938 resultados para Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro
There has been an increasing tendency on the use of selective image compression, since several applications make use of digital images and the loss of information in certain regions is not allowed in some cases. However, there are applications in which these images are captured and stored automatically making it impossible to the user to select the regions of interest to be compressed in a lossless manner. A possible solution for this matter would be the automatic selection of these regions, a very difficult problem to solve in general cases. Nevertheless, it is possible to use intelligent techniques to detect these regions in specific cases. This work proposes a selective color image compression method in which regions of interest, previously chosen, are compressed in a lossless manner. This method uses the wavelet transform to decorrelate the pixels of the image, competitive neural network to make a vectorial quantization, mathematical morphology, and Huffman adaptive coding. There are two options for automatic detection in addition to the manual one: a method of texture segmentation, in which the highest frequency texture is selected to be the region of interest, and a new face detection method where the region of the face will be lossless compressed. The results show that both can be successfully used with the compression method, giving the map of the region of interest as an input
This work proposes a formulation for optimization of 2D-structure layouts submitted to mechanic and thermal shipments and applied an h-adaptive filter process which conduced to computational low spend and high definition structural layouts. The main goal of the formulation is to minimize the structure mass submitted to an effective state of stress of von Mises, with stability and lateral restriction variants. A criterion of global measurement was used for intents a parametric condition of stress fields. To avoid singularity problems was considerate a release on the stress restriction. On the optimization was used a material approach where the homogenized constructive equation was function of the material relative density. The intermediary density effective properties were represented for a SIMP-type artificial model. The problem was simplified by use of the method of finite elements of Galerkin using triangles with linear Lagrangian basis. On the solution of the optimization problem, was applied the augmented Lagrangian Method, that consists on minimum problem sequence solution with box-type restrictions, resolved by a 2nd orderprojection method which uses the method of the quasi-Newton without memory, during the problem process solution. This process reduces computational expends showing be more effective and solid. The results materialize more refined layouts with accurate topologic and shape of structure definitions. On the other hand formulation of mass minimization with global stress criterion provides to modeling ready structural layouts, with violation of the criterion of homogeneous distributed stress
O objetivo principal desta revisão foi reunir informações a respeito da ação de compostos orgânicos produzidos por plantas na disponibilidade de nutrientes nos solos, principalmente sobre os cátions Ca, Mg e K e sobre o ânion fosfato. O sistema de cultivo adotado ocasiona mudanças nas propriedades químicas e físicas do solo, especialmente na disponibilidade de nutrientes e condicionamento físico do solo. Tem-se observado o acúmulo de nutrientes nas camadas superficiais do solo no sistema de semeadura direta, pelo não-revolvimento do solo e pela deposição de resíduos de culturas na superfície. Os ácidos orgânicos provenientes de plantas podem interagir com a fase sólida e ocupar os sítios de adsorção de nutrientes, competindo diretamente com eles e aumentando sua disponibilidade no solo. A adição de resíduos vegetais pode promover, antes da humificação, a elevação do pH, por promover complexação de H e Al com compostos do resíduo vegetal, deixando Ca, Mg e K mais livres em solução, o que pode ocasionar aumento na saturação da CTC por estes cátions de reação básica. Também é normal observar o aumento na disponibilidade de P no solo com a adição de resíduos vegetais, tanto pelo P presente no resíduo como por competição de compostos orgânicos dos resíduos pelos sítios de troca no solo. A persistência dos compostos orgânicos também é fator que tem grande interferência nos processos de sorção/dessorção de cátions e ânions, dependendo da atividade microbiana, da disponibilidade metabólica do substrato carbonado e da sorção aos colóides do solo.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de doses de boro na produção de matéria seca e nos parâmetros morfológicos das raízes de duas cultivares de arroz de terras altas. O experimento foi desenvolvido de abril a julho de 2004, em casa de vegetação, em Botucatu (SP), empregando-se duas cultivares de arroz - Caiapó e BRS Talento. As plântulas foram obtidas em condições controladas e após cinco dias, transferidas para vasos de plástico com capacidade para 8 L, utilizando areia lavada como suporte, deixando quatro plantas por vaso. Os tratamentos foram: 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 2,0; 4,0 e 8,0 mg L-1 de B, aplicados via solução nutritiva. O corte foi realizado aos 70 dias após o transplante, sendo coletadas parte aérea e sistema radicular separadamente, determinado suas matérias secas e concentrações de N e B, bem como o comprimento, área superficial e diâmetro médio radicular. Não foi possível obter efeito positivo da aplicação de boro, evidenciando que para a cultura do arroz a dose ótima é a inferior a 0,5 ml L-1 de B. A aplicação de 3,8 e 3,4 mg L-1 de B causou efeitos tóxicos às cultivares Caiapó e Talento respectivamente. O limite de toxicidade para raízes das duas cultivares é a concentração de 2,7 mg L-1 de B. Sob toxicidade severa de B as plantas de arroz reduzem expressivamente o comprimento e aumentam o diâmetro radicular, resultando em menor área de absorção de nutrientes.
Saberes de astronomia no 1º e 2º ano do ensino fundamental numa perspectiva de letramento e inclusão
This work suggests a discussion about methodologies and didactic-pedagogical activities for the teaching of Astronomy in first and second cycles of the primary school, in a perspective of literacy and inclusion. The presented proposals have been developed in a group of the Public School Alceu Amoroso Lima, North of Natal city, with children since six years old, amongst which two considered as being with special needs . This research aims to demonstrate that it is possible to develop with those children the contents of Astronomy, while they participate of the process of literacy and inclusion. From this, we are searching a theoretical-practical contribution so that the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brazilian Nacional Curricular Guideness) include the referred contents in first cycle of primary school. For the accomplishment of this research, Experiential Astronomy was initially proposed. Later on, many workshops had been carried through (clay, ripping , crepon paper, plasticine, cardboard and gastro-lunar ). All the proposed activities were based on the conjunction of contents, which characterized the interdisciplinarity. Through the approach we adopted and the practices we proposed, we could evidence that not only children considered as being normal , but also that ones who carries special needs could appropriate themselves of our writing code, develop and incorporate a daily relationship close to the stuffs of the sky, learn many information about all of this, besides constructing attitudinal, procedural and conceptual contents
Our research has arisen from the interest of aligning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom practice to current discussions in the ambit of learning and teaching Foreign Languages (FLs). Because of the need to integrate the linguistic development to the development of notions clung to the practice of citizenship, we have adopted a cultural perspective. We have noticed jokes as a fertile ground for discussing cultural aspects in classroom. Considering such factors, our research question is: how to explore cultural aspects in jokes for the elaboration of EFL activities which aim for the development of intercultural competence and interaction? Therefore, our general goal is to explore cultural aspects in jokes for the elaboration of EFL teaching and learning activities and our specific goals are: (I) to study official suggestions (LDB, 1996; PCNEM, 2000; PCN+EM, 2002; OCEM, 2006) regarding culture at foreign languages teaching and learning, (II) to select 05 (five) jokes and analyze them focusing on their cultural aspects, (III) to identify possible interpretations for jokes; (IV) to elaborate EFL activities which grant a privilege to jokes cultural aspects. This investigation is descriptive and documental and relies on qualitative paradigm (CHIZZOTTI, 2010; FLICK, 2009; CHAROUX, 2006; BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994; 1992). The corpus is constituted by jokes taken from Internet sites and by official documents (LDB, 1996; PCNEM, 1998; PCN+EM, 2000; OCEM, 2006). For the elaboration of activities we have chosen a weaker version of Content-based instruction (CBI), in which contents are cultural aspects in jokes and we have undertaken a reflection on methods, approaches and perspectives, among which there are notions about post-method and CBI, which talk to EFL learning and teaching. For theoretical support we have some discussions about FL methods and approaches (BELL, 2003; KUMARAVADIVELU, 2003; WESCHE; SKEHAN, 2002; PRABHU, 1990), a cultural perspective (KRAMSCH, 1998, 1996, 1993; BYRAM; FENG, 2004), some works in Linguistics about jokes (POSSENTI, 2010, 1998; CHIARO, 1992); notions about implicit (MAINGUENEAU, 2004, 1996; CHARAUDEAU; MAINGUENEAU, 2012) and about ambiguity (KEMPSON, 1977; CHARAUDEAU; MAINGUENEAU, 2012; TRASK, 2011), having the adoption of such categories emerged from the analyzes of some jokes
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este experimento objetivou estudar o possível efeito antiarritmogênico da levomepromazina em cães anestesiados pelo sevoflurano e submetidos a doses crescentes de adrenalina. Para tal, foram empregados 21 animais adultos, machos e fêmeas, sem raça definida e considerados sadios. Os cães foram separados em dois grupos, sendo um de 11 (G1) e outro de 10 (G2) animais. O G1 recebeu, por via intravenosa, solução salina a 0,9%, na dose de 0,2ml/kg (placebo), seguida 15 minutos após, pela aplicação de tiopental, pela mesma via, na dose suficiente para abolir o reflexo laringotraqueal. Procedeu-se à intubação orotraqueal e iniciou-se a administração de sevoflurano a 2,5V%, em circuito anestésico semi-fechado. Decorridos 20 minutos da indução anestésica, iniciou-se a administração contínua, por via intravenosa, com emprego de bomba de infusão, de solução de adrenalina a 2%, em doses crescentes de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5m g/kg/min (M1 a M5, respectivamente), com incremento da dose a intervalos de 10 minutos. Para o G2, empregou-se a mesma metodologia substituindo-se o placebo por levomepromazina, na dose de 1mg/kg. Foi tomado o traçado eletrocardiográfico, na derivação D2, a partir da indução da anestesia. Para efeito estatístico, foi considerado o número total de batimentos cardíacos de origem não sinusal, coincidentes com cada dose de adrenalina. Os dados numéricos foram submetidos à Análise de Perfil, quando foi possível constatar que as médias do G1 foram crescentes de M1 a M3, diminuindo a partir deste último, até M5. No G2, foi encontrada arritmia ventricular sustentada apenas em M5. Os achados permitiram concluir que a levomepromazina minimiza a arritmia ventricular sustentada, induzida pela adrenalina em cães anestesiados pelo sevoflurano.
The work is to make a brief discussion of methods to estimate the parameters of the Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). Being addressed the following techniques: Moments (moments), Maximum Likelihood (MLE), Biased Probability Weighted Moments (PWMB), Unbiased Probability Weighted Moments (PWMU), Mean Power Density Divergence (MDPD), Median (MED), Pickands (PICKANDS), Maximum Penalized Likelihood (MPLE), Maximum Goodness-of-fit (MGF) and the Maximum Entropy (POME) technique, the focus of this manuscript. By way of illustration adjustments were made for the Generalized Pareto distribution, for a sequence of earthquakes intraplacas which occurred in the city of João Câmara in the northeastern region of Brazil, which was monitored continuously for two years (1987 and 1988). It was found that the MLE and POME were the most efficient methods, giving them basically mean squared errors. Based on the threshold of 1.5 degrees was estimated the seismic risk for the city, and estimated the level of return to earthquakes of intensity 1.5°, 2.0°, 2.5°, 3.0° and the most intense earthquake never registered in the city, which occurred in November 1986 with magnitude of about 5.2º
The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of housing and the physical and chemical characteristics of meat from sheep raised on pasture Brachiaria brizantha and Panicum maximum. The experiment was conducted in the physical area of the Study Group on Forage (GEFOR), located in the Academic Unit Specialized in Agricultural Sciences - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN in Macaíba, RN, Brazil. We used 32 lambs SPRD, obtained from herds in the state, with liveweight (LW) of 24.5 kg were assigned randomly to four treatments consisting of tropical grasses, two cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha, Marandu and Piatã, and two of Panicum maximum, Aruana and Massai. The experimental area was 2.88 ha, divided into 4 paddocks of 0.72 ha, where each picket consisted of a farm and was divided into six plots of 0.12 ha, where the animals remained under rotational grazing. The period of adaptation to the pickets was seven days. At the beginning of the experiment the animals were weighed, identified with plastic earrings and necklaces colored according to the treatment, and treated against. The lambs were loose in the paddock at 8 am and collected at 16 hours, which returned to collective pens. During the time of grazing animals had free access to mineral supplement with monensin Ovinofós ® and water. Before entering the paddocks of pasture were sampled to characterize the chemical composition. Every seven days occurred at weighing, with fasting, to monitor the weight development. Cultivars Marandu, Aruana, Piatã and Massai were grazed for 133, 129, 143 and 142 days, respectively, until the lambs reach slaughter weight. Arriving at 32 kg lambs were evaluated subjectively for body condition score by, passed through fasting period, diet and water for 16 hours were slaughtered. Measurements were made in the inner and outer casings in addition to subjective evaluations regarding muscling, finish and quantity of pelvic-renal fat, then each was divided longitudinally into two half-carcases and cuts were made in the commercial left half, and after heavy calculated their income. Between the 12th and 13th thoracic vertebrae, was performed a cut to expose the cross section of the Longissimus dorsi, which was drawn on the rib eye area (REA) in transparent film. Fat thickness and extent of AOL GR were determined using a caliper. A tissue composition was determined by dissection of the legs. Analyzes were performed physical (color, cooking loss and shear force) and chemical composition of meat (moisture, ash, protein and lipids) in Longissimus dorsi muscle. Grazing tropical grass Brachiaria brizantha cvs. Marandu and Piatã and Panicum maximum cvs. Aruana and Massai can be used for lambs SRPD in the rainy season, because not alter the physico-chemical and chemical composition of meat
The main specie of marine shrimp raised at Brazil and in the world is Litopenaeus vannamei, which had arrived in Brazil in the `80s. However, the entry of infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV), causing the infectious myonecrosis disease in marine shrimps, brought economic losses to the national shrimp farming, with up to 70% of mortality in the shrimp production. In this way, the objective was to evaluate the survival of shrimps Litopenaeus vannamei infected with IMNV using the non parametric estimator of Kaplan-Meier and a model of frailty for grouped data. It were conducted three tests of viral challenges lasting 20 days each, at different periods of the year, keeping the parameters of pH, temperature, oxygen and ammonia monitored daily. It was evaluated 60 full-sib families of L. vannamei infected by IMNV in each viral challenge. The confirmation of the infection by IMNV was performed using the technique of PCR in real time through Sybr Green dye. Using the Kaplan-Meier estimator it was possible to detect significant differences (p <0.0001) between the survival curves of families and tanks and also in the joint analysis between viral challenges. It were estimated in each challenge, genetic parameters such as genetic value of family, it`s respective rate risk (frailty), and heritability in the logarithmic scale through the frailty model for grouped data. The heritability estimates were respectively 0.59; 0.36; and 0.59 in the viral challenges 1; 2; and 3, and it was also possible to identify families that have lower and higher rates of risk for the disease. These results can be used for selecting families more resistant to the IMNV infection and to include characteristic of disease resistance in L. vannamei into the genetic improvement programs
This study started from the hypothesis of the existence of a relation between the type of the urban occupation concerning to the sustainability conditions at the proximity of Environment Protected Zones and the occurrence of vectors insects in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This research, which used data available by the City Administration Health and Urbanization Secretaries (respectively SMS and SEMURB), in the time period of 2006 to 2008, aimed to characterize the study site in terms of urban occupation, relating it to social environmental aspects of land occupation and the occurrence of vectors insects. This study is presented in two papers, the first one linking the occurrence of vectors insects and sustainable development indicators and the second relating the incidence of reported cases of Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and the occurrence of larvae infection indexes of Aedes aegypti, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State. In the first paper, was made a correlation between Dengue Fever vectors and Visceral and Tegumentar Leishmaniasis vectors and sustainable development indicators, selected from IDS Brasil- 2008. Through factorial analysis a Sustainability Index (SI) was acquired for each region, the northern region of the municipality obtained lower numbers than southern region, which, in its turn, presented better sustainability conditions. Linking this index to vector infestation parameters shows a high significant correlation between the SI and the Breteau Index of Aedes aegypti (p=0,028) as well as with SI and sand flies infestation index (p=0,01). Higher rates in vectors infestation in regions with a lower Sustainable Development Index demonstrates that this index can be used to determine the increasing of probability of Aedes and sand flies occurrence in urban environment. The second paper analyzed the occurrence of the main vector of Dengue and DHF, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and the relation between larvae infection indexes of this insect and reported cases of the diseases. This study revealed unexpected relation where areas with higher Breteau s Indexes showed lower infection rates of Dengue Fever, although showing high incidence of DHF
This study includes the results of the analysis of areas susceptible to degradation by remote sensing in semi-arid region, which is a matter of concern and affects the whole population and the catalyst of this process occurs by the deforestation of the savanna and improper practices by the use of soil. The objective of this research is to use biophysical parameters of the MODIS / Terra and images TM/Landsat-5 to determine areas susceptible to degradation in semi-arid Paraiba. The study area is located in the central interior of Paraíba, in the sub-basin of the River Taperoá, with average annual rainfall below 400 mm and average annual temperature of 28 ° C. To draw up the map of vegetation were used TM/Landsat-5 images, specifically, the composition 5R4G3B colored, commonly used for mapping land use. This map was produced by unsupervised classification by maximum likelihood. The legend corresponds to the following targets: savanna vegetation sparse and dense, riparian vegetation and exposed soil. The biophysical parameters used in the MODIS were emissivity, albedo and vegetation index for NDVI (NDVI). The GIS computer programs used were Modis Reprojections Tools and System Information Processing Georeferenced (SPRING), which was set up and worked the bank of information from sensors MODIS and TM and ArcGIS software for making maps more customizable. Initially, we evaluated the behavior of the vegetation emissivity by adapting equation Bastiaanssen on NDVI for spatialize emissivity and observe changes during the year 2006. The albedo was used to view your percentage of increase in the periods December 2003 and 2004. The image sensor of Landsat TM were used for the month of December 2005, according to the availability of images and in periods of low emissivity. For these applications were made in language programs for GIS Algebraic Space (LEGAL), which is a routine programming SPRING, which allows you to perform various types of algebras of spatial data and maps. For the detection of areas susceptible to environmental degradation took into account the behavior of the emissivity of the savanna that showed seasonal coinciding with the rainy season, reaching a maximum emissivity in the months April to July and in the remaining months of a low emissivity . With the images of the albedo of December 2003 and 2004, it was verified the percentage increase, which allowed the generation of two distinct classes: areas with increased variation percentage of 1 to 11.6% and the percentage change in areas with less than 1 % albedo. It was then possible to generate the map of susceptibility to environmental degradation, with the intersection of the class of exposed soil with varying percentage of the albedo, resulting in classes susceptibility to environmental degradation
O trabalho objetivou avaliar o desempenho produtivo, precocidade sexual e hipertrofia das fibras musculares esqueléticas em resposta à aplicação de somatotropina bovina recombinante (rbST). Foram utilizadas 58 novilhas Nelore de sete meses de idade com peso vivo médio de 193 kg. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em um esquema fatorial incompleto e dividido em duas fases experimentais. Na primeira fase, com duração de 150 dias, os animais foram divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com os níveis de rbST, 0 mg (controle) e 500 mg, a cada 28 dias. Na Fase II, os animais do grupo controle da Fase I foram divididos em 15 e 14 novilhas, que receberam 0 mg e 500 mg de rbST, respectivamente; os animais tratados com 500 mg na Fase I foram divididos em 15 e 14 novilhas e receberam 500 mg e 1.000 mg de rbST, respectivamente, com intervalos de 28 dias, e dieta em regime de pastejo, durante 180 dias. Foram retirados fragmentos do músculo semitendinosus para análise das fibras, no início e final da Fase I. Os animais foram pesados a cada 28 dias. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) entre os tratamentos quanto ao ganho de peso e quanto à precocidade sexual. Quanto ao diâmetro das fibras, os animais que receberam rbST tiveram um aumento significativo (p<0,01) tanto nas fibras de contração lenta quanto nas fibras de contração rápida em relação aos animais-controle.
Estudou-se o empenamento, os níveis hormonais de Triiodotironina (T3) e Tiroxina (T4) e a temperatura corporal de frangos criados em diferentes temperaturas. Foram alojados 180 pintainhos Cobb 500 e 180 pintainhos ISA Label JA57, em temperaturas termoneutra, quente ou fria. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso, em modelo fatorial 2 x 3 (2 linhagens e 3 temperaturas) com 8 repetições. Houve um aumento das concentrações de T3, nas aves criadas no frio, e uma redução no calor. Também no calor, os frangos ISA Label apresentaram níveis mais altos de T4. As aves Cobb apresentaram uma redução de T4 no calor ou no frio aos 42 dias e no calor aos 21 dias de idade. Houve menor empenamento aos 42 dias, quando os frangos foram criados em alta temperatura e um menor empenamento das aves ISA Label, quando comparadas aos frangos Cobb. As aves criadas no calor apresentaram maior temperatura corporal. Os frangos Cobb apresentaram um aumento na sua temperatura interna, quando criados em ambiente quente. Já os frangos da linhagem ISA Label mantiveram sua temperatura interna, independentemente da temperatura ambiente. É possível concluir que a temperatura ambiente afeta o empenamento dos frangos de corte de linhagens de rápido ganho de peso, que também apresentaram menor tolerância ao calor, demonstrada através de uma maior temperatura corporal e temperatura interna.