Descriptions and validation of the names of some high-rank syntaxa in the European Asplenietea trichomanis and Polypodietea
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The paper presents the description of one new order (Asplenietalia septentrionalo-cuneifolii) and two new alliances (Arenarion bertolonii and Physoplexido comosae- Saxifragion petraeae). In addition, the syntaxon Asplenietalia lanceolato-obovati is here formally raised to the order level and the name Hypno-Polypodietalia vulgaris is validated. |
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Identificador | 10.5209/rev_LAZA.2015.v36.50526 |
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Ediciones Complutense |
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Fonte |
Lazaroa; Vol 36 (2015); 75-78 Lazaroa; Vol 36 (2015); 75-78 |
Palavras-Chave | #nomenclature; Asplenietea trichomanis |
Tipo |
info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion |