938 resultados para Rogers, Josias, 1755-1795.
La tesi és un estudi integral de la figura i l'obra del pintor Antoni Viladomat i Manalt (1678-1755), un dels artífexs més destacats del panorama artístic català del Set-cents. El primer volum aborda la revisió de la seva biografia partint de les aportacions de la historiografia i de les noves dades inèdites d'arxiu. S'hi fa també un anàlisi de la seva cultura visual i figurativa, una panoràmica sobre la relació del pintor amb el seu ambient artístic més proper i immediat, i un estudi de l'encaix de la seva personalitat artística en el context de la pintura precedent i contemporània peninsular i europea. El primer volum inclou, també, un epíleg on s'aborden temes com els detonants i les conseqüències de la seva extraordinària fortuna crítica. El segon volum és un catàleg crític de la seva obra, organitzat a partir de fitxes individuals de cadascuna de les obres. L'autor considera que dues-centes cinquanta obres conservades, comptant dibuixos i pintures, són autògrafes, quaranta-una de les quals són inèdites. El catàleg també te recull i classifica les obres descartades i les perdudes. Les principals aportacions de la tesi, a banda de l'actualització del coneixement de la seva biografia i de l'elaboració per primera vegada d'un catàleg crític complet de la seva obra, són la localització del testament del pintor, la revisió de la relació de Viladomat amb els artistes de la cort de l'Arxiduc Carles d'Àustria, la proposta d'una nova cronologia per als treballs dels anys vint del segle XVIII, una interpretació nova dels plets contra el col·legi de pintors de Barcelona, la revisió de la seva intervenció a la Capella dels Dolors de Santa Maria de Mataró, bona part de la qual l'autor d'aquesta Tesi atribueix al pintor Joan Gallart; la definició dels usos que el pintor fa amb l'estampa de traducció, la relació amb la pintura siscentista dels Juncosa o la importància de l'aprenentatge en un context tradicional, etcètera.
Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu's notion of regionalist discourse as the performative legitimation of specific frontiers, this article examines how the English traveller Samuel Jackson Pratt mediated a picture of the Welsh to late eighteenth-century readers in his Gleanings Through Wales, Holland and Westphalia (1795). This process of mediation was further complicated by the translation of this work into German as the Aehrenlese auf einer Reise durch Wallis, which appeared with the Leipzig publisher Lincke in 1798. While this work made an important contribution to German Celtophilia in the Romantic period, the German translator was careful to omit its more Sternean passages, in favour of factual narrative. Pratt's account of his travel through Wales, mediated in turn to a German audience through its Leipzig translator, therefore embodies several layers of cultural transfer that generate a complex and multifaceted image of Wales at the close of the eighteenth century.
The morphological characteristics of Synbranchus marmoratus female germ cells in various development stages were described in details; then measurements of ovarian follicle diameters were taken from primary and secondary growth as during these development stages the oocyte size varied considerably along the fish growth. The results were correlated to total fish length, using the individuals division in six size classes. It was possible to group oocytes by stages according to histological characteristics but not according to morphometric diameter, as there was a wide variation in diameter in each stage and overlap between different maturation stages. These data make available new information on the reproductive biology of Synbranchidae. (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A Wigner function associated with the Rogers-Szego polynomials is proposed and its properties are discussed. It is shown that from such a Wigner function it is possible to obtain well-behaved probability distribution functions for both angle and action variables, defined on the compact support -pi less than or equal to theta < pi, and for m greater than or equal to 0, respectively. The width of the angle probability density is governed by the free parameter q characterizing the polynomials.
By means of a well-established algebraic framework, Rogers-Szego functions associated with a circular geometry in the complex plane are introduced in the context of q-special functions, and their properties are discussed in detail. The eigenfunctions related to the coherent and phase states emerge from this formalism as infinite expansions of Rogers-Szego functions, the coefficients being determined through proper eigenvalue equations in each situation. Furthermore, a complementary study on the Robertson-Schrodinger and symmetrical uncertainty relations for the cosine, sine and nondeformed number operators is also conducted, corroborating, in this way, certain features of q-deformed coherent states.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Estudaram-se a morfologia externa, a sintopia e os dados métricos dos ovários, tubas uterinas e útero em 14 fêmeas adultas de cateto (12 adultas, uma prenhe e uma jovem) e em sete fêmeas de queixada (três jovens e quatro adultas), e o material, após fixação em solução aquosa de formol a 10%, foi dissecado. O material foi obtido na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) - Campus Palotina e na Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus de Ilha Solteira. Os ovários apresentaram-se ovalados e de superfície irregular, quando havia corpo lúteo ou folículo. As tubas uterinas mostraram-se longas, finas e enoveladas e terminando numa extremidade ovárica com fímbrias; a comunicação com o útero ocorreu de maneira contínua. Uma bolsa ovárica parcial, com um largo orifício, contém o ovário. O útero, bicórneo, apresentou um corpo curto e uma cérvix longa, com projeções anulares para o canal cervical, conferindo-lhe luz espiralada. Os cornos uterinos mostraram-se curtos, voltados ventralmente e em forma de hélice.
Estudou-se a vascularização arterial em nove fêmeas adultas de cateto, incluindo uma jovem e uma gestante, e em seis fêmeas de queixada (três jovens e três adultas). Para este estudo as artérias foram injetadas com solução de látex Neoprene 650 corado e após fixação de formol foram dissecadas. O material foi obtido na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) - Campus Palotina e na Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus de Ilha Solteira. As artérias responsáveis pela irrigação sangüínea dos ovários, tubas uterinas e útero são as artérias útero-ováricas, que emitem as artérias uterinas e ováricas, e as artérias vaginais, estando presentes em todas as amostras, porém variando suas origens. As artérias ováricas emitiram ramos para os ovários, tubas uterinas (ramos tubáricos) e extremidades craniais dos cornos uterinos (ramos tubo-uterinos) e as artérias uterinas enviaram ramos para os cornos uterinos, corpos uterinos e porções craniais da cérvix uterina. As artérias vaginais enviaram ramos para a cérvix e a vagina.
The myotomal muscle of Synbranchus marmoratus was investigated using histochemical and immunohistochemical reactions. This musculature is composed of a superficial red compartment, uniformly distributed around the trunk circumferentially and also in the lateral line. The red compartment fibers are small in diameter and have an oxidative metabolism, a high rate of glycogen and a negative reaction to alkaline and acid myofibrillar ATPase (mATPase). The white muscle forms the bulk of the muscle mass. Its fibers are large in diameter and have a glycolytic metabolism, a negative reaction to glycogen, a strong reaction to alkaline mATPase and a negative reaction to acid mATPase. Between these two compartments there is an intermediate layer of fibers presenting a mosaic metabolism pattern with a high rate of glycogen. These fibers stained moderately for alkaline and acid m-ATPase. Several clusters of red muscles were observed inside the white muscle. Each cluster is composed of three fiber types, with a predominance of red and intermediate fibers. Reactivity to anti-MHC BA-D5 was positive only in the intermediate fibers. Reactivity to anti-MHC SC-71 was negative in all fiber types.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)