963 resultados para Norte de Portugal
Aquatic ecosystems are final collectors of all kinds of pollution as an outcome of anthropogenic inputs, such us untreated industrial and municipal sewage and agricultural pollutants. There are several aquatic ecosystems that are threatened by mineral and organic pollution. In Northeastern Portugal, near Bragança, different watercourses are suffering negative impacts of human activities. It has been developed several studies in the monitoring of environmental impacts in these river basins, namely in Rio Fervença, affected by organic pollution, and in Portelo stream, affected, since 2009, by the collapse and continuous input of mining deposits. In this sense, the present study aimed to continue the monitoring study of ecological status of freshwater ecosystems of Northeastern Portugal, namely the following objectives: a) mineral pollution effects of mining deposits sudden incorporated into Portelo stream; b) organic pollution due to domestic and industrial inputs in River Fervença. Also, since fish are useful experimental models to evaluate toxicological mechanisms of contaminants, c) acute toxicity tests with Cu were conducted in laboratory conditions. During 2015/2016, it was made abiotic and biotic characterization of 16 sampling sites distributed by both Portelo and Fervença rivers, tributaries of main River Sabor (Douro Basin). Several physicochemical parameters were determined and Riparian Quality (QBR Index) and Channel Quality (GQC) Indexes were determined for habitat evaluation. Fish and invertebrate communities were sampled, according to protocols of Water Framework Directive (WFD). Several metrics were determined, with particular emphasis on the Biotic Index IBMWP and the Northern Portuguese Invertebrate Index (IPtIN). Acute toxicity tests were conducted with an Iberian fish species, common barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei) and some plasmatic electrolytes levels were evaluated, to assess their contribution to mitigate osmoregulatory adverse effects of Cu. Also, same electrolytes were measured after changing to clean water, in attempt to assess fish capacity to reverse this situation. Results obtained for both rivers showed a significant level of disturbance that affected decisively water, habitat and biological quality of aquatic ecosystems. Mineral and Organic Pollution in River Sabor (NE Portugal): Ecotoxicological Effects on Freshwater Fauna Due to this change of environmental conditions in Portelo stream (extreme pH values, high conductivity and presence of heavy metals), several biological metrics (e.g. taxonomic richness, abundance, diversity, evenness) confirmed, comparatively with reference sites, a substantial decrease on ecological integrity status. The same pattern was found for Fervença River; however other water parameters, namely the content of most limiting nutrients (e.g. N and P) seemed to have more influence in the composition and structure of macroinvertebrate and fish communities. In fact, despite the operation of the Sewage Treatment Plant of Bragança, Fervença River presented significant levels of disturbance that affected decisively the quality and ecological integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. The synergic effect of domestic and industrial pollution, intensive agriculture, regulation and degradation of aquatic and riparian habitats contributed to the decrease of ecological condition, namely in the downstream zones (after Bragança). The results for acute toxicity, showed that fish can change Na+ and K+ levels face to Cu exposition and, depending of Cu concentration tested, can also return to normal levels, providing some insights to that are believed to occurred in fish population, near the Portelo mines. The low ecological integrity status detected in the lotic ecosystems in NE Portugal as a result of mineral and organic pollution deserves the development of several measures for rehabilitation and improving of water quality. On the other hand, environmental education actions are needed to contribute to improvement of ecological integrity of the river and its conservation.
This research presents a study aimed to evaluate the performance and competitiveness of tourist destinations in Portugal and Belarus within regions. The evaluation was performed under an analytical tool, Market Share Analysis proposed by Faulkner (1997). In addition, it was used some descriptive statistics. The conducted analysis concluded, with respect to the evolution of the destinations tourism that Açores Island is the most prosperous market for the majority of countries, because most countries staid in the zone of Performing market. North, Lisbon and Algarve regions are maturity markets for the most countries, because they stay in Stagnant markets zone. Centre and Alentejo regions could be attributed Emerging markets for the majority of countries once are developing markets. The major market share is occupied by Portugal practically for all regions, except islands. It is also necessary to underline, that the research was made only within two years (2013 and 2014), because of the lack of necessary information in previous years. In the case of Belarus, it could be mentioned, that rural market of this country is developing (but still mostly with neighbour countries), because the number of entities, participating in rural tourism is growing as the number of foreign tourists.
Neste trabalho os autores, embora reconhecendo não se se tratar de novas estações pré-históricas, não podem deixar de atribuir ao material recolhido uma importância bastante significativa, não só do ponto de vista tipológico, como da variedade de tipos de rocha, empregues na sua confecção. No aspecto tipológico, é de realçar as afinidades mirenses e asturienses de algumas peças recolhidas (picos, machados e pesos de rede), que apesar das suas reduzidas dimensões em relação aqueles encontrados no Baixo Alentejo e no Minho, não deixam de ser os representantes do «Languedocense» costeiro no centro do país mais precisamente na Foz do Tejo, ponto de encontro das indústrias paleolíticas e respectivas fácies do Norte e do Sul. O material agora estudado, embora não tenha sido recolhido em estações bem definidas, não perde de forma alguma o seu valor arqueológico, pois é originário (em especial aquele com afinidades «languedocences») das zonas marginais do Tejo, dado que a matéria prima utilizada está presente nos locais onde foi recolhida. Devemos ainda realçar as dimensões do material de calcário de aspecto acheulense e languedocense, sendo difícil atribuir-lhe uma datação correcta dada a fragilidade e fraca consistência desta rocha, e tendo ainda em conta o meio em que foi recolhido. No entanto se atender-mos à tipologia das peças e aos vários tipos de rochas utilizadas, podemos constatar que: I - Quartzito - Material acheulense e «languedocense». II - Basalto - Acheulense e «Ianguedocense». IlI - Calcário - «Ianguedocense» e peças de tradição acheulense. IV - Silex - Mustierense e Paleolítico superior.
This thesis nalyzes the wayfinding in Landscape Museum of Contemporary Art (MPAC), based on the Institute of Contemporary Art CACI, Minas Gerais, Brazil and the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Serralves Foundation, Porto, Portugal. The study focuses on the interrelationship of the public/visitors with the landscape, architecture and contemporary art museums in these, in order to understand visual perception and apprehension of such an environment for their users. For both were confronted documentation (visual and written) and people talk. The main hypothesis put forward is that the audience/visitor MPAC appreciates the interrelationship between the natural environment (park/garden) and built environment (the works of contemporary art and the galleries), giving equal value to both. To complement this, a second hypothesis is that during the visit to MPACS, visitors define their paths spontaneously, but strongly influenced by existing visual indicators (maps, signage and striking landscape elements), which facilitate the readability of space, which also contribute to the offered services and the experiences of similar institutions. The analytical basis of the research used the concepts of legibility (LYNCH, 2009), wayfinding (GIBSON, 2009; ARTHUR, PASSINI, 2002; WEISMAN, 1982), Experiential Cotinnum (TUAN, 1985), Space Bound (CRUZ PINTO, 2007) and habitus (BOURDIEU, 1992). Methodologically was used qualitative research (DEMO 2000) by means of a case study (YIN, 2005; STAKE, 1999) and participant observation (WHYTE, 2005). In the two institutions interviews with researchers and curators, behavior observation and questionnaires from employees, trainees, monitors and the public/visitor of the two museums were performed. Although partially referende the initial hypothesis, the research showed that the public/visitor value appears more natural environments, they experience a greater intensity and in addition to the factors listed in the second case, your perception and definition of paths suffer significant influence of emotional relations established with space. Generally the audience/visitor adapts easily to different demands of contemporary art exhibition in the two museums and the built environment (park/garden and museum) interferes with your reading path during the visit, perceived by the public/visitor condition as a factor that favors the enjoyment of works on different mounts (wayfinding), though often become a factor that hinders the legibility of the building and its built environment
Both the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century have been characterized as a period of major political, economic, social and cultural transformations. Two of the major consequences of the political-economical crisis of the end of last century are the restructuring of capitalist production, and the consolidation of neoliberalism as a worldwide phenomenon. This new world political-economical scenario has influenced, in a dialectic way, the contemporary urban development. In that sense, "new" spatial processes and new paradigms in both urban management and urban planning have gained shape. In this context of urban transformations, the central areas of western cities, also known as historic centers, are being increasingly (re)valued. Since the Second World War, the historic centers urban areas which have great infrastructure and symbolic relevance had been undergoing a process of evasion of population and activities, undeniably linked to the neglect of government authorities. However, in recent decades, the question of historic centers rehabilitation has acquired a growing interest, academically and in political agendas. The object of this dissertation is to focus on how the government of each Brazil and Portugal has dealt with the issue of historic center rehabilitation through programs of urban rehabilitation
Okadaic acid and its analogues are potent phosphatase inhibitors that cause Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) through the ingestion of contaminated shellfish by humans. This group of toxins is transmitted worldwide but the number of poisoning incidents has declined over the last 20 years due to legislation and monitoring programs that were implemented for bivalves. In the summer of 2012 and 2013, we collected a total of 101 samples of 22 different species that were made up of benthic and subtidal organisms such echinoderms, crustaceans, bivalves and gastropods from Madeira, São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago) and the northwestern coast of Morocco. The samples were analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS. Our main objective was to detect new vectors for these biotoxins. We can report nine new vectors for these toxins in the North Atlantic: Astropecten aranciacus, Arbacia lixula, Echinaster sepositus, Holothuria sanctori, Ophidiaster ophidianus, Onchidella celtica, Aplysia depilans, Patella spp., and Stramonita haemostoma. Differences in toxin contents among the species were found. Even though low concentrations were detected, the levels of toxins that were present, especially in edible species, indicate the importance of these types of studies. Routine monitoring should be extended to comprise a wider number of vectors other than for bivalves of okadaic acid and its analogues.
O objectivo central do presente estudo foi construir valores de referência para as habilidades de locomoção e de manipulação em crianças da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. A amostra envolveu 853 crianças, 426 rapazes e 427 raparigas, com idades compreendidas entre os 3 aos 10 anos, que participaram na pesquisa ‘Crescer com Saúde na Região Autónoma da Madeira’. As habilidades motoras foram avaliadas através do ‘Test of Gross Motor Development’. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram uma melhoria de resultados com a idade, na quase totalidade das habilidades motoras. Os rapazes foram mais proficientes do que as raparigas nas habilidades de manipulação. O maior número de crianças madeirenses foi classificado na categoria ‘médio’ nas habilidades de locomoção (51.5%) e de manipulação (37.7%). As crianças madeirenses apresentaram equivalentes etários abaixo da média nas habilidades de locomoção (86.5%) e de manipulação (87.7%). Um aumento de mestria com a idade foi observado na corrida, galope, deslocamento lateral, drible, agarrar e lançamento por cima do ombro. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram desempenhos inferiores relativamente às norte-americanas. Os resultados da presente pesquisa devem fomentar a investigação e conduzir à implementação de programas na escola e demais instituições com o objectivo de promover o normal crescimento e desenvolvimento motor das nossas crianças.
Okadaic acid and its analogues are potent phosphatase inhibitors that cause Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) through the ingestion of contaminated shellfish by humans. This group of toxins is transmitted worldwide but the number of poisoning incidents has declined over the last 20 years due to legislation and monitoring programs that were implemented for bivalves. In the summer of 2012 and 2013, we collected a total of 101 samples of 22 different species that were made up of benthic and subtidal organisms such echinoderms, crustaceans, bivalves and gastropods from Madeira, São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago) and the northwestern coast of Morocco. The samples were analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS. Our main objective was to detect new vectors for these biotoxins. We can report nine new vectors for these toxins in the North Atlantic: Astropecten aranciacus, Arbacia lixula, Echinaster sepositus, Holothuria sanctori, Ophidiaster ophidianus, Onchidella celtica, Aplysia depilans, Patella spp., and Stramonita haemostoma. Differences in toxin contents among the species were found. Even though low concentrations were detected, the levels of toxins that were present, especially in edible species, indicate the importance of these types of studies. Routine monitoring should be extended to comprise a wider number of vectors other than for bivalves of okadaic acid and its analogues.
O objectivo central do presente estudo foi construir valores de referência para as habilidades de locomoção e de manipulação em crianças da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. A amostra envolveu 853 crianças, 426 rapazes e 427 raparigas, com idades compreendidas entre os 3 aos 10 anos, que participaram na pesquisa ‘Crescer com Saúde na Região Autónoma da Madeira’. As habilidades motoras foram avaliadas através do ‘Test of Gross Motor Development’. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram uma melhoria de resultados com a idade, na quase totalidade das habilidades motoras. Os rapazes foram mais proficientes do que as raparigas nas habilidades de manipulação. O maior número de crianças madeirenses foi classificado na categoria ‘médio’ nas habilidades de locomoção (51.5%) e de manipulação (37.7%). As crianças madeirenses apresentaram equivalentes etários abaixo da média nas habilidades de locomoção (86.5%) e de manipulação (87.7%). Um aumento de mestria com a idade foi observado na corrida, galope, deslocamento lateral, drible, agarrar e lançamento por cima do ombro. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram desempenhos inferiores relativamente às norte-americanas. Os resultados da presente pesquisa devem fomentar a investigação e conduzir à implementação de programas na escola e demais instituições com o objectivo de promover o normal crescimento e desenvolvimento motor das nossas crianças.
O Arquipélago dos Açores é uma região sismicamente activa. Desde o seu povoamento no séc. XV o arquipélago foi afectado por 33 sismos de intensidade máxima (Io) ≥ VII. O obejctivo é apresentar o primeiro mapa de intensidades máximas observadas (IMO) do arquipélago dos Açores. A elaboração do IMO visa identificar as áreas afectadas no passado por eventos de grande magnitude. Do catálogo sísmico (1915-2003) foram selecionados as intensidades máxima dos eventos ≥ V. Foram adicionados 14 sismos históricos com Io ≥ VII que ocorreram entre 1522 e 1912. Os clusters sísmicos associados a erupções vulcânicas (1957/58 e 1964) assim como réplicas foram removidos para evitar o enviesamento dos resultados. Utilizou-se o método de krigagem ([1], [2]) para fazer a interpolação para obter os valores de intensidade dos pontos desconhecidos com base dos pontos e intensidades conhecidas. O mapa IMO mostra que a parte oriental das ilhas de São Jorge e Graciosa têm os valores de intensidade mais elevados, XI e IX, respectivamente. Nas ilhas da Terceira e Pico as IMO, com intensidades VIII e VII, respectivamente, estão limitadas aos extremos oriental e ocidental. No Faial, uma faixa com direcção NW-SE apresenta os valores de intensidade (X) mais elevada. Em S. Miguel as IMO (VII e X) estão localizadas na parte ocidental, sudeste e norte da ilha. Por fim, só a parte oriental da ilha de Santa Maria apresenta os valores mais elevados de IMO (VI). Não apresentamos resultados para as ilhas Flores e Corvo, devido à reduzida sismicidade que não preenche os critérios estabelecidos para a selecção de sismos com Io ≥ V. Os mapas IMO não têm capacidade para descriminar os efeitos de sítio, apesar de mostrarem as áreas com elevado movimento do solo.
Cysticercosis results from the ingestion Taenia solium eggs directly by faecal-oral route or contaminated food or water. While, still considered a leading cause of acquired epilepsy in developed countries, this zoonosis has been controlled or eradicated in industrialized countries due to significant improvements in sanitation, pig rearing and slaughterhouse control systems. We developed a retrospective study on human neurocysticercosis (NCC) hospitalisations based on the national database resulting from National Health Service (NHS) hospital episodes except those of Madeira and Azores Islands. Between 2006 and 2013 there were 357 hospitalized NCC cases in Portugal. Annual frequency of cases between 2006-2013 kept stable (mean 45). NCC was most frequent in those aged 25-34 years (59; 16,5%) and those >75 years (65; 18,2%). Overall, mean age was 47,3 years (median age 45, standard deviation 41,1, mode 28) and 176 cases were in males (49,3%); no significant differences were observed between age and gender (t-student, p>0,05). In Norte Region cases tended to be older than in Lisboa and Vale do Tejo Region. The Directorate-General of Health established the National Observatory of Cysticercosis and Teniiasis which will define criteria for NCC cases monitoring and surveillance (hospitalized and non-hospitalized cases).
Cysticercosis, a leading cause of acquired epilepsy in developing countries, has been controlled or eradicated in industrialized countries. This paradigm has recently been challenged, with human neurocysticercosis (NCC) being increasingly diagnosed in these countries. In order to assess the NCC burden in Portugal, a retrospective study on NCC hospitalizations (2006–2013) was conducted based on the national database on hospital morbidity: 357 hospitalized cases were detected. NCC was most frequent in the following age groups: 20–64 years (n = 197, 55·2%) >64 years (n = 111, 31·1%), and <20 years (n = 49, 13·7%). In the Norte and Centro regions cases tended to be older than in the Lisboa and Vale do Tejo Region. The results raise concerns for imported and autochthonous disease, suggesting the Lisboa and Vale do Tejo Region, due to its higher frequency of cases at younger ages, as a priority for research and intervention, and further suggest that NCC should be under surveillance (notifiable). The National Observatory of Cysticercosis and Taeniasis has been established and will define NCC cases as well as monitoring and surveillance.
The case study of Lusoponte illustrates the concession awarded by the Portuguese Government to finance, design, build and operate two bridges over the Tagus in Lisbon, Portugal. It includes an overview of the project's background and an analysis of the main risk categories stating both the actual risks encountered and the mitigation measures adopted. Throughout the project a great attention was given to whole life cycle costs, and gains in efficiency and cost control. Among the lessons that can be learned from both the public and private sector is that a complete risk management analysis must include not only the technical factors but also a realistic assessment of environmental and social risks. These were the risks that were somewhat overseen and that caused the main problems to the project's development.
The availability of population-specific normative data regarding disease severity measures is essential for patient assessment. The goals of the current study were to characterize the pattern of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in Portuguese patients and to develop reference centile charts for BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI and mSASSS, the most widely used assessment tools in AS. AS cases were recruited from hospital outpatient clinics, with AS defined according to the modified New York criteria. Demographic and clinical data were recorded. All radiographs were evaluated by two independent experienced readers. Centile charts for BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI and mSASSS were constructed for both genders, using generalized linear models and regression models with duration of disease as independent variable. A total of 369 patients (62.3% male, mean ± (SD) age 45.4 ± 13.2 years, mean ± (SD) disease duration 11.4 ± 10.5 years, 70.7% B27-positive) were included. Family history of AS in a first-degree relative was reported in 17.6% of the cases. Regarding clinical disease pattern, at the time of assessment 42.3% had axial disease, 2.4% peripheral disease, 40.9% mixed disease and 7.1% isolated enthesopatic disease. Anterior uveitis (33.6%) was the most common extra-articular manifestation. The centile charts suggest that females reported greater disease activity and more functional impairment than males but had lower BASMI and mSASSS scores. Data collected through this study provided a demographic and clinical profile of patients with AS in Portugal. The development of centile charts constitutes a useful tool to assess the change of disease pattern over time and in response to therapeutic interventions.