827 resultados para Movement Assessment Battery for Children
Objetivos: O presente estudo insere-se no Projeto - Estudos Normativos de Instrumentos Neuropsicologicos (ENIN) e tem por objetivo analisar as propriedades psicométricas do Teste Stroop, fornecendo dados normativos de uma amostra da População Portuguesa. Métodos: Selecionámos e inquirimos 671 sujeitos. As variáveis independentes estudadas foram idade, sexo, escolaridade e profissão. Foram utilizados vários testes neste estudo, contribuindo para a obtenção de validade convergente: Bateria de Avaliação Frontal-FAB, Figura Complexa de Rey-Osterrieth e Teste do Relógio. Foram estudadas a consistência interna e a estabilidade temporal do Teste Stroop. Resultados: A nossa amostra ficou constituída por 310 sujeitos (46,2%) do sexo masculino e 361 (53,8%) do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 100 anos (M = 41,12; DP = 20,85). No que se refere ao nível de escolaridade (M = 5,71; DP = 1,45), este variou entre o 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e o Ensino Superior. As profissões, exercidas inseriram-se maioritariamente na categoria das profissões intelectuais (N = 281; 84,9%). Relativamente às variáveis sociodemográficas, verificámos que a idade, sexo, escolaridade e profissão influenciam nas provas de Leitura e Nomeação de Cor do Teste Stroop. No que diz respeito à validade convergente, observámos que a prova de Nomeação de Cor apresentou correlações positivas fracas com o FAB, Figura Complexa de Rey-Cópia (FCR-Cópia) e Teste do Relógio, e correlações positivas moderadas com a prova de Leitura. A consistência interna do Teste Stroop apresentou uma elevada confiabilidade (α = 0,99). A correlação teste-reteste apenas se mostrou significativa para a prova de Nomeação de Cor. Conclusão: Este estudo mostra que o Teste Stroop é promissoriamente confiável como instrumento de avaliação neuropsicológica, podendo potencialmente ser utilizado para qualquer faixa etária da população. Em estudos futuros são necessárias amostras com números mais elevados de participantes nas faixas etárias acima dos 30 anos, representativas dos níveis de escolaridade abaixo do 9ºano, a exercerem profissões manuais, e com residência noutras regiões geográficas para além do Centro. / Objectives: The present study is part of the Project - Estudos Normativos de Instrumentos Neuropsicologicos (ENIN) and aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the Stroop test. Methods: We have selected, and we also enquired 671 subjects. The independent variables studied were age, gender, education and profession. Several tests were used in this study for analysis of convergent validity: convergent validity: Frontal Assessment Battery-FAB, Complex Figure Rey-Osterrieth and the clock test. We also studied the internal consistency and the temporal stability of the Stroop test. Results: Our sample was composed of 310 subjects (46.2%) male and 361 (53.8%) females, with ages between 18 and 100 years (M = 41.12; SD = 20.85). The level of schooling (M = 5.71; SD = 1.45) ranged between the 1st cycle and the Higher Education. The professions were mainly intellectual ones (N = 281; 84.9%). On sociodemographic variables, we found that the age, sex, education and profession influenced reading and Color naming of Stroop test. Regarding convergent validity, Color naming showed weak positive correlations with the FAB, Complex Figure Rey-Copy, and the clock test. Color naming moderate positive correlations with the reading. The internal consistency of the Stroop test was high (α = 0.99). The test-retest correlation was significant only for Color naming. Conclusion: This study shows that the Stroop test is promissory reliable instrument of neuropsychological assessment and may potentially be used for any age range of the population. In future research, it is necessary to enroll samples with higher numbers of participants above 30 years, representative of the levels of schooling below the 9º grade, with more manual professions represented, and with residence in other geographic regions in addition to the Center region of Portugal.
Objetivo: Estudar as propriedades psicométricas e os dados normativos da Forma Geral das Matrizes Progressivas de Raven numa amostra da comunidade da população portuguesa. Método: A amostra é constituída por 697 pessoas (314 homens e 383 mulheres), com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 90 anos. Todos os participantes preencheram uma declaração de consentimento informado e uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos, incluindo a Forma Geral das Matrizes Progressivas de Raven (FG-MPR), Teste de Memória de 15-Item de Rey, Escala de Autoavaliação de Ansiedade de Zung, Bateria de Avaliação Frontal e Figura Complexa de Rey. Resultados: A média na FG-MPR foi de 44,47 (DP = 10,78). Os resultados demonstraram que todas as variáveis sociodemográficas (idade, sexo, escolaridade, profissão, regiões e tipologia de áreas urbanas), exceto o estado civil, apresentaram ter influência significativa nas pontuações da FG-MPR. A confiabilidade e a estabilidade temporal da FG-MPR revelaram-se adequadas. A análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória mostrou que o modelo para um fator não é adequado. Um modelo a quatro fatores continua a não ser adequado. Conclusão: Os dados do presente estudo sugerem que se trata de um instrumento com potencialidades na sua utilização junto da população portuguesa. / Purpose: To study the psychometric properties and date normative of the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices in a Portuguese community sample. Method: The sample consists of 697 people (314 men and 383 women), aged between 12 and 90 years. All participants filled an informed consent form and a battery of neuropsychological tests, which included Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM), Rey 15-Item Memory Test, Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, Frontal Assessment Battery, and Rey Complex Figure Test. Results: The average in RSPM was 44.47 (SD = 10.78). The results showed that all of the sociodemographic variables (age, sex, education, profession, region, and typology of urban areas), with the exception of civil status, showed significant influence on RSPM scores. The reliability and temporal stability of RSPM were adequate. Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model is not better explained by one factor. A two-factor model was not also suitable. Conclusion: The data from this study suggest that it is an instrument with potential for its use among the Portuguese population.
RESUMO Objetivos: O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) potencia o desenvolvimento de disfunção executiva, conduzindo a défice no desempenho das tarefas do quotidiano. A avaliação neuropsicológica das funções executivas é importante para desenvolver estratégias de reabilitação adequadas. Assim, são objetivos descrever os dados normativos, precisão de diagnóstico, propriedades psicométricas e análise fatorial da Bateria de Avaliação Frontal (FAB), instrumento breve e de rápida administração, numa amostra de idosos com AVC. Métodos: Inserida no projeto Trajetórias do Envelhecimento de Idosos em Resposta Social, esta investigação conta com uma amostra de 112 pessoas idosas com diagnóstico médico de AVC e 157 pessoas idosas de um subgrupo de controlo sem AVC. Os sujeitos apresentam idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 100 anos (M = 78,20; DP = 7,57) sendo maioritariamente do sexo feminino (n = 194). A avaliação inclui entrevistas e testes neuropsicológicos agrupados em medidas de funcionamento executivo, medidas cognitivas de referência e medidas clínicas de controlo. Resultados: As variáveis idade e escolaridade interferiram nas pontuações obtidas na amostra clínica, não sendo verificado impacto da variável sexo. Para um ponto de corte de 7, a FAB teve uma sensibilidade de 83,4% e especificidade de 66,1 % (AUC = 0,64); revelou um alfa de Cronbach de 0,79 e correlações fortes com os testes executivos (teste de Stroop, Figura Complexa de Rey, fator Atencional-Executivo do Montreal Cognitive Assessment e Alternância nos testes de Fluência verbal). A análise fatorial confirmatória apontou uma estrutura com um fator. Conclusões: A FAB apresenta boa consistência interna, validade convergente e validade de constructo, aparentando ser uma escala útil para avaliar o défice executivo em pessoas idosas com AVC. Dadas algumas limitações do estudo, que poderão explicar a fraca precisão diagnóstica da FAB, são incentivadas investigações futuras pois a FAB revelou-se um instrumento com propriedades psicométricas promissoras. ABSTRACT Goals: Stroke potentiates the development of executive dysfunction, leading to impairment in performance of daily activities. The neuropsychological assessment of executive functions is important to develop adequate rehabilitation strategies. Thus, describing the normative data, diagnostic accuracy, psychometric properties and factor analysis of the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), a brief and easy to administer instrument, in a clinical sample with stroke are objectives of this study. Methods: Being part of the Aging Trajectories of Institutionalized Elderly, this research has a sample 112 elderly people with a medical diagnosis of stroke and a control subgroup of 157 elderly people. The subjects have ages between 60 and 100 years old (M = 78.20, SD = 7.57), mostly females (n = 194). The measurements used include interviews and neuropsychological tests grouped in executive functioning measures, cognitive measures of reference and clinical measures of control. Results: The variables age and education affect the scores obtained in the clinical subgroup, having the variable gender no impact on these. Using a cutoff score of 7, the FAB had a sensitivity of 83.4% and a specificity of 66.1% for screening stroke (AUC = 0.64); showed a Cronbach's α of 0.79, and strong correlations with executive tests (Stroop test, Rey Complex Figure, Attentional-Executive factor of Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Switching in the verbal fluency tests). The confirmatory factor analysis supported a one-factor structure. Conclusions: The FAB presents good internal consistency, convergent, and construct when used for elderly with stroke. Due to some limitations of the study, which may explain the weak discriminant validity, further investigations are encouraged because FAB has showed promising psychometric properties.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialização em Educação Especial
Objetivo: determinar los niveles de actividad física (AF) de niños y adolescentes entre 10 y 17 años durante los periodos de recreo escolar en un colegio distrital de Bogotá. Método: estudio de corte transversal en un colegio distrital de la localidad de Puente Aranda en Bogotá. Fueron observados a través del sistema de observación de juego y de actividad en el tiempo libre en jóvenes (SOPLAY) los niveles y tipos de AF de niños y adolescentes en los periodos de recreo durante tres semanas, utilizando una condición de observación diferente para cada semana. Adicionalmente, las condiciones del contexto de las áreas recreo deportivas fueron evaluadas. Resultados: las prevalencias de escolares sedentarios fueron de 52,4 %, 77,3 % y 64,9 % durante la 1ª, 2ª y 3ª semana respectivamente. El sexo femenino fue más sedentario con el masculino (57 %, 82 % y 73 % vs 45 %, 70 % y 54 %) para cada semana observada. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en los niveles de AF de los escolares. Conclusión: niños y adolescentes presentan elevadas prevalencias de sedentarismo siendo las actividades más frecuentes estar sentado, de pie o acostado durante los periodos de recreo. El sexo masculino mostró porcentajes superiores de participación en AF moderadas vigorosas. Las áreas recreo deportivas no contaban con condiciones del contexto relacionadas con disponibilidad de equipamiento para realizar AF ni existencia de actividades organizadas. Son necesarios programas e intervenciones eficaces que promuevan la AF en niños y adolescentes durante el recreo de la jornada escolar.
• Introducción: El síndrome de abstinencia (SA) es el conjunto de síntomas y signos que se producen al suspender bruscamente la administración de un fármaco una vez se haya establecido dependencia física. • Objetivos: Caracterizar los pacientes que presentan SA secundario a opiodes (OP) y/o benzodiacepinas(BZ) durante la hospitalización en las unidades de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de la Clínica Infantil Colsubsidio (CIC) y Hospital del Niño de Panamá (HDN) del 1 de abril al 30 de septiembre del 2016. • Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, prospectivo. Incluimos 189 pacientes en la CIC y 144 pacientes en el HDN. Se utilizó la escala SOPHIA para el diagnóstico de SA, las escalas COMFORT para evaluar la sedación en pacientes ventilados no relajados y la escala FLACC para evaluar la analgesia. Se utilizó software StataV12® para el análisis estadístico. • Resultados: se reportó una incidencia global de SA de 6.1/100 días personas. La incidencia acumulada de SA fue de 56.08% y 29.86% para la CIC y el HDN respectivamente. En la CIC el 69.81% de los pacientes que requirieron infusión de OP y BZ desarrollaron SA. Se reportó una dosis acumulada de fentanyl de 530.34 ± 276.49 mcg/kg. Con respecto al HDN, de los pacientes que recibieron opioides y benzodiacepinas el 53.49 % desarrollaron SA. • Conclusión: El SA secundario a opioides y/o benzodiacepinas es frecuente en nuestras unidades con una incidencia variable, es mayor la presentación del SA al usar ambos fármacos, mayores dosis acumuladas y más días de infusión continua.
An established tool for the assessment of motor performance in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is the Movement-ABC-2 (M-ABC-2). The Zurich Neuromotor Assessment (ZNA) is also widely used for the evaluation of children's motor performance, but has not been compared with the M-ABC-2. Fifty-one children (39 males) between 5 and 7 years of age with suspected DCD were assessed using the M-ABC-2 and the ZNA. Rank correlations between scores of different test components were calculated. The structure of the tests was explored using canonical-correlation analysis. The correlation between total scores of the two motor tests was reasonable (0.66; p<0.001). However, ZNA scores were generally lower than those of M-ABC-2, due to poor performance in the fine motor adaptive component and increased contralateral associated movements (CAM). The canonical-correlation analysis revealed that ZNA measures components like pure motor skills and CAM that are not represented in the M-ABC-2. Furthermore, there was also no equivalent for the aiming and catching items of the M-ABC-2 in ZNA. The two tests measure different motor characteristics in children with suspected DCD and, thus, can be used complementary for the diagnosis of the disorder.
The study to be presented is the first to use a new physiological device, the electromagnetic articulograph, to assess articulatory dysfunction in children with acquired brain injury. Two children with dysarthria subsequent to acquired brain injury participated in the study. One child, a female aged 12 years 9 months exhibited a mild-moderate ataxic dysarthria following traumatic head injury while the other, a male aged 13 years 10 months, demonstrated a moderate-severe flaccid-ataxic dysarthria also following traumatic head injury. The speed and accuracy of their tongue movements was assessed using the Carstens AG100 electromagnetic articulograph. Movement trajectories together with a range of quantitative kinematic parameters were estimated during performance of ten repetitions of the lingual consonants /t, s, k/ and consonant cluster /kl/ in the word initial position of single syllable words. A group of ten non-neurologically impaired children served as controls. Examination of the kinematic parameters, including movement trajectories, velocity, acceleration, deceleration, distance travelled and duration of movement, revealed differences in the speed and accuracy of the tongue movements in both children with acquired brain injury compared to those produced by the non-neurologically impaired controls. The results are discussed in relation to contemporary theories of the effects of acquired brain injury on neuromuscular function. The implications of the findings for the treatment of articulatory dysfunction in children with motor speech disorders associated with acquired brain injury are highlighted.
At least 6% of primary school aged children present with DCD, where co-ordination is substantially below the normal range for the child’s age and intelligence. Motor skill difficulties negatively affect academic achievement, recreation and activities of daily living. Poor upper-limb co-ordination is a common difficulty for children with DCD. A possible cause of this problem is deviant muscle timing in proximal muscle groups, which results in poor postural and movement control. While studies have been published investigating postural control in response to external perturbations, detail about postural muscle activity during voluntary movement is limited even in children with normal motor development. No studies have investigated the relationship between muscle timing, resultant arm motion and upper-limb coordination deficits. Objectives: To investigate the relationship between functional difficulties with upper-limb motor skills and neuromuscular components of postural stability and coordination. Specifically, to investigate onset-timing of muscle activity, timing of arm movement, and resultant three-dimensional (3D) arm co-ordination during rapid, voluntary arm movement and to analyse differences arising due to the presence of DCD. This study is part of a larger research program investigating postural stability and control of upper limb movement in children. Design: A controlled, cross-sectional study of differences between children with and without DCD. Methods: This study included 50 children aged eight to 10 years (25 with DCD and 25 without DCD). Children participated in assessment of motor skills according to the Movement ABC Test and a laboratory study of rapid, voluntary arm movements. Parameters investigated included muscle activation timing of shoulder and trunk muscles (surface electromyography), arm movement timing (light sensor) and resultant 3D arm motion (Fastrak). Results: A MANOVA is being used to analyse between-group differences. Preliminary results indicate children with DCD demonstrate altered muscle timing during a rapid arm raise when compared with the control group of children. Conclusion: Differences in proximal muscle timing in children with DCD support the hypothesis that altered proximal muscle activity may contribute to poor proximal stability and consequently poor arm movement control. This has implications for clinical physiotherapy.
Norms for a battery of instruments, including Denckla's and Garfield's tests of Motor Persistence, Benton's Right-Left Discrimination, two recall modalities (Immediate and Delayed) of the Bender Test, Wechsler's Digit Span, the Color Span Test and the Human Figure Drawing Test, were developed for the neuropsychological assessment of children in the greater Rio de Janeiro area. Additionally, the behavior of each child was assessed with the Composite Teacher Rating Scale (Brito GNO and Pinto RCA (1991) Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 13: 417-418). A total of 398 children (199 boys and 199 girls balanced for age) with a mean age of 9.3 years (SD = 2.8), who were attending a public school in Niterói, were the subjects of this study. Gender and age had significant effects on performance which depended on the instrument. Nonachievers performed worse than achievers in most neuropsychological tests. Comparison of our data to the available counterparts in the United States revealed that American children outperformed Brazilian children on the Right-Left Discrimination, Forward Digit Span, Color Span and Human Figure Drawing Tests. Further analysis showed that the neurobehavioral data consist of different factorial dimensions, including Human Body Representation, Motor Persistence of the Legs, Orbito-Orobuccal Motor Persistence, Attention-Memory, Visuospatial Memory, Neuropsychomotor Speed, Hyperactivity-Inattention, and Anxiety-Negative Socialization. We conclude that gender and age should be taken into account when using the normative data for most of the instruments studied in the present report. Furthermore, we stress the need for major changes in the Brazilian public school system in order to foster the development of secondary cognitive abilities in our children
Reading difficulties (RD) and movement difficulties (MD) co-occur more often in clinical populations than expected for independent disorders. In this study, we investigated the pattern of association between attentional processes, RD and MD in a population of 9 year old school children. Children were screened to identify index groups with RD, MD or both, plus a control group. These groups were then tested on a battery of cognitive attention assessments (TEA-Ch). Results confirmed that the occurrence of RD and MD was greater than would be predicted for independent disorders. Additionally, children with MD, whether or not combined with RD, had poor performance on all attention measures when compared with typically developing children. Children with RD only, were no poorer on measures of attention than typical children. The results are discussed with respect to approaches proposed to account for the co-occurrence of disorders.
Background and aims Evaluating status in patients with motor fluctuations is complex and occasional observations/measurements do not give an adequate picture as to the time spent in different states. We developed a test battery to assess advanced Parkinson patients' status consisting of diary assessments and motor tests. This battery was constructed and implemented on a handheld computer with built-in mobile communication. In fluctuating patients, it should typically be used several times daily in the home environment, over periods of about one week. The aim of this battery is to provide status information in order to evaluate treatment effects in clinical practice and research, follow up treatments and disease progression and predict outcome to optimize treatment strategy. Methods Selection of diary questions was based on a previous study with Duodopa® (DIREQT). Tapping tests (with and without visual cueing) and a spiral drawing test were added. Rapid prototyping was used in development of the user interface. An evaluation with two pilot patients was performed before and after receiving new treatments for advanced disease (one received Duodopa® and one received DBS). Speed and proportion missed taps were calculated for the tapping tests and entropy of the radial drawing velocity was calculated for the spiral tests. Test variables were evaluated using non-parametric statistics. Results Post-treatment improvement was detected in both patients in many of the test variables. Conclusions Although validation work remains, preliminary results are promising and the test battery is currently being evaluated in a long-term health economics study with Duodopa® (DAPHNE).
Here we report the assessment and treatment of a 6-year-old boy (L.G.) who was referred to us for congenital prosopagnosia (CP). We investigated his performance using a test battery and eye movement recordings pre- and post-training. L.G. showed deficits in recognising relatives and learning new faces, and misrecognition of unfamiliar people. Eye movement recordings showed that L.G. focused on the lower part of stimuli in naming tasks based on familiar or unfamiliar incomplete or complete faces. The training focused on improving his ability to explore internal features of faces, to discriminate specific facial features of familiar and unfamiliar faces, and to provide his family with strategies to use in the future. At the end of the training programme L.G. no longer failed to recognise close and distant relatives and classmates and did not falsely recognise unknown people.
To evaluate the sleep bruxism, malocclusions, orofacial dysfunctions and salivary levels of cortisol and alpha-amylase in asthmatic children. 108 7-9-yr-old children were selected from Policlinic Santa Teresinha Doutor Antonio Haddad Dib (asthmatics, n=53) and from public schools (controls, n=55), Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Sleep bruxism diagnosis was confirmed by parental report of grinding sounds and the presence of shiny and polish facets on incisors and/or first permanent molars. The index of orthodontic treatment need was used for occlusion evaluation. Orofacial dysfunctions were evaluated using the nordic orofacial test-screening (NOT-S). Salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase were expressed as awakening response (AR), calculated as the difference between levels immediately after awakening and 30min after waking, and diurnal decline (DD), calculated as the difference between levels at 30min after waking and at bedtime. Data were analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk/Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Chi-square, unpaired t test/Mann-Whitney and paired t/Wilcoxon tests. Sleep bruxism was more prevalent in children with asthma than controls (47.2% vs. 27.3%, p<0.05). Asthmatics had higher scores of NOT-S total and interview (p<0.05). Dysfunctions on sensory function and chewing and swallowing were more frequent in asthmatics (p<0.05). Salivary cortisol AR on weekend was significantly higher for asthmatics (p<0.05). Salivary cortisol DD was significantly higher on weekday than weekend for controls (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in alpha-amylase values in and between groups. The presence of asthma in children was associated with sleep bruxism, negative perception of sensory, chewing and swallowing functions, and higher concentrations of salivary cortisol on weekend.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to use facial analysis to determine the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on nasal morphology in children in the stages of primary and mixed dentition, with posterior cross-bite. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Facial photographs (front view and profile) of 60 patients in the pre-expansion period, immediate post-expansion period and one year following rapid maxillary expansion with a Haas appliance were evaluated on 2 occasions by 3 experienced orthodontists independently, with a 2-week interval between evaluations. The examiners were instructed to assess nasal morphology and had no knowledge regarding the content of the study. Intraexaminer and interexaminer agreement (assessed using the Kappa statistic) was acceptable. RESULTS: From the analysis of the mode of the examiners' findings, no alterations in nasal morphology occurred regarding the following aspects: dorsum of nose, alar base, nasal width of middle third and nasal base. Alterations were only detected in the nasolabial angle in 1.64% of the patients between the pre-expansion and immediate post-expansion photographs. In 4.92% of the patients between the immediate post-expansion period and 1 year following expansion; and in 6.56% of the patients between the pre-expansion period and one year following expansion. CONCLUSIONS: RME performed on children in stages of primary and mixed dentition did not have any impact on nasal morphology, as assessed using facial analysis.