997 resultados para SMPS-APS
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Bioquímica Estrutural e Funcional
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria sob orientação de Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira
pp. 9-21
pp. 139-143
Pseudoaneurisma do Ventrículo Esquerdo com Duplo Orifício de Entrada após Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio
Doente do sexo feminino, 78 anos de idade, internada previamente por EAM combinado. A evolução clínica subsequente decorreu sem complicações, tendo alta ao 10.º dia. Cerca de 12 horas depois foi readmitida no Serviço de Urgência, por dor retrosternal prolongada, hipotensa e prostrada. O ECG (Fig. 1) mostrou re-elevação do segmento ST nas derivações anteriores e inferiores, sendo admitida na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos com o diagnóstico de provável re-enfarte. O Ecocardiograma realizado na admissão revelou função sistólica global comprometida, sendo possível definir um volumoso espaço anecogénico no ápex do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), com solução de continuidade na transição do terço médio/apical da parede inferior (Fig. 2) e uma segunda solução de continuidade na transição do terço médio/apical da parede lateral do VE (Fig. 3). Em ambos os orifícios foi confirmada a presença de fluxo bidireccional por Doppler Pulsado e Cor (Fig. 2), sugerindo a presença de um pseudoaneurisma do VE com duplo orifício de entrada. A doente foi transferida para um centro cirúrgico, onde, após confirmação intra-operatória do pseudoaneurisma com duplo orifício, foi submetida a encerramento do colo com patch de teflon. Teve alta estável, sendo seguida em consulta de Cardiologia desde há cerca de 16 meses, sem eventos.
A hipofaringe e o esófago cervical são áreas particularmente vulneráveis a traumatismos por entubação oro-traqueal. Estes acidentes anestésicos são raros, pouco relatados e com maior incidência em situações de emergência. As perfurações faringoesofágicas podem passar despercebidas até ao aparecimento de sinais e sintomas característicos. Estes incluem dor cervical, febre, disfagia, leucocitose, enfisema subcutâneo e pneumomediastino. O tratamento cirúrgico vs conservador é controverso. É no entanto consensual que o intervalo de tempo entre o traumatismo e o diagnóstico e tratamento é, por si só, o factor mais importante para o prognóstico. Os autores apresentam um caso de uma parturiente submetida a cesariana de urgência em que ocorreu um acidente anestésico por entubação difícil, com laceração do seio piriforme e posterior formação de abcesso mediastínico.
INTRODUCTION: Obesity is an important risk factor for the development of diabetes, hypertension, coronary disease, left ventricular dysfunction, stroke and cardiac arrhythmias. Paradoxically, previous studies in patients undergoing elective coronary angioplasty showed a reduction in hospital and long-term mortality in obese patients. The relation with body mass index (BMI) has been less studied in the context of primary angioplasty. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of obesity on the results of ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction treated by primary angioplasty. METHODS: This was a study of 464 consecutive patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction undergoing primary angioplasty, 78% male, mean age 61 +/- 13 years. We assessed in-hospital, 30-day and one-year mortality according to BMI. Patients were divided into three groups according to BMI: normal--18-24.9 kg/m2 (n = 171); overweight--25-29.9 kg/m2 (n = 204); and obese-- > 30 kg/m2 (n = 89). RESULTS: Obese patients were younger (ANOVA, p < 0.001) and more frequently male (p = 0.014), with more hypertension (p = 0.001) and dyslipidemia (p = 0.006). There were no differences in the prevalence of diabetes, previous cardiac history, heart failure on admission, anterior location, multivessel disease, peak total CK or medication prescribed, except that obese patients received more beta-blockers (p = 0.049). In-hospital mortality was 9.9% for patients with normal BMI, 3.4% for overweight patients and 6.7% for obese patients (p = 0.038). Mortality at 30 days was 11 4.4% and 7.8% (p = 0.032) and at one year 12.9%, 4.9% and 9% (p = 0.023), respectively. On univariate analysis, overweight was the only BMI category with a protective effect; however, after multivariate logistic regression analysis, adjusted for confounding variables, none of the BMI categories could independently predict outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Overweight patients had a better prognosis after primary angioplasty for ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction compared with other BMI categories, but this was dependent on other potentially confounding variables.
A 75-year old female patient, with previous inferior acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in December 2000, was admitted in April 2001 with angina and heart failure. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) was suggestive of a postero-inferior pseudoaneurysm (PA) of the left ventricle (LV), with 61x49 mm. of size and mitral regurgitation. Cardiac catheterization was suspected of a PA of the LV and revealed a three vessels coronary artery disease. On 20th April she was submitted to cardiac surgery with resection of a large LV aneurysm (AN) and triple coronary artery bypass surgery. Afterwards, she was on NYHA class III and subsequent TTE and transesophagic echocardiography (TEE) were suggestive of a 90x60 mm LV posterior PA (confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance) and severe mitral regurgitation, with good LV systolic function. She underwent a new cardiac surgery on 31st May 2002, with resuturing of the LV postero-inferior wall patch and removal of the PA. The patient is in good condition and on NYHA functional class I-II.
A Nocardia é responsável por diversos tipos de infecção quer em receptores imunocompetentes, quer imunocomprometidos e pode afectar qualquer órgão. A endocardite a Nocardia spp é muito rara e tem mau prognóstico. Segundo o nosso conhecimento e após revisão da literatura, foram reportados apenas 12 casos de endocardite a Nocardia, a maioria tratada com substituição valvular. Reportamos o primeiro caso descrito em Portugal de endocardite protésica a Nocardia, tratado com sucesso apenas com terapêutica antimicrobiana (trimetoprimsulfametoxazol), sem necessidade de substituição valvular.
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) with stent placement is widely used to achieve myocardial revascularization in patients with symptomatic ischemic heart disease and significant coronary artery stenosis. Drug-eluting stents are used in most patients undergoing percutaneous angioplasty. Stent thrombosis is an uncommon but serious complication, manifested mostly by sudden death or acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction. The authors report the case of a 68-year-old patient with acute anterior ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Five years previously, she had had a similar presentation and underwent primary angioplasty of the left anterior descending artery with implantation of a drug-eluting stent. The patient was discharged under antithrombotic therapy. She discontinued antiplatelet therapy and two days later suffered an acute anterior myocardial infarction. Primary angioplasty revealed stent thrombosis.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of post-caesarean analgesia comparing three techniques most frequently used. PATIENTS AND METHODS: For three months all pregnant women submitted to elective or urgent caesarean section, under general or regional anaesthesia, were evaluate with a total of 129 parturient. These parturient were divided into three groups with different techniques of postoperative analgesia: Group 1 (n = 26) received intravenous pethidine and paracetamol per os, group 2 (n = 58) received epidural morphine and group 3 (n = 45) epidural morphine and intravenous propacetamol. Pain was assessed at rest and during mobilisation using a scale of 0-without pain, 1-mild pain, 2-moderate pain and 3-severe pain. Overall satisfaction was assessed with a verbal qualitative scale of very good, good, sufficient and bad. Side effects were analysed. RESULTS: The records of pain at rest and during mobilisation were significantly lower with epidural analgesia compared with intravenous pethidine. There were no significant differences between groups 2 and 3. Similar results were observed in the degree of satisfaction. For 50% of parturient of epidural analgesia (groups 2 and 3) and only 4% of intravenous pethidine (group 1) the analgesic technique was very good. Propacetamol and epidural morphine (group 3) had better pain scores (very good and good) when compared with morphine alone (group 2) but there were no significant differences. Epidural morphine was associated with more pruritus. CONCLUSION: From this study we are able to conclude that epidural morphine offers a good quality of analgesia with better satisfaction and minimal side effects.
INTRODUCTION: The elderly population admitted for acute myocardial infarction is increasing. This group is not well studied in international trials and is probably treated with a more conservative approach. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the presentation and treatment of myocardial infarction according to age, particularly in very elderly patients. METHODS: We studied 1242 consecutive patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction, assessing in-hospital, 30-day and one-year mortality during follow-up for each age-group. Patients were divided into four groups according to age: <45 years (7.6%); 45-64 years (43.3%); 65-74 years (23.4%); and ≥75 years (25.7%). RESULTS: Elderly patients had a worse risk profile (except for smoking), more previous history of coronary disease and a worse profile on admission, with the exception of lipid profile, which was more favorable. With regard to treatment of the elderly, although less optimized than in other age-groups, it was significantly better compared to other registries, including for percutaneous coronary angioplasty. Both complications and mortality were worse in the older groups. In elderly patients (≥75 years), adjusted risk of mortality was 4.9-6.3 times higher (p<0.001) than patients in the reference age-group (45-64 years). In these patients, the independent predictors of death were left ventricular function and renal function, use of beta-blockers being a predictor of survival. CONCLUSIONS: Elderly patients represent a substantial proportion of the population admitted with myocardial infarction, and receive less evidenced-based therapy. Age is an independent predictor of short- and medium-term mortality.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos sobre as Mulheres. As Mulheres na Sociedade e na Cultura.
Introdução: A terapêutica de ressincronização cardíaca (TRC) tem benefícios significativos em doentes seleccionados. O impacto desta modalidade na incidência de taquidisritmias ventriculares permanece controverso. Analisámos a ocorrência de terapêuticas apropriadas em doentes submetidos a TRC combinada com cardioversor-desfibrilhador (CDI). Métodos: Estudo de 123 doentes com fracção de ejecção ventricular esquerda (FEVE) < 35%, submetidos a implantação com sucesso de TRC-CDI ou CDI isoladamente (prevenção primária). Resultados: Idade média foi 63±12 anos, FEVE de 25±6%, seguimento mediano de 372 dias. Implantou-se TRC-CDI em 63 doentes (grupo A) e CDI isoladamente em 60 doentes (grupo B). No grupo A tivemos 86% de respondedores clínicos, menor prevalência de miocardiopatia isquémica(30% versus 72%), e mais doentes em classe III da NYHA antes da implantação do dispositivo(90% versus 7%) comparativamente com o grupo com CDI isoladamente. Não se identificaram diferenças relativamente à incidência de terapêuticas apropriadas (19% versus 12%) ou no tempo para a primeira terapêutica (305 dias versus 293 dias). A mortalidade total foi de 11% no grupo A e de 12% no grupo B. As curvas de Kaplan-Meier para eventos arrítmicos em doentes com TRC, não mostraram diferenças significativas (HR 3,02, IC 95% 0,82-11,09, p = NS) comparativamente com doentes sem TRC. Conclusões: Em doentes submetidos a TRC-CDI por prevenção primária, apesar da elevada taxa de respondedores, a incidência de terapêuticas apropriadas não foi diferente do obtido em doentes com CDI isoladamente.