999 resultados para SERVIÇOS (QUALIDADE)


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Este estudo desenvolveu-se com o objetivo de verificar a qualidade de cursos superiores de Administração e de Gestão, à luz do artigo 4º, da Resolução nº 4, de 13 de julho de 2005, onde o Ministério da Educação (MEC) lista as competências definidas para a formação de administradores. Desenvolveu-se uma escala de avaliação com base na qualidade percebida pelos estudantes, lastreada na resolução supracitada, e realizou-se um levantamento tipo survey, totalizando 629 respondentes, com alunos dos cursos de Administração e de Gestão de uma instituição de ensino superior (IES) de grande porte, localizada no município de São Paulo. Os resultados mostram que as competências exigidas pelo MEC para o curso de Administração não são percebidas integralmente junto aos estudantes por meio dos serviços educacionais oferecidos pela IES, pois as pontuações ficaram abaixo do score máximo possível.


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No mundo moderno, comodidade e conveniência têm sido fatores ligados diretamente às necessidades cotidianas das pessoas, onde o tempo é cada vez mais escasso e a busca por facilidades se torna uma constante. Tendo em vista esse cenário, na mesma medida crescente do número de frequentadores em praça de alimentação, há uma concorrência intensa travada pelas empresas de fast food estabelecidas nesses centros de compras. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho identifica e analisa fatores determinantes da qualidade dos serviços de restaurantes fast food, sob a ótica dos consumidores. O setor de fast food foi dividido em três categorias: temáticos, por quilo e lanchonetes, visando identificar possíveis diferenças nesses segmentos. O universo da pesquisa concentra-se nos consumidores dos restaurantes fast food situados no principal shopping center da cidade de Mauá. A pesquisa é de caráter descritivo e exploratório, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de questionário, baseado no instrumento de análise SERVQUAL, aplicado junto a uma amostra não probabilística de 390 usuários da praça de alimentação. Foi realizada análise fatorial por meio do software estatístico SPSS v19, extraindo cinco fatores determinantes da qualidade dos serviços de restaurantes fast food. Dentre os fatores extraidos, ressaltam-se os que estão ligados à Excelência e à Personalização dos serviços. Os segmentos analisados apresentaram convergências em seus resultados, como a elevada expectativa por parte dos consumidores, além do déficit na qualidade percebida de serviços dos restaurantes fast food, assim como apresentaram divergências em suas análises individuais, evidenciando peculiaridades a cada um desses.


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Business tourism is one of tourist segments with different market characteristics in relation to others segmentations, such as low seasonality, there is no requirement of natural attractions, it serves as destination projection and it generates profitable larger numbers. Due to the context around business travels, the hotel so many times has a fundamental whole among the elements of the production chain in this segmentation. Business tourism in Teresina is the primary segmentation of the capital, since it represents almost 70% of hotel demand; hence this research has as objective to evaluate through the perceptions of business travelers, the level of quality services of hotels of Teresina. The research is exploratory and descriptive, of functionalist character. This study is characterized by qualitative and quantitative research, supported by a basis of methodological pluralism. For primary data collection was performed applying a suitable research instrument of SERVPERF model (Service Performance). The universe of this study were Teresina's accommodations, restricted to only those that fit in hotel category and it was inside metropolitan area of Teresina. The study subjects were business travelers who were hosted in these hotels. For the analysis, it was considered certain factors: descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation matrix analysis of the variables; It was still compiling a graphic of lexicons obtained in the survey about respondent's the notion of quality of vision in the hotel service; Finally, qualitative analysis was based on the theories of marketing, targeting and quality of tourism services applied. The results show that the Teresina hotel service is on a regular average, especially for Reliability and Safety dimensions were highlighted. Whereas, the factor analysis showed the emergence of two factors to explain "Empathy" dimension, one of this is about the organization and the other one is about consumer. And by Lexicometria was possible to observe the importance to the customer of other variables such as: personal aspects, price and location for this tour segmentation.


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The Physical Rehabilitation services (PR) are of fundamental importance in combating the global epidemic of Traffic Accidents (TA). Considering the numerous physical and social consequences of the survivors, quality problems in access to PR are a hazard to recovery of victims. It is necessary to improve the management of quality of services, assessing priority dimensions and intervening in their causes, to ensure rehabilitation available in time and suitable conditions. This study aimed to identify barriers to access to rehabilitation considering the perception of TA victims and professionals. The aim is also to estimate the access to rehabilitation and their associated factors. This is a qualitative and quantitative study of exploratory nature developed in Natal / RN with semi-structured interviews with 19 health professionals and telephone survey to 155 victims of traffic accidents. To explore barriers to access the speeches were transcribed and analyzed using the Alceste software (version 4.9). During the interviews used the following guiding question: “What barriers hinder or prevent access to physical rehabilitation for victims of traffic accidents?”. The names of classes and axes resulting from Alceste was performed by ad hoc query to three external researchers with subsequent consensus of the most representative name of analysis. We conducted multivariate analysis of the influence of the variables of the accident, sociodemographic, clinical and assistance on access to rehabilitation. Associations with p <0.20 in the bivariate analysis were submitted to logistic regression, step by step, with p <0.05 and confidence interval (CI) of 95%. The main barriers identified were: “Bureaucratic regulation”, “Long time to start rehabilitation”, “No post-surgery referral” and “inefficiency of public services”. These barriers were divided into a theoretical model built from the cause-effect diagram, in which we observed that insufficient access to rehabilitation is the product of causes related to organizational structure, work processes, professional and patients. Was constructed two logistic regression models: “General access to rehabilitation” and “Access to rehabilitation to public service”. 51.6% of patients had access to rehabilitation, and 32.9% in public and 17.9% in the private sector. The regression model “General access to rehabilitation” included the variables Income (OR:3.7), Informal Employment (OR:0.11), Unemployment (OR:0.15), Perceived Need for PR (OR:10) and Referral (OR: 27.5). The model “Access to rehabilitation in the public service” was represented by the “Referral to Public Service” (OR: 23.0) and “Private Health Plan” (OR: 0.07). Despite the known influence of social determinants on access to health services, a situation difficult to control by the public administration, this study found that the organizational and bureaucratic procedures established in health care greatly determine access to rehabilitation. Access difficulties show the seriousness of the problem and the factors suggest the need for improvements in comprehensive care for TA survivors and avoid unnecessary prolongation of the suffering of the victims of this epidemic.


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The present study seeks to describe the features and peculiarities of the relationship between organizational culture and the quality of tourism services, specifically in the restaurant sector, attempting to contribute toward maintaining the tourism sector of the city of Natal/RN. Thus, a descriptive and correlational study, with qualitative and quantitative approaches, of thirty-seven restaurants that are located in areas that compose the tourism corridor of Natal was undertaken. To collect the quantitative dada, the Organizational Culture Evaluation instrument of Cameron and Quinn (2006) was applied and the SERVPERF instrument of Cronin and Taylor (1992) was used to measure the quality of the services. The results suggest that the Clan and Innovation Cultures are associated with better levels of quality of services than those of the Market and Hierarchy Cultures. The relationships that were identified in this study are consistent with results found in other studies and the information reported here can serve as a basis for managers of the restaurant sector to reach excellence in their services, satisfying their customers and contributing to maintaining the tourism sector


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The present study has got as its aim to show how the impressions management is being used by the hotels in Paraiba State. For that, the dramma or role play perspective has been adopted as a model for service management. From the theater metaphor, the physical environment and its components can be seen as a scenery of the service show. We conduct the reader to notice the importance of the consummer about the service quality demand and its influence on his satisfaction. A methodology with exploring and qualifying nature has been adopted by using the analyses of content technique in interviews applied to hotel managers lebeled as having 4 and 5 stars in the State, trying to check how impression management takes place, identifying impression management tools used in relation to the physical evidences and to contacting people, as well as checking managers views in the survey about the use of impression management for client satisfaction make. The information revealed that managers, maybe for being unaware about impression management theory, haven t considered neither the physical evidences yet, nor contacting people as marketing tools. About the physical evidences, we could see that hotels take actions in a pulverized way referring to environment decoration and colors, however there isn t a global usage of physical evidences to highlight the service. Contacting people by their turn, receive better importance and attention. It was possible to make sure that managers are aware about the influence of the employee over the attendance quality. This way, we may come into a conclusion that impression management at Paraiba hotels has been under used, as long as managers seem to be, most times, turned to actions related to contacting people, not having realized the planning importance and national-wide use of service scenery in a genaral way yet


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Recentemente, devido às constantes mudanças no comportamento de pessoas e instituições, a sociedade da informação e do conhecimento, por meio das tecnologias de informação e de comunicação, revolucionaram o universo das bibliotecas e dos serviços disponibilizados pela mesma. As discussões sobre o valor da informação e a necessidade de uma boa gestão desse recurso ganharam destaque e importância. Com isso, o presente artigo tem a intenção de trazer a luz e cooperar com o desenvolvimento da temática, Gestão da Informação e do Conhecimento em torno da gestão da qualidade nas bibliotecas, permeado sob a ótica da tecnologia da informação e comunicação – TIC, que coaduna na comunicação da biblioteca com o usuário, através dos serviços de disseminação seletiva, serviço de referência virtual, digitalização de obras, COMUT e bem como os diversos serviços oferecidos. A metodologia utilizada é a pesquisa bibliográfica e revisão literária. Com isso, pretende-se denotar as competências necessárias para a implantação da qualidade nas unidades de informação.


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The present study seeks to describe the features and peculiarities of the relationship between organizational culture and the quality of tourism services, specifically in the restaurant sector, attempting to contribute toward maintaining the tourism sector of the city of Natal/RN. Thus, a descriptive and correlational study, with qualitative and quantitative approaches, of thirty-seven restaurants that are located in areas that compose the tourism corridor of Natal was undertaken. To collect the quantitative dada, the Organizational Culture Evaluation instrument of Cameron and Quinn (2006) was applied and the SERVPERF instrument of Cronin and Taylor (1992) was used to measure the quality of the services. The results suggest that the Clan and Innovation Cultures are associated with better levels of quality of services than those of the Market and Hierarchy Cultures. The relationships that were identified in this study are consistent with results found in other studies and the information reported here can serve as a basis for managers of the restaurant sector to reach excellence in their services, satisfying their customers and contributing to maintaining the tourism sector


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The present study has got as its aim to show how the impressions management is being used by the hotels in Paraiba State. For that, the dramma or role play perspective has been adopted as a model for service management. From the theater metaphor, the physical environment and its components can be seen as a scenery of the service show. We conduct the reader to notice the importance of the consummer about the service quality demand and its influence on his satisfaction. A methodology with exploring and qualifying nature has been adopted by using the analyses of content technique in interviews applied to hotel managers lebeled as having 4 and 5 stars in the State, trying to check how impression management takes place, identifying impression management tools used in relation to the physical evidences and to contacting people, as well as checking managers views in the survey about the use of impression management for client satisfaction make. The information revealed that managers, maybe for being unaware about impression management theory, haven t considered neither the physical evidences yet, nor contacting people as marketing tools. About the physical evidences, we could see that hotels take actions in a pulverized way referring to environment decoration and colors, however there isn t a global usage of physical evidences to highlight the service. Contacting people by their turn, receive better importance and attention. It was possible to make sure that managers are aware about the influence of the employee over the attendance quality. This way, we may come into a conclusion that impression management at Paraiba hotels has been under used, as long as managers seem to be, most times, turned to actions related to contacting people, not having realized the planning importance and national-wide use of service scenery in a genaral way yet


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No contexto atual, marcado pela crise económica e financeira, as organizações dos serviços turísticos procuram aliar o conceito de qualidade com os seus serviços, de modo a satisfazer os clientes internos (colaboradores) e os clientes externos (turistas) e a garantir a prestação de um serviço personalizado e de excelência. O objetivo da presente dissertação consiste em proporcionar uma visão geral da qualidade dos serviços turísticos náuticos efetuados na região do Alto Douro Vinhateiro (ADV), junto dos clientes internos (colaboradores). Para o efeito, foi aplicado um inquérito a 117 colaboradores de diversas organizações dos serviços turísticos náuticos da região do ADV e realizada uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que existem aspetos a serem melhorados nas organizações (preocupação com os colaboradores; formação especifica; condições de trabalho; maior dialogo entre chefias e colaboradores; atribuição de carga horária e de folgas) para que os colaboradores se sintam satisfeitos. Por outro lado, verificou-se que as perceções sobre a qualidade nos serviços turísticos náuticos são iguais em ambos os géneros; Abstract: Quality in Nautical Touristic Services in Alto Douro Vinhateiro – The Internal Clients (Collaborators) Perspective In the actual context marked by the economic and financial crisis, the organizations of touristic services are looking to ally the concept of services with their services, in order to satisfy internal customers (collaborators) and external costumers (tourists) and to guarantee the installment of an excellent and personalized service. The aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of the quality of nautical tourism services made in the region of Alto Douro Vinhateiro, with internal clients (employees). For this purpose it applied a survey of 117 employees from various organizations of nautical tourism services of the ADV region and conducted an exploratory and descriptive research. The results show that there are areas to be improved in organizations (preoccupation with employees; specific training,; working conditions; greater dialogue between managers and employees; allocation of hours and days off) so that employees can feel satisfied- Moreover it was found that the perceptions of the quality of nautical tourism services are equal in both sexes.


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Uma das condições que mais influencia a competitividade entre instituições de ensino é a Qualidade. Sendo a sociedade cada vez mais exigente, é necessário medir e avaliá-la. A utilização de uma ferramenta de autoavaliação, desenvolvida ao nível da União Europeia, a Common Assessment Framework (CAF), que teve como modelo de origem o European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), veio permitir a medição da qualidade dos serviços prestados na administração pública. Este estudo apresenta os diversos aspectos referentes à temática da qualidade, o modelo CAF e os principais resultados obtidos num inquérito por questionário, junto dos alunos, colaboradores internos e gestores dos Serviços Académicos da Universidade de Évora, com o objectivo de avaliar o grau de satisfação com a qualidade do serviço prestado, o desempenho de todas as partes interessadas e, consequentemente, a sustentabilidade desse serviço. Desses resultados retiraram-se alguns pontos fortes, enunciaram-se diversos pontos fracos e evidenciaram-se sugestões de melhoria para o serviço em estudo. Neste sentido, este trabalho serviu de diagnóstico e apresenta uma ferramenta que permite aos Serviços académicos da Universidade de Évora conhecerem-se melhor e poderem mover-se no caminho da qualidade. ABSTRACT: One of the conditions that most influences the competitiveness among institutions of education is quality. As society increasingly demanding in terms of professional skills, it is necessary to measure and assess the quality of education, through continuous improvement to achieve excellence. Currently, the quality must be measured and seen as a competitive advantage. The use of a tool for self-evaluation of the quality, developed at EU level, the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) that has had its origin on European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), carne allow the measurement of quality of services provided to the clients, based on an internal guidance for quality in the organization and on the adoption of quality ratings as a routine in their work. This study presents the various aspects relating to the issue of quality and the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) and presents the main results obtained through a survey by questionnaire. These questionnaires were applied to the students, staff and internal managers from the Academic Services of the University of Évora with the aim of assessing the grade of satisfaction with the quality of the services provided, the performance of all interested parties and therefore the sustainability of this service in this institution of higher education. As results obtained on this research there are some strengths, several weaknesses and suggestions for improvement that can benefit the service under study. This work can be used as a diagnosis and gives a tool that allows Academic Services of the University of Évora know themselves better and to be able to move on the path of quality.


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Os conceitos de qualidade e capital humano são amplamente conhecidos e a sua importância aceite por todos. A aplicação destes pressupostos à realidade do trabalho temporário, tomou-se um imperativo face ao contexto económico actual, repleto de rápidas mudanças organizacionais, caracterizado por colaboradores detentores de um novo leque de competências e flexibilidade profissional. Ao longo deste trabalho. procurou-se analisar a possível integração do trabalho temporário num novo modelo de relações laborais, na tentativa de distanciamento da corrente associação do trabalho temporário a uma "forma atípica de trabalho'', estabelecendo ainda uma breve evolução do trabalho temporário na Península de Setúbal. baseada na apreciação de trabalhos análogos. Em resultado da aplicação de questionário. definiu-se uma hierarquia de características individuais e organizacionais, como critério válido para um futuro processo de recrutamento e selecção, permitindo averiguar, ao nível do individuo, um aumento de competências profissionais e técnicas, acompanhado pelo incremento de formação e experiência profissional. Concluindo ao nível organizacional que qualidades como flexibilidade e dinamismo, aliado à experiência profissional, são factores críticos no processo de recrutamento e selecção, sendo imprescindíveis na procura contínua da qualidade, facilitando o alcance da excelência individual e organizacional. ABSTRACT: Quality and Human Capital are widely know concepts and their importance is accepted by all. Therefore, it has become imperative to make use of them in the contex t of temporary work given the current economic situation for they are present wherever organizational change happens rapidly and stakeholders possess a wide range of professional competencies and flexibility. The aim of this work is to study the possible integration of temporary work into a new model for labour relations, in an effort to distance temporay work from the notion of "atypical form of work" with which it is presently associated. Moreover, it presents a brief evolution of temporary work in the Peninsula of Setúbal, based on the analiysis of similar works. The findings obtained from our surveys ena bled us to define a hierarchy of individual and organizational characteristics which can serve as valid criteria in future recruitment and selection processes. With these processes it is al so possible to assess any increase of professional and technical competencies regarding the individual as well improvement as regards training and professional experience. At the organizational level, qualities such as nexibility and dynamism, together with professional experience, turned out to be critical factors in the recruitment and selection process. Not only are they indispensable in the constant pursuit of quality, but they also make it easy to achieve individual and organizational excellence.


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Este estudo pretende aferir a relação entre a qualidade de serviço, a satisfação e a intenção de recompra. Foram recolhidos 377 questionários de associados das casas do Benfica, que se deslocaram ao estádio para assistir ao jogo Benfica vs Marítimo, realizado em 23 de Maio de 2015. Posteriormente, os dados foram tratados no programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 20.0 for Windows). Foi utilizada a estatística descritiva seguida de uma análise de consistência interna, por último realizou-se uma análise de regressão linear, para analisar as relações entre as dimensões. Verificou-se que os fatores da qualidade de serviço ajudam a explicar a satisfação com as casas do Benfica, a satisfação com o jogo e a intenção de recompra, nomeadamente o peso da qualidade do acesso e o atendimento das casas do Benfica. Também os fatores inerentes à satisfação ajudam a entender a intenção de recompra, sendo a satisfação com o jogo o fator com maior impacto na intenção de recompra. Verifica-se a importância das interações na satisfação e na intenção de recompra, bem como a importância dos resultados desportivos na satisfação dos inquiridos.


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Este trabalho centra-se no estudo e análise da perceção da qualidade dos serviços prestados pelo Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Velha observando as exigências contemporâneas de uso e de conservação das caraterísticas formais identitárias. Assim, de modo a avaliar a qualidade do serviço prestado pelo Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Velha efetuámos uma revisão da literatura sobre este tema e optou-se pela utilização do instrumento SERVQUAL, o qual foi adaptado para o estudo em causa e distribuído a 400 visitantes do mosteiro. Com este instrumento pretende-se saber quais as suas expetativas e a perceção que têm a nível da qualidade do serviço prestado e com os dados obtidos contribuir para a melhoria da prestação do serviço. Concluímos que a escala ServQual é útil para analisar a qualidade de serviço, no que diz respeito às expetativas e perceções, permitindo aos serviços desenvolver e dinamizar estratégias que levem à melhoria da qualidade do serviço prestado.