993 resultados para Mixed-valence Compounds


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The so called material science is an always growing field in modern research. For the development of new materials not only the experimental characterization but also theoretical calculation of the electronic structure plays an important role. A class of compounds that has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years is known as REME compounds. These compounds are often referred to with RE designating rare earth, actinide or an element from group 1 - 4, M representing a late transition metal from groups 8 - 12, and E belonging to groups 13 - 15. There are more than 2000 compounds with 1:1:1 stoichiometry belonging to this class of compounds and they offer a broad variety of different structure types. Although many REME compounds are know to exist, mainly only structure and magnetism has been determined for these compounds. In particular, in the field of electronic and transport properties relatively few efforts have been made. The main focus in this study is on compounds crystallizing in MgAgAs and LiGaGe structure. Both structures can only be found among 18 valence electron compounds. The f electrons are localized and therefor not count as valence electrons. A special focus here was also on the magnetoresistance effects and spintronic properties found among the REME compounds. An examination of the following compounds was made: GdAuE (E = In, Cd, Mg), GdPdSb, GdNiSb, REAuSn (RE = Gd, Er, Tm) and RENiBi (RE = Pr, Sm, Gd - Tm, Lu). The experimental results were compared with theoretic band structure calculations. The first half metallic ferromagnet with LiGaGe structure (GdPdSb) was found. All semiconducting REME compounds with MgAgAs structure show giant magnetoresistance (GMR) at low temperatures. The GMR is related to a metal-insulator transition, and the value of the GMR depends on the value of the spin-orbit coupling. Inhomogeneous DyNiBi samples show a small positive MR at low temperature that depends on the amount of metallic impurities. At higher fields the samples show a negative GMR. Inhomogeneous nonmagnetic LuNiBi samples show no negative GMR, but a large positive MR of 27.5% at room temperature, which is interesting for application.


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Heusler compounds as thermoelectric materialsrnrnThis work reports on Heusler and Half Heusler compounds and their thermoelectric properties. Several compounds were synthesized and their resistivity, Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, and the figure of merit were determined. The results are presented in the following chapters.rnrnIn chapter 3 Co was substituted with Ni and Fe in the series TiCo1-x(Fe0.5Ni0.5)xSb. The substitution lead to a reduced loss of Sb during the synthesis. Further the Seebeck coefficient was increased and the thermal conductivity was reduced. These observations can be used to significantly improve the quality of TiCoSb based compounds in thermoelectric applications. rnrnIn chapter 4 the series TiCo1-xNixSnxSb1-x was investigated. Ni was substituted with Co and Sn with Sb. Especially for high Ni concentrations the figure of merit was enhanced compared to unsubstituted TiCoSb. This enhancement is based on the strong reduction of the thermal conductivity. The found values are among the lowest that have been determined up to date for Heusler compounds. rnrnIn chapter 5 Li containing Heusler compounds were theoretically and experimentally investigated. Li containing Heusler compounds are of special interest because the Li atoms scatter phonons efficiently. Therefore the thermal conductivity is decreased. The thermoelectric properties and especially the thermal conductivity are investigated in this chapter.rnrnIn chapter 6 several substitutions of TiCoSb were investigated. In the series TiCo1+xSb additional Co was introduced into the vacancies of the compound and the effect on the thermoelectric properties was measured. In the series TiCo1-xCuxSb Co was substituted with Cu. No significant enhancement of the ZT value were observed. In the series TiCoSb1-xBix Sb was substituted by Bi. The thermoelectric properties were significantly enhanced for small Bi concentrations. The Seebeck coefficient was increased and the resistivity was reduced at the same time. This unusual phenomenon is explained by band structure calculations.rnrnIn chapter 7 the material class of half metallic ferromagnets was investigated as a new materialclass for thermoelectric applications. The 26 valence electron compounds Co2TiSi, Co2TiGe, and Co2TiSn were used as model systems. The transport properties were determined theoretically. Then the properties were measured and compared to the calculated ones. The calculated values are in good agreement with the experimentally determined ones. The observed Seebeck coefficient has a big value and is nearly constant above the Curie temperature. This makes the materials appealing for the use as materials in thermocouples.rn


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This thesis focuses on synthesis as well as investigations of the electronic structure and properties of Heusler compounds for spintronic and thermoelectric applications.rnThe first part reports on the electronic and crystal structure as well as the mechanical, magnetic, and transport properties of the polycrystalline Heusler compound Co2MnGe. The crystalline structure was examined in detail by extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and anomalous X-ray diffraction. The low-temperature magnetic moment agrees well with the Slater-Pauling rule and indicates a half-metallic ferromagnetic state of the compound, as is predicted by ab-initio calculations. Transport measurements and hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) were performed to explain the electronic structure of the compound.rnA major part of the thesis deals with a systematical investigation of Heusler compounds for thermoelectric applications. Few studies have been reported on thermoelectric properties of p-type Heusler compounds. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the search for new p-type Heusler compounds with high thermoelectric efficiency. The substitutional series NiTi1−xMxSn and CoTi1−xMxSb (where M = Sc, V and 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) were synthesized and investigated theoretically and experimentally with respect to electronic structure and transport properties. The results show the possibility to create n-type and p-type thermoelectrics within one Heusler compound. The pure compounds showed n-type behavior, while under Sc substitution the system switched to p-type behavior. A maximum Seebeck coefficient of +230 μV/K (at 350 K) was obtained for NiTi0.26Sc0.04Zr0.35Hf0.35Sn, which is one of the highest values for p-type thermoelectric compounds based on Heusler alloys up to now. HAXPES valence band measurement show massive in gap states for the parent compounds NiTiSn, CoTiSb and NiTi0.3Zr0.35Hf0.35Sn. This proves that the electronic states close to the Fermi energy play a key role for the behavior of the transport properties. Furthermore, the electronic structure of the gapless Heusler compounds PtYSb, PtLaBi and PtLuSb were investigated by bulk sensitive HAXPES. The linear behavior of the spectra close to εF proves the bulk origin of Dirac-cone type density of states. Furthermore, a systematic study on the optical and transport properties of PtYSb is presented. The compound exhibits promising thermoelectric properties with a high figure of merit (ZT = 0.2) and a Hall mobility μh of 300 cm2/Vs at 350 K.rnThe last part of this thesis describes the linear dichroism in angular-resolved photoemission from the valence band of NiTi0.9Sc0.1Sn and NiMnSb. High resolution photoelectron spectroscopy was performed with an excitation energy of hν = 7.938 keV. The linear polarization of the photons was changed using an in-vacuum diamond phase retarder. Noticeable linear dichroism is found in the valence bands and this allows for a symmetry analysis of the contributing states. The differences in the spectra are found to be caused by symmetry dependent angular asymmetry parameters, and these occur even in polycrystalline samples without preferential crystallographic orientation.rnIn summary, Heusler compounds with 1:1:1 and 2:1:1 stoichiometry were synthesized and examined by chemical and physical methods. Overall, this thesis shows that the combination of first-principle calculations, transport measurements and high resolution high energy photoelectron spectroscopy analysis is a very powerful tool for the design and development of new materials for a wide range of applications from spintronic applications to thermoelectric applications.rn


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X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) is one of the most universal and powerful tools for investigation of chemical states and electronic structures of materials. The application of hard x-rays increases the inelastic mean free path of the emitted electrons within the solid and thus makes hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) a bulk sensitive probe for solid state research and especially a very effective nondestructive technique to study buried layers.rnThis thesis focuses on the investigation of multilayer structures, used in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), by a number of techniques applying HAXPES. MTJs are the most important components of novel nanoscale devices employed in spintronics. rnThe investigation and deep understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the high performance of such devices and properties of employed magnetic materials that are, in turn, defined by their electronic structure becomes feasible applying HAXPES. Thus the process of B diffusion in CoFeB-based MTJs was investigated with respect to the annealing temperature and its influence on the changes in the electronic structure of CoFeB electrodes that clarify the behaviour and huge TMR ratio values obtained in such devices. These results are presented in chapter 6. The results of investigation of the changes in the valence states of buried off-stoichiometric Co2MnSi electrodes were investigated with respect to the Mn content α and its influence on the observed TMR ratio are described in chapter 7.rnrnMagnetoelectronic properties such as exchange splitting in ferromagnetic materials as well as the macroscopic magnetic ordering can be studied by magnetic circular dichroism in photoemission (MCDAD). It is characterized by the appearance of an asymmetry in the photoemission spectra taken either from the magnetized sample with the reversal of the photon helicity or by reversal of magnetization direction of the sample when the photon helicity direction is fixed. Though recently it has been widely applied for the characterization of surfaces using low energy photons, the bulk properties have stayed inaccessible. Therefore in this work this method was integrated to HAXPES to provide an access to exploration of magnetic phenomena in the buried layers of the complex multilayer structures. Chapter 8 contains the results of the MCDAD measurements employing hard x-rays for exploration of magnetic properties of the common CoFe-based band-ferromagnets as well as half-metallic ferromagnet Co2FeAl-based MTJs.rnrnInasmuch as the magnetoresistive characteristics in spintronic devices are fully defined by the electron spins of ferromagnetic materials their direct measurements always attracted much attention but up to date have been limited by the surface sensitivity of the developed techniques. Chapter 9 presents the results on the successfully performed spin-resolved HAXPES experiment using a spin polarimeter of the SPLEED-type on a buried Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 magnetic layer. The measurements prove that a spin polarization of about 50 % is retained during the transmission of the photoelectrons emitted from the Fe 2p3/2 state through a 3-nm-thick oxide capping layer.rn


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Seit der Entwicklung einer großen Vielfalt von Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Spintronik auf Basis von Heusler Verbindungen innerhalb der letzten Dekade kann der Forschungsfortschritt an dieser Material Klasse in einer Vielzahl von Publikationen verfolgt werden. Eine typische Heusler Verbindung X2YZ besteht aus zwei Übergangsmetallen (X, Y) und einem Hauptgruppenelement (Z). Diese Arbeit berichtet von Heusler Verbindungen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf deren potentielle halbmetallische Eigenschaften und davon insbesondere solche, die eine richtungsabhängige magnetische Anisotropie (perpendicular magnetic anisotropy- PMA) zeigen könnten. PMA ist insbesondere für Spin transfer Torque (STT) Bauelemente von großem Interesse und tritt in tetragonalrnverzerrten Heusler Verbindungen auf. Bei STT-Elementen werden mittels spinpolarisierter Ströme die magnetische Orientierung von magnetischen Schichten beeinflusst.rnDie signifikantesten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sind: die Synthese neuer kubischen Heusler Phasen Fe2YZ, die theoretisch als tetragonal vorausgesagt wurden (Kapitel 1), die Synthese von Mn2FeGa, das in der tetragonal verzerrten Struktur kristallisiert und Potential für STT Anwendungen zeigt (Kapitel 2); die Synthese von Fe2MnGa, das einen magnetischen Phasenübergang mit exchange-bias (EB) Effekt zeigt, der auf einer Koexistenz von ferromagnetischen (FM) und antiferromagnetischen (AFM) Phasen beruht (Kapitel 3); Schlussendlich wird in Kapitel 4 die Synthese von Mn3−xRhxSn diskutiert, in welcher insbesondere tetragonales Mn2RhSn als potentielles Material für Anwendungen in derrnSpintronik vorgestellt wird.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurden hauptsächlich Heusler Verbindungen mit mößbaueraktiven Elementen 57Fe und 119Sn, synthetisiert und untersucht. Im Falle der hier untersuchten Heusler Verbindungen spielt die Charakterisierung durch Mößbauer Spektroskopie eine entscheidende Rolle, da Heusler Verbindungen meistens ein gewisses Maß an Fehlordnung aufweisen, welche deren magnetischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften beeinflussen kann. Die Art der Fehlordnung jedoch kann nur schwer durch standard Pulver-Röntgendiffraktion bestimmt werden, weshalb wir die Vorteile der Mößbauer Spektroskopie als lokale Methode nutzen, um den Typ und den Grad der Fehlordnung aufzuklären. rnDiese Arbeit ist wie folgt gegliedert:rnIn Kapitel 1 wurden die neuen, kubisch-weichferromagnetischen Heuslerphasen Fe2NiGe, Fe2CuGa und Fe2CuAl synthetisiert und charakterisiert. In vorangegangenen theoretischen Studien wurde für deren Existenz in tetragonaler Heuslerstruktur vorhergesagt.rnUngeachtet dessen belegten unsere experimentellen Untersuchungen, dass diese Verbindungen hauptsächlich in der kubischen invers Heusler(X-) struktur mit unterschiedlichen Anteilen an atomarer Fehlordnung kristallisieren. Alle Verbindungen sind weiche Ferromagneten mit hoher Curietemperatur bis zu 900K, weswegen alle als potentielle Materialien für magnetische Anwendungen geeignet sind. In Kapitel 2 wurde Mn2FeGa synthetisiert. Es zeigte sich, dass Mn2FeGa nach Temperatur Nachbehandlung bei 400°C die invers tetragonale Struktur (I4m2) annimmt. Theoretisch wurde die Existenz in der inversen kubischen Heuslerstruktur vorausgesagt. Abhängig von den Synthesebedingungen ändern sich die magnetischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Mn2FeGa eklatant. Deshalb ändert sich die Kristallstruktur von M2FeGa bei Temperung bei 800 °C zu einer pseudokubischen Cu3Au-artigen Struktur, in welcher Fe- und Mn-Atome statistisch verteilt vorliegen. Dieser Übergang der Kristallstrukturen wurde durch Mößbauer Spektroskopie anhand des Vorliegens oder Fehlens der Quadrupolaufspaltung im Falle der invers tetragonalen bzw. pseudokubischen Modifikation nachgewiesen. In Kapitel 3 wurde Fe2MnGa ebenfalls erfolgreich synthetisiert und durch verschiedene Methoden charakterisiert. Der Zusammenhang von Kristallstruktur und magnetischen Eigenschaften wurde durch verschiedene Temperungskonditionen und mechanischer Behandlung untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt lag auf einer geschmolzenen Probe ohne weitere Temperung, die einen FM-AFM Phasenübergang zeigte. Diese magnetische Phasenumwandlung führt zu einem starken EB-Verhalten, welches seinen Ursprung hauptsächlich in der Koexistenz von FM- und AFM-Phasen unterhalb der FMAFM- Übergangstemperatur hat. Kapitel 4 ist den neuen Mn-basierten Heusler-Verbindungen Mn3−xRhxSn gewidmet, bei denen wir versuchten, durch den Austausch von Mn durch das größere Rh eine Umwandlung zu einer tetragonalen Struktur von den hexagonalen Mn3Sn-Struktur zu erreichen. Als interessant stellten sich Mn2RhSn und Mn2.1Rh0.9Sn heraus, da sie aus nur einer Phase vorzuliegen scheinen, wohingegen die anderen Verbindungen aus gemischten Phasen mit gleichzeitiger starken Fehlordnung bestehen. Im abschließenden Anhang wurden die Fehlordnung und gelegentliche Mischphasen einer großen Auswahl von Mn3−xFexGa Materialien mit 1≤x≤3, dokumentiert.rn


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The fragmentation of electrospray-generated multiply deprotonated RNA and mixed-sequence RNA/DNA pentanucleotides upon low-energy collision-induced dissociation (CID) in a hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer was investigated. The goal of unambiguous sequence identification of mixed-sequence RNA/DNA oligonucleotides requires detailed understanding of the gas-phase dissociation of this class of compounds. The two major dissociation events, base loss and backbone fragmentation, are discussed and the unique fragmentation behavior of oligoribonucleotides is demonstrated. Backbone fragmentation of the all-RNA pentanucleotides is characterized by abundant c-ions and their complementary y-ions as the major sequence-defining fragment ion series. In contrast to the dissociation of oligodeoxyribonucleotides, where backbone fragmentation is initiated by the loss of a nucleobase which subsequently leads to the formation of the w- and [a-base]-ions, backbone dissociation of oligoribonucleotides is essentially decoupled from base loss. The different behavior of RNA and DNA oligonucleotides is related to the presence of the 2'-hydroxyl substituent, which is the only structural alteration between the DNA and RNA pentanucleotides studied. CID of mixed-sequence RNA/DNA pentanucleotides results in a combination of the nucleotide-typical backbone fragmentation products, with abundant w-fragment ions generated by cleavage of the phosphodiester backbone adjacent to the deoxy building blocks, whereas backbone cleavage adjacent to ribonucleotides induces the formation of c- and y-ions. (C) 2002 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.


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Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are causing ocean acidification (OA), altering carbonate chemistry with consequences for marine organisms. Here we show that OA increases by 46-212% the production of phenolic compounds in phytoplankton grown under the elevated CO2 concentrations projected for the end of this century, compared with the ambient CO2 level. At the same time, mitochondrial respiration rate is enhanced under elevated CO2 concentrations by 130-160% in a single species or mixed phytoplankton assemblage. When fed with phytoplankton cells grown under OA, zooplankton assemblages have significantly higher phenolic compound content, by about 28-48%. The functional consequences of the increased accumulation of toxic phenolic compounds in primary and secondary producers have the potential to have profound consequences for marine ecosystem and seafood quality, with the possibility that fishery industries could be influenced as a result of progressive ocean changes.


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Protein kinase A type I plays a key role in neoplastic transformation, conveying mitogenic signals of different growth factors and oncogenes. Inhibition of protein kinase A type I by antisense oligonucleotides targeting its RIα regulatory subunit results in cancer cell growth inhibition in vitro and in vivo. A novel mixed backbone oligonucleotide HYB 190 and its mismatched control HYB 239 were tested on soft agar growth of several human cancer cell types. HYB 190 demonstrated a dose-dependent inhibition of colony formation in all cell lines whereas the HYB 239 at the same doses caused a modest or no growth inhibition. A noninhibitory dose of each mixed backbone oligonucleotide was used in OVCAR-3 ovarian and GEO colon cancer cells to study whether any cooperative effect may occur between the antisense and a series of cytotoxic drugs acting by different mechanisms. Treatment with HYB 190 resulted in an additive growth inhibitory effect with several cytotoxic drugs when measured by soft agar colony formation. A synergistic growth inhibition, which correlated with increased apoptosis, was observed when HYB 190 was added to cancer cells treated with taxanes, platinum-based compounds, and topoisomerase II selective drugs. This synergistic effect was also observed in breast cancer cells and was obtained with other related drugs such as docetaxel and carboplatin. Combination of HYB 190 and paclitaxel resulted in an accumulation of cells in late S-G2 phases of cell cycle and marked induction of apoptosis. A cooperative effect of HYB 190 and paclitaxel was also obtained in vivo in nude mice bearing human GEO colon cancer xenografts. These results are the first report of a cooperative growth inhibitory effect obtained in a variety of human cancer cell lines by antisense mixed backbone oligonucleotide targeting protein kinase A type I-mediated mitogenic signals and specific cytotoxic drugs.


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Phenylamidine cationic groups linked by a furan ring (furamidine) and related compounds bind as monomers to AT sequences of DNA. An unsymmetric derivative (DB293) with one of the phenyl rings of furamidine replaced with a benzimidazole has been found by quantitative footprinting analyses to bind to GC-containing sites on DNA more strongly than to pure AT sequences. NMR structural analysis and surface plasmon resonance binding results clearly demonstrate that DB293 binds in the minor groove at specific GC-containing sequences of DNA in a highly cooperative manner as a stacked dimer. Neither the symmetric bisphenyl nor bisbenzimidazole analogs of DB293 bind significantly to the GC containing sequences. DB293 provides a paradigm for design of compounds for specific recognition of mixed DNA sequences and extends the boundaries for small molecule-DNA recognition.


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Previously, we have shown that agonists and antagonists interact with distinct, though overlapping regions within the human progesterone receptor (hPR) resulting in the formation of structurally different complexes. Thus, a link was established between the structure of a ligand-receptor complex and biological activity. In this study, we have utilized a series of in vitro assays with which to study hPR pharmacology and have identified a third class of hPR ligands that induce a receptor conformation which is distinct from that induced by agonists or antagonists. Importantly, when assayed on PR-responsive target genes these compounds were shown to exhibit partial agonist activity; an activity that was influenced by cell context. Thus, as has been shown previously for estrogen receptor, the overall structure of the ligand-receptor complex is influenced by the nature of the ligand. It appears, therefore, that the observed differences in the activity of some PR and estrogen receptor ligands reflect the ability of the cellular transcription machinery to discriminate between the structurally different complexes that result following ligand interaction. These data support the increasingly favored hypothesis that different ligands can interact with different regions within the hormone binding domains of steroid hormone receptors resulting in different biologies.


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The formation of MgA1 layered double hydroxide (LDH) from physically mixed MgO and Al2O3 oxides upon hydrothermal treatment has been extensively investigated, and a formation mechanism has been proposed. We observed that the formation of LDH from the oxide mixture occurs upon heating at 110 degreesC. In general, LDH is the major component while the minor phases are mainly determined by the initial pH of the oxide suspension as well as the MgO/Al2O3 ratio. The neutrality in the initial suspension results in a minor Mg(OH)(2) as the impure phase, while the alkalinity in the suspension keeps some MgO unreacted throughout the whole hydrothermal treatment. We suggest that MgO and Al2O3 be hydrated into Mg(OH)(2) and Al(OH)(3), respectively, in the initial stage for all samples. We further Suggest that in the neutral condition Mg(OH)2 be quickly dissociated to Mg2+ and OH- which then deposit on the surface of Al(OH)(3)/Al2O3 to form a M-Al pre-LDH material. Al(OH)(4)(-), ionized from Al(OH)(3) in the basic solution, deposits on the surface of Mg(OH)(2)/MgO to result in a similar MgAl pre-LDH material. Such a pre-LDH material is then well crystallized upon continuous heating via the diffusion of metal ions in the solid lattice. Such a dissociation-deposition-diffusion mechanism via two pathways has been supported by the phase composition, morphological features of crystallites, and [Mg]/[Al] ratios on the crystallite surface. and presumably applied to the general formation of LDHs with various synthetic methods. Such as coprecipitation, homogeneous preparation, and reconstruction.


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Three different stoichiometric forms of RbMn[Fe(CN) ]y·zHO [x = 0.96, y = 0.98, z = 0.75 (1); x = 0.94, y = 0.88, z = 2.17 (2); x = 0.61, y = 0.86, z = 2.71 (3)] Prussian blue analogues were synthesized and investigated by magnetic, calorimetric, Raman spectroscopic, X-ray diffraction, and Fe Mössbauer spectroscopic methods. Compounds 1 and 2 show a hysteresis loop between the high-temperature (HT) Fe(S = 1/2)-CN-Mn(S = 5/2) and the low-temperature (LT) Fe(S = 0)-CN-Mn(S = 2) forms of 61 and 135 K width centered at 273 and 215 K, respectively, whereas the third compound remains in the HT phase down to 5 K. The splitting of the quadrupolar doublets in the Fe Mössbauer spectra reveal the electron-transfer-active centers. Refinement of the X-ray powder diffraction profiles shows that electron-transfer-active materials have the majority of the Rb ions on only one of the two possible interstitial sites, whereas nonelectron-transfer-active materials have the Rb ions equally distributed. Moreover, the stability of the compounds with time and following heat treatment is also discussed. © Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2009.


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The infra-red detector material cadmium mercury telluride can be grown by the technique of Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy using simple alkyl telluride compounds as the source of tellurium. New tellurium precursors are required in order to overcome handling and toxicity problems and to reduce the growth temperature in preparing the material. A range of diaryltellurium(IV) dicarboxylates and some 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenyl-tellurium(II) and tellurium(IV) monocarboxylates have been synthesised and characterised by infra-red, 13C N.M.R. and mass spectroscopy. Infra-red spectroscopy has been used to determine the mode of bonding of the carboxylate ligand to tellurium. Synthetic methods have been devised for the preparation of diorganotritellurides (R2Te3) and mixed diorganotetrachalcogenides (RTeSeSeTeR). A mechanism for the formation of the tritellurides based on aerobic conditions is proposed. The reaction of ArTe- with (ClCH2CH2)3N leads to tripod-like multidentate ligands (ArTeCH2CH2)3N which form complexes with the ions Hg(II), Cd(II), Cu(I), Pt(II) and Pd(II). Synthetic routes to aryltelluroalkylamines and arylselenoalkylamines are also reported. The crystal structure of 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenyltellurium(II) bromide has been solved in which there are six molecules present within the unit cell. There are no close intermolecular Te---Te interactions and the molecules are stabilised by short Te---N intramolecular contacts. The crystal structure of 2-(2'-pyridyl)phenylselenium(II)-tribromomercurate(II) is also presented. A study of the Raman vibrational spectra of some tellurated azobenzenes and 2-phenylpyridines shows spectra of remarkably far superior quality to those obtained using infra-red spectroscopy.


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Cell-wall components (cellulose, hemicellulose (oat spelt xylan), lignin (Organosolv)), and model compounds (levoglucosan (an intermediate product of cellulose decomposition) and chlorogenic acid (structurally similar to lignin polymer units)) have been investigated to probe in detail the influence of potassium on their pyrolysis behaviours as well as their uncatalysed decomposition reaction. Cellulose and lignin were pretreated to remove salts and metals by hydrochloric acid, and this dematerialized sample was impregnated with 1% of potassium as potassium acetate. Levoglucosan, xylan and chlorogenic acid were mixed with CHCOOK to introduce 1% K. Characterisation was performed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). In addition to the TGA pyrolysis, pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PY-GC-MS) analysis was introduced to examine reaction products. Potassium-catalysed pyrolysis has a huge influence on the char formation stage and increases the char yields considerably (from 7.7% for raw cellulose to 27.7% for potassium impregnated cellulose; from 5.7% for raw levoglucosan to 20.8% for levoglucosan with CHCOOK added). Major changes in the pyrolytic decomposition pathways were observed for cellulose, levoglucosan and chlorogenic acid. The results for cellulose and levoglucosan are consistent with a base catalysed route in the presence of the potassium salt which promotes complete decomposition of glucosidic units by a heterolytic mechanism and favours its direct depolymerization and fragmentation to low molecular weight components (e.g. acetic acid, formic acid, glyoxal, hydroxyacetaldehyde and acetol). Base catalysed polymerization reactions increase the char yield. Potassium-catalysed lignin pyrolysis is very significant: the temperature of maximum conversion in pyrolysis shifts to lower temperature by 70 K and catalysed polymerization reactions increase the char yield from 37% to 51%. A similar trend is observed for the model compound, chlorogenic acid. The addition of potassium does not produce a dramatic change in the tar product distribution, although its addition to chlorogenic acid promoted the generation of cyclohexane and phenol derivatives. Postulated thermal decomposition schemes for chlorogenic acid are presented. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.