1000 resultados para Positive organizations
To establish a noncontagious control for the Ray thioglycollate test for the detection of Perkinsus in mollusks we evaluated nonviable stages of P. olseni for enlargement of hypnospores and blue/black iodine stain. Trophozoites made nonviable with formalin, irradiation or colchicine failed to swell in thioglycollate. They remained small and did not differentially stain in iodine. Trophozoites that had already developed into hypnospores in thioglycollate were rendered inactive by freezing, ethanol or formalin immersion. They retained their iodinophilic properties and thus could provide a partial control for the Ray Test.
Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic significance of serosal involvement (SER), adnexal involvement (ADN), and positive peritoneal washings (PPW) in patients with Stage IIIA uterine cancer. We also sought to determine patterns of recurrence in patients with this disease. Methods. The records of 136 patients with Stage IIIA uterine cancer treated at the Queensland Centre for Gynecological Cancer between March 1983 and August 2001 were reviewed. One hundred thirty-six patients underwent surgery and 58 (42.6%) had full surgical staging. Seventy-five patients (55.2%) had external beam radiotherapy and/or brachytherapy postoperatively. Overall survival was the primary statistical endpoint. Statistical analysis included univariate and multivariate Cox models. Results. Forty-six patients (33.8%) had adnexal involvement, 23 (16.9%) had serosal involvement, and 40 (29.4%) had positive peritoneal washings. Median follow-up was 55.1 months (95% confidence interval, 36.9 to 73.4 months) after which time 71 patients (52.2%) remained alive. For patients with endometrioid adenocarcinoma, ADN and SER were associated with impaired survival on multivariate analysis (odds ratio 2.8 and 3.2, respectively). In the subgroup of patients with high-risk tumors (including papillary serous carcinomas, clear cell carcinomas, and uterine sarcomas), neither ADN, nor SER, nor PPW influenced survival. Conclusion. Patients with Stage IIIA uterine cancer constitute a heterogeneous group. For patients with endometrioid adenocarcinoma, both ADN and SER, but not PPW, were associated with impaired prognosis. For patients with high-risk histological types, prognosis is poor for all three factors. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
This paper examines the proposition that the traditional archetype of the professional partnership is said to have changed into a more 'business-like' entity, the managed professional business. It broadens the restricted case sample base on which much of the evidence has been adduced, by developing a survey questionnaire through which 197 large British law firms were sampled. Change, consistent with the notion of a more commercially oriented and consciously managed organization, is concentrated in the market-facing area of the firm but coexists with areas of continuity in the governance of the firm and its strategic management. The findings reveal a more managerial form of organization in which the core elements of the traditional form of professional organization have not been transformed. These results contest the assertion of either transformational or sedimented change found in other, case-based research and suggest that archetype change needs theoretically to be distinguished from the general phenomenon of greater managerialism within the professional service firm.
Alcohol-sensitive neuronal cell loss, which has been reported in the superior frontal cortex and hippocampus, may underlie the pathogenesis of subsequent cognitive deficits. In the present study, we have used the TUNEL labeling to detect the DNA damage in human alcoholic brains. Seven out of eleven alcoholics exhibited TUNEL-positive cells in both superior frontal cortex and hippocampus, which were co-localized with GFAP immunoreactivity. In contrast, almost no positive cells were detected in the non-alcoholic controls. None of the TUNEL-positive cells showed any typical morphological features of apoptosis or necrosis. TUNEL-positive cells observed in the present study may indicate DNA damage induced by ethanol-related overproduction of reactive oxygen species. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The role of natural killer T (NKT) cells in the immune response to tumor cells has been largely unexplored. As a model of adoptive tumor immunotherapy, cells from the draining lymph nodes of mice immunized with a tumor-specific or irrelevant antigen were transferred to naive recipients with established tumor. Inhibition of early tumor growth (day 4) required the transfer of both CD8(+) and Jalpha18(+) (NKT) cells from immunized animals without regard to immunogen. In contrast, CD8(+) cells, but not Jalpha18(+) cells, were necessary for the inhibition of late tumor growth (day 8). Thus, the developing tumor changes in sensitivity to NKT-mediated events and the role for NKT cells cannot be replaced by the presence of tumor-specific cells during early tumor growth. This suggests that recruitment/activation of Jalpha18(+) NKT cells is an important consideration during the immune therapy of early stage tumors.
As Organiza????es Sociais (OS) s??o organiza????es sem fins lucrativos, ???qualificadas??? para absorver atividades executadas por organiza????es p??blicas, nos termos e condi????es estabelecidas em contratos de gest??o firmados entre organiza????es e o governo. Este artigo relata os principais resultados do semin??rio ???O modelo OS: li????es e oportunidades de melhorias???, realizado em outubro de 2001, do qual participaram gestores e t??cnicos da Secretaria de Gest??o (SEGES), de OS, de ??rg??os supervisores dessas organiza????es, de ??rg??os intervenientes, e especialistas em gest??o p??blica. Com rela????o ??s OS analisadas, pode-se perceber que: a) h?? controv??rsias e ambig??idades quanto ?? sua natureza jur??dica e quanto ao processo de avalia????o dessas organiza????es; b) a gest??o de recursos humanos ?? afetada pela exist??ncia de grupos submetidos a distintos regimes de trabalho, isto ??, Estatuto dos Funcion??rios P??blicos e Consolida????o das Leis do Trabalho; c) a gest??o de recursos financeiros ?? marcada pela irregularidade no fluxo dos referidos recursos; e d) o controle dos bens p??blicos ocorre de forma fr??gil e o processo de compra est?? sendo realizado sem problemas. Com base nessas considera????es, o documento prop??e algumas sugest??es de aperfei??oamento do modelo OS.
O artigo desenvolve um estudo comparado qualitativo acerca das Pol??ticas de Transfer??ncia Condicionada de Renda na Am??rica Latina. Esta modalidade de pol??tica, considerada a mais nova gera????o das pol??ticas sociais, compartilha tr??s componentes b??sicos: transfer??ncia monet??ria direta ao cidad??o ou fam??lia; foco nos segmentos mais pobres e a cobran??a de condicionalidades. Na ??ltima d??cada, seus impactos sobre a melhoria das condi????es de vida da popula????o t??m chamado a aten????o de governos, organismos multilaterais e do meio acad??mico. Todavia, a literatura tem focado predominantemente na an??lise dos seus impactos e menos nos fatores relativos ?? operacionaliza????o desses programas. Por isso, o objetivo principal do artigo ?? descrever as estruturas de funcionamento dessas pol??ticas, haja vista sua influ??ncia sobre os seus resultados. Para fins de compara????o s??o selecionados os programas dos governos do Brasil, M??xico, Chile e Col??mbia, uma vez que s??o as experi??ncias mais consolidadas da regi??o. O trabalho conclui que embora os modelos de implementa????o sejam bastante diversificados, todos compactuam com a percep????o multidimensional da pobreza e, portanto, seu enfrentamento demanda a????es de car??ter intersetorial. Ademais, os bons resultados na focaliza????o desses programas s??o consequ??ncia da prioriza????o de estrat??gias de descentraliza????o que potencializam a coordena????o e coopera????o nas a????es governamentais.
Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de investigar os efeitos da instalação e das características do Conselho Fiscal e do Comitê de Auditoria sobre a qualidade das informações contábeis no Brasil. As características estudadas foram à independência e a qualificação dos membros. As proxies da qualidade da informação contábil foram relevância, tempestividade e conservadorismo condicional. A amostra utilizada foi composta por empresas brasileiras, listadas na Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros de São Paulo (BM&FBovespa), com liquidez anual superior a 0,001, no período de 2010 a 2013. Os dados foram coletados na base de dados Comdinheiro e nos Formulários de Referência das empresas, disponíveis no sítio eletrônico da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) ou BM&FBovespa. Os modelos de qualidade da informação foram adaptados ao recorte metodológico e estimados pelo método dos mínimos quadrados ordinários (MQO), com erros-padrão robustos clusterizados por firma. Os resultados revelaram efeitos da instalação dos órgãos analisados sobre as proxies de qualidade da informação contábil. A instalação do Conselho Fiscal impactou positivamente a relevância do patrimônio líquido, enquanto a instalação do Comitê de Auditoria, a relevância do lucro. Esses resultados podem indicar diferenças no direcionamento da atenção desses órgãos: em proteger o patrimônio da entidade para os acionistas (Conselho Fiscal) ou em assegurar números mais confiáveis sobre o desempenho dos administradores (Comitê de Auditoria). Paralelamente, os resultados para a instalação do Conselho Fiscal de forma permanente inferiu força desse órgão como mecanismo de controle, ao invés da instalação somente a pedido dos acionistas. Já, a implementação do Conselho Fiscal Turbinado se mostrou ineficiente no controle da qualidade das informações contábeis. Na análise das características, a independência dos membros do Comitê de Auditoria impactou a relevância do lucro. Ao passo que a independência do Conselho Fiscal impactou a relevância do patrimônio líquido e o conservadorismo condicional (reconhecimento oportuno de perdas econômicas). Essas associações foram mais significantes quando os membros do Conselho Fiscal eram independentes dos acionistas controladores. Na análise da qualificação dos membros, foram encontradas evidências positivas na relação entre a relevância do patrimônio líquido e a maior proporção de membros do Conselho Fiscal com qualificação em Business (Contabilidade, Administração e Economia). O conservadorismo condicional foi maior na medida em que a qualificação dos membros do Conselho Fiscal convergia para a Contabilidade. Os resultados da qualificação dos membros do Comitê de Auditoria demonstraram relevância do lucro na presença de, ao menos, um Contador e na maior proporção de membros com qualificação tanto em Contabilidade como em Business; sendo mais significante conforme a qualificação dos membros do Comitê de Auditoria convergia para a Contabilidade.
O Relatório Anual de Responsabilidade Socioambiental (RARS) das empresas do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro (SEB) é um importante canal de comunicação entre as organizações e os diversos interessados. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a relação entre o Nível de Evidenciação Socioambiental e os Fatores Econômicos, Ambientais e Sociais da Sustentabilidade. A pesquisa classifica-se como quantitativa-descritiva, cuja coleta de dados apresenta-se como análise documental. A análise foi realizada em 108 empresas concessionárias de energia elétrica que publicaram o RARS no ano de 2012. O primeiro resultado relevante foi à validação mediante o teste Alpha de Crombach dos índices utilizados para medir o Nível de Evidenciação Socioambiental das empresas pesquisadas. Em seguida identificou-se que as empresas evidenciaram mais indicadores sociais que ambientais, e que algumas empresas ainda enquadram-se nos níveis “Regular e Baixo” de evidenciação socioambiental, o que reforça a tese que somente por meio de regulação, as empresas realizarão divulgações completas. Em relação às principais práticas de evidenciação socioambiental, constatou-se que estão voltadas a publicitar as políticas socioambientais desenvolvidas pelas empresas, e as interações socioambientais negativas são pouco evidenciadas pelas empresas. Em relação à investigação principal da pesquisa, foi constatada uma relação positiva e significativa entre o Nível de Evidenciação Ambiental, Social e Socioambiental e Fatores Econômicos da Sustentabilidade, e entre Nível de Evidenciação Social e Fatores Sociais da Sustentabilidade. E que a Pressão dos Stakeholders é relacionada positivamente e significativamente com o Nível de Evidenciação Socioambiental.
In this paper we aim to identify and analyze a set of variables that can potentially influence the adoption and knowledge of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Portugal. Hypotheses were tested using data obtained from a questionnaire sent to 591 publicly-owned organizations (local governments, municipal corporations and hospitals) and 549 privately-owned organizations (large companies and small and medium enterprises) in Portugal. The results allow us to conclude that although the majority of respondents claimed to know the BSC, its use in Portugal is still limited and very recent, particularly in the public sector organizations. However, it should be noted that its use has increased in Portugal in recent years. The study also reveals that in spite of the noticeable differences between public and private sector, the BSC is used in the public sector after a few adjustments to the traditional model. Using as theoretical framework the contingency and institutional theories, we found that decentralization, vertical differentiation and the degree of higher education are associated with the implementation of the BSC.
Abstract: in Portugal, and in much of the legal systems of Europe, «legal persons» are likely to be criminally responsibilities also for cybercrimes. Like for example the following crimes: «false information»; «damage on other programs or computer data»; «computer-software sabotage»; «illegitimate access»; «unlawful interception» and «illegitimate reproduction of protected program». However, in Portugal, have many exceptions. Exceptions to the «question of criminal liability» of «legal persons». Some «legal persons» can not be blamed for cybercrime. The legislature did not leave! These «legal persons» are v.g. the following («public entities»): legal persons under public law, which include the public business entities; entities utilities, regardless of ownership; or other legal persons exercising public powers. In other words, and again as an example, a Portuguese public university or a private concessionaire of a public service in Portugal, can not commit (in Portugal) any one of cybercrime pointed. Fair? Unfair. All laws should provide that all legal persons can commit cybercrimes. PS: resumo do artigo em inglês.
Nowadays, there exist various standards for individual management systems (MSs), at least, one for each stakeholder. New ones will be published. An integrated management system (IMS) aims to integrate some or all components of the business into one coherent and efficient MS. Maximizing integration is more and more a strategic priority in that it constitutes an opportunity to eliminate and/or reduce potential factors of destruction of value for the organizations and also to be more competitive and consequently promote its sustainable success. A preliminary investigation was conducted on a Portuguese industrial company which, over the years, has been adopting gradually, in whole or in part, individualized management system standards (MSSs). A research, through a questionnaire, was performed with the objective to develop, in a real business environment, an adequate and efficient IMS-QES (quality, environment, and safety) model and to potentiate for the future a generic IMS model to integrate other MSSs. The strategy and research methods have taken into consideration the case study. It was obtained a set of relevant conclusions resulting from the statistical analyses of the responses to the survey. Globally, the investigation results, by themselves, justified and prioritized the conception of a model of development of the IMS-QES and consequent definition and validation of a structure of an IMS-QES model, to be implemented at the small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) where the investigation was conducted.
In this article we aim to identify and analyze a set of variables that can potentially influence the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)in Portugal. Hypotheses were tested using data obtained from a questionnaire sent to 591 publicly-owned organizations (local governments, municipal corporations and hospitals) and 549 privately-owned organizations (large companies and small and medium enterprises) in Portugal, with an overall response rate of 31.3%. The results allow us to conclude that although the majority of respondents claimed to know the BSC, its use in Portugal is still limited and very recent, particularly in the public sector organizations. However, it should be noted that its use has increased in Portugal in recent years. Using as theoretical framework the contingency and institutional theories, we found that decentralization, vertical differentiation and the degree of higher education are associated with the implementation of the BSC.
The nomination of Guimarães to host the 2012 European Capital of Culture (ECC) has put on the agenda of the city the need of measuring the effects that the implementation of this mega event could have in it and in the municipality a whole. The balance of the benefits and costs and an extended community involvement tend to reduce negative impacts and enhance positive ones. This chapter analyzes the involvement of population and local associations in the planning and organization of the 2012 Guimarães European Capital of Culture, using the coverage made during 2011 by local and national press of the mega event. A content analysis of the news published covering the period between January and December 2011 and using three newspapers was conducted. From those, two were local and weekly newspapers and one was a national daily one. Looking to data results, it can be concluded that it was poor the community involvement and, also, the one of the cultural associations in the organizations of the 2012 ECC. A strong negative reaction to the model choose to plan the mega event conducted by official organizers was found, which has cast doubts on the desirable participation of the residents and, consequently, on the success of the mega event, especially in a perspective of a medium and long term effects.
Effective environmental management within companies, integrated with other management areas like quality and occupational health and safety, is nowadays assumed to be a strategic way to implement and improve lean and cleaner production. Also, sustainable development (SD) and business sustainability can be achieved through a better coordinated management of processes versus associated resources. This paper presents an in depth discussion regarding the promotion of integrated management systems, their benefits and major contribution towards the sustainable development of cleaner production related features. It addresses issues regarding the contributions resulting from the integration of standardized Management System (MS) from both internal and external perspectives. Complementing the overall review of aspects to the development of integrated management systems a survey was conducted in order to better understand the relevance of the identified success factors. The main findings in this paper are as follows: a contextualization model of sustainable development and integrated management systems considering the Triple Bottom Line: economic, social and environmental; and, a method and associated model to support the development of integrated management systems as well as general guidelines to support integration. It can be concluded that a proactive approach and commitment to cleaner production, supported by an integrated management system, brings relevant savings for organizations as well as providing value to the relevant interested parties.