964 resultados para Neumann boundary conditions
We analyze the behavior of solutions of the Poisson equation with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions in a two-dimensional thin domain which presents locally periodic oscillations at the boundary. The oscillations are such that both the amplitude and period of the oscillations may vary in space. We obtain the homogenized limit problem and a corrector result by extending the unfolding operator method to the case of locally periodic media.
In this paper we prove well-posedness for a measure-valued continuity equation with solution-dependent velocity and flux boundary conditions, posed on a bounded one-dimensional domain. We generalize the results of an earlier paper [J. Differential Equations, 259 (2015), pp. 10681097] to settings where the dynamics are driven by interactions. In a forward-Euler-like approach, we construct a time-discretized version of the original problem and employ those results as a building block within each subinterval. A limit solution is obtained as the mesh size of the time discretization goes to zero. Moreover, the limit is independent of the specific way of partitioning the time interval [0, T]. This paper is partially based on results presented in Chapter 5 of [Evolution Equations for Systems Governed by Social Interactions, Ph.D. thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2015], while a number of issues that were still open there are now resolved.
We consider a two-dimensional space-fractional reaction diffusion equation with a fractional Laplacian operator and homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. The finite volume method is used with the matrix transfer technique of Ilić et al. (2006) to discretise in space, yielding a system of equations that requires the action of a matrix function to solve at each timestep. Rather than form this matrix function explicitly, we use Krylov subspace techniques to approximate the action of this matrix function. Specifically, we apply the Lanczos method, after a suitable transformation of the problem to recover symmetry. To improve the convergence of this method, we utilise a preconditioner that deflates the smallest eigenvalues from the spectrum. We demonstrate the efficiency of our approach for a fractional Fisher’s equation on the unit disk.
A class of I boundary value problems involving propagation of two-dimensional surface water waves, associated with water of uniform finite depth, against a plane vertical wave maker is investigated under the assumption that the surface is covered by a thin sheet of ice. It is assumed that the ice-cover behaves like a thin isotropic elastic plate. Then the problems under consideration lead to those of solving the two-dimensional Laplace equation in a semi-infinite strip, under Neumann boundary conditions on the vertical boundary as well as on one of the horizontal boundaries, representing the bottom of the fluid region, and a condition involving upto fifth order derivatives of the unknown function on the top horizontal ice-covered boundary, along with the two appropriate edge-conditions, at the ice-covered corner, ensuring the uniqueness of the solutions. The mixed boundary value problems are solved completely, by exploiting the regularity property of the Fourier cosine transform.
I.Wood: Maximal Lp-regularity for the Laplacian on Lipschitz domains, Math. Z., 255, 4 (2007), 855-875.
La présente thèse porte sur différentes questions émanant de la géométrie spectrale. Ce domaine des mathématiques fondamentales a pour objet d'établir des liens entre la géométrie et le spectre d'une variété riemannienne. Le spectre d'une variété compacte fermée M munie d'une métrique riemannienne $g$ associée à l'opérateur de Laplace-Beltrami est une suite de nombres non négatifs croissante qui tend vers l’infini. La racine carrée de ces derniers représente une fréquence de vibration de la variété. Cette thèse présente quatre articles touchant divers aspects de la géométrie spectrale. Le premier article, présenté au Chapitre 1 et intitulé « Superlevel sets and nodal extrema of Laplace eigenfunctions », porte sur la géométrie nodale d'opérateurs elliptiques. L’objectif de mes travaux a été de généraliser un résultat de L. Polterovich et de M. Sodin qui établit une borne sur la distribution des extrema nodaux sur une surface riemannienne pour une assez vaste classe de fonctions, incluant, entre autres, les fonctions propres associées à l'opérateur de Laplace-Beltrami. La preuve fournie par ces auteurs n'étant valable que pour les surfaces riemanniennes, je prouve dans ce chapitre une approche indépendante pour les fonctions propres de l’opérateur de Laplace-Beltrami dans le cas des variétés riemanniennes de dimension arbitraire. Les deuxième et troisième articles traitent d'un autre opérateur elliptique, le p-laplacien. Sa particularité réside dans le fait qu'il est non linéaire. Au Chapitre 2, l'article « Principal frequency of the p-laplacian and the inradius of Euclidean domains » se penche sur l'étude de bornes inférieures sur la première valeur propre du problème de Dirichlet du p-laplacien en termes du rayon inscrit d’un domaine euclidien. Plus particulièrement, je prouve que, si p est supérieur à la dimension du domaine, il est possible d'établir une borne inférieure sans aucune hypothèse sur la topologie de ce dernier. L'étude de telles bornes a fait l'objet de nombreux articles par des chercheurs connus, tels que W. K. Haymann, E. Lieb, R. Banuelos et T. Carroll, principalement pour le cas de l'opérateur de Laplace. L'adaptation de ce type de bornes au cas du p-laplacien est abordée dans mon troisième article, « Bounds on the Principal Frequency of the p-Laplacian », présenté au Chapitre 3 de cet ouvrage. Mon quatrième article, « Wolf-Keller theorem for Neumann Eigenvalues », est le fruit d'une collaboration avec Guillaume Roy-Fortin. Le thème central de ce travail gravite autour de l'optimisation de formes dans le contexte du problème aux valeurs limites de Neumann. Le résultat principal de cet article est que les valeurs propres de Neumann ne sont pas toujours maximisées par l'union disjointe de disques arbitraires pour les domaines planaires d'aire fixée. Le tout est présenté au Chapitre 4 de cette thèse.
We analyze the dynamics of a reaction-diffusion equation with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions in a dumbbell domain. We provide an appropriate functional setting to treat this problem and, as a first step, we show in this paper the continuity of the set of equilibria and of its linear unstable manifolds. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The pressure field of a high-power klystron amplifier in the cathode and anode region was investigated. The investigation was performed using a 1.3 GHz, 100 A and 240 kV high-power klystron with five reentrant coaxial cavities, assembled in cylindrical drift tube 1.2 m long. The diffusion equation in mathematical model was also solved by using a 3-D finite element method code, in order to obtain pressure profile in region of interest. The results show that density profile of molecules between cathode-anode region was determined, where cathode pressure is approximately 10% higher than anode pressure.
No presente trabalho foi considerado um campo escalar real não massivo em um espaço-tempo bidimensional, satisfazendo à condição de fronteira Dirichlet ou Neumann na posição instantânea de uma fronteira em movimento. Para uma lei de movimento relativística, foi mostrado que as condiçõoes de fronteira Dirichlet e Neumann produzem a mesma força de radiação sobre um espelho em movimento quando o estado inicial do campo é invariante sobre translações temporais. Obtemos as fórmulas exatas para a densidade de energia do campo e da força de radiação na fronteira para os estados de vácuo, coerente e comprimido. No limite não-relativistico, os resultados obtidos coincidem com os encontrados na literatura. Também foi investigado o campo dentro de uma cavidade oscilante. Considerando as condiçõoes de fronteira Neumann e Dirichlet, escreveu-se a fórmulas exata para a densidade de energia dentro de uma cavidade não-estática, para um estado inicial arbitrário do campo. Tomando como base a equação de Moore, nós calculamos recursivamente a densidade de energia e investigamos a evolução temporal da densidade de energia para o estado coerente do campo.
Diese Arbeit widmet sich den Darstellungssätzen für symmetrische indefinite (das heißt nicht-halbbeschränkte) Sesquilinearformen und deren Anwendungen. Insbesondere betrachten wir den Fall, dass der zur Form assoziierte Operator keine Spektrallücke um Null besitzt. Desweiteren untersuchen wir die Beziehung zwischen reduzierenden Graphräumen, Lösungen von Operator-Riccati-Gleichungen und der Block-Diagonalisierung für diagonaldominante Block-Operator-Matrizen. Mit Hilfe der Darstellungssätze wird eine entsprechende Beziehung zwischen Operatoren, die zu indefiniten Formen assoziiert sind, und Form-Riccati-Gleichungen erreicht. In diesem Rahmen wird eine explizite Block-Diagonalisierung und eine Spektralzerlegung für den Stokes Operator sowie eine Darstellung für dessen Kern erreicht. Wir wenden die Darstellungssätze auf durch (grad u, h() grad v) gegebene Formen an, wobei Vorzeichen-indefinite Koeffzienten-Matrizen h() zugelassen sind. Als ein Resultat werden selbstadjungierte indefinite Differentialoperatoren div h() grad mit homogenen Dirichlet oder Neumann Randbedingungen konstruiert. Beispiele solcher Art sind Operatoren die in der Modellierung von optischen Metamaterialien auftauchen und links-indefinite Sturm-Liouville Operatoren.
We present examples of isospectral operators that do not have the same heat content. Several of these examples are planar polygons that are isospectral for the Laplace operator with Dirichlet boundary conditions. These include examples with infinitely many components. Other planar examples have mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. We also consider Schrodinger operators acting in L-2[0,1] with Dirichlet boundary conditions, and show that an abundance of isospectral deformations do not preserve the heat content.
We prove exponential rates of convergence of hp-version discontinuous Galerkin (dG) interior penalty finite element methods for second-order elliptic problems with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions in axiparallel polyhedra. The dG discretizations are based on axiparallel, σ-geometric anisotropic meshes of mapped hexahedra and anisotropic polynomial degree distributions of μ-bounded variation. We consider piecewise analytic solutions which belong to a larger analytic class than those for the pure Dirichlet problem considered in [11, 12]. For such solutions, we establish the exponential convergence of a nonconforming dG interpolant given by local L 2 -projections on elements away from corners and edges, and by suitable local low-order quasi-interpolants on elements at corners and edges. Due to the appearance of non-homogeneous, weighted norms in the analytic regularity class, new arguments are introduced to bound the dG consistency errors in elements abutting on Neumann edges. The non-homogeneous norms also entail some crucial modifications of the stability and quasi-optimality proofs, as well as of the analysis for the anisotropic interpolation operators. The exponential convergence bounds for the dG interpolant constructed in this paper generalize the results of [11, 12] for the pure Dirichlet case.
En esta Tesis Doctoral se aborda la utilización de filtros de difusión no lineal para obtener imágenes constantes a trozos como paso previo al proceso de segmentación. En una primera parte se propone un formulación intrínseca para la ecuación de difusión no lineal que proporcione las condiciones de diseño necesarias sobre los filtros de difusión. A partir del marco teórico propuesto, se proporciona una nueva familia de difusividades; éstas son obtenidas a partir de técnicas de difusión no lineal relacionadas con los procesos de difusión regresivos. El objetivo es descomponer la imagen en regiones cerradas que sean homogéneas en sus niveles de grises sin contornos difusos. Asimismo, se prueba que la función de difusividad propuesta satisface las condiciones de un correcto planteamiento semi-discreto. Esto muestra que mediante el esquema semi-implícito habitualmente utilizado, realmente se hace un proceso de difusión no lineal directa, en lugar de difusión inversa, conectando con proceso de preservación de bordes. Bajo estas condiciones establecidas, se plantea un criterio de parada para el proceso de difusión, para obtener imágenes constantes a trozos con un bajo coste computacional. Una vez aplicado todo el proceso al caso unidimensional, se extienden los resultados teóricos, al caso de imágenes en 2D y 3D. Para el caso en 3D, se detalla el esquema numérico para el problema evolutivo no lineal, con condiciones de contorno Neumann homogéneas. Finalmente, se prueba el filtro propuesto para imágenes reales en 2D y 3D y se ilustran los resultados de la difusividad propuesta como método para obtener imágenes constantes a trozos. En el caso de imágenes 3D, se aborda la problemática del proceso previo a la segmentación del hígado, mediante imágenes reales provenientes de Tomografías Axiales Computarizadas (TAC). En ese caso, se obtienen resultados sobre la estimación de los parámetros de la función de difusividad propuesta. This Ph.D. Thesis deals with the case of using nonlinear diffusion filters to obtain piecewise constant images as a previous process for segmentation techniques. I have first shown an intrinsic formulation for the nonlinear diffusion equation to provide some design conditions on the diffusion filters. According to this theoretical framework, I have proposed a new family of diffusivities; they are obtained from nonlinear diffusion techniques and are related with backward diffusion. Their goal is to split the image in closed contours with a homogenized grey intensity inside and with no blurred edges. It has also proved that the proposed filters satisfy the well-posedness semi-discrete and full discrete scale-space requirements. This shows that by using semi-implicit schemes, a forward nonlinear diffusion equation is solved, instead of a backward nonlinear diffusion equation, connecting with an edgepreserving process. Under the conditions established for the diffusivity and using a stopping criterion I for the diffusion time, I have obtained piecewise constant images with a low computational effort. The whole process in the one-dimensional case is extended to the case where 2D and 3D theoretical results are applied to real images. For 3D, develops in detail the numerical scheme for nonlinear evolutionary problem with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Finally, I have tested the proposed filter with real images for 2D and 3D and I have illustrated the effects of the proposed diffusivity function as a method to get piecewise constant images. For 3D I have developed a preprocess for liver segmentation with real images from CT (Computerized Tomography). In this case, I have obtained results on the estimation of the parameters of the given diffusivity function.
Recursive filters are widely used in image analysis due to their efficiency and simple implementation. However these filters have an initialisation problem which either produces unusable results near the image boundaries or requires costly approximate solutions such as extending the boundary manually. In this paper, we describe a method for the recursive filtering of symmetrically extended images for filters with symmetric denominator. We begin with an analysis of symmetric extensions and their effect on non-recursive filtering operators. Based on the non-recursive case, we derive a formulation of recursive filtering on symmetric domains as a linear but spatially varying implicit operator. We then give an efficient method for decomposing and solving the linear implicit system, along with a proof that this decomposition always exists. This decomposition needs to be performed only once for each dimension of the image. This yields a filtering which is both stable and consistent with the ideal infinite extension. The filter is efficient, requiring less computation than the standard recursive filtering. We give experimental evidence to verify these claims. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Static and vibration problems of an indeterminate continuum are traditionally analyzed by the stiffness method. The force method is more or less non-existent for such problems. This situation is primarily due to the incomplete state of development of the compatibility conditions which are essential for the analysis of indeterminate structures by the flexibility method. The understanding of the Compatibility Conditions (CC) has been substantially augmented. Based on the understanding of CC, a novel formulation termed the Integrated Force Method (IFM) has been established. In this paper IFM has been extended for the static and vibration analyses of a continuum. The IFM analysis is illustrated taking three examples: 1. (1) rectangular plate in flexure 2. (2) analysis of a cantilevered dam 3. (3) free vibration analysis of a beam. From the examples solved it is observed that the force response of an indeterminate continuum with mixed boundary conditions can be generated by IFM without any reference to displacements in the field or on the boundary. Displacements if required can be calculated by back substitution.