971 resultados para RF-sputtering


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En els últims anys printed electronics està aixecant un gran interès entre la indústria electrònica. Aquest tipus de procés consisteix en imprimir circuits amb tècniques d'impressió convencionals utilitzant tintes conductores, resistives, dielèctriques o semiconductores sobre substrats flexibles de baix cost com paper o plàstic. Fer servir aquestes tècniques s'espera que suposi una reducció dels costos de producció degut a que és un procés totalment additiu el que fa que sigui més senzill i es redueixi la quantitat de material emprat. El disseny de dispositius bàsics com resistències, condensadors i bobines per posteriorment veure la relació entre simulacions i valors obtinguts ha ocupat la primera part del projecte. La segona s’ha centrat en fer prototips d’antenes per a RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) amb la tecnologia que es disposa a CEPHIS (Centre de Prototips i Solucions Hardwre-Software). Tot això ha servit per caracteritzar la tecnologia de la que es disposa i saber en quins apartats s’ha de seguir treballant per aconseguir millors prestacions.


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High-field (>or=3 T) cardiac MRI is challenged by inhomogeneities of both the static magnetic field (B(0)) and the transmit radiofrequency field (B(1)+). The inhomogeneous B fields not only demand improved shimming methods but also impede the correct determination of the zero-order terms, i.e., the local resonance frequency f(0) and the radiofrequency power to generate the intended local B(1)+ field. In this work, dual echo time B(0)-map and dual flip angle B(1)+-map acquisition methods are combined to acquire multislice B(0)- and B(1)+-maps simultaneously covering the entire heart in a single breath hold of 18 heartbeats. A previously proposed excitation pulse shape dependent slice profile correction is tested and applied to reduce systematic errors of the multislice B(1)+-map. Localized higher-order shim correction values including the zero-order terms for frequency f(0) and radiofrequency power can be determined based on the acquired B(0)- and B(1)+-maps. This method has been tested in 7 healthy adult human subjects at 3 T and improved the B(0) field homogeneity (standard deviation) from 60 Hz to 35 Hz and the average B(1)+ field from 77% to 100% of the desired B(1)+ field when compared to more commonly used preparation methods.


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This poster shows how to efficiently observe high-frequency figures of merit in RF circuits by measuring DC temperature with CMOS-compatible built-in sensors.


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PURPOSE: Multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging require a radiofrequency probe capable of transmitting and receiving at the proton and non-proton frequencies. To minimize coupling between probe elements tuned to different frequencies, LC (inductor-capacitor) traps blocking current at the (1) H frequency can be inserted in non-proton elements. This work compares LC traps with LCC traps, a modified design incorporating an additional capacitor, enabling control of the trap reactance at the low frequency while maintaining (1) H blocking. METHODS: Losses introduced by both types of trap were analysed using circuit models. Radiofrequency coils incorporating a series of LC and LCC traps were then built and evaluated at the bench. LCC trap performance was then confirmed using (1) H and (13) C measurements in a 7T human scanner. RESULTS: LC and LCC traps both effectively block interaction between non-proton and proton coils at the proton frequency. LCC traps were found to introduce a sensitivity reduction of 5±2%, which was less than half of that caused by LC traps. CONCLUSION: Sensitivity of non-proton coils is critical. The improved trap design, incorporating one extra capacitor, significantly reduces losses introduced by the trap in the non-proton coil. Magn Reson Med 72:584-590, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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It is shown that spatially selective inversion and saturation can be achieved by concatenation of RF pulses with lower flip angles. A concatenation rule which enables global doubling of the flip angle of any given excitation pulse applied to initial z magnetization is proposed. In this fashion, the selectivity of the single pulse is preserved, making the high selectivity achievable in the low flip-angle regime available for inversion and large flip-angle saturation purposes. The profile quality achievable with exemplary concatenated pulses is investigated in comparison with adiabatic inversion. It is verified that by using concatenated inversion in the transfer insensitive labeling technique (TILT), the MT artifact is suppressed. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.


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A frequency-dependent compact model for inductors in high ohmic substrates, which is based on an energy point-of-view, is developed. This approach enables the description of the most important coupling phenomena that take place inside the device. Magnetically induced losses are quite accurately calculated and coupling between electric and magnetic fields is given by means of a delay constant. The later coupling phenomenon provides a modified procedure for the computation of the fringing capacitance value, when the self-resonance frequency of the inductor is used as a fitting parameter. The model takes into account the width of every metal strip and the pitch between strips. This enables the description of optimized layout inductors. Data from experiments and electromagnetic simulators are presented to test the accuracy of the model.


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A systematic method to improve the quality (Q) factor of RF integrated inductors is presented in this paper. The proposed method is based on the layout optimization to minimize the series resistance of the inductor coil, taking into account both ohmic losses, due to conduction currents, and magnetically induced losses, due to eddy currents. The technique is particularly useful when applied to inductors in which the fabrication process includes integration substrate removal. However, it is also applicable to inductors on low-loss substrates. The method optimizes the width of the metal strip for each turn of the inductor coil, leading to a variable strip-width layout. The optimization procedure has been successfully applied to the design of square spiral inductors in a silicon-based multichip-module technology, complemented with silicon micromachining postprocessing. The obtained experimental results corroborate the validity of the proposed method. A Q factor of about 17 have been obtained for a 35-nH inductor at 1.5 GHz, with Q values higher than 40 predicted for a 20-nH inductor working at 3.5 GHz. The latter is up to a 60% better than the best results for a single strip-width inductor working at the same frequency.


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MoS(x) lubricating thin films were deposited by nonreactive, reactive, and low energy ion-assisted radio-frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering from a MoS2 target. Depending on the total and reactive gas pressures, the film composition ranges between MoS0.7 and MoS2.8. A low working pressure was found to have effects similar to those of low-energy ion irradiation. Films deposited at high pressure have (002) planes preferentially perpendicular to the substrate, whereas films deposited at low pressure or under low-energy ion irradiation have (002) mainly parallel to it. Parallel films are sulfur deficient (MoS1.2-1.4). Their growth is explained in terms of an increased reactivity of the basal surfaces, itself a consequence of the creation of surface defects due to ion irradiation. The films exhibit a lubricating character for all compositions above MoS1.2. The longest lifetime in ball-on-disk wear test was found for MoS1.5.


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Thin films of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a‐Si:H), deposited by square wave modulated (SQWM) rf silane discharges, have been studied through spectroscopic and real time phase modulated ellipsometry. The SQMW films obtained at low mean rf power density (19 mW/cm2) have shown smaller surface roughness than those obtained in standard continuous wave (cw) rf discharges. At higher rf powers (≥56 mW/cm2), different behaviors depending on the modulating frequency have been observed. On the one hand, at low modulating frequencies (<40 Hz), the SQWM films have shown a significant increase of porosity and surface roughness as compared to cw samples. On the other, at higher modulating frequencies, the material density and roughness have been found to be similar in SQWM and cw films. Furthermore, the deposition rate of the films show more pronounced increases with the modulating frequency as the rf power is increased. Experimental results are discussed in terms of plasma negative charged species which can be relatively abundant in high rf power discharges and cause significant effects on the deposited layers through polymers, clusters, and powder formation.


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We present a study about the influence of substrate temperature on deposition rate of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films prepared by rf glow discharge decomposition of pure silane gas in a capacitively coupled plasma reactor. Two different behaviors are observed depending on deposition pressure conditions. At high pressure (30 Pa) the influence of substrate temperature on deposition rate is mainly through a modification of gas density, in such a way that the substrate temperature of deposition rate is similar to pressure dependence at constant temperature. On the contrary, at low pressure (3 Pa), a gas density effect cannot account for the observed increase of deposition rate as substrate temperature rises above 450 K with an activation energy of 1.1 kcal/mole. In accordance with laser‐induced fluorescence measurements reported in the literature, this rise has been ascribed to an increase of secondary electron emission from the growing film surface as a result of molecular hydrogen desorption.


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To determine self‐consistently the time evolution of particle size and their number density in situ multi‐angle polarization‐sensitive laser light scattering was used. Cross‐polarization intensities (incident and scattered light intensities with opposite polarization) measured at 135° and ex situ transmission electronic microscopy analysis demonstrate the existence of nonspherical agglomerates during the early phase of agglomeration. Later in the particle time development both techniques reveal spherical particles again. The presence of strong cross‐polarization intensities is accompanied by low‐frequency instabilities detected on the scattered light intensities and plasma emission. It is found that the particle radius and particle number density during the agglomeration phase can be well described by the Brownian free molecule coagulation model. Application of this neutral particle coagulation model is justified by calculation of the particle charge whereby it is shown that particles of a few tens of nanometer can be considered as neutral under our experimental conditions. The measured particle dispersion can be well described by a Brownian free molecule coagulation model including a log‐normal particle size distribution.


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Indium tin oxide (ITO) is one of the widely used transparent conductive oxides (TCO) for application as transparent electrode in thin film silicon solar cells or thin film transistors owing to its low resistivity and high transparency. Nevertheless, indium is a scarce and expensive element and ITO films require high deposition temperature to achieve good electrical and optical properties. On the other hand, although not competing as ITO, doped Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is a promising and cheaper alternative. Therefore, our strategy has been to deposit ITO and ZnO multicomponent thin films at room temperature by radiofrequency (RF) magnetron co-sputtering in order to achieve TCOs with reduced indium content. Thin films of the quaternary system Zn-In-Sn-O (ZITO) with improved electrical and optical properties have been achieved. The samples were deposited by applying different RF powers to ZnO target while keeping a constant RF power to ITO target. This led to ZITO films with zinc content ratio varying between 0 and 67%. The optical, electrical and morphological properties have been thoroughly studied. The film composition was analysed by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. The films with 17% zinc content ratio showed the lowest resistivity (6.6 × 10 - 4 Ω cm) and the highest transmittance (above 80% in the visible range). Though X-ray Diffraction studies showed amorphous nature for the films, using High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy we found that the microstructure of the films consisted of nanometric crystals embedded in a compact amorphous matrix. The effect of post deposition annealing on the films in both reducing and oxidizing atmospheres were studied. The changes were found to strongly depend on the zinc content ratio in the films.


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Thin films of nanostructured silicon (ns-Si:H) were deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition in the presence of silicon nanoparticles at 100 C substrate temperature using silane and hydrogen gas mixture under continuous wave (cw) plasma conditions. The nanostructure of the films has been demonstrated by diverse ways: transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction, which have shown the presence of ordered silicon clusters (1!=2 nm) embedded in an amorphous silicon matrix. Due to the presence of these ordered domains, the films crystallize faster than standard hydrogenated amorphous silicon samples, as evidenced by electrical measurements during the thermal annealing.


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Single layers of MgF2 and LaF3 were deposited upon superpolished fused-silica and CaF2 substrates by ion-beam sputtering (IBS) as well as by boat and electron beam (e-beam) evaporation and were characterized by a variety of complementary analytical techniques. Besides undergoing photometric and ellipsometric inspection, the samples were investigated at 193 and 633 nm by an optical scatter measurement facility. The structural properties were assessed with atomic-force microscopy, x-ray diffraction, TEM techniques that involved conventional thinning methods for the layers. For measurement of mechanical stress in the coatings, special silicon substrates were coated and analyzed. The dispersion behavior of both deposition materials, which was determined on the basis of various independent photometric measurements and data reduction techniques, is in good agreement with that published in the literature and with the bulk properties of the materials. The refractive indices of the MgF2 coatings ranged from 1.415 to 1.440 for the wavelength of the ArF excimer laser (193 nm) and from 1.435 to 1.465 for the wavelength of the F2 excimer laser (157 nm). For single layers of LaF3 the refractive indices extended from 1.67 to 1.70 at 193 nm to ~1.80 at 157 nm. The IBS process achieves the best homogeneity and the lowest surface roughness values (close to 1 nmrms) of the processes compared in the joint experiment. In contrast to MgF2 boat and e-beam evaporated coatings, which exhibit tensile mechanical stress ranging from 300 to 400 MPa, IBS coatings exhibit high compressive stress of as much as 910 MPa. A similar tendency was found for coating stress in LaF3 single layers. Experimental results are discussed with respect to the microstructural and compositional properties as well as to the surface topography of the coatings.