209 resultados para Radon exhalation


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Health assessment and medical surveillance of workers exposed to combustion nanoparticles are challenging. The aim was to evaluate the feasibility of using exhaled breath condensate (EBC) from healthy volunteers for (1) assessing the lung deposited dose of combustion nanoparticles and (2) determining the resulting oxidative stress by measuring hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA). Methods: Fifteen healthy nonsmoker volunteers were exposed to three different levels of sidestream cigarette smoke under controlled conditions. EBC was repeatedly collected before, during, and 1 and 2 hr after exposure. Exposure variables were measured by direct reading instruments and by active sampling. The different EBC samples were analyzed for particle number concentration (light-scattering-based method) and for selected compounds considered oxidative stress markers. Results: Subjects were exposed to an average airborne concentration up to 4.3×10(5) particles/cm(3) (average geometric size ∼60-80 nm). Up to 10×10(8) particles/mL could be measured in the collected EBC with a broad size distribution (50(th) percentile ∼160 nm), but these biological concentrations were not related to the exposure level of cigarette smoke particles. Although H2O2 and MDA concentrations in EBC increased during exposure, only H2O2 showed a transient normalization 1 hr after exposure and increased afterward. In contrast, MDA levels stayed elevated during the 2 hr post exposure. Conclusions: The use of diffusion light scattering for particle counting proved to be sufficiently sensitive to detect objects in EBC, but lacked the specificity for carbonaceous tobacco smoke particles. Our results suggest two phases of oxidation markers in EBC: first, the initial deposition of particles and gases in the lung lining liquid, and later the start of oxidative stress with associated cell membrane damage. Future studies should extend the follow-up time and should remove gases or particles from the air to allow differentiation between the different sources of H2O2 and MDA.


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BACKGROUND: In animal farming, respiratory disease has been associated with indoor air contaminants and an excess in FEV1 decline. Our aim was to determine the characteristics and risk factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in never-smoking European farmers working inside animal confinement buildings. METHODS: A sample of participants in the European Farmers' Study was selected for a cross-sectional study assessing lung function and air contaminants. Dose-response relationships were assessed using logistic regression models. RESULTS: COPD was found in 18 of 105 farmers (45.1 SD 11.7 years) (17.1%); 8 cases (7.6%) with moderate and 3 cases (2.9%) with severe disease. Dust and endotoxin showed a dose-response relationship with COPD, with the highest prevalence of COPD in subjects with high dust (low=7.9%/high=31.6%) and endotoxin exposure (low=10.5%/high=20.0%). This association was statistically significant for dust in the multivariate analysis (OR 6.60, 95% CI 1.10-39.54). CONCLUSION: COPD in never-smoking animal farmers working inside confinement buildings is related to indoor dust exposure and may become severe. [Authors]


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Linear spaces consisting of σ-finite probability measures and infinite measures (improper priors and likelihood functions) are defined. The commutative group operation, called perturbation, is the updating given by Bayes theorem; the inverse operation is the Radon-Nikodym derivative. Bayes spaces of measures are sets of classes of proportional measures. In this framework, basic notions of mathematical statistics get a simple algebraic interpretation. For example, exponential families appear as affine subspaces with their sufficient statistics as a basis. Bayesian statistics, in particular some well-known properties of conjugated priors and likelihood functions, are revisited and slightly extended


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The lipid raft proteins reggie-1 and -2 (flotillins) are implicated in membrane protein trafficking but exactly how has been elusive. We find that reggie-1 and -2 associate with the Rab11a, SNX4, and EHD1-decorated tubulovesicular recycling compartment in HeLa cells and that reggie-1 directly interacts with Rab11a and SNX4. Short hairpin RNA-mediated down-regulation of reggie-1 (and -2) in HeLa cells reduces association of Rab11a with tubular structures and impairs recycling of the transferrin-transferrin receptor (TfR) complex to the plasma membrane. Overexpression of constitutively active Rab11a rescues TfR recycling in reggie-deficient HeLa cells. Similarly, in a Ca(2+) switch assay in reggie-depleted A431 cells, internalized E-cadherin is not efficiently recycled to the plasma membrane upon Ca(2+) repletion. E-cadherin recycling is rescued, however, by overexpression of constitutively active Rab11a or SNX4 in reggie-deficient A431 cells. This suggests that the function of reggie-1 in sorting and recycling occurs in association with Rab11a and SNX4. Of interest, impaired recycling in reggie-deficient cells leads to de novo E-cadherin biosynthesis and cell contact reformation, showing that cells have ways to compensate the loss of reggies. Together our results identify reggie-1 as a regulator of the Rab11a/SNX4-controlled sorting and recycling pathway, which is, like reggies, evolutionarily conserved.


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BACKGROUND: Current bilevel positive-pressure ventilators for home noninvasive ventilation (NIV) provide physicians with software that records items important for patient monitoring, such as compliance, tidal volume (Vt), and leaks. However, to our knowledge, the validity of this information has not yet been independently assessed. METHODS: Testing was done for seven home ventilators on a bench model adapted to simulate NIV and generate unintentional leaks (ie, other than of the mask exhalation valve). Five levels of leaks were simulated using a computer-driven solenoid valve (0-60 L/min) at different levels of inspiratory pressure (15 and 25 cm H(2)O) and at a fixed expiratory pressure (5 cm H(2)O), for a total of 10 conditions. Bench data were compared with results retrieved from ventilator software for leaks and Vt. RESULTS: For assessing leaks, three of the devices tested were highly reliable, with a small bias (0.3-0.9 L/min), narrow limits of agreement (LA), and high correlations (R(2), 0.993-0.997) when comparing ventilator software and bench results; conversely, for four ventilators, bias ranged from -6.0 L/min to -25.9 L/min, exceeding -10 L/min for two devices, with wide LA and lower correlations (R(2), 0.70-0.98). Bias for leaks increased markedly with the importance of leaks in three devices. Vt was underestimated by all devices, and bias (range, 66-236 mL) increased with higher insufflation pressures. Only two devices had a bias < 100 mL, with all testing conditions considered. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians monitoring patients who use home ventilation must be aware of differences in the estimation of leaks and Vt by ventilator software. Also, leaks are reported in different ways according to the device used.


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Differential X-ray phase-contrast tomography (DPCT) refers to a class of promising methods for reconstructing the X-ray refractive index distribution of materials that present weak X-ray absorption contrast. The tomographic projection data in DPCT, from which an estimate of the refractive index distribution is reconstructed, correspond to one-dimensional (1D) derivatives of the two-dimensional (2D) Radon transform of the refractive index distribution. There is an important need for the development of iterative image reconstruction methods for DPCT that can yield useful images from few-view projection data, thereby mitigating the long data-acquisition times and large radiation doses associated with use of analytic reconstruction methods. In this work, we analyze the numerical and statistical properties of two classes of discrete imaging models that form the basis for iterative image reconstruction in DPCT. We also investigate the use of one of the models with a modern image reconstruction algorithm for performing few-view image reconstruction of a tissue specimen.


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The amphibian micronucleus test has been widely used during the last 30 years to test the genotoxic properties of several chemicals and as a tool for ecogenotoxic monitoring. The vast majority of these studies were performed on peripheral blood of urodelan larvae and anuran tadpoles and to a lesser extent adults were also used. In this study, we developed protocols for measuring micronuclei in adult shed skin cells and larval gill cells of the Italian crested newt (Triturus carnifex). Amphibians were collected from ponds in two protected areas in Italy that differed in their radon content. Twenty-three adult newts and 31 larvae were captured from the radon-rich pond, while 20 adults and 27 larvae were taken from the radon-free site. The animals were brought to the laboratory and the micronucleus test was performed on peripheral blood and shed skins taken from the adults and on larval gills. Samples from the radon-rich site showed micronucleus frequencies higher than those from the radon-free site and the difference was statistically significant in gill cells (P < 0.00001). Moreover, the larval gills seem to be more sensitive than the adult tissues. This method represents an easy (and noninvasive in the case of the shed skin) application of the micronucleus assay that can be useful for environmental studies in situ. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 56:412-417, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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OBJECTIVES: In a clinical population, we estimated the frequency of mood disorders among 271 patients suffering from Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN) in comparison to a control group matched for age and gender. METHOD: The frequency of mood disorders was measured using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), DSM-IV version. RESULTS: Mood disorders were more frequent among eating disorder (ED) patients than among controls, with a global prevalence of the order of 80% for each ED group. The majority of the mood disorders comorbid with ED were depressive disorders (MDD and dysthymia). The relative chronology of onset of these disorders was equivocal, because mood disorders in some cases preceded and in others followed the onset of the eating disorders. LIMITATIONS: Our sample was characterized by patients with severe ED and high comorbidities, and thus do not represent the entire population of AN or BN. This also may have resulted in an overestimation of prevalence. CONCLUSION: Mood disorders appear significantly more frequently in patients seeking care for ED than in controls. These results have implications for the assessment and treatment of ED patients, and for the aetio-pathogenesis of these disorders.


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In this thesis the X-ray tomography is discussed from the Bayesian statistical viewpoint. The unknown parameters are assumed random variables and as opposite to traditional methods the solution is obtained as a large sample of the distribution of all possible solutions. As an introduction to tomography an inversion formula for Radon transform is presented on a plane. The vastly used filtered backprojection algorithm is derived. The traditional regularization methods are presented sufficiently to ground the Bayesian approach. The measurements are foton counts at the detector pixels. Thus the assumption of a Poisson distributed measurement error is justified. Often the error is assumed Gaussian, altough the electronic noise caused by the measurement device can change the error structure. The assumption of Gaussian measurement error is discussed. In the thesis the use of different prior distributions in X-ray tomography is discussed. Especially in severely ill-posed problems the use of a suitable prior is the main part of the whole solution process. In the empirical part the presented prior distributions are tested using simulated measurements. The effect of different prior distributions produce are shown in the empirical part of the thesis. The use of prior is shown obligatory in case of severely ill-posed problem.


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The present study on some infinite convex invariants. The origin of convexity can be traced back to the period of Archimedes and Euclid. At the turn of the nineteenth centaury , convexicity became an independent branch of mathematics with its own problems, methods and theories. The convexity can be sorted out into two kinds, the first type deals with generalization of particular problems such as separation of convex sets[EL], extremality[FA], [DAV] or continuous selection Michael[M1] and the second type involved with a multi- purpose system of axioms. The theory of convex invariants has grown out of the classical results of Helly, Radon and Caratheodory in Euclidean spaces. Levi gave the first general definition of the invariants Helly number and Radon number. The notation of a convex structure was introduced by Jamison[JA4] and that of generating degree was introduced by Van de Vel[VAD8]. We also prove that for a non-coarse convex structure, rank is less than or equal to the generating degree, and also generalize Tverberg’s theorem using infinite partition numbers. Compare the transfinite topological and transfinite convex dimensions


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The doctoral thesis focuses on the Studies on fuzzy Matroids and related topics.Since the publication of the classical paper on fuzzy sets by L. A. Zadeh in 1965.the theory of fuzzy mathematics has gained more and more recognition from many researchers in a wide range of scientific fields. Among various branches of pure and applied mathematics, convexity was one of the areas where the notion of fuzzy set was applied. Many researchers have been involved in extending the notion of abstract convexity to the broader framework of fuzzy setting. As a result, a number of concepts have been formulated and explored. However. many concepts are yet to be fuzzified. The main objective of this thesis was to extend some basic concepts and results in convexity theory to the fuzzy setting. The concept like matroids, independent structures. classical convex invariants like Helly number, Caratheodoty number, Radon number and Exchange number form an important area of study in crisp convexity theory. In this thesis, we try to generalize some of these concepts to the fuzzy setting. Finally, we have defined different types of fuzzy matroids derived from vector spaces and discussed some of their properties.


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The algebraic-geometric structure of the simplex, known as Aitchison geometry, is used to look at the Dirichlet family of distributions from a new perspective. A classical Dirichlet density function is expressed with respect to the Lebesgue measure on real space. We propose here to change this measure by the Aitchison measure on the simplex, and study some properties and characteristic measures of the resulting density


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Este estudio identifico la prevalencia de síntomas respiratorios en avicultores de una empresa de Bogotá, mediante la aplicación del: “CUESTIONARIO EPIDEMIOLOGICO ESTANDARIZADO DE SINTOMAS RESPIRATORIOS. ATS-DLD-78-A (FERRIS 1978)”. Participaron 113 trabajadores del sector avícola comúnmente conocidos como galponeros, quienes son responsables de alimentar y cuidar a las aves (pollos), además de veterinarios. La prevalencia general de síntomas respiratorios fue del 45,1% (n=50), siendo el síntoma de sibilancias, la manifestación más prevalente representando el 34,4% (n=39). Se encontró asociación significativa entre la manifestación clínica de sibilancias y género, siendo mayor la prevalencia en los hombres que en las mujeres (22,8% vs. 5,4%, p=0,008). En el síntoma respiratorio de tos se encontró asociado al género (p=0,012), siendo el género masculino el más afectado (29,8% vs. 10,7%). El tiempo de exposición > 8 años está asociado al síntoma respiratorio de sibilancias (p=0,032). No se encontraron relaciones significativas entre hábito de tabaquismo, edad, raza y nivel de escolaridad. Siendo la prevalencia general de síntomas respiratorios alta es necesario fortalecer el uso de elementos de protección personal adecuados para la protección del tracto respiratorio y de gran importancia incluir a los trabajadores en programas de vigilancia epidemiológica para el control de los síntomas respiratorios de tal forma que se les realice un seguimiento anual que incluya exámenes ocupacionales de ingreso y periódicos al igual que exámenes complementarios dirigidos al factor de riesgo.


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The spatial distribution of CO2 level in a classroom carried out in previous field work research has demonstrated that there is some evidence of variations in CO2 concentration in a classroom space. Significant fluctuations in CO2 concentration were found at different sampling points depending on the ventilation strategies and environmental conditions prevailing in individual classrooms. However, how these variations are affected by the emitting sources and the room air movement remains unknown. Hence, it was concluded that detailed investigation of the CO2 distribution need to be performed on a smaller scale. As a result, it was decided to use an environmental chamber with various methods and rates of ventilation, for the same internal temperature and heat loads, to study the effect of ventilation strategy and air movement on the distribution of CO2 concentration in a room. The role of human exhalation and its interaction with the plume induced by the body's convective flow and room air movement due to different ventilation strategies were studied in a chamber at the University of Reading. These phenomena are considered to be important in understanding and predicting the flow patterns in a space and how these impact on the distribution of contaminants. This paper attempts to study the CO2 dispersion and distribution at the exhalation zone of two people sitting in a chamber as well as throughout the occupied zone of the chamber. The horizontal and vertical distributions of CO2 were sampled at locations with a probability that CO2 variation is considered high. Although the room size, source location, ventilation rate and location of air supply and extract devices all can have influence on the CO2 distribution, this article gives general guidelines on the optimum positioning of CO2 sensor in a room.