867 resultados para Nexus of contracts


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In this paper we compare two historical scenarios very different one to each other bothin institutional and geographical terms. What they have in common is the situation ofrelative poverty of most of the population. On the one side we are dealing withhistorical industrializing Catalonia in the North East of Spain, a country exhibiting pooreconomic yields in the context of European and non European industrializing nations inthe 19th century. We compare children s work patterns in 19th century Catalonia withthose of current developing countries in Latin America, Africa and South and East Asia.This kind of exercise in which the nexus of the comparison are the levels of wealth ofcountries that are unsuccessful to achieve high standards of economic growth allows usto combine the micro historical analysis (in the Catalan case) with the macrocomparative approach in current developing countries. By means of both, the microhistorical analysis and the macro regression analysis we obtain the result that adultwomen s skills and real wages are a key factor when we want to explain the patterns ofchildren work. While female real wages increased a sharp rate in 19th century Cataloniawe obtain very different results in the case of developing countries. This differentgender bias helps to explain why in some cases children continue to work and also whysome parts of the world continue to be poor according to our regression analysis.


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\documentstyle[portada,11pt]{article}This paper shows that the presence of private information in aneconomy can be a source of market incompleteness even when it is feasibleto issue a set of securities that completely eliminates the informationalasymmetries in equilibrium. We analyze a simple security design model in which avolume maximizing futures exchange chooses not only the characteristics ofeach individual contract but also the number of contracts. Agents have rationalexpectations and differ in information, endowments and, possibly, attitudestoward risk. The emergence of complete or incomplete markets in equilibriumdepends on whether the {\it adverse selection effect} is stronger or weakerthan the {\it Hirshleifer effect}, as new securitiesare issued and prices reveal more information. When the Hirshleifer effectdominates, the exchange chooses an incomplete set of financial contracts, andthe equilibrium price is partially revealing.


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There are two fundamental puzzles about trade credit: why does it appearto be so expensive,and why do input suppliers engage in the business oflending money? This paper addresses and answers both questions analysingthe interaction between the financial and the industrial aspects of thesupplier-customer relationship. It examines how, in a context of limitedenforceability of contracts, suppliers may have a comparative advantageover banks in lending to their customers because they hold the extrathreat of stopping the supply of intermediate goods. Suppliers may alsoact as lenders of last resort, providing insurance against liquidityshocks that may endanger the survival of their customers. The relativelyhigh implicit interest rates of trade credit result from the existenceof default and insurance premia. The implications of the model areexamined empirically using parametric and nonparametric techniques on apanel of UK firms.


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We present a model of price discrimination where a monopolistfaces a consumer who is privately informed about thedistribution of his valuation for an indivisible unit ofgood but has yet to learn privately the actual valuation.The monopolist sequentially screens the consumer with amenu of contracts:the consumer self-selects once by choosing a contract andthen self-selects again when he learns the actual valuation. A deterministic sequential mechanism is a menu of refundcontracts, each consisting of an advance payment and a refundamount in case of no consumption, but sequential mechanismsmay involve randomization.We characterize the optimal sequential mechanism when someconsumer types are more eager in the sense of first-orderstochastic dominance, and when some types face greatervaluation uncertainty in the sense of mean-preserving-spread.We show that it can be optimal to subsidize consumer typeswith smaller valuation uncertainty (through low refund, as inairplane ticket pricing) in order to reduce the rent to thosewith greater uncertainty. The size of distortion depends bothon the type distribution and on how informative the consumer'sinitial private knowledge is about his valuation, but noton how much he initially knows about the valuation per se.


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A review of the Iowa Department of Transportation's field data collection and reporting system has been performed. Included were several systems used by the Office of Construction and Local Jurisdictions. The entire field data collection and reporting systems for asphalt cement concrete (ACC) paving, portland cement concrete (PCC) paving, and PCC structures were streamlined and computerized. The field procedures for materials acceptance were also reviewed. Best practices were identified and a method was developed to prioritize materials so transportation agencies could focus their efforts on high priority materials. Iowa State University researchers facilitated a discussion about Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action (AA) procedures between the Office of Construction field staff and the Office of Contracts. A set of alternative procedures was developed. Later the Office of Contracts considered these alternatives as they developed new procedures that are currently being implemented. The job close-out package was reviewed and two unnecessary procedures were eliminated. Numerous other procedures were reviewed and flowcharted. Several changes have been recommended that will increase efficiency and allow staff time to be devoted to higher priority activities. It is estimated the improvements in ACC paving, PCC paving and structural concrete will by similar to three full time equivalent (FTE) positions to field construction, field materials and Office of Materials. Elimination of EEO interviews will be equivalent to one FTE position. It is estimated that other miscellaneous changes will be equivalent to at least one other FTE person. This is a total five FTEs. These are conservative estimates based on savings that are easily quantified. It is likely that total positive effect is greater when items that are difficult to quantify are considered.


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El present treball es fonamenta amb el contingut del llibre particular o extraordinari del mercader Guillem Masó, de Sant Joan de les Abadesses, actiu durant la segona meitat del segle XIV. La majoria d’assentaments que conté el volum fan referència a tractes de bestiar, amb la inclusió de diverses tipologies o variants en els contractes, des de la simple compravenda fins a comandes-parceria. L’activitat del mercader Masó, tanmateix, no se centra exclusivament en aquests negocis. S’intueix una diversificació de les seves activitats que es vinculen, fonamentalment, amb la producció i comercialització de draps de llana i de lli. El context social i econòmic de la vila de Sant Joan durant aquest període afavoreix la presència d’aquests empresaris tèxtils que, per a aconseguir els seus objectius, s’introdueixen en els ressorts del poder civil de la vila i en els dels gremis i confraries que regulen i controlen els processos de fabricació dels productes


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Osallistuessaan julkisten hankintojen tarjouskilpailuun yritys pyrkii tekemään tarjouksen, jolla se voittaa kilpailun. Ennen tarjousten vertailua yrityksen soveltuvuus arvioidaan tarjoajien valinnassa. Tutkimuksen tavoite on selvittää miten yritys voi varmistaa tarjousvertailuun pääsyn. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on lainoppi. Empiirisessä osiossa aineistona ovat hankintailmoitukset ja -aineistot, joita analysoidaan kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen keinoin. Lain, lainvalmisteluaineiston, oikeuskirjallisuuden ja oikeuskäytännön perusteella muodostetaan peilaavan vastauksen malli. Yritys varmistaa jatkoon pääsyn, kun se tarjouksessaan kuvaa resurssinsa peilaten hankintayksikön ilmoittamia vaatimuksia sekä toimittaa vaaditut liiteasiakirjat määräajassa. Aineiston perusteella mallin todetaan toimivan silloin, kun myös hankintayksikkö toimii mallin odotusten mukaan. Kun hankintayksikkö ei toimi mallin oletusten mukaisesti, yrityksen mallin mukaista toimintaa ei voi arvioida.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin keskijohtajien ja työntekijöiden psykologisia sopimuksia OP-Pohjola-ryhmässä. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tuottaa uutta ymmärrystä henkilöstön ja organisaation suhteesta. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia psykologisia sopimuksia keskijohtajat ja työntekijät muodostavat, rikotaanko näitä sopimuksia ja kuinka haastateltavat reagoivat mahdollisiin rikkomuksiin. Lisäksi eri organisaatiotasojen käsityksiä ja näkemyksiä psykologisesta sopimuksesta vertailtiin keskenään. Tutkielma on laadullinen tutkielma, jonka tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua haastattelua. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin tekemällä kahdeksan haastattelua. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin neljää keskijohtajaa ja neljää työntekijää. Empiirisen aineiston analyysissa tulkinta pohjautuu tutkimuksen teoreettiseen viitekehykseen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan haastateltujen keskijohtajien psykologiset sopimukset ovat luonteeltaan relationaalisia ja työntekijöiden sopimukset puolestaan transaktionaalisia. Molempien sopimukset sisältävät kuitenkin kumpiakin sopimusehtoja. Haastateltujen psykologisia sopimuksia on rikottu harvakseltaan. Rikkomuksiin on reagoitu keskustelemalla työnantajan kanssa tai olemalla vaiti ja sopeutumalla tilanteeseen. Tulokset myös osoittavat, että organisaatiossa vallitsee suuri luottamus ja asioista keskustellaan hyvin avoimesti.


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Les agrupacions musicals canareves del segle XIX han estat un referent clau en el desenvolupament de la cultura musical del poble d’Alcanar. Han esdevingut un nexe identitari com a poble i han estat un mitjà d’integració i participació de les classes socials més desfavorides en el fet musical.


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Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on määrittää kohdeyritykseen soveltuvat menetelmät, joiden avulla voidaan suorittaa alueurakoiden jälkilaskenta. Jälkilaskelmien tavoite on selvittää alueurakoiden tarjousvaiheen kustannusarvioiden ja toteutuneiden kustannusten merkittävimmät erot nykyisin saatavissa olevan informaation avulla. Työ rajataan käsittelemään viittä kohdeyrityksen alueurakkaa. Tutkimuksen toinen tavoite on määrittää kohdeyrityksen kustannusseurannan keskeisimmät ongelmat jälkilaskennan näkökulmasta ja esittää kehitystoimenpiteet näiden ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi. Tutkimuksen tutkimusote on konstruktiivinen, joka sisältää myös toimintaanalyyttisiä piirteitä. Tutkimus jakautuu teoreettiseen kirjallisuusselvitykseen ja empiiriseen ongelmanratkaisuosioon. Tarjouslaskennan ja toteutuneiden kustannusten vertailu edellyttää alueurakoiden sisältömuutosten ja hinnantarkistusten huomioimista sekä apukustannuspaikkojen kustannusten kohdistamista varsinaisille kunnossapitotehtäville. Suoritetun jälkilaskennan tuloksena havaitaan merkittäviä eroja tarjouslaskennan ja toteutuneiden kustannusten välillä kaikissa urakoissa. Jälkilaskennan suorittamisen näkökulmasta kohdeyrityksen kustannusseurannan heikkouksia ovat tiedon hajanainen sijainti eri järjestelmissä ja muutamat kustannusten rekisteröinnin yksityiskohdat. Ratkaisuksi ehdotetaan kaikkien jälkilaskennan kannalta oleellisten tietojen keskittämistä yrityksen käyttämään talousseurantajärjestelmään. Kustannusten rekisteröinnin kehittämiseen ehdotetaan tiettyjen kustannuspaikkojen jakamista pienempiin osiin ja toisten sisältämien tehtävien tarkempaa määrittelyä.


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The aim of the present investigation was to extend a previous study, showing a correlation of the variations of hemolymph carbohydrates with synodic lunar-like cycle and its circaseptan harmonics to worker honeybee hemolymph lipids. Hemolymph lipid concentrations of emerging worker imagos were analyzed in terms of one ideal synodic lunar cycle and processed by the cosinor method testing the null hypothesis versus the presence of 29.5-, 14.8- or 7.4-day periods in the data. A rhythmicity statistically compatible with a 29.5-day rhythm was observed for triacylglycerols and steroids as well as for body weight. A circadiseptan rhythm was determined for 1,3 diacylglycerols, while fatty acids and phospholipids exhibited a circaseptan rhythm. An agreement of peaks for triacylglycerols, steroids and body weight at the new moon, but not at the full moon, was noted with respect to trehalose and glucose circadiseptan rhythms. The latter moon-phase timing of peaks and nadirs, compared with that previously determined for trehalose and glucose, appeared to be identical to the circadiseptan rhythm and reciprocal for the circaseptan rhythms of 1,3 diacylglycerols. Reciprocal tendencies in circaseptans of trehalose and glucose on the one hand, and fatty acids and phospholipids on the other are indicated. The underlying causal nexus of these relationships is unknown


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tuoda esille yleisimmät riskit liittyen kansainvälisessä kaupassa tehtyihin sopimuksiin. Tutkimus pyrkii avaamaan kansainvälisen kaupan ominaispiirteitä, jonka avulla saavutetaan yleiskäsitys kansainvälisen kaupan 2 sisällöstä. Kansainvälisen kaupan lisäksi tutkimus perehtyy sopimuksiin, niiden laadintaan, hyväksikäyttöön sekä sopimusriskien syy- ja seuraussuhteeseen.


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Kuluttajien valveutuminen ja globalisaatio 2000-luvulla lukeutuvat suurimpiin taustasyihin sille, että vastuullisuus on noussut entistä tärkeämpään rooliin yritysten toiminnassa. Hankinnat ovat tämän vastuullisen toiminnan kannalta yksi kriittisimpiä osa-alueita, sillä yrityksen on hallittava hankintaketjunsa hyvin pystyäkseen takaamaan vastuullisten toimipojen ulottumisen aina sen alkupäähän asti. Tämä Pro Gradu-tutkielma kartoittaa Suomen yritysten vastuullisten hankintojen nykytilaa ja sen kehitystä viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten vastuullisia hankintoja toteutetaan tämän päivän suomalaisissa yrityksissä ja ovatko aiempien tutkimuksien havaitsemat ongelmat vielä olemassa ja jos ovat, niin missä mittakaavassa. Tämä tutkimus on toteutettu sähköisenä kyselytutkimuksena, joka lähetettiin eri alojen yrityksille ympäri Suomea. Suomalaisten yritysten hankintojen vastuullisuus on mennyt eteenpäin viime vuosikymmenen tilanteesta, mutta kasvu näyttäisi olevan enemmän määrällistä kuin laadullista. Vastuullisia hankintoja toteuttaa yhä useampi yritys, mutta samat ongelmat vaivaavat vielä suurta osaa kaikista yrityksistä. Puutteita löytyy erityisesti sopimusosaamisessa, dokumentoinnissa ja informaationkulussa.


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Technological innovations and the advent of digitalization have led retail business into one of its biggest transformations of all time. Consumer behaviour has changed rapidly and the customers are ever more powerful, demanding, tech-savvy and moving on various plat-forms. These attributes will continue to drive the development and robustly restructure the architecture of value creation in the retail business. The largest retail category, grocery yet awaits for a real disruption, but the signals for major change are already on the horizon. The first wave of online grocery retail was introduced in the mid 1990’s and it throve until millennium. Many overreactions, heavy investments and the burst IT-bubble almost stag-nated the whole industry for a long period of time. The second wave started with a venge-ance around 2010. Some research was carried out during the first wave from a single-viewpoint of online grocery retail, but without a comprehensive approach to online-offline business model integration. Now the accelerating growth of e-business has initiated an increased interest to examine the transformation from traditional business models towards e-business models and their integration on the companies’ traditional business models. This research strove to examine how can we recognize and analyze how digitalization and online channels are affecting the business models of grocery retail, by using business mod-el canvas as an analysis tool. Furthermore business model innovation and omnichannel retail were presented and suggested as potential solutions for these changes. 21 experts in online grocery industry were being interviewed. The thoughts of the informants were being qualitatively analysed by using an analysis tool called the business model canvas. The aim of this research was to portray a holistic view on the Omnichannel grocery retail business model, and the value chain, in which the case company Arina along with its partners are operating. The key conclusions exhibited that online grocery retail business model is not an alterna-tive model nor a substitute for the traditional grocery retail business model, though all of the business model elements are to some extent affected by it, but rather a complementary business model that should be integrated into the prevailing, conventional grocery retail business model. A set of business model elements, such as value proposition and distribu-tion channels were recognized as the most important ones and sources of innovation within these components were being illustrated. Segments for online grocery retail were empiri-cally established as polarized niche markets in contrast of the segmented mass-market of the conventional grocery retail. Business model innovation was proven to be a considera-ble method and a conceptual framework, by which to come across with new value proposi-tions that create competitive advantage for the company in the contemporary, changing business environment. Arina as a retailer can be considered as a industry model innovator, since it has initiated an entire industry in its market area, where other players have later on embarked on, and in which the contributors of the value chain, such as Posti depend on it to a great extent. Consumer behaviour clearly affects and appears everywhere in the digi-talized grocery trade and it drives customers to multiple platforms where retailers need to be present. Omnichannel retail business model was suggested to be the solution, in which the new technologies are being utilized, contemporary consumer behaviour is embedded in decision-making and all of the segments and their value propositions are being served seamlessly across the channels.


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In this paper, we look at how labor market conditions at different points during the tenure of individuals with firms are correlated with current earnings. Using data on individuals from the German Socioeconomic Panel for the 1985-1994 period, we find that both the contemporaneous unemployment rate and prior values of the unemployment rate are significantly correlated with current earnings, contrary to results for the American labor market. Estimated elasticities vary between 9 and 15 percent for the elasticity of earnings with respect to current unemployment rates, and between 6 and 10 percent with respect to unemployment rates at the start of current firm tenure. Moreover, whereas local unemployment rates determine levels of earnings, national rates influence contemporaneous variations in earnings. We interpret this result as evidence that German unions do, in fact, bargain over wages and employment, but that models of individualistic contracts, such as the implicit contract model, may explain some of the observed wage drift and longer-term wage movements reasonably well. Furthermore, we explore the heterogeneity of contracts over a variety of worker and job characteristics. In particular, we find evidence that contracts differ across firm size and worker type. Workers of large firms are remarkably more insulated from the job market than workers for any other type of firm, indicating the importance of internal job markets.