982 resultados para Self-consistent field theory


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We studied the dependence of thermodynamic variables in a sonoluminescing ~SL! bubble on various physical factors, which include viscosity, thermal conductivity, surface tension, the equation of state of the gas inside the bubble, as well as the compressibility of the surrounding liquid. The numerical solutions show that the existence of shock waves in the SL parameter regime is very sensitive to these factors. Furthermore, we show that even without shock waves, the reflection of continuous compressional waves at the bubble center can produce the high temperature and picosecond time scale light pulse of the SL bubble, which implies that SL may not necessarily be due to shock waves.


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Based upon the spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation in two-term approximation coupled with electromagnetic and fluid model analysis for the recently developed inductively coupled plasma sources, a self-consistent electron kinetic model is developed. The electron distribution function, spatial distributions of the electron density and ionization rate are calculated and discussed.


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A time averaged two-dimensional fluid model including an electromagnetic module with self-consistent power deposition was developed to simulate the transport of a low pressure radio frequency inductively coupled plasma source. Comparsions with experiment and previous simulation results show, that the fluid model is feasible in a certain range of gas pressure. In addition, the effects of gas pressure and power input have been discussed.


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In this thesis, we discuss 3d-3d correspondence between Chern-Simons theory and three-dimensional N = 2 superconformal field theory. In the 3d-3d correspondence proposed by Dimofte-Gaiotto-Gukov information of abelian flat connection in Chern-Simons theory was not captured. However, considering M-theory configuration giving the 3d-3d correspondence and also other several developments, the abelian flat connection should be taken into account in 3d-3d correspondence. With help of the homological knot invariants, we construct 3d N = 2 theories on knot complement in 3-sphere for several simple knots. Previous theories obtained by Dimofte-Gaiotto-Gukov can be obtained by Higgsing of the full theories. We also discuss the importance of all flat connections in the 3d-3d correspondence by considering boundary conditions in 3d N = 2 theories and 3-manifold.


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The effect on the scattering amplitude of the existence of a pole in the angular momentum plane near J = 1 in the channel with the quantum numbers of the vacuum is calculated. This is then compared with a fourth order calculation of the scattering of neutral vector mesons from a fermion pair field in the limit of large momentum transfer. The presence of the third double spectral function in the perturbation amplitude complicates the identification of pole trajectory parameters, and the limitations of previous methods of treating this are discussed. A gauge invariant scheme for extracting the contribution of the vacuum trajectory is presented which gives agreement with unitarity predictions, but further calculations must be done to determine the position and slope of the trajectory at s = 0. The residual portion of the amplitude is compared with the Gribov singularity.


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The thesis is divided into two parts. Part I generalizes a self-consistent calculation of residue shifts from SU3 symmetry, originally performed by Dashen, Dothan, Frautschi, and Sharp, to include the effects of non-linear terms. Residue factorizability is used to transform an overdetermined set of equations into a variational problem, which is designed to take advantage of the redundancy of the mathematical system. The solution of this problem automatically satisfies the requirement of factorizability and comes close to satisfying all the original equations.

Part II investigates some consequences of direct channel Regge poles and treats the problem of relating Reggeized partial wave expansions made in different reaction channels. An analytic method is introduced which can be used to determine the crossed-channel discontinuity for a large class of direct-channel Regge representations, and this method is applied to some specific representations.

It is demonstrated that the multi-sheeted analytic structure of the Regge trajectory function can be used to resolve apparent difficulties arising from infinitely rising Regge trajectories. Also discussed are the implications of large collections of "daughter trajectories."

Two things are of particular interest: first, the threshold behavior in direct and crossed channels; second, the potentialities of Reggeized representations for us in self-consistent calculations. A new representation is introduced which surpasses previous formulations in these two areas, automatically satisfying direct-channel threshold constraints while being capable of reproducing a reasonable crossed channel discontinuity. A scalar model is investigated for low energies, and a relation is obtained between the mass of the lowest bound state and the slope of the Regge trajectory.


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External, prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) straps can be used to enhance the shear strength of existing reinforced concrete beams. In order to effectively design a strengthening system, a rational predictive theory is required. The current work investigates the ability of the modified compression field theory (MCFT) to predict the behavior of rectangular strap strengthened beams where the discrete CFRP strap forces are approximated as a uniform vertical stress. An unstrengthened control beam and two strengthened beams were tested to verify the predictions. The experimental results suggest that the MCFT could predict the general response of a strengthened beam with a uniform strap spacing < 0.9d. However, whereas the strengthened beams failed in shear, the MCFT predicted flexural failures. It is proposed that a different compression softening model or the inclusion of a crack width limit is required to reflect the onset of shear failures in the strengthened beams.


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Based on the effective-mass model and the mean-field approximation, we investigate the energy levels of the electron and hole states of the Mn-doped ZnO quantum wires (x=0.0018) in the presence of the external magnetic field. It is found that either twofold degenerated electron or fourfold degenerated hole states split in the field. The splitting energy is about 100 times larger than those of undoped cases. There is a dark exciton effect when the radius R is smaller than 16.6 nm, and it is independent of the effective doped Mn concentration. The lowest state transitions split into six Zeeman components in the magnetic field, four sigma(+/-) and two pi polarized Zeeman components, their splittings depend on the Mn-doped concentration, and the order of pi and sigma(+/-) polarized Zeeman components is reversed for thin quantum wires (R < 2.3 nm) due to the quantum confinement effect.


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The behavior of room temperature self-sustained current oscillations resulting from sequential resonance tunneling in a doped weakly-coupled GaAs/AlAs superlattice (SL) is investigated under hydrostatic pressure. From atmosphere pressure to 6.5 kbar, oscillations exist in the whole plateau of the I-V curve and oscillating characteristics are affected by the pressure. When hydrostatic pressure is higher than 6.5 kbar, the current oscillations are completely suppressed although a current plateau still can be seen in the I-V curve. The plateau disappears when the pressure is close to 13.5 kbar. As the main effect of hydrostatic pressure is to lower the X point valley with respect to Gamma point valley, the disappearance of oscillation and the plateau shrinkage before Gamma - X resonance takes place are attributed to the increases of thermoionic emission and nonresonant tunneling components determined by the lowest Gamma - X barrier height in GaAs/AlAs SL structure.


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The influences of channel layer width, spacer layer width, and delta-doping density on the electron density and its distribution in the AlSb/InAs high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have been studied based on the self-consistent calculation of the Schrodinger and Poisson equations with both the strain and nonparabolicity effects being taken into account. The results show that, having little influence on the total two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) concentration in the channel, the HEMT's channel layer width has some influence on the electron mobility, with a channel as narrow as 100-130 angstrom being more beneficial. For the AlSb/InAs HEMT with a Te delta-doped layer, the 2DEG concentration as high as 9.1 X 10(12) cm(-2) can be achieved in the channel by enhancing the delta-doping concentration without the occurrence of the parallel conduction. When utilizing a Si delta-doped InAs layer as the electron-supplying layer of the AlSb/InAs HEMT, the effect of the InAs donor layer thickness is studied on the 2DEG concentration. To obtain a higher 2DEG concentration in the channel, it is necessary to use an InAs donor layer as thin as 4 monolayer. To test the validity of our calculation, we have compared our theoretical results (2DEG concentration and its distribution in different sub-bands of the channel) with the experimental ones done by other groups and show that our theoretical calculation is consistent with the experimental results.


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By using a transfer-matrix method on the basis of two-dimensional (2D) Bloch sums in accordance with a tight-binding scheme, a self-consistent calculation on the resonant tunneling in asymmetric double-barrier structures is presented, in which contributions to resonant tunneling from both three-dimensional (3D) electrons in the contacts and 2D electrons in the spacer or accumulation layers are considered simultaneously. The charge buildup effect on the current versus voltage (I-V) curves is evaluated systematically, showing quantitatively how it results in the I-V bistability and enhanced differences between I-V curves for positive and negative bias in an asymmetric double-barrier structure. Special attention is focused on the interaction between 3D-2D and 2D-2D resonant-tunneling processes, including the suppression of 2D-2D resonant tunneling by the charge buildup in the well accompanying the 3D-2D resonant tunneling. The effects of the emitter doping condition (doping concentration, spacer thickness) on the presence of two types of quasi-2D levels in the emitter accumulation layers, and on the formation of a potential bulge in the emitter region, are discussed in detail in relation to the tunneling process.