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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o BI-RADS® como fator preditivo de suspeição de malignidade em lesões mamárias não palpáveis nas categorias 3, 4 e 5, correlacionando as mamografias com os resultados histopatológicos através do cálculo do valor preditivo positivo do exame mamográfico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Trezentas e setenta e uma pacientes encaminhadas a um serviço de referência em tratamento de câncer em Teresina, PI, para realização de exames histopatológicos em mama no período de julho de 2005 a março de 2008, por terem mamografia de categorias 3, 4 ou 5, tiveram seus exames revisados. Das 371 pacientes, 265 foram submetidas a biópsia por agulha grossa e 106, a marcação pré-cirúrgica. RESULTADOS: Em relação às mamografias, 11,32% foram classificadas como categoria 3, 76,28% como categoria 4 e 12,4% como categoria 5. Os resultados histológicos demonstraram 24% de exames positivos para malignidade. Os valores preditivos positivos das categorias 3, 4 e 5 foram, respectivamente, de 7,14%, 16,96% e 82,61%. Foram calculados os valores preditivos positivos, separadamente, para as biópsias percutâneas (7,14%, 15,76%, 76,47%) e para as marcações pré-cirúrgicas (7,14%, 20%, 100%). CONCLUSÃO: Achados malignos foram subestimados pelo laudo radiológico e houve superestimação de achados benignos, o que resultou na realização desnecessária de alguns procedimentos invasivos.


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Objective To evaluate the BI-RADS as a predictive factor of suspicion for malignancy in breast lesions by correlating radiological with histological results and calculating the positive predictive value for categories 3, 4 and 5 in a breast cancer reference center in the city of São Paulo. Materials and Methods Retrospective, analytical and cross-sectional study including 725 patients with mammographic and/or sonographic findings classified as BI-RADS categories 3, 4 and 5 who were referred to the authors' institution to undergo percutaneous biopsy. The tests results were reviewed and the positive predictive value was calculated by means of a specific mathematical equation. Results Positive predictive values found for categories 3, 4 and 5 were respectively the following: 0.74%, 33.08% and 92.95%, for cases submitted to ultrasound-guided biopsy, and 0.00%, 14.90% and 100% for cases submitted to stereotactic biopsy. Conclusion The present study demonstrated high suspicion for malignancy in lesions classified as category 5 and low risk for category 3. As regards category 4, the need for systematic biopsies was observed.


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Sales configurators are essential tools for companies that offer complicated case specifically crafted products for customers. Most sophisticated of them are able to design an entire end product on the fly according to given constraints, calculate price for the offer and move the order into production. This thesis covers a sales configurator acquisition project in a large industrial company that offers cranes for its customers. The study spans the preliminary stages of a large-scale software purchase project starting from the specification of problem domain and ending up presenting the most viable software solution that fulfils the requirements for the new system. The project consists of mapping usage environment, use cases, and collecting requirements that are expected from the new system. The collected requirements involve fitting the new sales system into enterprise application infrastructure, mitigating the risks involved in the project and specifying new features to the application whilst preserving all of the admired features of the old sales system currently used in the company. The collected requirements were presented to a number of different sales software vendors who were asked to provide solution suggestions that would fulfil all the demands. All of the received solution proposals were exposed to an evaluation to determine the most feasible solutions, and the construction of evaluation criteria itself was a part of the study. The final outcome of this study is a short-list of the most feasible sales configurator solutions together with a description of how software purchase process in large enterprises work, and which aspects should be paid attention in large projects of similar kind.


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The purpose of this work was to study the characteristics of the most commonly used filter aid materials and their influences on the design of proportioning, mixing, and feeding system for polishing filter family. Based on the literature survey and hands-on experience a system was designed with defined equipment and capital and operating costs. The system was designed to serve precoating and bodyfeeding applications and is easily extended to be used in multiple filter processes. Also a test procedure was carried out where influences of flux and filter cloths to accumulated cake were studied. Filter aid is needed in challenging conditions to improve filtration efficiency and cleaning, and thus extend the operating life of the filter media. Filter aid preparation and feeding system was designed for the use of two different filter aids; precoat and bodyfeed. Precoating is used before the filtration step initiates. If the solids in the filterable solution have a tendency to clog the filter bag easily, precoat is used on the filter bag to obtain better filtration efficiency and quality. Diatomite or perlite is usually used as a precoating substance. The intention is to create a uniform cake to the overall surface of the filter cloth, with predetermined thickness, 2 – 5 mm. This ensures that the clogging of the filter cloth is reduced and the filtration efficiency is increased. Bodyfeed is used if the solids in the filterable solution have a tendency to form a sticky impermeable filter cake. The cake properties are enhanced by maintaining the permeability of the accumulating cake by using the filter aid substance as bodyfeed during the filtration process.


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The present paper reports a bacteria autonomous controlled concentrator prototype with a user-friendly interface for bench-top applications. It is based on a micro-fluidic lab-on-a-chip and its associated custom instrumentation, which consists in a dielectrophoretic actuator, to pre-concentrate the sample, and an impedance analyser, to measure concentrated bacteria levels. The system is composed by a single micro-fluidic chamber with interdigitated electrodes and a instrumentation with custom electronics. The prototype is supported by a real-time platform connected to a remote computer, which automatically controls the system and displays impedance data used to monitor the status of bacteria accumulation on-chip. The system automates the whole concentrating operation. Performance has been studied for controlled volumes of Escherichia coli (E. coli) samples injected into the micro-fluidic chip at constant flow rate of 10 μL/min. A media conductivity correcting protocol has been developed, as the preliminary results showed distortion of the impedance analyser measurement produced by bacterial media conductivity variations through time. With the correcting protocol, the measured impedance values were related to the quantity of bacteria concentrated with a correlation of 0.988 and a coefficient of variation of 3.1%. Feasibility of E. coli on-chip automated concentration, using the miniaturized system, has been demonstrated. Furthermore, the impedance monitoring protocol had been adjusted and optimized, to handle changes in the electrical properties of the bacteria media over time.


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The objective of this thesis is to research Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system and Master Scheduling (MS) in a manufacturing firm. The study is conducted at Ensto Finland Corporation, which operates on a field of electrical systems and supplies. The paper consists of theoretical and empirical parts. The empirical part is based on weekly operating at Ensto and includes inter-firm material analysis, learning and meetings. Master Scheduling is an important module of an MPC system, since it is beneficial on transforming strategic production plans based on demand forecasting into operational schedules. Furthermore, capacity planning tools can remarkably contribute to production planning: by Rough-Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) tool, a MS plan can be critically analyzed in terms of available key resources in real manufacturing environment. Currently, there are remarkable inefficiencies when it comes to Ensto’s practices: the system is not able to take into consideration seasonal demand and react on market changes on time; This can cause significant lost sales. However, these inefficiencies could be eliminated through the appropriate utilization of MS and RCCP tools. To utilize MS and RCCP tools in Ensto’s production environment, further testing in real production environment is required. Moreover, data accuracy, appropriate commitment to adapting and learning the new tools, and continuous developing of functions closely related to MS, such as sales forecasting, need to be ensured.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a acurácia da mamografia para o diagnóstico de microcalcificações mamárias suspeitas, com as classificações do Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS TM) e Le Gal em comparação com o resultado histopatológico utilizado como padrão-ouro. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados dos arquivos dos blocos cirúrgicos, 130 casos operados com mamografias contendo somente microcalcificações mamárias, inicialmente classificadas como suspeitas sem lesões detectáveis ao exame clínico. Estas foram reclassificadas por dois examinadores, utilizando as classificações de Le Gal e BI-RADS TM, obtendo-se diagnóstico de consenso. As biópsias foram revistas por dois patologistas e foi obtido diagnóstico de consenso. A leitura das mamografias e a revisão das lâminas foram feitas em duplo-cego. As análises estatísticas utilizadas neste estudo foram o teste do chi2, o modelo Fleiss quadrático para VPP e o programa Epi-Info 6.0. RESULTADOS: a correlação entre a análise histopatológica e mamográfica, usando BI-RADS TM e Le Gal, mostrou a mesma sensibilidade de 96,4%, especificidade de 55,9 e 30,3%, valor preditivo positivo (VPP) de 37,5% e 27,5% e acurácia de 64,6 e 44,6%, respectivamente. Quando discriminamos por categorias de BI-RADS TM, obtivemos VPPs: categoria 2, 0%; categoria 3, 1,8%; categoria 4, 31,6% e categoria 5, 60%. Os VPPs pela classificação de Le Gal foram: categoria 2, 3,1%; categoria 3, 18,1 %; categoria 4, 26,4%; categoria 5, 66,7% e não classificável, 5,2%. CONCLUSÕES: observou-se uma maior precisão com a classificação de BI-RADS TM, porém não se conseguiu reduzir a ambigüidade na avaliação das microcalcificações mamárias.


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Larsmo-Öjasjön i Österbotten skapades genom invallningar på 1960-talet pga. industrins behov av sötvatten. Sedan dess har vattenområdet drabbats av återkommande försurning och fiskdöd, och invallningen har ofta beskyllts för problemen. Avhandlingen undersöker syrabelastningen i området; bl.a. hur markanvändning, hydrologi och klimatförändringen påverkar belastningen. Konsekvenserna undersöks med fiskyngel som bioindikator, och olika miljömetoder testas och diskuteras. Ökad kunskap om försurningen hjälper oss att tillämpa effektiva miljömetoder och få förbättrad vattenkvalitet i framtiden. Den primära orsaken till den försämrade vattenkvaliteten under de senaste 40 åren är intensiv dikning av svavelrika sediment. Detta leder till oxidering av svavlet till svavelsyra och uppkomst av sura sulfatjordar. Syran löser upp mängder med toxiska metaller som spolas ut i vattendragen. Undersökningen visar att tiotusentals ton svavelsyra tillsammans med stora mängder metaller rinner till Larsmo-Öjasjön per år från sura sulfatjordar. Åarna bidrar med mest belastning, men den sammanlagda belastningen från de otaliga dikena och bäckarna är oväntat stor. Andra potentiella källor till försurningen, t.ex. muddringar och humussyror, beräknas vara obetydliga. Syra- och metallbelastningen varierar kraftigt med hydrologin, dvs. störst belastning sker under vår- och höstflöden. En eventuell klimatförändring kan ändra på avrinningsmönstret och orsaka mera belastning vintertid. Den årligt återkommande syra- och metallbelastningen kan ofta hindra lakens förökning, vilket kan ha större långtgående konsekvenser för fiskpopulationerna än de relativt sällsynta stora surchockerna med synlig fiskdöd. För att förebygga skador på vattendragen bör man undvika att dränera svavelrika sedimenten. På redan existerande sura sulfatjordar visade sig kontroll av grundvattennivån kunna möjliggöra en effektiverad markanvändning utan märkbart ökade miljökonsekvenser.


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The floral biology of three weeds, Ipomoea cairica, I. grandifolia and I. nil (Convolvulaceae), was studied in Botucatu and Jaboticabal, São Paulo, in southeastern Brazil. The three species are melittophilous, with a varied set of floral visitors, but with some overlapping. Cluster analysis using Jacquard similarity index indicated a greater similarity among different plant species in the same locality than among the populations at different places, in relation to floral visitor sets. The promiscuous and opportunistic features of the flowers were shown, with such type of adaptation to pollination being advantageous to weeds since pollinator availability is unpredictable at ruderal environments.


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The value that the customer perceives from a supplier’s offering, impacts customer’s decision making and willingness to pay at the time of the purchase, and the overall satisfaction. Thus, for a business supplier, it is critical to understand their customers’ value perceptions. The objective of this thesis is to understand what measurement and monitoring system customers value, by examining their key purchasing criteria and perceived benefits. Theoretical part of this study consists on reviewing relevant literature on organizational buying behavior and customer perceived value. This study employs a qualitative interview research method. The empirical part of this research consisted of conducting 20 in-depth interviews with life science customers in USA and in Europe. Quality and technical features are the most important purchasing criteria, while product-related benefits seem to be the most important perceived benefits. At the marketing of the system, the emphasis should be at which regulations the system complies with, references of supplier’s prior experience, the reliability and usability of the system, and total costs. The benefits that should be emphasized are the better control of customer’s process, and the proof of customer’s product quality


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As increasing efficiency of a wind turbine gearbox, more power can be transferred from rotor blades to generator and less power is used to cause wear and heating in the gearbox. By using a simulation model, behavior of the gearbox can be studied before creating expensive prototypes. The objective of the thesis is to model a wind turbine gearbox and its lubrication system to study power losses and heat transfer inside the gearbox and to study the simulation methods of the used software. Software used to create the simulation model is Siemens LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim, which can be used to create one-dimensional mechatronic system simulation models from different fields of engineering. When combining components from different libraries it is possible to create a simulation model, which includes mechanical, thermal and hydraulic models of the gearbox. Results for mechanical, thermal, and hydraulic simulations are presented in the thesis. Due to the large scale of the wind turbine gearbox and the amount of power transmitted, power loss calculations from AMESim software are inaccurate and power losses are modelled as constant efficiency for each gear mesh. Starting values for simulation in thermal and hydraulic simulations were chosen from test measurements and from empirical study as compact and complex design of gearbox prevents accurate test measurements. In further studies to increase the accuracy of the simulation model, components used for power loss calculations needs to be modified and values for unknown variables are needed to be solved through accurate test measurements.