971 resultados para Malus x domestica Borkh., columnar gene, Agrobacterium tumefaciens


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A resistência a doenças em plantas transgênicas tem sido obtida por meio da expressão de genes isolados de bactérias, fungos micoparasitas e plantas. Neste trabalho, relatamos a utilização de um gene do fungo entomopatogênico Metarhizium anisopliae como modo de gerar resistência a doenças fúngicas em plantas. O gene chit1 codifica a quitinase CHIT42 (EC, pertencente a uma classe de glicosil-hidrolases capazes de converter quitina em oligômeros de N-acetil-glicosamina (NAcGlc). Quando presentes em tecidos vegetais, supõese que as quitinases ataquem especificamente a parede celular de fungos invasores, provocando danos às hifas e causando a morte por lise das células fúngicas. Deste modo, dois diferentes grupos de plantas transgênicas de Nicotiana tabacum foram produzidos: no primeiro deles, denominado chitplus, os indivíduos possuem o gene chit1 sob o controle do promotor CaMV 35S. O segundo grupo, demoninado chitless, consiste de plantas transformadas com um T-DNA não contendo o gene do fungo. Trinta e quatro plantas transgênicas resistentes à canamicina (17 de cada grupo) foram regeneradas a partir de discos de folhas infectados por Agrobacterium tumefaciens. A produção da quitinase em extratos protéicos de folhas foi analisada por zimogramas em SDS-PAGE contendo glicol-quitina e corados por calcoflúor branco, na forma de um screening dos transgênicos primários. As plantas transgênicas foram testadas, ainda, por meio de ensaios colorimétricos empregando oligômeros sintéticos de NAcGlc como substratos específicos, além de immunoblot e Western blot com soro anti-quitinase. A quantidade de enzima recombinante nas plantas chitplus variou desde nenhuma atividade detectável a elevados níveis de expressão da enzima. A hibridização de Southern blot demonstrou que o número de cópias do gene chit1 integradas no genoma vegetal foi estimado entre uma e quatro. A primeira geração de plantas transgênicas geradas por autofecundação de parentais portadores de duas cópias do transgene foi testada com relação à estabilidade da herança do transgene e em 43 de um total de 67 descendentes, originados de quatro cruzamentos independentes, o padrão de segregação não diferiu das proporções Mendelianas esperadas. Ensaios de resistência, desafiando as plantas transgênicas com o basidiomiceto Rhizoctonia solani foram realizados e uma evidente diminuição da área foliar contendo lesões fúngicas foi observada entre as linhagens transgênicas, embora variações na atividade quitinolítica tenham influenciado o nível de resistência. Nossos resultados sugerem uma relação direta entre a atividade específica de quitinase e ao aumento nos níveis de resistência às lesões causadas pela infecção por R. solani.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi otimizar o sistema de transformação genética de embriões somáticos de soja [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] utilizando a biolística e o sistema Agrobacterium de maneira integrada. Os antibióticos, adicionados ao meio de cultura para supressão da bactéria após a transferência do transgene, foram o alvo do estudo. Inicialmente, comparou-se o efeito de diferentes tratamentos com antibióticos sobre o tecido embriogênico de soja e sua eficiência na supressão da linhagem LBA4404 de Agrobacterium tumefaciens durante o processo de transformação. A carbenicilina (500 mg/l) apresentou efeitos diferentes sobre o tecido vegetal das duas cultivares testadas. Os tecidos embriogênicos da cv. IAS5 não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação ao controle, enquanto que a proliferação dos embriões somáticos da cv. Bragg foi três vezes maior com a adição deste antibiótico ao meio de cultura. Contudo, a presença da carbenicilina nas duas concentrações testadas (500 e 1000 mg/l) não foi eficiente para supressão de Agrobacterium. Por outro lado, nos tratamentos com cefotaxima sozinha (350 e 500 mg/l), ou cefotaxima (250 mg/l) + vancomicina (250 mg/l) esta bactéria foi completamente suprimida da superfície dos embriões somáticos após 49 dias de tratamento. No entanto, enquanto a presença de cefotaxima, em qualquer concentração, foi prejudicial à sobrevivência do tecido embriogênico, a combinação de cefotaxima + vancomicina não afetou significativamente os embriões somáticos de soja até os 63 dias de tratamento. Portanto, os resultados indicam que o tratamento com cefotaxima + vancomicina por um período de 49 - 63 dias é o mais adequado para a transformação genética de soja, por suprimir Agrobacterium e apresentar mínimos efeitos sobre o tecido embriogênico. Por fim, conjuntos de embriões somáticos de soja foram transformados e tratados com a combinação recomendada de antibióticos para avaliação da eficiência do método na obtenção de transformantes estáveis. Foram obtidos 48 e 232 clones higromicina-resistentes para Bragg e IAS5, respectivamente. Para cv. Bragg, 26 plantas foram obtidas de um único clone, enquanto 580 plantas foram regeneradas de 105 clones da cv. IAS5. As plantas transgênicas eram férteis e morfologicamente normais. A presença do transgene no genoma destas plantas foi confirmada por análises moleculares. Portanto, a adequação dos antibióticos permitiu o desenvolvimento de um método de transformação altamente eficiente para soja. Os resultados do presente trabalho constituem o primeiro registro (1) do efeito de antibióticos sobre tecidos de soja ou de leguminosas e (2) de obtenção de transformantes estáveis de soja utilizando a biolística e o sistema Agrobacterium de maneira integrada.


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The volatile composition of different apple varieties of Malus domestica Borkh. species from different geographic regions at Madeira Islands, namely Ponta do Pargo (PP), Porto Santo (PS), and Santo da Serra (SS) was established by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) procedure followed by GC-MS (GC-qMS) analysis. Significant parameters affecting sorption process such as fiber coating, extraction temperature,extractiontime,sampleamount,dilutionfactor,ionicstrength,anddesorption time,wereoptimizedanddiscussed.TheSPMEfibercoatedwith50/30 lmdivinylbenzene/carboxen/PDMS (DVB/CAR/PDMS) afforded highest extraction efficiency of volatile compounds, providing the best sensitivity for the target volatiles, particularly whenthesampleswereextractedat508Cfor30 minwithconstantmagneticstirring. A qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis between the investigated apple species has been established. It was possible to identify about 100 of volatile compounds amongpulp(46,45,and39),peel(64,60,and64),andentirefruit(65,43,and50)inPP, PS,andSSapples,respectively.Ethylesters,terpenes,andhigheralcoholswerefound tobethemostrepresentativevolatiles. a-Farnesene,hexan-1-olandhexyl2-methylbutyratewerethecompoundsfoundinthevolatileprofileofstudiedappleswiththelargestGCarea,representing,onaverage,24.71,14.06,and10.80%ofthetotalvolatilefractionfromPP,PS,andSSapples.InPPentireapple,themostabundantcompoundsidentified were a-farnesene (30.49%), the unknown compound m/z (69, 101, 157) (21.82%) andhexylacetate(6.57%).RegardingPSentireapplethemajorcompoundswere a-farnesene(16.87%),estragole(15.43%),hexan-1-ol(10.94),andE-2-hexenal(10.67).a-Farnesene(30.3%),hexan-1-ol(18.90%),2-methylbutanoicacid(4.7%),andpentan-1-ol(4.6%) werealsofoundasSSentireapplevolatilespresentinahigherrelativecontent.Principal component analysis (PCA) of the results clustered the apples into three groups according to geographic origin. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was performed in order to detect the volatile compounds able to differentiate the three kinds of apples investigated. The most important contributions to the differentiation of the PP, PS, and SS apples were ethyl hexanoate, hexyl 2-methylbutyrate, E,E-2,4-heptadienal, pethylstyrene,andE-2-hexenal.


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Objective: In an attempt to clarify the clonality and genetic relationships that are involved in the tumorigenesis of uterine leiomyomas, we used a total of 43 multiple leiomyomas from 14 patients and analyzed the allelic status with 15 microsatellite markers and X chromosome inactivation analysis.Study design: We have used a set of 15 microsatellite polymorphism markers mapped on 3q, 7p, 11, and 15q by automated analysis. The X chromosome inactivation was evaluated by the methylation status of the X-linked androgen receptor gene.Results: Loss of heterozygosity analysis showed a different pattern in 7 of the 8 cases with allelic loss for at least 1 of 15 microsatellite markers that were analyzed. A similar loss of heterozygosity findings at 7p22-15 was detected in 3 samples from the same patient. X chromosome inactivation analysis demonstrated the same inactivated allele in all tumors of the 9 of 12 informative patients;. different inactivation patterns were observed in 3 cases.Conclusion: Our data support the concept that uterine leiomyomas are derived from a single cell but are generated independently in the uterus. Loss of heterozygosity findings at 7p22-15 are consistent with previous data that suggested the relevance of chromosomal aberrations at 7p that were involved in individual uterine leiomyomas. (C) 2005 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Coffee Genome Project made available to the scientific community relevant information that made practical the identification and cloning of important genes, as well as the identification of the major sequences involved on their regulation. The aim of the present study was to amplify, clone and sequence coffee promoters with specific expression patterns. For that, coffee ESTs which known expression profiles were employed. First, the promoter regions of coffee genes showing, respectively, fruitspecific and ubiquitous expression were amplified using the Genome Walking strategy. Amplified sequences were then inserted in the pGEM-Teasy vector (Promega) and sequenced. Once completed the sequencing, an expression cassette was constructed using the binary vector pCAMBIA-1381z (Cambia). These expression cassettes were cloned into Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and transgenic tobacco plants were generated aiming the functional characterization of these promoters


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Huanglongbing (HLB) is associated with Candidatus Liberibacter spp., endogenous, sieve tube-restricted bacteria that are transmitted by citrus psyllid insect vectors. Transgenic expression in the phloem of specific genes that might affect Ca. Liberibacter spp. growth and development may be an adequate strategy to improve citrus resistance to HLB. To study specific phloem gene expression in citrus, we developed three different binary vector constructs with expression cassettes bearing the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene (uidA) under the control of one of the three different promoters: Citrus phloem protein 2 (CsPP2), Arabidopsis thaliana phloem protein 2 (AtPP2), and Arabidopsis thaliana sucrose transporter 2 (AtSUC2). Transgenic lines of 'Hamlin', 'Pera', and 'Valencia' sweet oranges [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] were produced via Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation. The epicotyl segments collected from in vitro germinated seedlings were used as explants. The gene nptII, which confers resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin, was used for selection. The transformation efficiency was expressed as the number of GUS-positive shoots over the total number of explants and varied from 1.54 to 6.08 % among the three cultivars and three constructs studied. Several lines of the three sweet orange cultivars analyzed using PCR and Southern blot analysis were genetically transformed with the three constructs evaluated. The histological GUS activity in the leaves indicates that the uidA gene was preferentially expressed in the phloem, which suggests that the use of the three promoters might be adequate for producing HLB-resistant transgenic sweet oranges. The results reported here conclusively demonstrate the preferential expression of GUS in the phloem driven by two heterologous and one homologous gene promoters. Key message The results reported here conclusively demonstrate the preferential expression of GUS in the phloem driven by two heterologous and one homologous gene promoters.


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The difficulty in adult tissue genetic transformation in woody species is still an obstacle to be overcome, including in most sweet orange cultivars of the Brazilian citrus industry. This work reports that, after in vitro culture adjustments, transgenic adventitious buds of 'Hamlin', 'Pra', and 'Valencia' sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) were recovered using adult material as explant source, in genetic transformation experiments via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The transgenic buds were identified by the GUS histochemical analysis and confirmed by PCR analysis, which indicated the presence of an amplified fragment of 817 bp corresponding to the uidA gene sequence. The efficiencies of genetic transformation for 'Hamlin', 'Pra', and 'Valencia' sweet orange cultivars were 2.5, 1.4, and 3.7%, respectively. Media supplemented with auxins and cytokinins during co-culture, and media with high concentrations of cytokinins (3 mg L-1) during transgenic selection led to the transformation and, consequently, the regeneration of adequate number of adventitious buds for the three cultivars. The use of sonication during the explant disinfection was not effective to reduce endophytic contamination and reduced transformation efficiency.


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This study aimed to analyze the cuticle thickness and pattern of epicuticular wax deposition in 'Gala' and 'Galaxy' apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh,) from three Brazilian producing areas: Vacaria (RS), Fraiburgo (SC) and Sao Joaquim (SC) with altitudes of 971, 1,048 and 1,353m, respectively. Harvested fruit were kept under two storage conditions: regular atmosphere (RA) (0 degrees C and 90% RH) and controlled atmosphere (CA) (1.5% O-2, 2.5% CO2, 0 degrees C and 90% RH). Cuticle thickness measurements were made using LM and the deposition pattern of epicuticular wax observed with a SEM. Altitude among the apple producing areas was not a factor in deposition pattern of waxes between the cultivars but at higher altitudes, the cuticle was thicker in both the cultivars. In the freshly-harvested fruits, waxes deposition in the form of platelets and the mechanism of "tear and repair" were observed. Severity of microcracks in the cuticle was more evident on the fruits from CA.


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The endophytic fungus Epicoccum nigrum was isolated from sugarcane and the bioguided fractionation of the ethyl acetate extract led to the isolation of epicolactone, mellein, and 4,5-dimethylresorcinol. Characterization of epicolactone by MS, NMR and X-ray crystallography revealed a new natural product with an unusual carbon skeleton. The production of this secondary metabolite decreased in mutants of Epicoccum nigrum transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Additionally, these mutants produced 4-hydroxymellein.


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This study aimed to analyze the cuticle thickness and pattern of epicuticular wax deposition in 'Gala' and 'Galaxy' apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh,) from three Brazilian producing areas: Vacaria (RS), Fraiburgo (SC) and São Joaquim (SC) with altitudes of 971, 1,048 and 1,353m, respectively. Harvested fruit were kept under two storage conditions: regular atmosphere (RA) (0 ºC and 90% RH) and controlled atmosphere (CA) (1.5% O2, 2.5% CO2, 0ºC and 90% RH). Cuticle thickness measurements were made using LM and the deposition pattern of epicuticular wax observed with a SEM. Altitude among the apple producing areas was not a factor in deposition pattern of waxes between the cultivars but at higher altitudes, the cuticle was thicker in both the cultivars. In the freshly-harvested fruits, waxes deposition in the form of platelets and the mechanism of tear and repair were observed. Severity of microcracks in the cuticle was more evident on the fruits from CA.


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Für die Etablierung einer Transformationsmethode züchterisch relevanter Sorten von Osteospermum ecklonis (Kapmargerite) wurde zunächst ein geeignetes Protokoll für die Regeneration adventiver Sprosse aus vegetativem Gewebe entwickelt. Anschließend wurden Transformationen von Markergenen durch Kokultur mit Agrobacterium tumefaciens durchgeführt. Hierzu wurden Konstrukte verwendet, die das Gen für ß-D-Glucuronidase (GUS) enthielten und deren Expression in transgenen Pflanzen histochemisch nachgewiesen werden konnte. Kanamycinresistenz erwies sich als geeigneter Selektionsmarker für die Transformation. Es konnten von verschiedenen O. ecklonis Sorten GUS-transgene, nicht-chimäre Pflanzen regeneriert werden.Zur Erzeugung transgener Pflanzen mit dem Ziel der Resistenz gegen LMV (lettuce mosaic potyvirus, Salat Mosaik Virus) wurden drei Konstrukte verwendet. Das erste enthält die kodierende Sequenz der Virusproteine VPg, Pro und 6K2. Durch PCR-Mutation wurde die Proteinase-Schnittstelle zwischen 6K2 und VPg zerstört, sowie Start- und Stopcodon eingeführt. Die anderen LMV-abgeleiteten Konstrukte enthalten nicht translatierbare Fragmente des coat protein Gens in sense und antisense Orientierung.Außerdem wurde O. ecklonis noch mit dem Gen des mutmaßlichen Transkriptionsfaktor SPL3 aus Arabidopsis thaliana unter der Kontrolle eines konstitutiven Promotors transformiert. SPL3 ist an der Regulierung der Blüteninduktion in A. thaliana beteiligt.Regenerierte O. ecklonis wurden durch PCR mit konstruktspezifischen Primern auf Anwesenheit des Transgens und Kontamination durch A. tumefaciens überprüft.


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Bei den Pflanzen sind viele Fragen bezüglich der Organisation und Regulation des bei der Zellteilung und differenzierung wichtigen Auf-, Ab- und Umbaus des Mikrotubuli-Netzwerkes noch immer offen, insbesondere was die Rolle des γ-Tubulins betrifft. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Etablierung von BY-2 Modell-Zelllinien (Nicotiana), die verschiedene mit fluoreszierenden Proteinen (FP) markierte Elemente des Cytoskeletts exprimieren, um eine fluoreszenzmikroskopische Detektion in vivo zu ermöglichen.rnAls Grundlage für alle weiteren Versuche wurde eine zuverlässige Methode zur A. tumefaciens vermittelten stabilen Transfektion von BY-2 Zellen erarbeitet. Für die Expression von FP-markierten Cytoskelettproteinen, wurden entsprechende Fusionskonstrukte kloniert und via A. tumefaciens in BY-2 Zellen transferiert. So gelang zunächst die Herstellung transgener Zelllinien, die GFP-markiertes α- bzw. γ-Tubulin exprimierten. Diese sollten später als Basis für die Untersuchung des dynamischen Mikrotubuli-Netzwerkes bzw. dessen Regulation dienen. In beiden Zelllinien standen die Konstrukte zunächst unter Kontrolle eines doppelten 35S-Promotors, was zu einer starken, konstitutiven Expression der Transgene führte. Fluoreszenzmikroskopisch konnten Strukturen, an deren Aufbau Mikrotubuli beteiligt sind, detektiert werden. Aufgrund einer starken Hintergrundfluoreszenz, vermutlich bedingt durch die konstitutive Überexpression, war die Darstellung feinerer Bereiche, wie sie im Cytoskelett häufig auftreten, jedoch äußerst schwierig. Deshalb wurde eine schwächere bzw. adäquate Expressionsrate angestrebt. rnPhysiologische Expressionsraten sollten vor allem durch den endogenen γ-Tubulin-Promotor ermöglicht werden. Da die entsprechende Sequenz noch unbekannt war, wurde sie zunächst bestimmt und in ein passendes Konstrukt integriert. Fluoreszenzmikroskopische Untersuchungen der resultierenden Zelllinie ließen auf eine stark reduzierte Expressionsrate schließen. Tatsächlich war die Detektion von Cytoskelettstrukturen, wenn überhaupt, erst bei deutlich längeren Belichtungszeiten möglich. Bedingt durch die langen Belichtungszeiten wurde die Dokumentation durch eine latente pflanzentypische Autofluoreszenz der Zellen erschwert. Auch wenn hier keine detailreicheren Aufnahmen der Cytoskelettstrukturen möglich waren, ist die Zellkultur für weiterführende Untersuchungen, z.B. in Studien bezüglich des zeitlichen Expressionsmusters des γ-Tubulins, potentiell geeignet. Der Einsatz eines sensibleren Mikroskopsystems ist allerdings erforderlich. rnUm klären zu können, inwieweit γ-Tubulin mit den Mikrotubuli co-lokalisiert, wurden Zelllinien benötigt, bei denen die entsprechenden Elemente unterschiedlich markiert waren. Zu diesem Zweck wurde der Einsatz von RFP-markiertem Tubulin getestet. Eine deutliche Überexpression von RFP alleine war möglich. Trotz mehrfacher Wiederholung der Versuche war aber keine Expression von RFP-markiertem α-Tubulin in BY-2 Zellen zur Visualisierung der Mikrotubuli detektierbar. Die DNA-Sequenzen waren im Genom nachweisbar, eine Transkription jedoch nicht. Möglicherweise spielten hier gene silencing Effekte eine Rolle. Das verwendete RFP (TagRFP) und GFP stammten aus unterschiedlichen Organismen, aus einer Seeanemone bzw. einer Qualle. Eine Lösung könnte der Austausch des TagRFP durch ein Quallen-Derivat, das in einer von grün unterscheidbaren Farbe fluoresziert, bringen. Da bereits BY-2 Zelllinien vorliegen, die GFP-markiertes α- bzw. γ-Tubulin exprimieren, sollte es, nach Klonieren eines entsprechenden Konstruktes, zeitnah möglich sein, eine doppelt transfizierte Zelllinie herzustellen.


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OBJECTIVES: To compare the gene expression profile of osseointegration associated with a moderately rough and a chemically modified hydrophilic moderately rough surface in a human model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighteen solid screw-type cylindrical titanium implants, 4 mm long and 2.8 mm wide, with either a moderately rough (SLA) or a chemically modified moderately rough (SLActive) surface were surgically inserted in the retromolar area of nine human volunteers. The devices were removed using a trephine following 4, 7 and 14 days of healing. The tissue surrounding the implant was harvested, total RNA was extracted and microarray analysis was carried out to identify the differences in the transcriptome between the SLA and SLActive surfaces at days 4, 7 and 14. RESULTS: There were no functionally relevant gene ontology categories that were over-represented in the list of genes that were differentially expressed at day 4. However, by day 7, osteogenesis- and angiogenesis-associated gene expression were up-regulated on the SLActive surface. Osteogenesis and angiogenesis appeared to be regulated by BMP and VEGF signalling, respectively. By day 14, VEGF signalling remains up-regulated on the SLActive surface, while BMP signalling was up-regulated on the SLA surface in what appeared to be a delayed compensatory response. Furthermore, neurogenesis was a prominent biological process within the list of differentially expressed genes, and it was influenced by both surfaces. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with SLA, SLActive exerts a pro-osteogenic and pro-angiogenic influence on gene expression at day 7 following implant insertion, which may be responsible for the superior osseointegrative properties of this surface.