216 resultados para Roses


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Colombia es uno de los principales productores de flores y rosas a nivel mundial y a través de los años ha presentado diversos problemas en la actividad industrial que permite la recolección de rosas. La cosecha y alistamiento del producto se realiza mediante actividades principalmente manuales. El corte de la rosa se efectúa con una herramienta conocida como tijera de poda manual, lo cual ha dado lugar a problemas ergonómicos al efectuar el corte, particularmente evidentes en personas de manos pequeñas, pues la apertura de operación excede la longitud máxima de extensión y capacidad de agarre de la mano, lo que conlleva a esfuerzos y posturas perjudiciales, especialmente desviaciones ulnares/radiales y flexión/extensión pronunciada de muñeca, permitiendo la aparición de lesiones por trauma acumulativo en el conjunto mano-muñeca. Este trabajo evalúa un nuevo diseño de tijera de poda manual concebida para disminuir el problema de posturas perjudiciales de la muñeca en el momento del corte. Se trata de un estudio cuasi-experimental, de observaciones pareadas, que permitió evaluar el nuevo diseño de tijera en condiciones reales de uso durante una fracción de la jornada de trabajo, donde los operarios la pudieron comparar con su tijera convencional y pudieron calificar las características de diseño de cada una de ellas a través de una escala de intervalo con rostros felices a tristes. Factores novedosos como el sistema de agarre con mango rotativo fueron bien aceptados en la nueva tijera, así como la suavidad en el accionamiento. El peso de la nueva herramienta es mayor a la actual y no fue bien aceptado. Personas de mayor edad y con mayor tiempo en el cargo muestran una preferencia hacia la tijera de poda que utilizan actualmente.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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El proyecto tiene como objetivo fundamental investigar sobre las modificaciones y posibles consecuencias de la aplicación de la Reforma del Sistema Educativo para diseñar un modelo de transformación de centros de Formación Profesional en institutos de Enseñanza Secundaria. Se trata de describir la estructura y organización escolar del centro antes y durante la fase experimental de la Reforma; analizar los cambios producidos por dicha experiencia (enseñanzas, profesorado, organización del centro, aspectos pedagógicos, etc.) y discernir entre lo específico del centro y lo susceptible de ser generalizado y, por lo tanto, de aplicación en otros centros. Las actividades propuestas consisten en la recogida de datos, estudios comparativos entre las distintas fases experimentales o no de la Reforma llevadas a cabo, elaboración de conclusiones (encuestas, entrevistas, análisis estadísticos, conceptuales, y gráficos), diseño del modelo y posibles propuestas. La evaluación o valoración de las conclusiones modelo obtenidas no es posible hasta la aplicación de éstas en otros centros. No hay memoria..


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. - El artículo forma parte de una sección de la revista dedicada a: Investigaciones


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El art??culo forma parte del monogr??fico de la revista: La metodolog??a ABP


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Aquest projecte de recerca es planteja, com a objectiu principal, elaborar una contextualització de Rhode entre el 195 aC i mitjan segle II dC. Es tracta d’assolir noves hipòtesis sobre el final relativament sobtat que pateix la fundació massaliota, quin són els motius del seu abandonament, si aquest es produeix totalment, quins fets porten a la recuperació d’aquest espai i quin paper pot jugar l'àmbit periurbà de Rhode durant tot aquest període. Alhora, es cerca posar en relació els esdeveniments que passen a Rhode amb el procés de romanització que pateix el territori


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RESUM En la primera part de la tesi es revisen els materials arqueològics i els documents de les excavacions antigues al jaciment grec de la Ciutadella de Roses (Alt Empordà). Es fan estudis comparatius i de conjunt amb els resultats proporcionats per les excavacions recents. A partir d'aquí s'obté una periodització del jaciment, des del moment de la fundació de la colònia massaliota de Rhode, al segon quart del segle IV aC, fins a la fi de la ciutat, al 195 aC. Es tracten aspectes de topografia, urbanisme i estudi dels edificis. La segona part analitza les produccions dels tallers ceràmics (vernissos negres, pastes clares, ceràmiques de cuina i altres produccions secundàries). Es fa una nova classificació, un estudi de les formes, de la cronologia i paral·lels. S'estudien les instal·lacions dels tallers, els forns, la seva capacitat, les argiles i les terreres. Es conclou amb una caracterització socioeconòmica i històrica de la ciutat, i dels aspectes històrics relacionats amb les fases de la seva fundació, desenvolupament i fi.


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While only about 1-200 species are used intensively in commercial floriculture (e.g. carnations, chrysanthemums, gerbera, narcissus, orchids, tulips, lilies, roses, pansies and violas, saintpaulias, etc.) and 4-500 as house plants, several thousand species of herbs, shrubs and trees are traded commercially by nurseries and garden centres as ornamentals or amenity species. Most of these have been introduced from the wild with little selection or breeding. In Europe alone, 12 000 species are found in cultivation in general garden collections (i.e. excluding specialist collections and botanic gardens). In addition, specialist collections (often very large) of many other species and/or cultivars of groups such as orchids, bromeliads, cacti and succulents, primulas, rhododendrons, conifers and cycads are maintained in several centres such as botanic gardens and specialist nurseries, as are 'national collections' of cultivated species and cultivars in some countries. Specialist growers, both professional and amateur, also maintain collections of plants for cultivation, including, increasingly, native plants. The trade in ornamental and amenity horticulture cannot be fully estimated but runs into many billions of dollars annually and there is considerable potential for further development and the introduction of many new species into the trade. Despite this, most of the collections are ad hoc and no co-ordinated efforts have been made to ensure that adequate germplasm samples of these species are maintained for conservation purposes and few of them are represented at all adequately in seed banks. Few countries have paid much attention to germplasm needs of ornamentals and the Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center in conjunction with the USDA National Plant Germplasm System at The Ohio State University is an exception. Generally there is a serious gap in national and international germplasm strategies, which have tended to focus primarily on food plants and some forage and industrial crops. Adequate arrangements need to be put in place to ensure the long- and medium-term conservation of representative samples of the genetic diversity of ornamental species. The problems of achieving this will be discussed. In addition, a policy for the conservation of old cultivars or 'heritage' varieties of ornamentals needs to be formulated. The considerable potential for introduction of new ornamental species needs to be assessed. Consideration needs to be given to setting up a co-ordinating structure with overall responsibility for the conservation of germplasm of ornamental and amenity plants.


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This paper explores the unique approach to childhood and children’s literature of the research and teaching of the ‘Graduate Centre for International Research in Childhood: Literature, Culture, Media (CIRCL)’. CIRCL follows in its work the arguments of UK critical theorist Jacqueline Rose in her seminal 1984 book The case of Peter Pan or the impossibility of children’s fiction. Rose’s work has been widely and routinely referenced in Children’s Literature studies particularly, but CIRCL interprets her arguments as having quite different implications than those usually assumed. Rose is generally attributed with having pointed out that ‘childhood’ is not one, homogenous category, but that childhood is divided by gender, race, and ethnic, political and religious (and so on) identities. But for CIRCL this is only a first step in Rose’s arguments and certainly one not unique to her work anyway: the perception of various cultural and historical childhoods is widely held. Instead, my paper explores how Rose’s arguments are centrally about how ‘childhood’ itself cannot be maintained in the face of division, a division, moreover, which operates inevitably at every level, and which derives from Rose’s interpretation of psychoanalysis as formulated by Sigmund Freud, which Rose derives in turn from her readings of the interpretations of Freud by French analyst Jacques Lacan and French critical theorist Jacques Derrida. Finally, my paper argues how Rose’s position is about any ‘identity’, including gender and that this allies her work closely to that of the famous gender theorist Judith Butler, whose arguments are often (mis) understood in the same ways as those of Rose.


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The count intercept is a robust method for the numerical analysis of fabrics Launeau and Robin (1996). It counts the number of intersections between a set of parallel scan lines and a mineral phase, which must be identified on a digital image. However, the method is only sensitive to boundaries and therefore supposes the user has some knowledge about their significance. The aim of this paper is to show that a proper grey level detection of boundaries along scan lines is sufficient to calculate the two-dimensional anisotropy of grain or crystal distributions without any particular image processing. Populations of grains and crystals usually display elliptical anisotropies in rocks. When confirmed by the intercept analysis, a combination of a minimum of 3 mean length intercept roses, taken on 3 more or less perpendicular sections, allows the calculation of 3-dimensional ellipsoids and the determination of their standard deviation with direction and intensity in 3 dimensions as well. The feasibility of this quick method is attested by numerous examples on theoretical objects deformed by active and passive deformation, on BSE images of synthetic magma flow, on drawing or direct analysis of thin section pictures of sandstones and on digital images of granites directly taken and measured in the field. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sociology, hybrids and social reality: the case of nuclear waste The continuing technological transformation of nature means that sociology’s traditional vision of a sharp divide between nature and society is becoming ever harder to defend. Starting from Bruno Latour’s critique of modernity, and Nikolas Rose’s explorations of political power beyond the state, this article presents a framework for analysing the expanding wealth of hybrids of nature and society surrounding us today, and the problems of government they pose. These hybrids confront us with the need to rethink sociology’s conception of ‘the social’. With Latour’s help, the interplay of nature and society can be understood as subject to technical mediation, opening the way for studies of the varying arrangements through which different configurations of nature and society are produced. Rather than alternative social constructions of nature, what sociologists should be at pains to analyse and question are different programmes and strategies for bringing together natural and social forces in durable combinations. In the article, the geological disposal of nuclear waste serves as a useful example for exploring the fruitfulness of the analytical framework put forward. This complex undertaking constitutes just one component in a larger field of technoscientific endeavour that has irrevocably transformed nature while simultaneously re-making society. Addressing this case, we seek to reveal the promise of a sociology that does not bound ‘the social’ in advance, but rather makes the co-production of technology and society one of its most important objects of study.


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The bush garden ethos in South Australia, notwithstanding the state's dearth of water, poor soils and Mediterranean climate, has been slow in evolving. Even today. the logical Mediterranean philosophical arguments of Trevor Nottle, expressed in Gardens of the Sun,' are passed over in favour of struggling or often over-watered gardens containing ubiquitous 'Iceberg' roses, an eclectic exotic collection of plants, and the odd umbrageous eucalypt.'


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Anlaby Station is the oldest sheep stud in South Australia (SA) dating back to 1839. The gardens have been noted as significant exemplars, Beames & Whitehill (1992), Swinbourne (1982), and in Pastoral Homes of Australia (1911) published by The Pastoral Review, wherein Anlaby was described as “being of no particular beauty architecturally . But the gardens are unique.” The Anlaby property is on the SA State Heritage Register and the Anlaby Gardens are listed in the Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens (2002). The beginnings of Anlaby in 1839 are integral to the colonial expansion of the interior of South Australia. Anlaby at this time was a completely self-contained community within a sheep station containing a survival garden, much like a self- contained English manor-village. The process of land sales offered by the SA government enabled Anlaby to expand, wherein wealth flowed and gradually the survival garden style at Anlaby was transformed into an extensive decorative garden style. This enabled the garden to act as a backdrop for major South Australian society and public gatherings. The driving force behind the garden during its height was the fashionable plant trends in the United Kingdom. This is evidenced by the inclusion of an extensive stove house, grotto, roses and the Gardenesque style of plantings. Traditional English head gardeners were also employed to manage the garden. The realisation of the beauty of native plants was never allowed in the inner world of this landscape; it always remained on the perimeter. The owner’s vision of the garden was Utopian, however, due to climatic forces, the dream was not fully realised. The challenge now lies in preserving this Utopian dream for future generations. This paper considers the historical evolution of the property, its context as a historical exemplar and the challenges facing its future conservation having regard to Adelaide peri-urban, climate change, and differing owner economic circumstances.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)