966 resultados para Plasmid DNA


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Mono- and trinuclear copper(II) complexes with 2-1-(2-dimethylamino-ethylamino)-ethyl]-phenol (HL) have been synthesized and structurally characterized. The mononuclear complex Cu(L)(H2O)(ONO2)] (1) crystallizes in monoclinic space group P2(1) /n with a square pyramidal Cu(II) center coordinated by the tridentate Schiff base (L) and a water ligand in the equatorial plane and an oxygen atom from nitrate in the axial position. The trinuclear complex (CuL)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(2)center dot H2O (2) crystallizes in hexagonal space group P6(3); all three copper atoms are five-coordinate with square pyramidal geometries. The interactions of these complexes with calf-thymus DNA have been investigated using absorption spectrophotometry. The mononuclear complex binds more strongly than the trinuclear complex. The DNA cleavage activity of these complexes has been studied on double-stranded pBR 322 plasmid DNA by gel electrophoresis experiments in the absence and in the presence of added oxidant (H2O2). The trinuclear complex cleaves DNA more efficiently than the mononuclear complex in the presence of H2O2.


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Eight alkali metal ion-mediated dioxidovanadium(V), {(VO2L1-6)-O-V} A(H2O)n]proportional to, complexes for A = Li+, Na+, K+ and Cs+, containing tridentate aroylhydrazonate ligands coordinating via ONO donor atoms, are described. All the synthesised ligands and the metal complexes were successfully characterised by elemental analysis, IR, UV-Vis and NMR spectroscopy. X-ray crystallographic investigation of 3, 5-7 shows the presence of distorted NO4 coordination geometries for LVO2- in each case, and varying mu-oxido and/ or mu-aqua bridging with interesting variations correlated with the size of the alkali metal ions: with small Li+, no bridging-O is found but four ion aggregates are found with Na+, chains for K+ and finally, layers for Cs+. Two (5) or three-dimensional (3, 6 and 7) architectures are consolidated by hydrogen bonding. The dioxidovanadium(V) complexes were found to exhibit DNA binding activity due to their interaction with CT-DNA by the groove binding mode, with binding constants ranging from 10(3) to 10(4) M-1. Complexes 1-8 were also tested for DNA nuclease activity against pUC19 plasmid DNA which showed that 6 and 7 had the best DNA binding and photonuclease activity; these results support their good protein binding and cleavage activity with binding constants ranging from 104 to 105 M-1. Finally, the in vitro antiproliferative activity of all complexes was assayed against the HeLa cell line. Some of the complexes (2, 5, 6 and 7) show considerable activity compared to commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs. The variation in cytotoxicity of the complexes is influenced by the various functional groups attached to the aroylhydrazone derivative.


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DNA sequence and structure play a key role in imparting fragility to different regions of the genome. Recent studies have shown that non-B DNA structures play a key role in causing genomic instability, apart from their physiological roles at telomeres and promoters. Structures such as G-quadruplexes, cruciforms, and triplexes have been implicated in making DNA susceptible to breakage, resulting in genomic rearrangements. Hence, techniques that aid in the easy identification of such non-B DNA motifs will prove to be very useful in determining factors responsible for genomic instability. In this study, we provide evidence for the use of primer extension as a sensitive and specific tool to detect such altered DNA structures. We have used the G-quadruplex motif, recently characterized at the BCL2 major breakpoint region as a proof of principle to demonstrate the advantages of the technique. Our results show that pause sites corresponding to the non-B DNA are specific, since they are absent when the G-quadruplex motif is mutated and their positions change in tandem with that of the primers. The efficiency of primer extension pause sites varied according to the concentration of monovalant cations tested, which support G-quadruplex formation. Overall, our results demonstrate that primer extension is a strong in vitro tool to detect non-B DNA structures such as G-quadruplex on a plasmid DNA, which can be further adapted to identify non-B DNA structures, even at the genomic level.


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The stability of the complex of cationic lipid with nucleic acid, especially when facing serum, is crucial for the efficiency of gene delivery. Here, we demonstrated that the stability of the complex of didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB, a cationic lipid) with DNA in the presence of serum dramatically increased after coating DDAB onto the surface of the gold nanoparticles. The stability of the complex was demonstrated with dye intercalation assay, and agarose gel electrophoresis.


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The interaction between HAuCl4 and DNA has enabled creation of DNA-templated gold nanoparticles without formation of large nanoparticles. It was found that spheral DNA-HAuCl4 hybrid of 8.7 nm in diameter, flower-like DNA-HAuCl4 hybrid, nanoparticles chains and nanoparticles network of DNA-HAuCl4 hybrid could be obtained by varying the reaction conditions, including DNA concentration and reaction temperature. The intermediate product was investigated by shortening the reaction time of DNA and HAuCl4, and the obtained nanoparticles preserved a small DNA segment, which indicated that the reaction between DNA and HAuCl4 had a process.


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Recently, we have successfully constructed flat-lying DNA monolayers on a mica surface (J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 10792-10798). In this work, the effects of various factors including bridge ions, DNA species, and developing temperature on the configuration of DNA monolayers have been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in detail. AFM results show that the species of bridge ions and developing temperature play a crucial role during the formation process. For example, the divalent cation Zn2+ resulted in many DNA chains stuck side by side in the monolayers due to the strong interactions between it and DNA's bases or the mica surface. Most DNA chain's conglutinations disappeared when the developing temperature was higher than 40 degrees C. Cd2+ and Ca2+ produced more compact DNA monolayers with some obvious aggregations, especially for the DNA monolayers constructed by using Ca2+ as the bridge ion. Co2+ produced well-ordered, flat-lying DNA monolayers similar to that of Mg2+. Furthermore, it was found that the flat-lying DNA monolayers could still form on a mica surface when plasmid DNA pBR 322 and linear DNA pBR 322/Pst I were used as the DNA source. Whereas, it was hard to form DNA monolayers on a (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane-mica surface because the strong interactions between DNA and substrate prevented the lateral movement of DNA molecules.


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A circular bacterial artificial chromosome of 148.9 kbp on human chromosome 3 has been extended and fixed on bare mica substrates using a developed fluid capillary flow method in evaporating liquid drops. Extended circular DNA molecules were imaged with an atomic force microscope (AFM) under ambient conditions. The measured total lengths of the whole DNA molecules were in agreement with sequencing analysis data with an error range of +/-3.6%. This work is important groundwork for probing single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human genome, mapping genomic DNA, manipulating biomolecular nanotechnology, and studying the interaction of DNA-protein complexes investigated by AFM.


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Eighteen-nanometer gold and 3.5-nm silver colloidal particles closely packed by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) to form its positively charged shell. The DNA network was formed on a mica Substrate firstly. Later, CTAB-capped gold or silver colloidal solutions were cast onto DNA network surface. It was found that the gold or silver nanoparticles metallized networks were formed owing to the electrostatic-driven template assembling of positive charge of CTAB-capped gold and silver particles on the negatively charged phosphate groups of DNA Molecules by the characterizations of AFM, XPS and UV-vis. This method may provide a novel and simple way to studying nanoparticles assembly conjugating DNA molecules and offer some potential promising applications in nanocatalysis, nanoelectronics, and nanosensor on the basis of the fabricated metal nanoparticles network.


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Based on the multidomain structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A, a fusion protein termed rPEA has been constructed, which is expected to serve as a gene carrier in vitro. The expression and purification of rPEA are described. The basal properties of rPEA as a gene carrier are evaluated by investigating its interaction with plasmid DNA and mimic biomembrane by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and electrochemical methods. rPEA is proved to be able to bind with plasmid DNA with high affinity. It can also interact with lipid membrane and increase permeability of the membrane, so the probe molecules can easily reach the gold surface and exhibit the electrochemical response.


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The efficient cleavage of plasmid DNA ( pCAT) by binuclear lanthanide complexes was investigated. At 37 degrees C and neutral pH, both Ho23+L and Er23+L promoted 100% conversion of supercoiled plasmid to the nicked circular form and linear form in 1 h. The corresponding saturation kinetics curve of cleavage of pCAT plasmid by binuclear lanthanide complexes showed the expected increase with catalyst concentration. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Lanthanide binuclear complexes can accelerate the cleavage of pUC19 plasmid DNA, yielding predominantly linear form. The saturation kinetics of the cleavage of pUC19 was studied. The observed rates with lanthanide binuclear complexes showed the expected increase with the catalyst concentration. The rate of cleavage is greater than that of lanthanide ions alone. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Atomic force microscopy, which is normally used for DNA imaging to gain qualitative results, can also be used for quantitative DNA research, at a single-molecular level. Here, we evaluate the performance of AFM imaging specifically for quantifying supercoiled and relaxed plasmid DNA fractions within a mixture, and compare the results with the bulk material analysis method, gel electrophoresis. The advantages and shortcomings of both methods are discussed in detail. Gel electrophoresis is a quick and well-established quantification method. However, it requires a large amount of DNA, and needs to be carefully calibrated for even slightly different experimental conditions for accurate quantification. AFM imaging is accurate, in that single DNA molecules in different conformations can be seen and counted. When used carefully with necessary correction, both methods provide consistent results. Thus, AFM imaging can be used for DNA quantification, as an alternative to gel electrophoresis.


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Knipholone (KP) and knipholone anthrone (KA) are natural 4-phenylanthraquinone structural analogues with established differential biological activities including in vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic properties. By using DNA damage as an experimental model, the comparative Cu(II)-dependent prooxidant action of these two compounds were studied. In the presence of Cu(II) ions, the antioxidant KA (3.1-200 [mu]M) but not KP (6-384 [mu]M) caused a concentration-dependent pBR322 plasmid DNA strand scission. The DNA damage induced by KA could be abolished by reactive oxygen species scavengers, glutathione and catalase as well as EDTA and a specific Cu(I) chelator bathocuproine disulfonic acid. In addition to Cu(II) chelating activity, KA readily reduces Cu(II) to Cu(I). Copper-dependent generation of reactive oxygen species and the subsequent macromolecular damage may be involved in the antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity of KA.


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Radiotherapy employs ionizing radiation to induce lethal DNA lesions in cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissues. Due to their pattern of energy deposition, better therapeutic outcomes can, in theory, be achieved with ions compared to photons. Antiprotons have been proposed to offer a further enhancement due to their annihilation at the end of the path. The work presented here aimed to establish and validate an experimental procedure for the quantification of plasmid and genomic DNA damage resulting from antiproton exposure. Immunocytochemistry was used to assess DNA damage in directly and indirectly exposed human fibroblasts irradiated in both plateau and Bragg peak regions of a 126 MeV antiproton beam at CERN. Cells were stained post irradiation with an anti-gamma-H2AX antibody. Quantification of the gamma-H2AX foci-dose relationship is consistent with a linear increase in the Bragg peak region. A qualitative analysis of the foci detected in the Bragg peak and plateau region indicates significant differences highlighting the different severity of DNA lesions produced along the particle path. Irradiation of desalted plasmid DNA with 5 Gy antiprotons at the Bragg peak resulted in a significant portion of linear plasmid in the resultant solution.


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Recent track structure modelling studies indicate that radiation induced damage to DNA consists of a spectrum of different lesions of varying complexity. There is considerable evidence to suggest that, in repair-proficient systems, it is only the small proportion of more complex forms that is responsible for most of the biological effect. The complex lesions induced consist initially of clustered radical sites and a knowledge of their special chemistry is important in modelling how they react to form the more stable products that are processed by the repair systems. However, much of the current understanding of the chemical stage of radiation has developed from single-radical systems and there is a need to translate this to the more complex reactions that are likely to occur at the important multiple radical sites. With low LET radiation, DNA dsb may derive either from single-radical attack that damages both strands by a transfer mechanism, or from pairs of radical sites induced in close proximity, with one or more radical on each strand. With high LET radiation, modelling studies indicate that there is an increased probability of dsb arising from sites with more than two radical centres, leading to a greater frequency of more complex types of break. The spectrum of these lesions depends on the overall outcome of consecutive physical and chemical processes. The initial pattern of radical damage is determined by the energy depositions on and around the DNA, according to the type of radiation. This pattern is then modified by scavengers that inhibit the formation of radicals on the DNA, and by agents that either chemically repair (e.g. thiols) or fix (e.g. oxygen) a large fraction of these radicals. The reaction kinetics associated with clustered radical sites will differ from those of single sites: (1) because of the opportunities for interactions between the radicals themselves; and (2) because certain endpoints, e.g. a dsb, may require a combination of the products of two or more radicals. Fast response techniques using pulsed low and high LET irradiation have been established to measure the reactions of radical sites on pBR322 plasmid DNA with oxygen and thiols with a view to obtaining information about cluster size. This paper describes experimental approaches to explore the role of the chemical stage of the radiation effect in relation to lesion complexity.