxiety Inventory, aînés, anxiété, trouble anxieux, instrument d’évaluation.
BACKGROUND: The identification of patients' health needs is pivotal in optimising the quality of health care, increasing patient satisfaction and directing resource allocation. Health needs are complex and not so easily evaluated as health-related quality of life (HRQL), which is becoming increasingly accepted as a means of providing a more global, patient-orientated assessment of the outcome of health care interventions than the simple medical model. The potential of HRQL as a surrogate measure of healthcare needs has not been evaluated. OBJECTIVES AND METHOD: A generic (Short Form-12; SF-12) and a disease-specific questionnaire (Seattle Angina Questionnaire; SAQ) were tested for their potential to predict health needs in patients with acute coronary disease. A wide range of healthcare needs were determined using a questionnaire specifically developed for this purpose. RESULTS: With the exception of information needs, healthcare needs were highly correlated with health-related quality of life. Patients with limited enjoyment of personal interests, weak financial situation, greater dependency on others to access health services, and dissatisfaction with accommodation reported poorer HRQL (SF-12: p < 0.001; SAQ: p < 0.01). Difficulties with mobility, aids to daily living and activities requiring assistance from someone else were strongly associated with both generic and disease-specific questionnaires (SF-12: r = 0.46-0.55, p < 0.01; SAQ: r = 0.53-0.65, p < 0.001). Variables relating to quality of care and health services were more highly correlated with SAQ components (r = 0.33-0.59) than with SF-12 (r = 0.07-0.33). Overall, the disease-specific Seattle Angina Questionnaire was superior to the generic Short Form-12 in detecting healthcare needs in patients with coronary disease. Receiver-operator curves supported the sensitivity of HRQL tools in detecting health needs. CONCLUSION: Healthcare needs are complex and developing suitable questionnaires to measure these is difficult and time-consuming. Without a satisfactory means of measuring these needs, the extent to which disease impacts on health will continue to be underestimated. Further investigation on larger populations is warranted but HRQL tools appear to be a reasonable proxy for healthcare needs, as they identify the majority of needs in patients with coronary disease, an observation not previously reported in this patient group
BACKGROUND: Improving the quality of health care services requires tailoring facilities to fulfil patients' needs. Satisfying patients' healthcare needs, listening to patients' opinions and building a closer provider-user partnership are central to the NHS. Few published studies have discussed cardiovascular patients' health needs, but they are not comprehensive and fail to explore the contribution of outcome to needs assessment. METHOD: A comprehensive self-administered health needs assessment (HNA) questionnaire was developed for concomitant use with generic (Short Form-12 and EuroQOL) and specific (Seattle Angina Questionnaire) health-related quality of life (HRQL) instruments on 242 patients admitted to the Acute Cardiac Unit, Nottingham. RESULTS: 38% reported difficulty accessing health facilities, 56% due to transport and 32% required a travelling companion. Mean HRQOL scores were lower in those living alone (P < 0.05) or who reported unsatisfactory accommodation. Dissatisfaction with transport affected patients' ease of access to healthcare facilities (P < 0.001). Younger patients (<65 y) were more likely to be socially isolated (P = 0.01). Women and patients with chronic disease were more likely to be concerned about housework (P < 0.05). Over 65 s (p < 0.05) of higher social classes (p < 0.01) and greater physical needs (p < 0.001) had more social needs, correlating moderately (0.32 < r < 0.63) with all HRQL domains except SAQ-AS. Several HRQL components were highly correlated with the HNA physical score (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Patients wanted more social (suitable accommodation, companionship, social visits) and physical (help aids, access to healthcare services, house work) support. The construct validity and intra-class reliability of the HNA tool were confirmed. Our results indicate a gap between patients' health needs and available services, highlighting potential areas for improvement in the quality of services
Maximum distance separable (MDS) convolutional codes are characterized through the property that the free distance meets the generalized Singleton bound. The existence of free MDS convolutional codes over Zpr was recently discovered in Oued and Sole (IEEE Trans Inf Theory 59(11):7305–7313, 2013) via the Hensel lift of a cyclic code. In this paper we further investigate this important class of convolutional codes over Zpr from a new perspective. We introduce the notions of p-standard form and r-optimal parameters to derive a novel upper bound of Singleton type on the free distance. Moreover, we present a constructive method for building general (non necessarily free) MDS convolutional codes over Zpr for any given set of parameters.
Introducción El motivo principal por el que acuden los pacientes a las consultas de podología es el dolor producido por los callos y callosidades plantares. El dolor producido por las callosidades y callos plantares provocan en el paciente cambios de presiones y alteraciones en el apoyo, dificultando la deambulación correcta. Existen numerosos estudios sobre la eliminación de callosidades en pacientes diabéticos, con AR, pero pocos en personas sanas. La eliminación de estos callos y callosidades se puede realizar mediante deslaminación mecánica con bisturí o mediante queratolíticos. Objetivos Objetivo principal Analizar el efecto de la deslaminación mecánica con bisturí de las callosidades y callos plantares sobre el dolor y la calidad de vida en sujetos sanos Objetivos secundarios Determinar la existencia de modificaciones en los parámetros de la marcha con la eliminación de callosidades y callos plantares Observar las diferencias y efectividad de tratamientos de la eliminación de callosidades plantares mediante la técnica de deslaminación mecánica con bisturí versus parches de ácido salicílico Comprobar los cambios producidos en los parámetros psíquicos y fiscos del paciente antes y después de las diferentes técnicas de eliminación de las callosidades empleadas Método Se realizan dos estudios: un estudio cuasi experimental aleatorizado no controlado, en el que a un grupo de 34 pacientes con callosidades plantares dolorosas se les mide el dolor con una escala visual analógica y para analizar los parámetros de la marcha, la paltaformaWin-Track, antes del tratamiento de deslaminación mecánica con bisturí y a las 24 horas. El segundo estudio es un ensayo clínico aleatorizado inscrito en Australian New ZelandClinicalstrials y aprobado por el Comité ético de la Universidad de Málaga, en el que 62 participantes con callosidades plantares dolorosas se dividieron en dos grupos de tratamiento. El grupo A recibió tratamiento con parche de ácido salicílico y el grupo B recibió tratmiento de deslaminación con bisturí. Se utilizó la escala visual analógica para la medida de dolor antes, inmediatamente después de la intervención, a las 2 semanas y a las 6 semanas. Para el dolor y la discapacidad funcional del pie se utilizó el cuestionario Manchester FootPain and Disability antes del tratamiento, a las 2 semanas y a las 6 semanas. Para medir la calidad de vida general se utilizó el cuestionario SF-12 Conclusiones La deslaminación mecánica con bisturí de los callos y callosidades plantares es efectiva para su eliminación a nivel de la sensación de dolor, aunque no tanto en lo que se refiere a la mejora de calidad de vida. No hay resultados significativos de que la eliminación mecánica con bisturí de callos y callosidades plantares modifican los parámetros de la marcha medido con la plataforma Win-track. Se observa como la deslaminación mecánica con bisturí para la eliminación de callos y callosidades plantares pueden ser más efectiva a corto plazo que la eliminación mediante parche con ácido salicílico. Se observa cómo se modifica los paramentos psíquicos en el grupo de tratamiento con parche con ácido salicílico, aunque con una significación baja. Bibliografía Balanowski, K. R., & Flynn, L. M. (2005). Effect of painful keratoses debridement on foot pain, balance and function in older adults. Gait & Posture, 22(4), 302-307. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2004.10.006 Collins, S. L., Moore, R. A., &McQuay, H. J. (1997). The visual analogue pain intensity scale: what is moderate pain in millimetres? Pain, 72(1-2), 95-97. Coughlin, M. J. (2000).Common Causes of Pain in the Forefoot in Adults. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, British Volume, 82-B(6), 781-790. Farndon, L. J., Vernon, W., Walters, S. J., Dixon, S., Bradburn, M., Concannon, M., & Potter, J. (2013). The effectiveness of salicylic acid plasters compared with «usual» scalpel debridement of corns: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 6(1), 40. http://doi.org/10.1186/1757-1146-6-40 Freeman, D. B. (2002). Corns and calluses resulting from mechanical hyperkeratosis. American FamilyPhysician, 65(11), 2277-2280. Gijon-Nogueron, G., Ndosi, M., Luque-Suarez, A., Alcacer-Pitarch, B., Munuera, P. V., Garrow, A., & Redmond, A. C. (2014). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index into Spanish. Quality of Life Research: An International Journal of Quality of Life Aspects of Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation, 23(2), 571-579. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-013-0507-5 Grouios, G. (2005). Footedness as a potential factor that contributes to the causation of corn and callus formation in lower extremities of physically active individuals. The Foot, 15(3), 154-162. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.foot.2005.05.003 Landorf, K. B., Morrow, A., Spink, M. J., Nash, C. L., Novak, A., Potter, J., &Menz, H. B. (2013). Effectiveness of scalpel debridement for painful plantar calluses in older people: a randomized trial. Trials, 14, 243. http://doi.org/10.1186/1745-6215-14-243 Lang, L. M. G., Simmonite, N., West, S. G., & Day, S. (1994). Salicylic acid in the treatment of corns. The Foot, 4(3), 145-150. http://doi.org/10.1016/0958-2592(94)90019-1 Luo, X., Lynn George, M., Kakouras, I., Edwards, C. L., Pietrobon, R., Richardson, W., & Hey, L. (2003). Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the short form 12-item survey (SF-12) in patients with back pain. Spine, 28(15), 1739-1745. http://doi.org/10.1097/01.BRS.0000083169.58671.96 Ramachandra, P., Maiya, A. G., & Kumar, P. (2012). Test-retest reliability of the Win-Track platform in analyzing the gait parameters and plantar pressures during barefoot walking in healthy adults. Foot & Ankle Specialist, 5(5), 306-312. http://doi.org/10.1177/1938640012457680 Siddle, H. J., Redmond, A. C., Waxman, R., Dagg, A. R., Alcacer-Pitarch, B., Wilkins, R. A., &Helliwell, P. S. (2013). Debridement of painful forefoot plantar callosities in rheumatoid arthritis: the CARROT randomised controlled trial. Clinical Rheumatology, 32(5), 567-574. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10067-012-2134-x
Este estudo faz parte de um esforço a nível internacional com o objectivo de validar o Questionário Internacional de Actividade Física (IPAQ) proposto pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, no sentido de encontrar um instrumento que possa ser utilizado a nível mundial para determinar o nível de actividade física das populações. O propósito desta investigação foi analisar a validade da forma curta e longa do IPAQ, versão portuguesa. Utilizou-se o modelo auto-administrativo e o período de referência de uma semana habitual. Para validar este instrumento foi proposta a utilização do acelerómetro Computer Science and Application (CSA), modelo 7164. Os monitores CSA foram usados durante sete dias consecutivos como uma medida directa para validar o IPAQ curto e longo. A amostra utilizada neste estudo foi constituída por 152 pessoas (52 homens e 100 mulheres). O processo de validação foi realizado por oposição das medidas do questionário IPAQ com a utilização dos CSA durante um período de uma semana. Os resultados preliminares sugerem que existe uma correlação (r = 0,33, p <0,01) entre a média de impulsos registados pelos CSA e o questionário curto e uma correlação mais fraca (r = 0,095, p <0,01) entre a média de impulsos registados pelos CSA e o questionário longo. Os resultados evidenciam também que existe uma correlação (r = 0,45, p <0,01) entre a forma longa e curta do IPAQ. Deste modo, conclui-se que a forma curta e longa do IPAQ são aceitáveis. Os resultados são similares a outros estudos com objectivos idênticos, em que se utilizou o mesmo instrumento de medição da actividade física e os mesmos procedimentos.
Introducción: La artritis reumatoide (AR) es una enfermedad autoinmune-inflamatoria, que compromete las articulaciones diartrodiales. Tiene una importante repercusión sistémica que incluye la depresión; por lo tanto, tiene un severo impacto sobre la calidad de vida. Es posible que mecanismos de defensa, tales como la resiliencia, puedan amortiguar dicho impacto. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal, multicéntrico (análisis inicial dentro del grupo AR, con muestra no probabilística de 66 pacientes, posterior selección aleatoria simple de 16 pacientes de la muestra inicial y selección de 16 individuos sanos pareados). Posteriormente, se comparó la resiliencia entre sujetos con AR y sujetos sanos, mediante las escalas RS y CD-RISC25. Adicionalmente, se aplicaron las escalas EEAE, EADZ, SF-36 y PANAS. Los datos fueron evaluados mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, las pruebas U Mann-Whitney, Kruskall-Wallis, T de Student y análisis de varianza. Resultados: se encontraron diferencias significativas en las estrategias de afrontamiento no espirituales en grupos de resiliencia baja, media y alta; diferencias en las medianas de resiliencia en los grupos de depresión por EAZD en los pacientes. No se encontraron resultados significativos en las variables clínicas de la AR ni en la comparación con sujetos sanos. Conclusiones: el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento no espirituales y la ausencia de depresión, se asoció a mayores niveles de resiliencia en los pacientes con AR, por lo cual, los componentes emocionales y cognitivos se asocian a la resiliencia.
Al interior de la empresa ECOSISTEC S.A.S. existe un problema que está erosionando la rentabilidad y está comprometiendo la perdurabilidad de esta empresa, con el planteamiento de este proyecto aplicado se podrá resolver el problema de reputación que tiene a la empresa en un estado crítico y que ha limitado considerablemente su desempeño a través de los últimos años. A través de un análisis externo e interno, y de la aplicación de diferentes metodologías al interior de esta empresa se espera poder conocer la situación actual de la misma y del mercado colombiano, lo que a la final permitirá encontrar una solución óptima que mejore el estado actual de esta organización mejorando la cuota de mercado y la imagen que tienen los potenciales clientes de ECOSISTEC S.A.S.
La actividad física regular desempeña un papel fundamental en la prevención y control de los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, dentro de la actividad laboral del profesor de educación física. Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue determinar la relación entre los niveles de actividad física y la prevalencia de los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, en profesores de educación física de 42 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá-Colombia. Métodos. Se trata de un estudio de corte transversal en 262 profesores de educación física, de 42 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá - Colombia. Se aplicó de manera auto-diligenciada el Cuestionario Nórdico de desórdenes músculos esqueléticos y el Cuestionario IPAQ versión corta para identificar los niveles de actividad física. Se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para variables cuantitativas y frecuencias relativas para variables cualitativas. Se calculó la prevalencia de vida y el porcentaje de reubicación laboral en los docentes que habían padecido diferentes tipo de dolor. Para estimar la relación entre el dolor y las variables sociodemográficas de los docentes, se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística binaria simple. Los análisis fueron realizados en SPSS versión 20 y se consideró como significativo un valor p < 0.05 para el contraste de hipótesis y un nivel de confianza para la estimación de parámetros. Resultados: El porcentaje de respuesta fue del 83.9%, se consideraron válidos 262 registros, 22.5% eran de género femenino, la mayor cantidad de docentes de educación física se encuentraon entre 25 y 35 años (43,9%), frente a los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, el 16.9% de los profesores reporto haberlos sufrido alguna vez molestias en el cuello, el 17,2% en el hombro, 27,9% espalda, 7.93% brazo y en mano el 8.4%. Los profesores con mayores niveles de actividad física, reportaron una prevalencia menor de alteraciones musculo esqueléticas de 16,9 % para cuello; 27.7% para dorsal/lumbar frente a los sujetos con niveles bajos de actividad física. La presencia de los desórdenes se asoció a los años de experiencia (OR 3.39 IC95% 1.41-7.65), a pertenecer al género femenino (OR 4.94 IC95% 1.94-12.59), a la edad (OR 5.06 IC95% 1.25-20.59), y al atender más de 400 estudiantes a cargo dentro de la jornada laboral (OR 4.50 IC95% 1.74-11.62). Conclusiones: En los profesores de Educación Física no sé encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles de actividad física y los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos medidos por auto reporte.
Organizational Cooperation (OC) is a current concept that responds to the growing interdependence among individuals and teams. Likewise, Knowledge Management (KM) accompanies specialization in all sectors of human activity. Most KM processes are cooperation-intensive, and the way both constructs relate to each other is relevant in understanding organizations and promoting performance. The present paper focuses on that relationship. The Organizational Cooperation Questionnaire (ORCOQ) and the Short form of the Knowledge Management Questionnaire (KMQ-SF) were applied to 639 members of research and development (R&D) organizations (Universities and Research Institutes). Descriptive, correlational, linear multiple regression and multivariate multiple regression analyses were performed. Results showed significant positive relationships between the ORCOQ and all the KMQ-SF dimensions. The prediction of KMQ-SF showed a large effect size (R2 = 62%). These findings will impact on how KM and OC are seen, and will be a step forward in the development of this field.
The Ophira Mini Sling System involves anchoring a midurethral, low-tension tape to the obturator internus muscles bilaterally at the level of the tendinous arc. Success rates in different subsets of patients are still to be defined. This work aims to identify which factors influence the 2-year outcomes of this treatment. Analysis was based on data from a multicenter study. Endpoints for analysis included objective measurements: 1-h pad-weight (PWT), and cough stress test (CST), and questionnaires: International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Short Form (ICIQ-SF) and Urinary Distress Inventory (UDI)-6. A logistic regression analysis evaluated possible risk factors for failure. In all, 124 female patients with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) underwent treatment with the Ophira procedure. All patients completed 1 year of follow-up, and 95 complied with the 2-year evaluation. Longitudinal analysis showed no significant differences between results at 1 and 2 years. The 2-year overall objective results were 81 (85.3%) patients dry, six (6.3%) improved, and eight (8.4%) incontinent. A multivariate analysis revealed that previous anti-incontinence surgery was the only factor that significantly influenced surgical outcomes. Two years after treatment, women with previous failed surgeries had an odds ratio (OR) for treatment failure (based on PWT) of 4.0 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-15.57). The Ophira procedure is an effective option for SUI treatment, with durable good results. Previous surgeries were identified as the only significant risk factor, though previously operated patients showed an acceptable success rate.
A randomized controlled trial study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (TTNS) and sham TTNS, in patients with Parkinson disease (PD) with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Randomized controlled trial. Thirteen patients with a diagnosis of PD and bothersome LUTS were randomly allocated to one of the following groups: Group I: TTNS group (n = 8) and group II: Sham group (n = 5). Both groups attended twice a week during 5 weeks; each session lasted 30 minutes. Eight patients received TTNS treatment and 5 subjects allocated to group II were managed with sham surface electrodes that delivered no electrical stimulation. Assessments were performed before and after the treatment; they included a 3-day bladder diary, Overactive Bladder Questionnaire (OAB-V8), and the International Consultation on Incontinence Quality of Life Questionnaire Short Form (ICIQ-SF), and urodynamic evaluation. Following 5 weeks of treatment, patients allocated to TTNS demonstrated statistically significant reductions in the number of urgency episodes (P = .004) and reductions in nocturia episodes (P < .01). Participants allocated to active treatment also showed better results after treatment in the OAB-V8 and ICIQ-SF scores (P < .01, respectively). Urodynamic testing revealed that patients in the active treatment group showed improvements in intravesical volume at strong desire to void (P < .05) and volume at urgency (P < .01) when compared to subjects in the sham treatment group. These findings suggest that TTNS is effective in the treatment of LUTS in patients with PD, reducing urgency and nocturia episodes and improving urodynamic parameters as well as symptom scores measured by the OAB-V8 and health-related quality-of-life scores measured by the ICIQ-SF.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física