994 resultados para MADRID, EDWIN, 1961-


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En este trabajo se comentan 16 taxones interesantes colectados en el afloramiento cretácico de Soto del Real-El Vellón (Madrid). Cada planta se acompaña de un breve comentario corológico y ecológico y se refiere su localización a cuadrículas UTM. Se incluyen mapas corológicos para Cephalanthera damasonium (Miller) Druce, Convolvulus meonanthus Hoffmanns. & Link y Linum austriacum L. subsp. collinum Nyman


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Se comenta la variación de los vientos con respecto de los macizos de Javalambre (2020 m) y Peñagolosa (1814 m), así como la seriación altitudinal en las laderas Nordeste y Este del Javalambre relacionándola con los vientos procedentes del mar.También se presentan esquemas de la estructura interna del Junipero sabinae-P¡netum sylvestris Rivas Goday & Borja 1961, en las zonas cacuminales del Javalambre y del Erodio-Erinaceetum (Rivas Goday & Borja 1961) 0. de Bolós & Vigó, del Peñagolosa.


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Durantedos años consecutivos se ha estudiado el contenido en agua de las capas superficiales del suelo de 29 parcelas pobladas por distintas unidades de jaral pertenecientes a la alianza Cistion laurifolii. Se aportan gráficas sobre la marcha de los contendio hídricos disponibles de los suelos, poniéndose de relieve la existencia de dos periodos: uno húmedo, caracterizado por existir agua disponible más o menos abundante, y otro seco en el que no existe agua disponible en los niveles superficiales del suelo. La duración de estos periodos se discute relacionándola con el régimen de precipitaciones, valorándose la importancia de éste frente a las precipitaciones totales anuales. Se comparan los distintos sintáxones para el factor hídrico por medio de análisis multivariables, determinándose la diferenciación de éstos en base a dicho factor.


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Se describen los caracteres químicos encontrados en ejemplares de Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach.y Parmelina tiliacea (Hoffm.) Hale recogidos en la provincia de Madrid siguiendo un gradiente altitudinal.


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Se comentan brevemente algunos táxones herborizados en el Valle del Paular, que presentan cierto interés corológico o ecológico.


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Como en la nota anterior (Lazaroa 3: 367-369. 1982) se comentan brevemente una serie de taxones herborizados en la comarca madrileña del Embalse de Santillana, Se propone una nuevac ombinación en el género Sideritis L., Sideriris incana L. subsp. incana var. spinulosa (Font Quer) Rivas Goday & Borja comb. nova.


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Se da a conocer un primer catálogo de la flora liquénica que coloniza los roquedos pontienses, o del páramo, situados entre las cuencas de los ríos Henares y Tajuña (Madrid, España). Se relacionan en total 101 táxones, once de los cuales son nuevas citas para la flora española, con comentarios acerca de su ecología y corología.


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Se comentan veinte táxones herborizados en el Valle del Paular, que presentan algún interés corológico regional.


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Se relacionan y comentan una serie de taxones poco conocidos de la comarca madrileña del Embalse de Santillana.


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During twao years soil and litter pH of 31 permanent plots grown by several rock-rose scrubs (jarales) of Cistion laurifolii at different dynamic stages have been measured. Acidily records show the existence of important seasonal variations and according to a certain rythm. The different syntaxa are characterized as for this ecological factor and the results for these matorrals are compared with other data of heath-scrubs. Adult jaral-phases tend to decrease soil pH when compared with younger dwarf-scrubs-phases, nevertheless upper soil levels generally remain less acidic. Multivariable analysis do not show preference of t he different syntaxa for a certain soil-pH range.


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In this study, Evernia prunastri, a lichen growing in its natural habitat in Morocco was analysed for the concentration of five heavy metals (Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cr) from eleven sites between Kenitra and Mohammedia cities. The control site was Dar Essalam, an isolated area with low traffic density and dense vegetation. In the investigated areas, the concentration of heavy metals was correlated with vehicular traffic, industrial activity and urbanization. The total metal concentration was highest in Sidi Yahya, followed by Mohammedia and Bouznika. The coefficient of variation was higher for Pb and lower for Cu, Zn and Fe. The concentrations of most heavy metals in the thalli differed significantly between sites (p<0.01). Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed a significant correlation between heavy metal accumulation and atmospheric purity index. This study demonstrated also that the factors most strongly affecting the lichen flora were traffic density, the petroleum industry and paper factories in these areas. Overall, these results suggest that the index of atmospheric purity and assessment of heavy metals in lichen thalli are good indicators of the air quality at the studied sites.


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This paper presents the validation of five syntaxonomic concepts –two orders (Callitricho hamulatae-Ranunculetalia aquatilis, Zannichellietalia pedicellatae) and three alliances (Ranunculion aquatilis, Nelumbion nuciferae and Caricion viridulo-trinervis).


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The paper presents the description of one new order (Asplenietalia septentrionalo-cuneifolii) and two new alliances (Arenarion bertolonii and Physoplexido comosae- Saxifragion petraeae). In addition, the syntaxon Asplenietalia lanceolato-obovati is here formally raised to the order level and the name Hypno-Polypodietalia vulgaris is validated.


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We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae. 


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Fourty-two high-rank syntaxa and seven associations of the thallophyte system of syntaxa are either described as new or validated in this paper. Among those, there are the following nine classes: Aspicilietea candidae, Caulerpetea racemosae, Desmococcetea olivacei, Entophysalidetea deustae, Gloeocapsetea sanguineae, Mesotaenietea berggrenii, Naviculetea gregariae, Porpidietea zeoroidis, Roccelletea phycopsis. Eleven orders and ten alliances as well as three associations are described or validated: the Aspicilietalia verruculosae (incl. Aspicilion mashiginensis and Teloschistion contortuplicati), the Caulerpetalia racemosae (incl. Caulerpion racemosae), the Desmococcetalia olivacei (incl. Desmococcion olivacei), the Dirinetalia massiliensis, the Fucetalia vesiculosi (incl. Ascophyllion nodosi), the Gloeocapsetalia sanguineae, the Lecideetalia confluescentis (incl. Lecideion confluescentis), the Mesotaenietalia berggrenii (incl. Mesotaenion berggrenii, Mesotaenietum berggrenii and Chloromonadetum nivalis), the Naviculetalia gregariae (incl. Oscillatorion limosae and Oscillatorietum limosae), the Porpidietalia zeoroidis (incl. Porpidion zeoroidis), and the Roccelletalia fuciformis (incl. Paralecanographion grumulosae). Further, five orders, seven alliances and four associations, classified in known classes, were described as well. These include: the Bacidinetalia phacodis, the Agonimion octosporae and the Dendrographetalia decolorantis (all in the Arthonio radiatae-Lecidelletea elaeochromae), the Staurothelion solventis (in the Aspicilietea lacustris), the Pediastro duplicis-Scenedesmion quadricaudae and the Pediastro duplicis-Scenedesmetum quadricaudae (both in the Asterionelletea formosae), the Peccanion coralloidis and the Peltuletalia euplocae (both in the Collematetea cristati), the Laminarion hyperboreae, the Saccorhizo polyschidi-Laminarietum and the Alario esculenti-Himanthalietum elongatae (all in the Cystoseiretea crinitae), the Delesserietalia sanguinei, the Delesserion sanguinei and the Delesserietum sanguineae (all in the Lithophylletea soluti), as well as the the Rinodino confragosae-Rusavskietalia elegantis and the Rhizocarpo geographici-Rusavskion elegantis (both in the Rhizocarpetea geographici).