863 resultados para Salix psammophila C. Wang et Ch. Y. Yang
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El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el Síndrome de Burnout y la Calidad de Vida Laboral en el personal asistencial en una institución de salud de segundo nivel ubicada en Bogotá, y observar si existe relación entre estos constructos. Se aplic el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach [MBI] y el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida Profesional [CVP-35] a 62 participantes, pertenecientes a distintos campos del área de la salud. Los resultados indicaron que el 38,7% de los participantes presentaron severidad alta y moderada del síndrome, no obstante, con un nivel de realización personal alto, que unido a la fuerte motivación intrínseca encontrada, constituye un factor protector ante la alta carga laboral y el escaso apoyo directivo. El cansancio emocional correlacionó directamente con la carga laboral e inversamente con la motivación intrínseca. Se resalta la importancia de una eficiente gestión en las organizaciones de salud y la necesidad de una dirección más centrada en las personas a fin de garantizar su bienestar, lo que redundará en su calidad de vida y en la atención ofrecida.
Objetivo: Describir la relación de las etapas de cambio conductual frente al consumo de frutas y verduras con el estado nutricional en un grupo de escolares de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 1.922 niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 años, pertenecientes a nueve instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá. Se aplic de manera auto-diligenciada el cuestionario de cambio de comportamiento (CCC-Fuprecol) validado en el “estudio FUPRECOL” y se calculó el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) como marcador del estado nutricional. Se calcularon prevalencias y se establecieron asociaciones mediante modelos de regresión logística binaria. Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.045 niños-niñas y adolescentes vs hombres (45.6%) y mujeres (54.3%) y 877. La mayor proporción de consumo de frutas en el subgrupo de hombres (niños entre 9 y 12 años vs. adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años) se observó en la etapa de mantenimiento, (53.3 % vs. 38.8 %, X2 p<0.001), seguido de preparación/acción (25.0 % vs. 32.4 %, X2 p<0.001). En mujeres entre 9 y 12 años, la mayor proporción se ubic en la etapa de mantenimiento (54.4 %), a diferencia de las adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años que acusaron mayor frecuencia la etapa de preparación/acción (42.0 %). Se observó que pertenecer al grupo de mujeres, se asociaba como variable para el cumplimiento de la recomendación mínima de frutas y verduras con valores de OR 1.54 (IC95% 1.22-1.93) y OR 1.48 (IC95% 1.19-1.84), respectivamente. Conclusiones: Aproximadamente, 66 % de los participantes tienen la intención o la voluntad de cumplir las recomendaciones de consumo de frutas y verduras. La identificación temprana de niños y adolescentes con bajo consumo de alimentos vegetales, permitirá implementar intervenciones para promover comportamientos saludables a fin de prevenir el riesgo cardiometabólico en la edad adulta.
Introducción: La diverticulosis es la condición más frecuentemente encontrada en la colonoscopia, condición asintomática, con un alto costo para el sistema de salud. Diversos factores han demostrado estar en relación con la aparición de la enfermedad. En nuestra población, esta información se desconoce; el objetivo del estudio es la caracterización de la población con diverticulosis y su relación con la frecuencia de la ingesta de fibra. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional prospectivo de corte transversal con componente analítico. Realizado a todas las personas que asistieron al HUS a realización de colonoscopia entre Noviembre de 2015 y Abril de 2016. Se recolectaron datos de la frecuencia de fibra ingerida a través de entrevistas basadas. Resultados: Se estudiaron 278 personas, 55.7% mujeres. La prevalencia de diverticulosis fue de 21.58%, siendo más frecuente en mujeres ( 66,7%), 31% entre los 71-80 años, 2,16% tenían antecedente familiar de diverticulosis; principal sitio de afectación fue colon sigmoide en las mujeres y el colon descendente en los hombres. En las personas con diverticulosis el consumo de harina de trigo fue mayor (91,67% vs 86,7%), mientras el consumo de frutas fue mayor en las personas que no presentaron diverticulosis (83,49% vs 78,33%). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de diverticulosis es similar a lo reportado en la literatura. Así mismo se encontró un mayor consumo de fibra en la población sin divertículos lo que hace pensar que a pesar de que esta condición es multifactorial , el consumo de mayores cantidades de fibra puede prevenir la aparición de la misma
This work details the results of a face authentication test (FAT2004) (http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/banca/icpr2004) held in conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. The contest was held on the publicly available BANCA database (http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/banca) according to a defined protocol (E. Bailly-Bailliere et al., June 2003). The competition also had a sequestered part in which institutions had to submit their algorithms for independent testing. 13 different verification algorithms from 10 institutions submitted results. Also, a standard set of face recognition software packages from the Internet (http://www.cs.colostate.edu/evalfacerec) were used to provide a baseline performance measure.
A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.
黄精族隶属于广义的百合科,通过对其研究历史的回顾,指出了它目前存在的问题,即(1)族的概念和范围不清、(2)属间的界限模糊、(3)族内各属的系统排列不明确.针对这些问题,本文从形态、解剖、胚胎、孢粉和细胞方面对族内各类群进行了野外调查和一些实验工作,本此基础上,并结合前人的工作,对黄精族的系统发育进行了探讨. 一, 形态本文通过黄精族各属大量标本,尤其是国产类群标本的认真研究,并结合6个多月的野外调查资料,分析了本族植物21个形态性状及其状态在属间和属内的分布,指出了一些性状的稳定性及其系统学价值, 二,解剖本文对黄精族5属17个种的茎、根状茎及子房进行了解剖学观察,同时对7属41种植物的叶表皮进行光镜观察,并对5属12种的叶表皮进行扫描电镜的观察,结果表明:(1)七筋姑属花葶的维管柱缺乏纤维鞘,这和本族其它类群不同.(2)扭柄花属、黄精属、竹根七属和鹿药属植物子房中具草酸盐针晶,而七筋姑属和万寿草属未发现这种晶体.(3)本族植物的气孔器均为无规则型,但邻近细胞及其周壁的形状在不同类群中是不同的,据此我们将本族叶表皮划分为七个类型,并认为叶表皮邻近细胞呈多边形、周壁直是黄精族叶表皮最基本的形式. 三,胚胎本文对黄精族3属4种植物以及铃兰(Convallaria majalis)进行了胚胎学研究,其中小玉竹(Polygonatum humile)和铃兰得到了完整的胚胎学资料,实验结果显示(1)黄精族植物小孢子发生过程中胞质分裂均为连续型,胚乳发育为核型;(2)小玉竹的胚囊发育方式为葱型,鹿药(Smilacina japonica)为英地百合型.万寿竹(Disporum cantoniense)和长蕊万寿竹(D. bodinicri)为蓼型,铃兰为葱型或英地百合型;(3)周缘细胞的有或无在小玉竹,鹿药和铃兰中是不稳定的. 四,孢粉本文对6属42种植物花粉进行了扫描电镜观察,结果表明(1)萌发孔的类型和数目在本族中不稳定,系统价值不大;(2)花粉外壁纹饰比较稳定,是一个十分重要的分类学性状.我们将黄精族植物的花粉外壁纹饰划分为9种类型.并认为孔穴型是一种原始类型,其它类型是由它演化而成, 五,细胞在前人工作的基础上,通过与其它性状的综合分析,本文认为黄精族植物有五种原始染色体基数:七筋姑属x=7;万寿竹属和扭柄花属x=8;黄精属x=9:鹿药属和舞鹤草属x= 18;竹根七属x=20. 在上述实验结果的基础上,结合前人的工作,对黄精族的各种性状进行了分析,本文得出如下结论: 1.包括万寿竹属、扭柄花属、七筋姑属、黄精属、竹根七属、鹿药属和舞鹤草属的黄精族是一个单系类群. 2.本文赞同Dahlgren et al.(1985),Tahktajan (1987)对黄精族系统位置的处理,即它与铃兰族,蜘蛛抱蛋族和沿阶草族关系较近,且共同组成铃兰科.相比之下,黄精族是该科中比较原始的一个族. 3.本文在性状分析的基础上,总结出20个比较稳定、系统价值较大的性状,并指出了它们的演化趋势;同时总结出黄精族原始类群应具有如下特征:(1).具细线形根状茎;(2).地上茎具分枝;(3).叶茎生;(4).具腋生的圆锥或总状花序;(5).花为三基数,花被片离生;(6).花被片具多条开放型脉;(7) .胚珠多数;(8).胚囊发育为单孢子型;(9).厚珠心胚珠;(10) .花粉外壁具覆盖层. 4.本文认为黄精族植物可分为三支:一是以染色体基数x=9及其衍生的类群,包括黄精属,竹根七属、鹿药属和舞鹤草属;二是以x=8为基数的一支,它包括万寿竹属和扭柄花属;三是七筋姑属单独形成的一支,它的染色体基数x=7.同时认为万寿竹属是本族比较原始的一个类群. 5.本文认为东亚北方是黄精族植物起源地. 6.本文赞同汤彦承(1978.见汪发缵、唐进1978)对卵叶扭柄花(Streptopus ovalis (Ohwi) Wang et Y.CTang)的分类学处理,而不赞同汪发缵、唐进(1983)把金佛山鹿药(Smilacina jinfoshanica Wang et Tang)从鹿药属转隶至黄精属的观点. 7.本文认为鹿药属和舞鹤草属亲缘关系较近,但区别特征明显,从而不赞同LaFrankie (1986),李恒(1990)将二者合并的观点。
万寿竹属(Disporum Salisbury)隶属于广义百合科广义黄精族(Liliacear s. l.-Polygonateae s.l ),分为Sect. Disporum(东亚,约20种)和Sect. Prasartes(北美,6种)两个组。对于Sect. Disporum,日本的研究者者进行了大量的形态学、细胞学、胚胎学、生态学和物种生物学方面的研究,但研究的地域主要局限于日本和尼泊尔等地,种类也主要是D. sessile(只分布于日本),D. smilacinum(分布于中国烟台,朝鲜,韩国,俄罗斯远东,日本)等中国不产或少产的种,或者在整个东亚都有分布的广布种,如D. cantoniense。对于只分布于中国则涉及很少,如D. bodinieri,D. longistylum,D. megalathum, D. hainanense, D. acuminatissimum, D. jinfoshanense等。尽管Hara于1988年对东亚的Disporum进行了一次系统的修订,但是对Disporum的认识混乱的情况仍然大量存在。因此,正本清源的工作就显得很有必要。 本研究主要包括以下几个方面的内容: a) D.bodinieri的文献考证和标本订正 结合文献考据和标本鉴定两方面的工作,认为D. bodinieri (Lévl. et Vant.) Wang et Tang在Flora of China Vol. 24 (2000)的分类处理,接受了Hara(1988)的观点,但是对国内的标本并没有进行相应的鉴定处理,其仍然被鉴定为D. bodinieri,但这些标本并不属于单一的分类学实体,而是包含D. bodinieri (Lévl. et Vant.) Wang et Tang和D. longistylum (Lévl. et Vant.) Hara两大类群,需作重新鉴定。 D. bodinieri和D. longistylum的形态学性状有很明显的区别,但是在所有被鉴定为D. bodinieri的标本中,真正的D. bodinieri (Lévl. et Vant.) Wang et Tang只占到10%,产生上述问题的直接原因是受到《中国植物志》第15卷(1978)的影响。 b) 发现并描述了一个新种:Disporum jinfoshanense X. Z. Li, D. M. Zhang et D. Y. Hong 该种与山东万寿竹D. smilacinum A. Gray似,具卵形或椭圆形叶,顶生花序,花被片白色,开展,基部稍具浅囊;不同之处在于其茎高15(-20)cm,叶子3-4片,集中于茎上部,叶柄明显,长2-4mm,花被片内表面密布短柔毛。 c) 基于形态学数据的聚类分析 通过前期的性状研究,文献考证,标本订正以及发表新种,我们获得了大量的形态学数据。为了验证对D. bodinieri标本订正的正确性,我们利用PAUP软件采用UPGMA算法对标准化的形态学数据进行运算。获得的树状图显示:新种D. jinfoshanense和D. viridenscense、D. smilacinum聚在一起,如实反映了形态的相似性,说明该树图可信;被错误鉴定为D. bodinieri的标本和正确鉴定为D. longistylum的标本聚在一起,说明前面的判断是正确的。
Charged-particle spectra associated with direct photon (gamma(dir)) and pi(0) are measured in p + p and Au + Au collisions at center-of-mass energy root(S)(NN) = 200 GeV with the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. A shower-shape analysis is used to partially discriminate between gamma(dir) and pi(0). Assuming no associated charged particles in the gamma(dir) direction ( near side) and small contribution from fragmentation photons (gamma(frag)), the associated charged-particle yields opposite to gamma(dir) (away side) are extracted. In central Au + Au collisions, the charged-particle yields at midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1) and high transverse momentum (3 < (assoc)(PT) < 16 GeV/c) associated with gamma(dir) and pi(0) (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.9, 8 < (trig)(PT) < 16 GeV/c) are suppressed by a factor of 3-5 compared with p + p collisions. The observed suppression of the associated charged particles is similar for gamma(dir) and pi(0) and independent of the gamma(dir) energy within uncertainties. These measurements indicate that, in the kinematic range covered and within our current experimental uncertainties, the parton energy loss shows no sensitivity to the parton initial energy, path length, or color charge.
Parity (P)-odd domains, corresponding to nontrivial topological solutions of the QCD vacuum, might be created during relativistic heavy-ion collisions. These domains are predicted to lead to charge separation of quarks along the orbital momentum of the system created in noncentral collisions. To study this effect, we investigate a three-particle mixed-harmonics azimuthal correlator which is a P-even observable, but directly sensitive to the charge-separation effect. We report measurements of this observable using the STAR detector in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 and 62 GeV. The results are presented as a function of collision centrality, particle separation in rapidity, and particle transverse momentum. A signal consistent with several of the theoretical expectations is detected in all four data sets. We compare our results to the predictions of existing event generators and discuss in detail possible contributions from other effects that are not related to P violation.
We present the first measurements of identified hadron production, azimuthal anisotropy, and pion interferometry from Au + Au collisions below the nominal injection energy at the BNL Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) facility. The data were collected using the large acceptance solenoidal tracker at RHIC (STAR) detector at root s(NN) = 9.2 GeV from a test run of the collider in the year 2008. Midrapidity results on multiplicity density dN/dy in rapidity y, average transverse momentum < p(T)>, particle ratios, elliptic flow, and Hanbury-Brown-Twiss (HBT) radii are consistent with the corresponding results at similar root s(NN) from fixed-target experiments. Directed flow measurements are presented for both midrapidity and forward-rapidity regions. Furthermore the collision centrality dependence of identified particle dN/dy, < p(T)>, and particle ratios are discussed. These results also demonstrate that the capabilities of the STAR detector, although optimized for root s(NN) = 200 GeV, are suitable for the proposed QCD critical-point search and exploration of the QCD phase diagram at RHIC.
We present the multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions of photons produced in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at root(NN)-N-s = 62.4 and 200 GeV. The photons are measured in the region -3.7 < eta < -2.3 using the photon Multiplicity detector in the STAR experiment at RHIC. The number of photons produced per average number of participating nucleon pairs increases with the beam energy and is independent of (lie collision centrality. For collisions with similar average numbers of participating nucleons the photon multiplicities are observed to be similar for An + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at a given beam energy. The ratios of the number of charged particles to photons in the measured pseudorapidity range are found to be 1.4 +/- 0.1 and 1.2 +/- 0.1 for root(NN)-N-s = 62.4 and 200 GeV, respectively. The energy dependence of this ratio could reflect varying contributions from baryons to charged particles, while mesons are the dominant contributors to photon production in the given kinematic region. The photon pseudorapidity distributions normalized by average number of participating nucleon pairs, when plotted as a function of eta-Y-beam, are found to follow a longitudinal scaling independent of centrality and colliding ion species at both beam energies. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A new member of antimicrobial peptide genes of the penaeidin family, Ch-penaeidin, has been cloned from the haemocytes of Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis, by reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), 3'-rapid amplification of cDNA end (3'-RACE) and smart cDNA methods. The Ch-penaeidin cDNA was 655 bp and the open reading frame of the cDNA encoded a 71 amino acid peptide. Ch-penaeidin contained a putative NH2-terminal signal Sequence (1-19) followed by a mature peptide (20-71). The sequence identify with other penaeidins from Litopenaeus vannamei and Litopenaeus setiferus is between 48% and 71%. The signal sequence of Ch-penaeidin is almost completely identical to that of other penaeidins, while differing relatively in the N-terminal domain of the mature peptide. Ch-penaeidin was designated as a novel member of class penaeidin 3 according to phylogenetic analysis. The Mature peptide. with a predicted molecular weight of 5589.32 Da, and a pI of 9.77, has eight positively charged amino acids and no negatively charged amino acids. The expression and distribution of Ch-penaeidin in Unchallenged shrimps were studied by RT-PCR, Northern blot and in situ hybridisation. The results showed that the Ch-penaeidin transcripts were detected in haemocytes (granular haemocytes), heart, gill, intestine, and subcuticular epithelia of the shrimp. and that Ch-penaeidin was constitutively expressed mainly in haemocytes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Five compounds were isolated from the EtOH extraction of the stem of Amoora dasyclada (How et T. Chen) C. Y. Wu (Meliaceae). On the basis of spectroscopic methods, their structures were elucidated as 24, 25-epoxy-tirucall-7-ene-3, 23-dione (1), 24, 25, 26, 27-tetranortirucall-7-ene-3-oxo-23(21)-lactone (2), taraxerone (3), taraxerol (4) and b-sitosterol (5). Among them, compound 1 was a new triterpenoid, compounds 3-5 were firstly obtained from this plant; compound 2, an tetranortriterpenoid, was firstly isolated from natural sources, and its NMR data were assigned for the first time. Moreover, the D7-bond and the Me-14 in compound 2 were never changed, which has never been found in other tetranortriterpenoids. And the biosynthetic pathway of tetranortriterpenoid was further discussed.